First Love (Champion of the Gods)

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First Love (Champion of the Gods) Page 4

by Andrew Q. Gordon

  Having fought Meglar his whole adult life, he readied a defensive spell out of habit. Exhaling, he let the power drain away. One did not greet Lenore’s messenger with aggression unless he fancied the wrath of the goddess. He shook his head. Not particularly. And Honorus had been clear: Lenore wanted—no, required—his help to fight Meglar.

  Ignoring how naked he felt, he breathed deeply, noting how fast the mount closed the still-considerable distance between them. Surely he had time to go inside to alert his staff?

  Checking again, he decided he might not. No, better to wait.

  A unicorn. He studied it as it galloped toward him. Brilliant green eyes and pink, flaring nostrils with a pure white coat shining softly, as if the unicorn had just completed a light morning run. How incredible.

  He lost track of how long he stared, but when he blinked the messenger had nearly reached him. Definitely a good thing I stayed, he decided.

  With a grace belying its speed, the unicorn charged up to him. For a moment he wondered if it would race past him in a whizzing blur, but it halted an arm’s length from him.

  “Wizard.” The voice in his mind was definitely feminine and less overpowering than the avatar’s. “Blessings from Her holiness, Lenore. The Blessed Mother sends Her regards to the Prince of Haven and seeks your assistance.”

  He almost laughed. Who in the Eight Gates of Neblor dared speak for the Goddess of the Earth? But he caught himself in time; Lenore had a special bond with unicorns.

  “Honorus’s blessings to you as well, Unicorn.” Not knowing her name, he addressed her in the same way she greeted him. “Welcome to Haven. Honorus told me to aid you and your mistress, though I don’t know what assistance you require.”

  She pawed the ground and tossed her head slightly, reminding him of a petulant child. Farrell bit down on his tongue to suppress a chuckle.

  “I already stated that Lenore requires your assistance. I have been sent to bear you to where you are needed.”

  He jerked back at her curt tone and searched for the proper response. Of course he’d go with Lenore’s messenger, but did she expect him to simply hop on her back and be off? Beyond needing to be prepared for a fight, arrangements needed to be made for governing Haven in his absence. His mind raced through the myriad of things he needed to handle before he could leave.

  “Forgive me if I offend you,” he said carefully and he hoped with the right amount of politeness, “but I’m at a disadvantage on many levels. To start, you know who I am, but I don’t know your name.”

  “My name is Nerti, Wizard.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Nerti. Can you tell me anything more than Lenore has summoned me? I’m certain if She took the time to send one so noble as you to fetch me, Her need must be great. I hope I’m sufficient to Her task.”

  “Meglar has attacked us. My sisters and brothers have sought aid from all we can trust and have assembled at the mountain fortress that is my home. Unfortunately, there are no great wizards among our ranks. Nor do our allies, the Muchari, produce wizards among their kind with any regularity. Thus we are forced to seek your assistance.”

  “Muchari? If I were not speaking with a unicorn, I would say they’re nothing more than legends.”

  “Wizard, there is no time for idle banter. Meglar has assembled an army, and though Muchari are indeed formidable warriors, we are hopelessly outnumbered. What wizards we have are mostly old humans who sought out the Muchari to spend their last days in peace. They will not be able to withstand all that Meglar’s army throws at them in their attempt to capture our home. We require your skill.”

  “I understand,” Farrell said absently. A dozen thoughts sought attention at once as he tried to digest all the information thrown at him. Nerti clearly wanted to leave immediately, but he needed some time. Better to delay a few minutes than race off unprepared. “Actually, I don’t understand. I have no army ready to march from Haven and liberate your people. If, as you say, you are hopelessly outnumbered, I won’t tilt the scales in your favor.”

  “We do not hope to defeat Meglar’s army, only survive long enough to escape to another safe home. As I said, Muchari count few wizards amongst their number, and those who have the gift are rarely above the lowest grades. My sisters and brothers have no ability to manipulate magic, though we are made of it. We need your help moving everyone to a safer place. The wizards who reside with us are too few to protect the city for long and open our passage.”

