Shattered Love_Heart_Rending Love Story

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Shattered Love_Heart_Rending Love Story Page 12

by Ivy Rose

  The final bell goes off but the children don’t move. Instead, all the parents come in, each walking over to me. They give me advice as well as their best wishes.

  Reese’s mother has tears running down her face. She races over. “Did he really speak on the video?” Her hands shake as she covers her mouth.

  I nod, my eyes glassy. “Oh Donna, you should have seen him. He did brilliantly and the whole hall cheered for him.”

  Tears pour from her eyes. She leans over my bump, trying to give me a hug. “Thank you so much, Avery. What you did for Reese is more than any other teacher would do!”

  Reese comes running over, hugging his mom.

  I wave the last of the mothers and students off before I turn to Cecelia. “I can’t believe you did all this.”

  She hugs me. “You’re my best friend. You’re such an amazing teacher, you deserve it. Your class loves you and the school won’t be the same without you. You’re definitely not coming back?”

  I shake my head. Dominic and I had a long talk and we decided that I would stay home with the baby and not come back when my maternity leave finished.

  “No, I’m not saying never, but being a mom and staying home with Juliet is what I really want to do. I’m lucky we can afford it, so I’m going to take full advantage.”

  She smiles. “You're going to be an amazing mom. Juliet is going be the luckiest little girl.”

  I grab my stuff. “I hope so. They don’t come with a booklet, so I’m going to make mistakes. It’s weird. I was so panicked when I first found out, but it’s like a secret wish my heart made.”

  “I’m so happy for you. I’ll make sure I come and visit, as I know Dominic is going to lock your ass down.” She smirks.

  I laugh, knowing she is right. The last month, Dominic has been even more protective than normal. “You leaving straight away?”

  It’s Friday, which means she will be making her weekend trip to Brax. “I grabbed all my stuff this morning. As long as the traffic isn’t too bad, I should be there for tea time.” A beautiful smile graces her face at the mention of Brax’s name.

  I wave goodbye to Cecelia and take one last look at the school. I hate leaving my class. I had gotten to know them, each of their little characters.

  I am surprised when I hear Cooper barking. Dominic and Carter have been working hard on a case the last couple of months and all I knew was several students had died as a result of a dirty batch of drugs. He had been working longer hours for the last few weeks.

  I walk into the kitchen, stopping to watch as Dominic throws a ball for Cooper who barks as he runs after it.

  As if sensing me, he turns. His breathtaking smile takes over his face as his eyes go from mine to my stomach before coming back to my eyes again. He opens the door further for me.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  I put my bag down, walking through the door into his open arms, leaning up and kissing him.

  He grabs my face, deepening the kiss. His tongue slowly caresses mine like we have all the time in the world to just kiss. Nothing else matters. It’s the sort of kiss that makes your toes curl.

  Pulling back, looking into my eyes. “I love you, Avery Stone.”

  My heart stutters. Every time he says it, it’s like the first time. I never tire of hearing those words. It’s like seeing the sunrise for the first time after a million years of darkness.

  “I love you, Dominic Stone.”

  Juliet kicks, making me laugh.

  I grab his hand. “Juliet loves her daddy.”

  His eyes soften as he rubs his hand over my stomach. “Daddy loves you, baby girl.”

  Juliet answers with another soft kick, making my alpha husband turn to a pile of mush.

  After having a shower, I slip on a long maxi dress. It’s the only thing I feel comfortable in. I slip my feet into my flats, leaving my long hair down. I should get it cut, but I like the way Dom’s fingers get tangled in it.

  Juliet kicks hard.

  “Hello, baby girl.”

  A softer kick.

  I rub my belly, trying to picture her chubby pink cheeks, ten tiny fingers and toes. A wave of love washes over me.

  I walk down the stairs fancying chocolate chip ice cream. I hear Dominic in the living room on the phone.

  Cooper comes up to me, nudging my hand so I scratch his head. “Hey, boy.”

  Opening the freezer, I move stuff around.

  “ I’ve got to pop over to the station quickly.”

