Sin & Savage

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Sin & Savage Page 15

by Anna Mara

  “I’m not going to deny it. I feel it too, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to give into it. It’s not right.”

  “How can you say that?”

  “Heaven and hell don’t mix, Mr. Savage.”

  “Call me Matt. My name is Matt.”

  “No, your name is Savage.”


  “I don’t like the way you do business, sir, and I refuse to have the blood you spill on my hands any longer. Our arrangement is over as of right now, as is our association.”

  The chilly words spilling out of her mouth lashed at Savage more powerfully than any physical blows he’d ever received in his legion of brawls over the years, and he felt his gut turning over with pain at the thought of never seeing her again. He took a desperate step towards her and clasped her pretty but set face between his hands. “Kiss me again, Tori, and then tell me goodbye. I dare you.”

  Tori’s heart pounded so hard in her chest that she swore she could feel it all the way down into her toes. To have him this close to her again, to be in his arms and have him say these words to her, made her almost give up her resolve. Almost. Because she knew that if she kissed him right now, with the tenderness she was seeing in his eyes, she wouldn’t be able to break away. Ever. No, what she needed to do instead was to stand firm and do what was right—which was to get as far away as she could from him, from his world, and from his rules. There was no other option.

  Suddenly, she knew exactly how to do it.

  Making her heart go cold, she removed his hands from either side of her face. “No, Mr. Savage, I won’t kiss you again, because I don’t go slumming.”

  A sharp pain shot through him, as if she’d stuck a knife into him. “Slumming?” he echoed in disbelief as he took a step back from her, staring at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. “Is that what I am to you?”

  A wave of nausea rose up in her as she took in the look of hurt stamped on his handsome face. That one word alone had skewered him to his very core as she’d known it would. He was a proud man, after all, and being told you weren’t good enough was hard for anyone to take. Whatever feelings he’d thought he had for her had died on the spot. Job well done, Victoria Alexandra Jones!

  Suddenly, every cell in her body was screaming at her to tell him that she didn’t mean it, that she’d only said it because she knew it would make him stop saying all those wonderful things to her and that it would make him stop wanting her. Tell him!

  But she did no such thing, keeping her mouth shut tight, as she stood there like an iceberg. She forced herself to shrug nonchalantly, making her appear stony and indifferent. “I don’t mean to offend you, Mr. Savage. It’s just, well—your world is different from mine, like you’re always so fond of telling me, and I think that we should—”

  “Save the speech, Snow White.” Savage’s eyes blazed murderously at her. “Even dumbfuck animals like me can understand what you mean. I just thought you were different, that’s all. Guess that was my mistake.”

  His words were as sharp as a whip and Tori felt them scourging her flesh but she remained outwardly calm. “If you’ll take me back to the hotel, I’ll pay you the thousand dollars I still owe you,” she said woodenly.

  “Damn right, you will!”

  Tori nodded coldly. “So, this concludes our business arrangement. Thank you for everything you’ve done on mine and my grandmother’s behalf.”

  Savage’s face hardened as his lips curled with disgust at her. “Glad to be of service…honey,” he sneered, before walking to the Harley and getting on.

  Chapter 30

  Friday – 7:46 p.m.

  Jubilee Hotel and Casino

  Tori and Savage entered the spacious lobby of the ultra-modern casino complex and made their way in the direction of the elevators. Guests and gamblers thronged the cavernous interior, each hustling and bustling to their own agendas.

  As Tori reached the perimeters of the lounge area which housed several comfy couches and large armchairs, she stopped and turned to the biker who had been trailing behind her.

  “Your money’s in the hotel safe in my room. If you’d like to wait here…” She pointed to one of the leather couches by a large potted plant. “I’ll just be a few minutes and bring it back down to you.” Her tone was brusque and very businesslike.

  Savage removed his black sunglasses exposing his hostile glare, his eyes burning down at her. His mouth twisted into a cynical smile. “What’s the matter, Snow White? Don’t wanna be seen in polite society with the likes of me?”