  That clarified things. Honorus didn’t need him to fight an entire army, just protect the city long enough for everyone to escape. Right, so much easier.

  “Very well, now I understand. Unfortunately, I can’t open a Door to a place I’ve never been. We’re going to have to ride there, unless you’re able to supply me with a clear image of your home.”

  “Wizard, it isn’t that easy,” Nerti said. “Northhelm is not accessible via magic Doors unless—and here I rely on the wizards’ words to explain it to you—unless you have been granted permission to bypass the city’s protections. I was told you would understand.”

  “Unfortunately, it means we must ride to Northhelm,” Farrell said. “Had Lenore sent someone attuned to your city’s protections, I could open a Door from here to there. Wizards are taught that no one, no matter how strong, can override a sealing spell once engaged. I disagree but haven’t tested my theory yet. If I’m wrong, I’ll end up stuck between this moment and the next.”

  “Wizard!” Her mental yell snapped his head around. The piercing green eyes that looked so ancient and wise suddenly seemed closer together and less friendly. “We have no time for you to daydream!”

  He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “How exactly do we get into your city if it’s already besieged by Meglar? Do you know of another connected Door somewhere?”

  She dashed his slim hope of good news when she shook her head.

  “The only way to reach the city is to fight our way in. Your skill and my speed will have to suffice to gain us entrance. The Blessed Mother said you were equal to the task.”

  “Somehow I had a feeling you’d say that.” He tried to formulate a plan, but he had more questions than answers: the size of Meglar’s army, the distance to the fortress, the number of weapons he’d need, Nerti’s speed and stamina. He shook his head to clear his mind. “I need to collect some things before we set off. If we’re to fight our way in, I need to be prepared.”

  Without waiting for a response, he turned his back on her to stare at the hidden gates that marked the entrance to Haven. A frown wrinkled his face.

  “Nerti, we need to use a Door to reach my workroom. Going through the front gate, we’ll draw too much attention. But using a Door will cause my mentors, Masters Erstad and Wesfazial, to investigate what’s happening. I’m certain they’ll attempt to convince me not to ride off alone.”

  “You will not be alone, Wizard.” Her casual tone almost brought a smile to his face. Clearly, she did not lack for confidence.

  “That said, are you able to use a Door?”

  “I neither affect a Door nor am I affected by one, if that is what you ask.”

  “It is.” Satisfied, he reached out his left hand. A long black staff, capped on both ends in platinum and cuffed with several silver bands, flew from its perch against the monolith to the left. Farrell always carried this staff into a fight. The sound of wood on flesh broke the silence of the plains.

  Speaking softly, he touched one end to the ground and moved it upward. A pale blue-green trail of light remained where the black wood passed. When it reached seven feet above the ground, he paused for a heartbeat. Four feet to the right, another pause. Finally he brought the staff down, holding it in place on the dusty plains.

  Once he drew the outline, he stretched his right hand into the space between the lines and pushed forward with his will. A burst of light filled the area he’d just marked off. When the flash dissipated, a room lined with shelves and tables replaced the view of grass and mountains. Without
a word, he stepped forward, followed closely by Nerti. When both cleared the threshold of the Door, Farrell waved his hand absently behind him. The light seemed to collapse in on itself, leaving the pair alone in the semidark room.

  Another distracted wave and light slowly filled the workspace.

  “I suspect we’ll have company in a few moments,” he said.

  Nerti remained nearly motionless in the small, crowded room. Moving with a purpose, Farrell began to collect things he might need for the trip: a half dozen silver bracelets filled with energy; a bow and quiver of enchanted arrows; wands in different shapes and sizes; a long stake with a large mushroom-shaped head; a belt with throwing knives, each worked with a spell to ensure accuracy; and a dozen small stones that expanded when thrown at an enemy formation.

  After walking across to the far side of the room, he opened a metal cabinet, only to have numerous items tumble out. As he collected a set of six smooth two-foot staves from the floor, the door to the room swung open, nearly hitting him in the head.

  As he expected, his mentors entered his workroom. The anticipated barrage of questions, however, never materialized. Standing up, he noted the two older wizards staring at Nerti.

