Ignite: A clean rock star romance (The Band Book 2)

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Ignite: A clean rock star romance (The Band Book 2) Page 18

by Lara Wynter

  Art clears his throat. “We did see that unfortunate interview. I’m so happy that cloud has been lifted from your upcoming nuptials. Betty and I have been praying for you all every night.”

  I ignore Sophie as she rolls her eyes. I’ll have a talk to her later. “Thank you Art. That means so much to both of us.”

  “I was about to show Mom and Dad the garden. Do you want to come?”

  “Sounds perfect. We can show them where the wedding is going to be and see if they have any suggestions.”

  Sophie squeals again as we’re heading out the door. I turn back to see that Finn and Autumn have arrived.

  She throws herself at Finn and he catches her mid-flight. Sophie will be staying with them while we’re on our honeymoon. As much as I love my sister…

  Finn extricates himself, and Sophie gives Autumn a gentle hug and then kisses her baby bump. She’s so excited about having a little ‘brother’.

  We all spill out into the garden, and I make the introductions. Finn is wearing a black T-shirt and I see Art eyeing the dragon tattoo that runs down one arm.

  “Do you have any ah, tattoos Wes?”

  “I have an eagle on my back but that’s it.”

  Betty’s eyes light up. “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40 verse 31.”

  “That’s beautiful Betty. I might just add that verse to the design.”

  Jemma smiles at me and now I know I’m going to do it.

  “Well, I’d love to see it when you do,” Betty says.

  “Betty!” Art admonishes, “You can’t ask that.”

  “What? It’s just his back. It’s not as if I’m asking him to strip naked in the garden.”

  Sophie giggles first and then the rest of us join in. I look around me. This moment is perfect. My friends and my family, all the people I love together. Who would ever have thought my life would have a happy ending?



  I tug impatiently at the bodice of my dress. I’m still not convinced that this is the one we should have picked. Jemma and Autumn both thought the one I wanted to wear was too short. Oh well, I guess it doesn’t matter there won’t be any hot single guys here anyway. Well, Leon will be here and he’s definitely hot and single, but apparently he’s too old for me. Maybe in a few years…

  The music starts. Ryan is taking a break from the bass and playing Jemma’s song. The one my brother wrote for her. How, gag, romantic. Well, it probably would be if it wasn’t my brother. I love the songs that Finn wrote for Autumn.

  I hold my bouquet of blue-gum leaves, roses, and lavender. It smells incredible. I want to bury my face in it again but I resist the urge. Wes will kill me. Instead I walk in time with the music singing softly, the words I added to the music during the rehearsal. I love writing songs. I’m sure in a few years I’ll be performing my own stuff.

  I walk up the short aisle. They haven’t invited many people, only their closest friends. At least they let me invite Anna. She loves meeting celebrities. If only JD was here. But I’m not sure how I feel about him now. He hasn’t contacted me after he ran off in L.A. Still, Anna would be impressed if he were here.

  I grin at Wes as I approach and we high five as I take my place at the end of the aisle. Finn stands beside Wes looking pretty hot for a married guy and even Zane looks good despite his red hair. He’s still pretty bummed about his wife cheating on him though. But today at least he’s smiling. I turn quickly to smile at Ryan. He’s gorgeous but too much like a big brother to really be worth considering. Anna thinks he’s hot though.

  Autumn comes up the aisle hardly ever taking her eyes off Finn and then smiles briefly at me as she stands beside me. Time for the main event. My future mom. I chuckle to myself. She’d probably die if I called her ‘mom’.

  The music changes slightly and Jemma walks through the arch covered in flowers matching her bouquet. Even though I’ve already seen her, my breath still catches. She’s so beautiful. You can’t even see her scars. Her dress has sheer 3/4 sleeves partially covered by lace. The ivory silk has a sweetheart neckline and an empire waist with a full skirt. Her blonde curls have been arranged in an elegant twist with a few left loose to frame her face.