  Tori studied his stiff, tense body language. He was still furious at her. In fact, the two had said nothing to each other since they’d left Rat’s half-finished house a while ago.

  After Savage had gotten on the Harley, Tori had done the same. When she’d positioned herself behind him and wrapped her arms around his torso, she could have sworn he’d flinched as her hands came in contact with his hard body. He hated her now. It was so obvious and Tori’s heart was breaking because of it. But this was the way it had to be. She refused to be a part of his violent world any longer!

  She stiffened her spine with resolve, and made her next words sound matter-of-factly. “You’re being ridiculous.”

  He laughed. “Oh, ridiculous, am I? I guess we losers at the bottom of the food chain are just supposed to shut the fuck up and take all the bullshit your royal highnesses want to dish out. Is that how it works?”

  “Nothing of the sort. I just think it’s best if you wait here and we keep this all on a professional footing from now on, please.”

  Savage took a threatening step towards her, invading her personal space. From his superior 6’ height, he leaned down into her small 5’ 2” one, his face inches from hers. The artwork on his bulging, tattooed arms glistened underneath the bright hotel lobby lighting, only adding to his menacing presence.

  “Maybe you don’t want me in your room, Tori, because you don’t trust me,” he taunted. “Maybe you think I’m like Wizard, looking for some—fun? Is that it?”

  Tori’s temper flared. “If you ever, ever, ever try to touch me in that way, Mr. Savage, I swear I’ll take your own Glock and shoot you dead myself,” she spat out.

  Tori had had enough. She wasn’t about to stand here and cower to any more of his bullying tactics. She was a Texan through and through, for God’s sake. Courage had been bred into her all the way down from her ancestors at the Alamo. Maybe everybody else in this Sin City of a town was afraid of him but she wasn’t. Hell no, she was not!

  Savage took in the grit shining in her eyes and he backed away from her but not before letting out a harsh laugh that was mingled with respect. “Okay, Snow White, I’ll wait for you down here but don’t be too long. I’ve got to take a mean piss and since we gorillas don’t know how to use a bathroom like you proper city-folk, I’m thinking about unzipping at that potted plant over there in front of all these nice, respectable people. What do ya think?” He pointed to the large palm tree positioned by the couch.

  “You’re disgusting! That’s what I think!”

  Savage’s derisive smile dropped and he suddenly turned all business. “Be quick about getting my money, sweetheart, and don’t make me come looking for you.”

  “Don’t worry—sir! The sooner I give you your money, the sooner we can say goodbye.”

  With that final parting shot, Tori turned and marched towards the elevators.

  Savage watched her leave, his hungry eyes glued to the way her tight jeans hugged her well-shaped ass and he felt himself getting hard for her all over again. “Shit!” he swore under his breath. The woman sure knew how to get on his last remaining nerve. “This isn’t over between us, Snow White, not by a fucking long shot. No matter what you say!” he mumbled.

  Suddenly, his cell phone rang. Pulling it out of his vest pocket, he looked at the number. It was his bossman, Snake. “It’s Savage,” he answered.

  “Did you find the cocksucker yet?” Snake growled on the other en
d, referring to Joe Sorelli.

  “No, but I just got a good lead.”

  “Well, fuck that for now and get back to the club. I need to see you.”

  “Okay. I’ll be there in twenty.”


  Snake hung up the phone on his end and Savage did the same. The biker plopped down on the nearest leather couch and rubbed his tired eyes with his fingers. Shit, he thought to himself, Snake probably wanted to discuss the gun deal that was going down that night with the Demon Dead, a rival bike gang of theirs. If it didn’t come off as planned, all the motherfuckers involved wouldn’t think twice about killing him…and that included his asshole boss. After all, there was a lot of money at stake.

  Savage blew out a pent-up breath of frustration. Shit, damn, and fuck it all to hell! He really did have too much going on this weekend and he still wasn’t quite sure how to pull it all together, what with the gun deal and the search for Sorelli. But the most irritating, infuriating and biggest, pain-in-the-ass, wildcard of them all was her, the preacher’s daughter. Why? Because she had gotten to him like no one had in a long time…

  And he just didn’t know what to do about it.