  I close the freezer. “I’ll come with you. I need to grab a few things.”

  His lips twitch. “You’re out of ice cream?”

  Rolling my eyes. “Shut up. It’s not my fault your daughter is obsessed with it!”

  His body shakes with silent laughter and I slap his hard abs.

  “Come on, feed your women!”

  Dominic opens my car door. Grabbing my hand. “Come on, let’s get you some ice cream.”

  He kisses me, stopping my snarky reply.

  “You go do what you have to do. I’ll meet you back at the car.”

  He frowns and I know he’s going to argue. I place my hands on his chest.

  “It’s going to take less time. Then we can get home and maybe you can help me find some creative ways to eat my ice cream.”

  He winks and God I melt.

  His eyes darken and he pulls me as close as he can with my bump in the way, taking my lips like I’m his first drink after days in the desert. We both break away panting, promise and love swirling between us. He stares at me as if he’s unable to take his eyes off me, his look so tender I can feel it.

  I grab three tubs of the largest size ice cream the store has to offer along with some chocolates. I grab a pack of beer for Dominic and a treat for Cooper.

  Once I get to the line, I see Dixie, a girl I went to high school with. We both had the same friends. She went to New York and worked as an editor for a big magazine. She looks amazing.

  “Oh my God, Avery Carmichael.” A full smile graces her face.

  I smile, too, pulling her in for a awkward hug with my giant mountain of a belly. “Dixie Lancaster, how are you?”

  “Good, my mom’s been sick, so I’m in town for a while.” Dixie’s mom, Charlene, was a hippie that still lived and dressed like it was the 70s. She was a character around town but she was the sweetest woman, she also owned the café Dixie I worked in while I was in college.

  “I’m sorry, I hadn’t heard. I’ll make sure to send her some cupcakes.”

  Dixie smirks. Leaning in as she makes sure no else is listening. “Unless they’re filled with her special ingredients, she won’t eat them.”

  My eyes widen. “Those were pot cakes?”

  Dixie nods and we both burst out laughing. I had forgotten how fun Dixie is.

  “So, I’ve heard some rumors that Dominic Stone is a policeman now? I still can’t believe he asked you to prom. He never did anything at school. Do you still see him?”

  I hold up my finger to show her my wedding ring. “Got married. Our fourth wedding anniversary next week. We’re expecting our first baby in about a month and, yes, he’s a police officer. He’s actually in the station now.”

  Dixie’s eyes widen. “Holy shit, you tamed the Dominic Stone?”

  I laugh. “He’ll never be tamed, but he’s amazing. I’m truly lucky.”

  Dixie wiggles her eyebrows. “I bet. There was always something about him?”

  We both pay for our items.

  “I’m in town for another week or so. Fancy catching up?”

  “Yes, definitely. Here, take my number.” I give her my phone and we punch in our digits.

  Dixie smiles and we make plans to meet next week before I wave goodbye and dead to the station.

  I can’t wait to tell Dominic that I’ve seen Dixie. She’s changed so much. Still the same vibrant personality, but definitely matured. I smile, looking up at the sun.

  My cell rings and I answer it when I see Molly’s name on the

  “Hey Avery, your picture for Dom has come in.” It was a present for our anniversary.

  I grin with excitement. “How does it look?”

  She sighs. “It’s beautiful Avery, so beautiful.”

  My grin grows. “Okay, I’ve got to go. I can see him leaving the station now.”

  She giggles. “Okay, if you see that husband of mine, tell him I’m waiting!”

  I’m smiling as I see Dominic talking to another officer. His body is relaxed and there’s a small smile on his face. I can’t wait for the next chapter of our lives to begin as parents, for us to grow old together as we watch our baby girl become everything she dreams.

  “I will—”

  Something catches my eyes. The figure becomes clearer and I smile when I see him. We haven’t seen each other in a couple of weeks. I've actually missed him. As I get closer, I pull my arm down and frown. He looks disheveled. His hair is hanging in his face, but a flash of light reveals the gun in his hand.

  “Oh no! What’s he doing?”

