Sin & Savage

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Sin & Savage Page 7

by Anna Mara

  Chapter 13

  Thursday – 9:35 p.m.

  Nevada Highway

  Shit, fuck, and dammit all to hell!

  The words exploded over and over again in Savage’s brain as he rode his Harley like a maniac down the deserted highway.

  He’d known that the girl and her grandmother were trouble the second they’d stepped into the bar this morning but what he hadn’t figured on at the time was that they were going to be trouble for him. And now, not only was he going to have to babysit the girl all weekend long but he was being asked to kill three people at the end of it.

  Shit, fuck, and dammit all to hell!

  And to top everything off, he had that huge shipment of guns coming in from Los Angeles this weekend too, a deal he’d worked on putting together for the past two months. In fact, his ass still hurt from having ridden all the way back from L.A. a couple of days ago after putting the final touches to the deal. There was a lot of money riding on the table and the whole thing could all go up in smoke on him if he wasn’t careful, leaving him holding his dick in his hand.

  Shit, fuck, and dammit all to hell!

  He revved the bike harder and rode faster, allowing the wind, crashing against his body, to blow the tension out of him. How in hell was he going to pull it all off?

  Shit, fuck, and dammit all to hell!

  Shit, fuck, and dammit all to hell!

  Shit, fuck, and dammit all to hell!

  Chapter 14

  Friday – 8:16 a.m.

  Jubilee Hotel & Casino

  Standing outside the hotel’s main entrance, Tori glanced at her watch for the tenth time. Her lips thinned in annoyance. She turned to her grandmother beside her. “I told you he wasn’t going to show up! He should have been here at 8 sharp, like he said.”

  Nana looked up and down the Vegas strip and remained confident. “He’ll be here, sweetheart. Probably just got caught up in some traffic.” She checked her own watch. “I do wish he would get here soon though. I’ve got that hair appointment in 15 minutes and I don’t want to be late.”

  “How can you worry about your hair at a time like this? That big brute just pocketed $1500 of your cash money for doing nothing and we can’t get it back. We’re certainly not going to that evil bar looking for him and we can’t go to the police. We’re fucked!”

  Nana’s jaw dropped open and sucked in a deep gasp. “Victoria Alexandra Jones, you stop that cussing right now and remember you’re a lady.”

  “You cuss all the time.”

  “I’m not a lady, but you are.”

  “A lady doesn’t hire a biker criminal thug to help her track down a shady Vegas crook,” Tori launched back, feeling like a fool for having been scammed herself by that Savage animal.

  Nana’s spine straightened and her bouffant seemed to grow even higher, as her own temper rose. “I told you before, my Joe is not a crook! And a lady most certainly does hire biker criminals to protect her honor. Who is she gonna hire at a time like this? An accountant?” she shrieked.

  Tori clamped her mouth shut and crossed her arms over her chest in irritation. That bastard better show up soon, she fumed.

  At that moment, the familiar rumble of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle came down the Strip and Tori turned to see Savage driving into the Jubilee’s main entrance. He was wearing a white t-shirt, jeans, his Sons of Perdition gang vest; and beneath his black half shell helmet, a black bandana with white crosses held back his long, brown hair.

  His brawny arms rippled with muscle as his hands gripped the handlebars with power, giving his appearance even more of a sinister and dangerous look. Black sunglasses hid his eyes and Tori couldn’t discern his expression. But he threw them both a dazzling white smile of hello as he veered his heavy bike to the side and shut the engine.

  As he swung off the vehicle and removed his shades and helmet, Tori approached him, with balled fists on her hips.

  “You’re late,” she accused.

  “Sorry. Traffic.” He grinned with arrogant satisfaction, and Tori knew, right then and there that he’d done it on purpose to show her who was boss.

  “Bull-shit!” she shouted back.

  “Victoria!” Nana rebuked from behind her. “What did I just finish telling you?”

  Out of respect, Tori’s anger ebbed. “I’m sorry, Nana.” She turned back to the smirking swine. “What I meant to say, sir, is—thank you for coming.” The soft words flowed out of her mouth but she made sure they were tinged with sarcasm.

