Sin & Savage

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Sin & Savage Page 31

by Anna Mara

  Hank’s kind eyes took in her distress. “Don’t worry, Tori. I’ll go see what I can find out for you.” He moved towards the nurse’s station.

  Tori’s nervous eyes followed his retreating back. Where was Matt and what was happening to him? Were his injuries even more serious than they’d all suspected?

  “Tori, honey, I wanna introduce you to my Joe,” Nana said proudly, bringing the young woman’s attention back to the man standing beside them. “Here he is, soon to be your new step-granddaddy.”

  “You’re getting married?”

  “’Course we are! I’m not gonna be livin’ in sin!” she pronounced loud enough for the entire ward to hear, before turning back to her new fiancé. “Joe, this is my precious baby girl,” she grinned.

  “Pleased to meet you, Tori.” Joe held out his hand for a handshake.

  Tori smiled as she stared down at his outstretched hand. “Oh, I think we can do better than that,” she giggled, before throwing her own arms out and wrapping him in a big bear hug. “Welcome to the family, step-granddaddy Joe!”

  Joe threw out a half-laugh as he hugged her back. “Wow, I never expected anything like this!”

  Nana Estelle beamed with pride seeing the two people that she loved so much finally getting to know each other. It was about time things went right in this family for a change. And that made her happier than a gopher in soft dirt!

  Chapter 64

  Hank walked into the hospital room just as a bare-chested Savage had finished zipping up his jeans. He watched as the younger agent winced with pain as he reached for a fresh white t-shirt that probably one of the medical staff had given him, intent on putting it on next. Bruises were clearly visible all over his torso where the bikers had viciously kicked him. A clean white piece of gauze covered his stabbing injury.

  “Hey asshole, where do ya thing you’re going?” Hank barked.

  Savage turned to the open doorway. “Getting Tori and then home.”

  He tried lifting the shirt over his head but had to stop mid-way when another series of shooting pains went through him like a serrated knife. He gripped the back end of a chair to steady himself as a bout of nausea rolled in his throat. Not only did it feel like every muscle in his body was crying out, but the pain radiating from the knife wound, was suddenly taking his breath away, even though they’d pumped him full of painkillers.

  Hank grabbed him. “Okay asshole, take it easy now.” He helped Savage to the bed, forcing him to sit.

  “I’m not a fucking invalid, Hank,” Savage lifted the shirt again, this time managing to slip it on.

  “Well, I say you are and I’m the boss!” he scolded, as his ire started to rise again. “Are these idiots releasing you, because if they are, I’m going out there on a bloody rampage!” With a quick jerk of his head, he indicated the hospital staff in the lobby.

  Savage threw him a devilish grin and shook his head. “I’m releasing myself,” he laughed.

  “I figured! What are they saying is wrong with you anyway, besides your hard head?”

  “Bruises and a possible concussion. They want to keep me overnight for observation.”

  “Well, then you’re staying overnight and that’s final!”

  “I don’t need a babysitter! A hot bath and a couple shots of whiskey, and I’ll be like new in the morning.”

  “Ya think, asshole? Cause I don’t! If they want you here for the night, then that’s exactly where you’re staying. If you refuse, you’re fired!”

  A shameless smile lit up Savage’s face. “You can’t fire me. You still need me to help build this case against those fuckers—at least, the ones who didn’t get their heads blown off in the shootout.”

  Hank laughed. “Yeah, your buddies, like Wizard, Goose, Preacher and Repo are all in jail, thanks to you. As for the rest of them, they’re all deader than a doornail and rotting in hell by now. We saved the taxpayers a lot of money by not having to pay for those trials. I saw Snake’s body in the tunnels, by the way. Nice work, Agent Monroe.”

  “Believe me, it was my pleasure!” Savage’s mind raced back to how he’d killed the biker leader. Too bad he couldn’t have done that sooner, before the reptoid kidnapped Tori and her grandmother. “I should have finished off that prick Wizard too!” he muttered half to himself, his anger returning all over again as he remembered what that animal had tried to do to her.