  Chapter 31

  Tori punched in the code to the hotel safe in her room and unlocked it. She took out the white envelope with the money and sat on the bed. Flipping it open, she rifled through the dollar bills. It was exactly $1000, what Nana had given her to pay off Savage Monroe upon completion of the job. Only he hadn’t completed the job, had he?

  But she didn’t care about that right now. All she cared about was getting as far away from him as quickly as she could. God, she’d made a mess of everything, hadn’t she? Well, she’d just go back downstairs, give him the money and that would be that. She’d then go find Nana in the casino and they’d take it from there. Yes, that was the most sensible, rational course of action to take.

  So, why did she feel like crying at the thought of never seeing him again?

  * * *

  Savage watched as the elevator doors parted and Tori came out, walking towards him carrying a white envelope in her right hand. The jut to her jaw and the cold glare in her eyes told him everything he needed to know—that she hadn’t changed her mind about him. He rose from the couch as she approached and thrust the envelope at him.

  “Paid in full, Mr. Savage.”

  Savage took the proffered envelope, opened it and began counting the bills in front of her.

  “It’s all there, sir! I am not a cheat!”

  Tori’s outburst made him freeze and he looked back up at her. Her eyes were shooting daggers at him, and man, if looks could kill, he’d be deader than a hammer right about now!

  He threw her a shameless grin. “Sorry, Snow White, force of habit. No offence intended.” He stuffed the envelope into one of the back pockets of his jeans.

  She outstretched her hand to him. “I believe this concludes our business, Mr. Savage. Goodbye,” she stated, in a brisk, businesslike voice.

  It was obvious she couldn’t wait to get away from him, discarding him like some dirty wad of gum stuck under her shoe. Anger bubbled in his blood all over again at her dismissive, superior attitude.

  Putting his large hand into her small one, he yanked her body into him, planting his lips firmly on hers. He sensed that he had taken her by complete surprise and having the advantage, he moved his mouth roughly over hers, his kiss raw and brutal and plundering, punishing her for her high-handed behavior. At the same time, his other hand cupped the side of one of her breasts, palming and squeezing it ruthlessly. But just as suddenly as he had grabbed her, he let her go, not even giving Tori the time to push him away.

  He watched her breathing heavily, her eyes dark and hot with rage at being manhandled like that. His lips curled into a cruel smile and he leaned into her again. “Fuck you!” he hissed at her before coolly turning his back and marching towards the lobby exit.

  Tori’s eyes remained glued to his retreating back and suddenly, all the false bravado she’d been putting on for his benefit crumbled, as did her body. She sank onto the nearest couch, tears springing to her eyes. “I’m sorry, Matt. I’m so, so sorry,” she whispered, her fingers instinctively touching the taste of him still on her ravished lips. “Goodbye…”

  Chapter 32

  Friday – 8:31 p.m.

  Delilah’s Biker Bar – Back Room

  Savage finished counting the last bundle of money and rewrapped it with the elastic band, then stuffed it, with the rest of the wads of cash, into the black duffle bag on the office desk. He looked over at his boss, Snake, who was grinning up at him as he leaned back in his chair. The dull lighting in the back office was giving the other biker’s large, snake tattoo that circled his right arm, an ominous glow again, almost bringing the green-inked creature to life.

  “It’s all there, Savage—one hundred thousand glorious greenbacks. I’m not screwing you in the count,” Snake said, his eyes lovingly glomming back on to the bag full of money, his obvious pride and joy.

  Savage nodded. “If I’m the one who’s going to be handing over the cash for the guns, then I have to make sure it’s all here, down to the last, fucking, copper cent. No offence, but it’s my ass on the line if the Demon Dead think I’m cheating them.” He flashed his boss a mocking smile.

  Snake laughed, making his usual hissing sound. “I’d actually be disappointed in you if you didn’t count it. You don’t trust anybody when it comes to money, do you, Monroe, not even me, but I like that about you.”