  He flashed her a devastating smile. “My pleasure, Snow White. I’m here to serve you.” His voice was thick with insinuation.

  Savage Monroe looked the girl over, inwardly laughing to himself. It was high time she understood who was in charge on this little adventure of theirs, if she was to remain safe. She needed to get it through that thick, stubborn, beautiful, adorable skull of hers that he called the shots around here and she was to obey, no matter what he told her to do.

  For a split second, his hungry eyes grazed her curvaceous body. She was wearing skinny jeans with white Keds runners, a light blue t-shirt underneath a light blue, thin sweater; and her purse was casually slung diagonally across her body, accentuating her full breasts. His gaze followed the leather strap curving over her womanly hips to the satchel part that rested on her well-rounded, well-shaped ass.

  A brief, approving smile flitted across his lips as he raised his eyes back up to her. He noticed then how her delicate face was set with strength, her full, soft lips were pouting with annoyance at him and her bewitching, big, brown eyes were flashing courage. Even though she was mad at him for being late, an aura of sweetness enveloped her still, telegraphing to the world that she couldn’t harm a fly even if she had to. And it was that sweetness and goodness and angelic beauty that was drawing him so powerfully to her side, like a magnet.

  Suddenly, as he gazed at her, he felt as if something slammed into his chest with more force than any punch he’d ever thrown in any fight; and he knew, in that instant, that he wanted her more than anything he’d ever wanted in his life—more than his job, more than money, more than any woman he’d ever had.

  But it wasn’t just her body that he wanted. It was her everything—her sex, her scent, her heat, her thoughts, her laughter, her gentleness—her everything. All for him and only for him, and he was jealous for it.

  A pang of longing shot through him. But he was no-good scum, garbage even, compared to her; not even of the same species. Someone as sweet as her could never be, of her own volition, with someone as brutish and violent as his lifestyle made him out to be. It was just too crazy to even consider. Besides, he had a job to do this weekend and he wouldn’t let his boss down. He quickly reined in his thoughts and put on his all-business persona again. Better to keep this all light and teasing, because the kind of thinking he’d just indulged in would only make him weak.

  The grandmother approached and broke into his thoughts.

  “Mr. Savage, remember to mind your manners,” she threatened softly in singsong.

  Savage smiled, thinking back to the little chat they’d had last night. “Yes, ma’am,” he said.

  The older woman turned to her granddaughter. “Tori, honey, I’ve got to get going to my hair appointment, so I’ll leave you in Mr. Savage’s capable hands. Last chance, though—you can still back out of all this if you want to.”

  Tori shook her head. “No! I’m going to find your Joe for you, no matter what.”

  Nana nodded. “Okay, sugarplum, I’m keeping my cell phone on, so call me anytime. I’ll be here at the hotel all day—well, the casino part of it, anyway,” she giggled, then pulled Tori downwards to accommodate her 4’ 11” height and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug. As she released her grip on the younger woman, she wagged a stern finger at her. “Now, you remember to listen to Mr. Savage and do what he tells you, all right?”

  Tori nodded. “Yes, Nana.

  With that, Nana Estelle gave a curt nod towards the biker and
then walked away, disappearing back into the hotel.

  Savage turned to Tori. “So, where do you want to start? Do you have any clues to Sorelli’s whereabouts?”

  “No, but I thought maybe we can ask Joe’s neighbor, Mrs. Moore for some names of his friends and check them out.”

  “What about your grandmother? Doesn’t she know any of his friends?”

  Tori shook her head. “No. She and Joe have only known each other for about five months and it was an internet relationship thing. The only good friend Joe ever mentioned to her was some guy named Dirty Dan.”

  Savage nodded. “I know Dirty Dan. He’s a pawn shop owner on the other side of town.”

  Yeah sure, he knew the old man, the biker thought, having done many gun deals with the stooge himself. After all, the pawn shop owner was running a lot of stolen guns on the side through his business for their club.

  But Savage kept that information to himself as Tori reached into her purse and pulled out a slip of paper. She handed it to him. “That’s Joe Sorelli’s house address. I thought maybe we can visit Mrs. Moore first and then go see Dirty Dan.”