  The make-up artist Wes hired has somehow made her burn scars disappear. You can’t even see them up close. I watched everything she did and can’t wait to try out some of her techniques. I could make a fortune on my YouTube channel when I start it. Or maybe I should just stick to music?

  Jemma makes it to the end of the aisle and she and Wes grin giddily at each other. It’s sweet and somehow slightly nauseating at the same time. Deep down I think it’s beyond beautiful, and I’m a little jealous of the way they love each other with such passion.

  Finn and Autumn are the same. I know I will wait. Well, maybe not wait, wait. But I won’t get married until I find someone who will love me like that. As if I’m the person they’ve been waiting their whole life to find. I sigh. The minister is talking about what true love looks like, and I don’t need to listen. I can see it right before my eyes.

  Finally, they exchange rings and kiss. The kiss is a bit longer than usual and everyone claps and there are a few wolf whistles. I grin. I bet anything Ryan is one of the whistlers. If I didn’t have to hold these flowers, I’d join in.

  As they finally part, I step forward to congratulate them. They both wear matching dopey grins, and I can’t help but grin in return. I throw one arm around each of them and let out a whoop. Well, what were they expecting? I’ve stayed quiet long enough. Something I’m not very good at.

  “Congrats guys. I’m guessing this is going to be a short reception?”

  “Soph,” Wes admonishes but he’s still grinning.

  I can hear Finn laughing. I let go and stand beside Finn as they walk back down the aisle hugging everyone as they go.

  I nudge Finn gently. “I bet they leave before nine o’clock.”

  Finn laughs. “I’ll take nine-thirty.”

  “Eight thirty,” Autumn says, surprising me that she’d join in.

  “Eight o’clock,” Ryan yells loudly enough to cause half the crowd including the newly-weds to stare in our direction. “Soph’s new bedtime,” Ryan replies winking at me. Everyone loses interest in us and goes back to the hug fest.

  They aren’t ready to leave until nearly ten o’clock, making Finn the winner. I hold onto Wes tightly. Tears stream down my cheeks. Why I’m a blubbering mess, I really have no idea. Well, that’s not really true. Wes has been looking out for me since I was a baby. Who knows if I’d even be alive if it wasn’t for Wes and Finn. He gave up most of his childhood for me and I love him with all I’ve got. Although I know he’s only going to be gone for two weeks it’s all going to be different now. Don’t get me wrong, I love Jemma. But, it’s no longer just the two of us against the world.

  “I love you, Wes. Don’t forget about us.”

  Wes wipes the tears away from my cheeks, his own eyes glistening. “Never. It’ll always be us against the world. We’ll just have a little more help now. I love you bubba.”

  The tears start again when he uses my baby name.

  “Thank you, Wessy. Thanks for looking out for me.”


  I watch with my emotions swirling as Wes and Jemma hop into my favorite red Porsche and drive away.



  [email protected]


  Author’s Note

  Mental health issues are a problem many people face in their lifetime. Either directly or indirectly through a friend or family member. Please reach out and ask for help. We need to get rid of the negative stigma around this issues. I though it was important to mention in this story, that Autumn
is still getting professional help, even though she is doing better.

  In Australia Beyond Blue or Lifeline can help. https://www.beyondblue.org.au/


  In the US https://www.nami.org/#


  In the UK https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help-you/contact-us


  This book is dedicated to the many typos that gave up their lives to make this a better story. If you find any more lurking, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

  As always thank you to my wonderful family for your support. To the authors that generously gave up their time, thank you! Also thank you to my Beta readers for keeping me on track.

  Thank you to you the readers, that make it all worthwhile.

  And to the amazing God that watches over us all.

  About the Author

  Lara Wynter lives in Tasmania with her family and numerous pets. She loves romance and happy endings.

  The Alora Chronicles series

  When I wake

  Until I Sleep

  Within the Dream

  When Dreaming Ends




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