  “It’s just business, Snake, that’s all.” Savage zipped up the duffle bag and lifted it off the desk. “What are my instructions for tonight?” He kept his voice hard as a stone and just as cold.

  “As soon as you find out where the Demon Dead want to meet to do the deal, give Rocker and Goose a call. They’ll take the van, meet you there and bring the merchandise back here.”

  Savage nodded again. “Okay, sounds good.”

  “Remember, you either bring back the guns tonight or my big bag of money. If you come back with neither, you’re dead.” Snake let out another one of his hissing laughs. He reached for the bottle of beer on his desk and took a long swig, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, caveman-style. He grinned at the younger biker standing in front of him, his devilish goatee and bald head making him look even more reptilian. “How’s it goin’ with the girl?” He laughed again. “Did ya’ fuck her yet?”

  Savage crossed his arms against his chest, his biceps flexing, making him look even more mean and dangerous than he already did. “About the girl? She’s a real juicy piece-of-ass and I’m changing my mind about our little arrangement. I’m thinking I might just keep her,” he drawled ominously.

  Snake’s small beady eyes turned black with rage and he jumped out of his chair, pointing a threatening finger at Savage. “What the fuck, asshole! I want all three of ‘em dead, dead, dead! You got that? And that includes the bitch!”

  Savage stood there calmly, unfazed by his boss’ loud outburst. “I have no problem killing Sorelli and the granny, but the girl?” He shook his head no. “That’s a tough one. You see? I like her. I like her a lot. And it would be a real shame to waste such a nice pussy like that.”

  Snake’s eyes studied the younger man’s menacing pose and he instinctively took a step away from him. “When has the great Savage Monroe ever allowed himself to be controlled by some piece-of-ass?” he said in a more respectful tone.

  Savage lifted his shoulders in a devil-may-care shrug. “I didn’t say I couldn’t kill her. I just said I didn’t want to. Unless…” He let the word hang in mid-air inside the small, dank office.

  Snake perked up. “Unless what?”

  “Unless you make it worth my while. You’re going to have to sweeten the pot, bossman.”

  Snake burst out laughing, admiration glistening in his shrewd eyes for Savage trying to negotiate a better deal for himself. “So, what the fuck do you want then?” he asked, as he sat back down in
his chair.

  “Make me an offer.”

  Snake pretended to think. “Okay, I’ll make you second-in-command and treasurer of this club, and open up all the books to you.”

  Savage nodded. “And I want a cut in all the club business from now on too.”

  Snake balked for a second before nodding his agreement. “All right, asshole—deal.”

  “What about Rocker? He’s been second banana around here for years.”

  “Fuck him! He’s a useless tit, anyway.”

  Savage extended his hand out to the older biker. “Okay, boss, it’s a deal. The girl’s dead as soon as I find Sorelli.”

  Snake rose up and shook the younger biker’s hand, his lips twitching with amusement. “You fucking asshole, you drive a hard bargain,” he barked. But he didn’t mean it really, because Snake had had intentions of making Savage his right-hand man all along. He knew the younger man was smart, brutal, and all business, the exact qualities that this club needed to expand and prosper; and make himself a lot of money in the bargain too.

  * * *

  Snake led Savage into the main bar area of Delilah’s, proudly putting his arm around the younger man’s shoulders. “Attention please, assholes,” he shouted over the rock music blaring through the club.

  Shifty-eyed Rocker scrambled to the far corner to shut the tune off. Silence permeated the room. The other bikers, Goose, Big Bill, Repo, Tommy, and Butch, all looked up from what they were doing, whether it was playing pool or just sitting around and talking, and riveted their eyes to their fearless leader.

  Snake continued. “Just want to announce that I’ve promoted Savage to second-in-command and treasurer for the Sons of Perdition Club, as of right now.”

  Wizard, who was behind the bar, dropped a wine glass and it shattered on the concrete floor. Everyone spun around to stare at him. Savage took in the glare of hatred the young biker bartender was throwing his way, and he also noticed the swelling and bruises still marring his face from when he had beaten him up over Tori. You punk, Savage thought, as he provocatively sneered the younger man’s way.


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