  “Okay, sounds good. Next question—have you ever ridden on a bike before?”

  Her gaze skated over the parked Harley before looking back up at him. Her eyes turned dark and frightened while her face grew pale. She shook her head no.

  “You’re scared, aren’t you?” he asked, his mouth turning solemn.

  “Yes,” Tori squeaked. “That thing is a death machine.” Her terrified eyes glommed back on to the bike.

  “Good! In fact, I hope you’re shitting your pants right now, princess. You should be scared. Bikes are dangerous things and you need to remember that always. Look at me.” Her large, wide eyes came back up to his face and he continued. “Pay attention to my instructions, okay?”

  Tori nodded, not even taking offense at his dictatorial tone. She was just that scared! It was one thing to think that she could ride on the bike with no problems when she’d been back in her hotel room, but now that she was facing the actual machine, she was cringing inside. After all, there was absolutely nothing on it or around it to protect you in any way. It wasn’t like when you were sitting in a car with tons of steel all around you and seat belts strapping you in. Instead, on that contraption, you were vulnerable and naked. If you crashed and went down, there would be nothing between you and the road—or between you, and cars and trucks whizzing by.

  Sick fear shot into her throat and she put her hands up in surrender. “Forget it! I can’t do this. I can’t get on that thing.” She took a few steps back away from him and the bike.

  Savage’s demeanor softened and stepping forward, he gently took both of her hands. His voice dropped to a low whisper. “Look at me, Tori,” he prompted, and her eyes swiveled up to his.

  All thoughts of fear flew out of Tori’s body as she realized that that was the first time he’d called her by her real name. He’d always teased and referred to her as Snow White but never had he called her Tori. And the way he’d said it, in that husky tone, made her heart skip a beat, making her forget for one second who he was. But then she remembered who he was—a Son of Perdition biker who lived in a violent and evil world—and she forced her pulse to return to normal.

  He was continuing with his speech and she made herself concentrate on what he was saying.

  “You can do this, I know you can. You’re not afraid of me and I’m a lot more scary.” He laughed and playfully tapped the bridge of her nose with his finger.

  For one nanosecond, Tori was mesmerized by his easy charm but then reality hit her in the face. He was not to be completely trusted ever, whether Nana had a tingle about him or not! Besides, he was a man, and the last man she’d completely trusted had broken her heart, her wallet, and her spirit.

  “You’re right! I can do this.” Tori nodded, slipping her hands out of his. She felt a slight reluctance on his part to let her go, but release her he did and he stepped back to his bike.

  His expression turned serious and all business again. “Okay, here are my rules for riding bitch.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Savage crossed his arms across his chest and threw her an easy smile. “That means being a passenger on a bike.”

  “Oh, okay.” Tori nodded.

  “Rule number one. When it comes to this bike, I’m the boss. Say it—Savage, you’re the boss. I want to hear it come out of those lips of yours right now.”


  “Don’t give me grief, girl, before we’ve even left this parking lot. Say it!”

  “Okay fine. Savage, you’re the boss, when it comes to the bike, of course. Happy?” she added stubbornly.

  “Not yet. Number two… don’t ever—ever—ever put your feet down when we stop anywhere unless I give you permission. It can throw me off balance, got it?”

  “Yes, sir.” Tori gave him a mock salute, even though she bristled at his heavy-handed manner.

  Savage’s lips twitched with humor. “As for the rest, riding bitch is like having good sex with me.”

  Tori’s eyebrows flew up in surprise. “I beg your pardon?”

  “It’s like this. Stay loose—don’t tense up. Do what I do—lean the way I lean. Don’t go the opposite way. Don’t hang on to me too tight. And above all, don’t forget to enjoy the rumble in between your legs.” His mouth curved into a shameless grin.

  Tori balled her fists on her hips. “Let’s keep this professional, shall we, Mr. Savage?” He was just trying to get a rise out of her for his own amusement and Tori knew it.