  He’ll lose his job if anyone sees it. I realize that he hasn’t seen me yet. I start to walk toward him as I follow where the gun is pointed.

  “Oh no. Please God, no.” Fear rushes through me. Reality hits me in the stomach like someone just punched me. I drop my phone and the shopping falls from my hand as I start to run toward his target.

  “Dominic!” I scream his name like am crazy women

  His head snaps up as I scream his name again.

  He’s only a few feet away from me. I push through people who are in my way. Why won’t they move? I need to get to him! Please!

  Finally, there’s a break in the crowd. He’s already moving toward me, worry etched on his handsome face. I reach out my fingertips and touch him, just as two loud pops echo through the streets.

  People start to scream around me as my body lands hard against his chest. I feel his strong hands grip my upper arms.


  “Avery!” She lands in my arms hard as chaos breaks around us. I grab my gun pointing in the direction of shots, but there are too many fucking people. She goes limp in my arms and I rub her back, only feeling wetness. No. I can’t even look down to see if it’s blood, but I know it is.

  My whole body shaking, I lay her down, my hands running frantically over her body. Where is all this blood coming from? Her eyes close and I grip her shaking her like a rag doll. My hands run over her, her stomach. No. Not our baby girl.

  “Beautiful, look at me, baby. I need you to stay awake.” I shout at her, my voice unrecognizable. “Beautiful, open those fucking eyes. Come on, beautiful, give me those eyes.” I look around. “Help! I need fucking help!”

  Some people are crying, others are shaking their heads in horror.

  “Please. I need help.” I whisper looking directly in the eyes of a man, he says something but I can’t hear it over the my heart beat that’s frantically ripping through me. He nods and I watch him turn his back to me and run off. I turn back to Avery. “Give me those eyes.”

  “Dom.” Her voice is staggered, a veil of pain shading her beautiful features.

  I pull her tight against my chest. “It’s okay, beautiful. You’re okay. I got you, baby. I got you.” I whisper, moving her hair out of her face.

  Her eyes flutter and I out a deep breath. Those sapphire eyes that sparkle like the most exquisite gems. The woman who brings lightness to my life. She is going be okay.

  “What were you thinking, Avery?”

  “Saving you.” she whispers.

  My chest tightens, and the world tilts. My visions go blurry, my breathing harsh.

  Her body jerks. She coughs blood and I wipe it away with my thumb.

  I look at her eyes to see them fluttering closed, I shake her. “No beautiful, you keep those eyes open. Baby, you listen to me. Fucking listen, Avery!” Screaming, I hold her face in my hands. “Juliet’s going be here soon! She needs her mommy. We've made plans, baby. Remember? We’re going to read her stories. We’re going to watch her dance.”

  Where the fuck was the ambulance?

  “Don’t you dare leave me. Not now. Avery, I love you. I love you so fucking much.” I feel wetness on my cheeks and realized for the first time since I can remember, I am crying. “Hold on, baby. I can't fucking live without you.” I move her hair kissing her forehead her temples her eyes. I feel her go limp in my arms.

  Like a whisper carried by the wind I hear her voice.

  “I love you, Dominic Stone.”


  The siren breaks the air. I pull her tighter against my chest. “Baby, they are here. You hear that, beautiful? Just hang on, beautiful.” My own voice isn’t even recognizable.

  Carter pushes through the crowd. He goes deathly pale as he pulls his hair, tears running down his face.

  “Don’t you dare give up on her. She would never give up on you!” I growl low like an animal.

  I want to punch him, scream at him. How dare he give up on her.

  His eyes don't leave my girl as he nods. “You need to let Avery go. They need to get to her.” I realize the medics are all staring as I cocoon Avery in my arms.

  I shake my head, holding her lifeless body tight against my chest. A sob breaks my breath. “I can’t let her go.”

  He squats down in front of me, looking me straight in the eyes.

  “Then let them try and save her.” He gives my shoulder a squeeze. I nod.

  The medics rush in. taking her from me, leaving my arms empty and cold. “We have a female, shot multiple times. She’s lost a lot of blood and is in her final term of pregnancy.”