  Hank snickered again. “I’m sure the rope burns around his thick neck will be a nice reminder of how close he came to his judgment day at your hands.”

  “Yeah well, he can thank Tori for saving his miserable life, not me.”

  “We picked up Butch and Tommy along with Sorelli at the bank a little while ago.”

  “Is he all right?”

  Hank nodded. “Yeah, he’s safe and sound downstairs, along with the two southern belles.”

  Savage’s lips curved into an easy grin. “How are they, by the way?”

  “The grandmother is one tough customer, I have to say.”

  “And Tori?”

  Hank had a twinkle in his eyes. “See for yourself.” He spun on his heel and strode to the open doorway. He motioned someone in.

  Tori appeared…

  Chapter 65

  Tori’s gaze zeroed in on Savage’s sexy smile and a shameless need of longing spiraled through her. He looked so handsome and so happy to see her as he sat on that hospital bed.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he drawled.

  Her lips broke into a good-humored grin that matched his own, and she felt relieved that he seemed all right. While she’d been forced to wait to see him, her anxious mind had spun all kinds of scenarios about his condition, none of them with a happy ending. But seeing him now, they had all been put to rest, thank God!

  “Hey, you.” She came further into the room. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better, now that you’re here.”

  His hungry eyes blazed with desire as they scanned her from top to bottom. A responding heat flared through her. She came further into the room. Each step she took only intensified the raw, crackling energy passing between them.

  He raised his tattooed arms then and in a mad dash, she rushed into them, her mouth greedily finding his, kissing him with all of the pent-up stress of the past few hours. His lips responded in kind, meeting hers with a demanding fire of their own. He was starving for her, they were saying, and now that he had her in his arms again, he didn’t want to let go.

  Suddenly, he eased back a space to gulp in a ragged breath, wincing with pain. Tori pulled out of his arms and she saw how he was awkwardly holding the side of his chest where she had stabbed him.

  “Matt, I’m sorry, I forgot…” It was just that she was so happy to see him finally that she wasn’t thinking straight. “Are you in a lot of pain? Do you want me to get the doctor?”

  Savage smiled and shook his head. “Nah, seeing you is all the medicine I need.” His fevered eyes roamed over the contours of her face.

  Hank coughed uncomfortably behind them. “I guess this is what they mean by three’s a crowd.”

  “Yeah, so get the fuck out, bossman.” Savage laughed.

  Hank chuckled and moved to the doorway. “Okay, you don’t have to throw me out, asshole. I know where I’m not wanted.” He turned back to Savage and pointed a stern finger at him. “Remember, Agent Monroe, you’re staying here overnight and that’s an order.” He disappeared out the door.

  At Hank’s parting words, Tori’s smile dropped, suddenly worried all over again about Savage’s health. She turned back to him and frowned. “What’s he talking about?”

  “Nothing. That’s just Hank being a drama queen.”

  Tori’s lips flattened into a hard line. “Matt, are you going to tell me what’s going on or do I have to go find your doctor and get it out of him?”

  Savage smiled as he took in her protective stance. “Okay, Snow White, I give. You know I can’t refuse you anything.”

  “So, what’s the prognosis, m

  “The patient will live, but they’re not sure if he’s got a concussion or not, and so, they want him to say overnight for observation. Oh, and he’s also got some bruising but nothing that time and a good bottle of scotch won’t heal.”

  “What about where I stabbed you—for which I am so so sorry…” She briefly closed her eyes as a pang of guilt shot through her all over again, thanking the good Lord that she hadn’t killed him.

  “Look at me,” he scolded, and she opened her eyes. “What you did at the time—you were scared and were protecting yourself. It was smart of you to stab a son-of-bitch like me, got that? You did nothing wrong!”

  Tori nodded, relieved that he could be so forgiving. “What did the doctors say about it?”

  “They just patched me up and said that it hadn’t affected any organs. It’s just gotta heal on its own, that’s all.”

  “What about your bruises?”

  “Luckily, those assholes didn’t break any bones. Snake stopped it before that happened. I guess, in a way, I owe the fucker a debt of gratitude,” he said, his lips curving into an ironic grin.