  “Blessings of Lenore,” the leaner of the two said. To Farrell’s eye, the older man appeared stunned. “White Lady, how do I address you?”

  “Her name is Nerti, Erstad.”

  Turning his head as if he only just noticed Farrell, Erstad appeared unsure whom to address.

  “It appears Honorus has loaned my services to Lenore,” Farrell said, using their silence to his advantage. “Nerti has been sent to bear me where I’m needed.”

  “Humph.” This came from the thicker of the two. “A pretty white horse with a horn on her head shows up and you want to go riding off to the Six only knows where, on an errand I bet you don’t fully understand.”

  “Ever blunt and to the point, aren’t we, Master Wesfazial?” A second “humph” answered Farrell’s question.

  “The privilege of age, my young friend,” Erstad said. “But a question worthy of an answer nevertheless.”

  “First, her name is Nerti, not ‘some pretty white horse with a horn.’” For some reason Farrell felt compelled to defend her. “Second, and far more important, Honorus sent His avatar to tell me to go with Lenore’s messenger.”

  He paused, shifting his eyes from one to the other and back. “Like it or not, I’m not going to ignore Lenore’s request for assistance.”

  “Boy, you’re a follower of Honorus. Let Lenore find a follower of Her own to send on some ill-fated quest.” Wesfazial pointedly ignored Nerti as he spoke. “Your place is here, not riding off somewhere trying to rescue people you don’t even know.”

  “Honorus said I should heed Lenore’s call for help. Said it would assist us in our fight. Besides, when Lenore sends a unicorn to collect you so she can take you on ‘an ill-fated quest,’ see how easy you find it to refuse.”

  Both older men looked back at Nerti as if weighing their options, causing Farrell to stifle a laugh. “Though I’m not, as you point out, a devotee of Lenore, Honorus gave me clear instructions: ‘Go with Lenore’s messenger.’ Unless, of course, you don’t believe Nerti was sent here by Lenore?”

  Erstad shook his head. “No, I’m certain she is who she appears. Still, I would feel better if you had more of an escort than simply Nerti, powerful as she may be. For ten years we’ve staked our chances of success in this war on bringing Meglar here, not you chasing him wherever he goes. What sense does it make planning to lure him here only to have you ride off like some lovesick knight in search of his fair lady?”

  Farrell stared at the older wizard, but before he spoke, Erstad quickly corrected himself. “My apologies. In your case, in search of his handsome lord. Riding off like that is not a good plan.”

  “So you counsel I ignore Lenore’s request and wait for Meglar to show up here?” Farrell looked from one to the other, daring them to say “Yes, we want you to ignore Lenore.” Neither said a word. “I didn’t think either of you wanted me to offend the Bright Lady.”

  Erstad smiled, which gave him the look of a serene grandfather addressing his favorite grandchild. “Of course you must do what Honorus tells you, but did He say you had to go alone?”

  “He will not be alone, Wizard. I shall bear him where he needs to go.” From the raised eyebrow Wesfazial gave him, Nerti must have projected her thoughts to all three of them.

  “Nerti calls us all ‘Wizard,’ I’m afraid. She also has little regard for invading our minds with her thoughts. But to answer your question, yes, I believe I am expected to go alone with Nerti. If others were to accompany us, Lenore would have sent more than one unicorn.”

  Nerti bobbed her head as Farrell collected the last two staves from the rough stone floor. To those, he added several more from a shelf in the cabinet. After selecting four pouches from a shelf above a long oak workbench, he looked at the growing pile of weapons. Would he need the bow and arrows? Maybe. He left them on the stack, then added a long, thin sword with an ivory handle. Just in case.

  He waited for his friends to speak, but when they remained silent, he pressed on. “Sometimes one must take on faith that the gods have a purpose for us. On those rare occasions They send clear signs of what They want from us, we need to follow Their will. I’m taking Nerti’s appearance as a clear sign to follow Honorus’s orders.” He arranged the items he’d collected and stuffed them one by one into his right pants pocket. Grasping the sword again, he worried his bottom lip. If the situation called for him to use his sword, he likely would be in no condition to use it. Best to set it aside.