  I clench my hands to stop the shaking. “She’s eight months, thirty-four weeks. It’s a little girl,” I shout.

  The paramedic nods. “You are?”

  I can’t take my eyes off my girls as they work on her. “They are mine.”

  Pity fills his eyes.

  I grab his arm. “You need to save her…she’s my life.”

  The paramedic swallows.

  “We’ve got a weak pulse. Your wife is a fighter, sir,” another medic shouts.

  “She won’t leave me. She can’t.”

  I jump into the back of the ambulance holding my beautiful wife’s cold hand as they work around me.

  I’ve never been a friend of God. He never answered a single fucking prayer when I was growing up. I used to think he hated me, that is until I saw Avery walking down the school corridor, her head stuck between the pages of a book. I swear the world stopped fucking turning. She was so fucking beautiful it almost hurt to look at her. She had a long mane of chocolate hair that framed her sweetheart face and high cheekbones with lips that were pouty and dark pink in color. She was breathtaking, but when she lifted those sapphire blues, catching mine for a second, I saw my whole life flash before my eyes. I saw the man that I wanted to be, I saw a home. The way she looked at me, I had never seen someone look at me before. My whole world tilted on its axis. That's when I knew she was my reason.

  Fuck, if I wasn’t praying to every God there was to save my beautiful and asking them to take me instead.

  There is a team of doctors already waiting. They start shouting and rush my whole world, my everything, away from me.

  Carter turns up at some point, but I’m not sure when.


  I don’t turn at Molly’s voice or the quiet sobs.

  “I just spoke to her…” She hiccups. “What happened?”

  I can’t think at the moment. Every emotion is running around in my head and I can’t fucking understand one of them. Everything is like white noise, am not even in my own body.

  The doctor walks out. “Stone family.” His eyes widen when I walk forward. “I’m sorry, Mr. Stone. When your wife came in, she coded, but we’ve got her back. We’ve done a scan and by some miracle your daughter is alive, but she has started to show signs of distress. We’ve taken your wife up to perform an emergency C-section. I’m sorry, but
I can’t tell you any more at this time.”

  I grit my teeth so hard, I’m surprised I haven’t broken a damn tooth.

  “If it comes between them, you save Avery. Always Avery.”

  My doctor’s eyes widen in surprise and it takes him a moment to recover. “We’ll try our best for both of them, Mr. Stone.” The doctor disappears back through the doors.

  Molly stands in front of me. “What the hell are you saying? Avery will hate you for choosing her life over Juliet’s.”

  Juliet’s name makes me flinch. My baby girl.

  “I would rather have her alive and hating me than live in a world where she doesn’t exist.”

  Molly flinches back at my tone. Her eyes wide as if she seeing me for the first time.

  I won’t apologize. Molly has the perfect family. She wouldn’t understand what a world without Avery looked like, how dark it was, how cold and lonely. It might make me a selfish bastard, but I will take that fucking title if it means keeping Avery alive.

  A nurse turns up, putting us in a side room.

  I pace like a trapped wild animal. I can feel Carter and Molly watching, but they don't say anything. I don't even think I could fucking talk if I wanted. My heart is racing. I can hear everything, the clock ticking, the squeak of the chairs, the loud banging of the doors, everything. My throat feels like it’s in a chokehold and the fingers around it continue to tighten. There are a million thoughts racing around but none of them make sense.

  The door slams open. I turn to see who is coming in.

  Avery’s parents walk in. Her mother, Sharon, moves toward me, but stops when she looks me in the eyes. She sees something that has her taking a step back. Eyes widen in fear, her lip trembling. She takes in the rest of my appearance and her hand flies to her mouth. “Is that— oh my God—is that her blood?”

  I look down at my dark crimson top and my blood-stained hands. I rip it off and bend at the knees. I can’t fucking breathe. I fucking need my girl.

  I race out of the room, stopping when everyone looks at me. I push open the first door realizing it’s the bathroom, leaning my head against the wall as I try to even my breathing. The door pushes open a nurse looks at me with complete sadness in her eyes she doesn’t speak as she hands me scrubs.


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