  “How bad is the bruising?”

  Savage shrugged. “I’ll live.”

  Frowning, she took a step back. Before he could stop her, she lifted his t-shirt and saw the black and blue marks for the first time. “Oh my God, look at what they did to you!”

  He grabbed her hands and pulled her body into him, his restless eyes capturing hers in an instant as she lifted her gaze up to him. “A broken body can heal, Tori, but not a broken heart. I love you and I’m not letting you go—ever! Say you’ll marry me.”

  Tori gasped, her jaw dropping in surprise. “What?”

  “Marry me—tonight, tomorrow—now!”

  “But we can’t!”

  “Sure we can. This is Vegas, baby.”

  “But I have to go back to Texas on Monday. I’m teaching school the next day and…” she spluttered.

  Savage grinned, amused by how her pretty cheeks were suddenly turning red. “Do you love me, Snow White?”

  “You know I do. I love you with all my heart.”

  “Good! Then tell me ‘yes’. It’s such a tiny word and so easy to say.”

  “YES!” a female voice boomed out from behind them.

  Whipping around, they saw Nana and Joe standing there, watching the entire scene.

  Chapter 66

  “Mr. Savage, I accept on my stubborn granddaughter’s behalf—on several conditions, of course,” Nana pronounced.

  “Nana!” Tori shouted, appalled at her grandmother’s intrusion. “Stay out of this!”

  “Shut up, Tori!” The senior approached the couple. “This gentleman and I have a few things to talk about first before I finally agree to his marriage proposal.”

  “Shouldn’t I be the one to agree to it?”

  “No! Not until he and I have discussed terms. Marriage is a binding contract in the eyes of the law. Since I’m the only relation you have right now in this hospital room, I’m representin’ the family.”

  Nana threw her granddaughter a sharp look, daring her to argue, but all Tori did was raise her eyebrows at the older woman, curious to hear what she would say next.

  Seeing that her sugarplum was remaining silent, Nana nodded, her beehive hairdo bobbing up and down with approval. She turned to Savage again. “Well, sir, the first order of business is this…do I owe you any money for your services in finding my Joe?”

  Savage grinned with boyish charm and shook his head, glancing at Sorelli who was standing behind the older woman. “No ma’am, I believe the job is finished and paid in full.”

  “Glad to hear it. Now, since it turns out that you are not a biker but a policeman, do I get all of my hard-earned, cash money refunded back to me pronto?”

  “I think that will be arranged.”

  “Good! Now, as to the second order of business, sir, please explain to me your personal financial situation.”

  Tori’s jaw dropped at the intrusive question. “Nana, that’s rude!”

  “Shut the hell up, Tori! I have to find out if the man can provide for ya, don’t I?”

  “That’s his personal business, not yours!”

  “I don’t understand you young people at all!” Nana shrieked in her Texas twang. “You know all about what’s in each other’s pants but nothing at all about what’s in each other’s bank accounts! It’s just plain ridiculous!”

  “Nana!” Tori shouted.

  But her grandmother turned back to Savage. “All right sir, if you’ll answer the question, please? How are you set up financially then?” This time she used a more respectable tone.

  Savage’s lips twitched with suppressed humor. “Well, I have a good job and make good money. I own a 2-bedroom condo in Vegas that’s paid for. I have no debts to speak of. And since I’ve been undercover these past couple of years, I haven’t really blown my salary on anything, so all my paychecks have been basically going into a few financial investments that have done pretty well against the market average.”

  Nana nodded, as she considered his answer. “I see. You’re a man of means, Mr. Savage, even though you have tattoos up and down your arms. I like that!”

  “I’m not rich, ma’am, but I can provide for a wife and family.” His twinkling eyes turned to Tori at the mention of their future children together.

  Thoroughly embarrassed by her Nana’s outrageous behavior, Tori’s face turned a deep shade of beet red. “Satisfied, Nana?”

  “Not yet, sweetpea. We now have to discuss your financial situation.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Mr. Savage has been forthright with us. It’s only fair that we return the favor.”

  “This isn’t a horse auction, Nana!” Tori glowered with indignation.