  Nothing but heavy breathing and the clattering of his weapons filled the air.

  “I suppose I have everything I need. The endless pockets on these pants are beyond useful, Wesfazial. I shall thank you every time I use something from it.”

  The older wizard inclined his head slightly.

  “When will Master Cylinda be back?” Farrell would feel better about leaving if she were there.

  “I don’t expect her for another ten days,” Erstad said. “But don’t worry. Wesfazial and I can manage things. We’ve done it before.”

  “I promise we’ll lock the front gate and not answer it if Meglar knocks.” Wesfazial winked at Farrell.

  After trying to hold back a smile, Farrell finally gave up and shook his head. “That’s a relief. Now I don’t need to seal it before I go.”

  He could feel Nerti’s anxiety and walked over to her. Farrell extended his arm and pushed out with his will. When the Door reappeared, the Plains of Gharaha filled the bluish energy frame. Letting out a breath, he turned back to his mentors. “I truly believe this is the right thing to do. Honorus’s avatar told me to go with Nerti. When my god tells me this will aid our goals, I trust His wisdom.” He left out the bit about a soul mate. That felt too personal, and he had to admit it played a small part in his desire to undertake this task.

  “Hard for even an old curmudgeon like me to argue against doing what the blasted avatar of Honorus requests.” Wesfazial flashed him a mischievous grin. “But I don’t have to like it.”

  Farrell and Erstad both snickered.

  “No one will ever accuse you of being forced to like anything, my friend,” Erstad chided. Mirth drained from his face, and he looked deadly serious again. “Take care of yourself, son. We need you back. More importantly, we want you back. You too, Lady Nerti.”

  Nerti bowed her head but otherwise stayed quiet.

  “Erstad, your concern and that of Wesfazial—who looks apt to burst in frustration—is appreciated. But to my thinking, and I admit to still being young and foolish at times—”

  “Only at times?” Wesfazial’s gruff voice sounded forced to Farrell.

  “There isn’t the same element of uncertainty that many of our undertakings seem to hold,” Farrell continued. “The gods rarely tell us specifically to go somewhere or do anything. It’s always ‘Seek the p
lace where all may be safe’ or ‘Oppose the evil that is Meglar.’ In all I have seen and read, a specific command of the gods carries with it a certain guarantee of success. Lenore would not send me on a fool’s errand that risks the success of Honorus’s plans. She must be confident that I’m capable of completing this mission.”

  Neither looked convinced, but whatever their thoughts, they kept silent.

  “The young wizard speaks truly,” Nerti said. “Lenore would not risk offending Her brother by asking Him to sacrifice His trusted servant. I will make sure I return him safely to you. Come, Wizard, it is time to go.”

  Without waiting for his response, she walked through the open Door. Once outside, she stared back, as if demanding he join her.

  “My name is not ‘Wizard.’ It’s Farrell,” he said softly.

  Coming Soon from DSP Publications

  The Eye and the Arm

  Champion of the Gods:

  Book Two

  By Andrew Q. Gordon

  After defeating Meglar at Belsport, Farrell returns to Haven to recover from his injuries, but Khron, the god of war, has other ideas. He gives Farrell a new mission: free the survivors of the ancient dwarf realm of Trellham from their three-thousand-year banishment. To fulfill Khron’s near impossible task, Farrell will need the help of his distance ancestor, the legendary wizard Kel. But Kel has been dead for a thousand years.

  Farrell finds information hinting that Kel is alive, so he moves his search to Dumbarten, Kel’s birthplace. To reach Dumbarten unannounced, Farrell and Miceral disguise themselves as mercenaries on board a merchant vessel. Their journey is disrupted when pirates attack their ship. While attempting to subdue the attack, Farrell is struck down by one of Meglar’s minions.

  Unconscious and trapped in his own mind, Farrell’s only chance for survival rests with Miceral and the peregrine king Rothdin entering his thoughts and helping him sort fact from illusion. To reach Farrell, they will need to rely on an untested spell from one of Kel’s spellbooks. If they succeed, Miceral can guide Farrell home safely. If not, Farrell will destroy not only himself, but Miceral, Rothdin, and everyone around him.


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