  Savage laughed, knowing he’d discomfited her by the way her cheeks were suddenly turning red. And the fact that he could do that to her, made him like her even more. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d made a woman blush, if ever. The women he usually ran around with were way too hardened by life to ever do something as sweet as that. This was certainly new territory for him and, like someone with a new toy, he made a mental note to play some more with the new toy later on.

  He nodded, half to himself. “Let’s get you strapped up.” He reached into a side saddlebag and drew out a black half shell helmet similar to his. “Nevada law.” He approached her and positioned the safety gear on her head. “We wouldn’t want to break the law, now would we?” He chuckled, enjoying his own twisted sense of humor.

  Tori smiled at his joke, as he bent to her to adjust the straps underneath her chin. His fingers brushed against her skin then and Tori felt the gentleness of his touch. It shocked her that he could be so tender, considering what she’d seen those same fingers and hands do to Wizard.

  Her heart began beating erratically in her chest at his close proximity. “Th—thank you,” she stammered. After he’d finished his ministrations, she backed away.

  He threw her a quick smile before putting on his own helmet and sunglasses. Walking to the left of the Harley, he straddled it in one smooth motion and gripped the handlebars.

  He turned back to Tori. “Okay, Snow White, get on my horse and let’s ride.”

  A surge of excitement lit through Tori, and for some crazy, inexplicable reason, she wasn’t scared anymore. Well, at least, not as much as before! After all, Savage was there with her and maybe—just maybe—she’d be all right.

  Plopping her sunglasses on and making sure her purse was securely wrapped across her body, she went to the left side of the bike and straddled it in the same way he’d done, positioning herself behind him. Luckily, the bike had a small back rest which gave her a tiny sense of protection, if only psychologically speaking.

  Her small body came into contact with his large one and she cradled herself into him, sheepishly wrapping her arms around his middle. The heat of the man combined with his deep, rhythmic breathing and abs of steel; and the dizzying mix gave her confidence.

  He gave an encouraging pat to her hands wrapped at the front of his chest. His head turned slightly back to her. “Remember what I told you—don’t hang on too tight and do exactl
y what I do. Ready?”

  Tori’s heart nearly leaped out of her chest with excitement. “Yes, ready.” She nodded, suddenly looking forward to the ride, her first ever on a motorcycle.

  “Okay, let’s roll.” Savage’s beast machine roared to life.

  Tori was shocked when she realized that Savage hadn’t been teasing when he’d referred to the rumble in between her legs. In fact, her bottom was vibrating so much that she couldn’t practically feel it anymore! But it was thrilling and maybe a little fun.

  She shut her eyes tight, as the beast moved forward out of the Jubilee Hotel parking lot and onto the Las Vegas Strip road—and Victoria Alexandra Jones hung on to Savage Monroe for dear life—literally.

  * * *

  Estelle Crumpton secretly watched the pair from inside the front doors of the Jubilee Hotel, making sure that her precious grandbaby would be fine. She had faith in her tingle and knew that Mr. Savage would see her Tori right.

  As they exited the parking lot on Savage’s motorcycle, she clasped her hands, closed her eyes, and prayed, “Blood of Jesus, please protect that child, and Mr. Savage too. Even though he is a sinner, he’s still a good man. Oh—and please protect my wonderful Joe, wherever he is, and return him to me safely. Amen.”

  Estelle opened her eyes and smiled. Okay, it was time for her hair appointment and then some blackjack!

  Chapter 15

  Savage steered the Harley slowly down the Las Vegas Strip road, ever aware of his new passenger and her inexperience with riding. He was taking it easy on her on purpose, giving her time to adjust to the feel of the machine and being on it for the first time.

  The bike felt heavier and slower, as was to be expected with an extra person on the back. And as the driver, her safety was his top priority. He was here to look after her—for now, at least. After all, she was the one who would lead him to Sorelli—and the completion of his mission.

  They came to a red light. Savage stopped the chrome beast, waiting for the light to change. He turned his head slightly to her. “You okay back there, Snow White?” he asked, already knowing the answer to his question. Her hands were clenched around his chest and he’d felt her body tremble a few times as they’d cruised down the Strip. No doubt about it, she was scared but sometimes being scared was a good thing. It made you keep your wits about you and that made you safe.


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