  “I beg to differ, baby girl. In a way, every marriage is.” She turned back to the agent. “Now sir, in regards to my granddaughter’s financial situation. She’s got debts up to the sky—I mean all the way up to the pearly gates in heaven—mostly credit card debts that her no-good, cheating, rat-of-an-ex-husband left her with. She owns no property, but rents a tiny apartment in Gideon that’s not much to speak of. Does have a good job as a schoolteacher—yes—but she has a bank account of zero dollars, no financial investments like you, buys too many pairs of shoes for any one person on this God’s green earth to wear, and lives paycheck to paycheck.”

  “Oh—my—God!” Tori burst out with shame.

  Unfazed, Nana continued. “Her father is a pastor and doesn’t have much money, and neither do I. She doesn’t come from money, Mr. Savage, but I have to say that she does come from a bloodline of beauty, character, integrity and breeding, as you can tell just by knowing me. What do you have to say about that, sir?”

  Nana crossed her arms in front of her bosomy chest, waiting for his answer. Joe just stood in the background, clearly in agreement with how his sweetie was handling this situation.

  Mortified, Tori rolled her eyes heavenwards. “Can this floor please just open up now and swallow me whole?”

  “Oh hush up, darlin’, I’m waiting for Mr. Savage’s response,” Nana scolded.

  All eyes in the room swiveled back to the federal agent. “Well, ma’am, as to her debts—collections are my specialty, as Tori can tell you.” He grinned shamelessly. “I’ll be paying her ex-husband a visit, and I can assure you, we will be getting everything back with interest, down to the last red cent. Count on it. As for the rest? I don’t give a damn! I just want her.”

  His eyes locked back onto Tori and she felt herself melting inside at the love she saw shining in them.

  Nana broke into their reverie. “I see. Do you promise to love her, honor her and treat her with respect always?”

  Savage nodded. “Yes, ma’am, I do. And if your granddaughter agrees, I intend to marry her tomorrow.”

  Nana’s ears seemed to perk up. “Tomorrow? That’s mighty quick, sir.”

  “Why waste time? When you
know, you know.”

  Savage’s probing eyes swiveled to Tori looking for any signs of hesitation or uncertainty on her part. He loved her so much and he wasn’t letting her go, period. He knew that what he was feeling was the real thing. In fact, he’d never been more sure of anything in his life. But he still didn’t want to push her into anything if she didn’t feel the same way. His watchful glare scoured her face for any signs of doubt. Seeing none, he breathed a sigh of relief before turning back to her Nana. The woman’s sharp eyes had been studying him the whole time.

  Suddenly, she smiled, seemingly pleased. “All right, Mr. Savage, on behalf of the family then, I give you my blessing to marry my granddaughter.” She turned to Tori. “Sweetheart, you may now accept this gentleman’s proposal.”

  Tori’s lips twisted with sarcasm. “Why thank you, Nana. Would you like to name our first born too?”

  “Now sugarplum, that smart mouth of yours is not appreciated. I am still your elder.”

  A wave of guilt enveloped Tori. “I’m sorry, Nana, you’re absolutely right.” She went forward to hug the older woman.

  Nana squeezed her tight before releasing her, patting her hand. “You’re a good girl, Tori. You’ll be making an old lady very happy if you marry this young man tomorrow.”

  Tori turned to Matt who was trying to hide his amused grin from everyone. She smiled, as her heart suddenly began beating out of her chest with excitement. Was this all really happening? Was she really going to accept his proposal of marriage?

  “Mr. Savage, I accept—if the offer is still open, sir.”

  Savage got up off the hospital bed and approached her. He looked down at her upturned face, which was beaming with joy. “Hell yes, it’s still open, ma’am, and I accept your family’s terms and conditions for the union.” He flashed her a shameless smile before reaching for her and capturing her lips in a kiss that was tender and sweet, sealing their bond forever.

  Nana wiped away a tear before turning to her fiancé. “Joe, my work here is done. Let’s go.” She moved towards the door with her man in tow. “Tori honey, we’ll be waitin’ for ya’ downstairs.”


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