Prophecy of the Flame

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Prophecy of the Flame Page 19

by Lynn Hardy

  Frozen like a deer in headlights, I gaze into a pair of piercing, emerald eyes surrounded by dark, thick lashes and framed by picturesque, black eyebrows.

  “Your Highness,” is all I manage around the frog that has taken up residence in my throat. My knees weaken. I barely manage a curtsy before collapsing into the waiting chair.

  I was starving on the way here; now my stomach is tied in knots. How am I ever going to manage to eat in front of all of these people, not to mention sitting next to him? Look at him. He is tall, dark, and handsome—the man of my dreams. Refined, chiseled features; arched brows, not to mention perfect skin surrounded by elegant, ebony hair and a smile that makes me want to melt

  Prince Alexandros

  A servant appears, displaying a tray of mushrooms stuffed with an unidentifiable mixture. I nod yes, convinced I won’t be able to eat a bite. I take a deep steadying breath. Come on, get a grip. You’re married, remember? Just pretend Kyle is right here beside you. And those are simply people, people you will never see again after you leave this place in a couple of weeks. Keeping that thought firmly in mind, I look out at the nobles once more and whisper, “sight.”

  About five percent have magical affinities in their auras. Not many have a healing pattern, although most have a trace of green in their coloring. Whispering, “sight,” once more with a little more self-confidence and a lot more self-control, I take another look at the nobles while uniformed servants continue bringing trays with a variety of appetizers.

  Noblemen wear thick, velvet material of varying colors and styles, everything from the Musketeer’s tunic over a white shirt to English coats with puffy shirts and trousers. The ladies’ styles are quite conservative. Most wear Southern belle dresses. Some are low cut; others have high, lacy collars. All are floor length with voluminous skirts.

  Hairstyles vary too. Some of the men have short hair, even as short as a buzz, while others have long hair flowing freely or neatly tied into ponytails. The noble women have long tresses. It is either piled on top of their heads or pulled back, spilling down their backs. Even with all their differences, one thing is universal throughout: the hair colors vary and include red, black, brown, blond, and gray, but each shade is the same precise hue. There are no sandy brown, auburn, or sun-bleached heads.

  With the more scientific train of thought, I find myself famished once again. Looking down at my plate, I realize I have indicated wanting several items. A chuckle escapes me, If Kyle were here, he’d starve – he hates trying new things! I hope that’s not caviar. Ugh, fish eggs.

  Placing the napkin on my lap, I glance at the plate next to mine trying to get a clue as to how to eat the strange assortment of items I have selected. My brow crinkles in concern. King Arturo has yet to take a bite.

  They aren’t all waiting on me? Well, Rose did say my rank was next to the king’s. Maybe it is above the queen’s, who should, according to protocol, begin this mess.

  Grasping the cracker with purple balls on top with two fingers, figuring it is safe to pop the entire thing into my mouth, I begin my first formal dinner. It is not as bad as I imagined. The taste is salty and fishy but not overpowering. Is it caviar?

  Quiet sounds of the populace eating arise, along with hushed whispers. I finesse my way through the appetizer course. Keeping my eyes on my plate, I am careful not to look at Prince Alexandros. I won’t be able to enjoy this wonderful meal if my stomach cramps again.

  A brownish vegetable-bean soup is served next. Before I know it, waiters appear with the main course. This time an entire plate is placed before me. Shaved meat, rolled and sprinkled with a white cream sauce, occupies the center of the large platter. Orange vegetables, a little darker than carrots but lighter than yams, litter the edge. Tiny onions are intermittent between potatoes placed on top of flat, round items reminding me of pickle slices.

  Panicking at the fancy display before me, unsure where to even begin, I glance to my left. When my mahogany eyes meet a pair of emerald ones, I see no choice but to engage in conversation or appear rude. “Your Highness, you’re looking well. I trust your recovery is coming along swiftly?”

  “Yes, quite, and from a wound that should have taken my life.” He pauses to slice a piece of meat and spear a potato. “Since I first opened my eyes, I have been bombarded with news of your marvelous works. I was beginning to think I was to share an entire dinner with the famous archmage without hearing her relate even one tale.”

  With a smile and a twinkle in his eyes, he teases, “If this remarkable meal is any indication, then the stories must be true: You are not only the most enchanting dinner companion I have ever encountered, but by far the most intriguing.”

  My cheeks flush but I keep my wits in a stranglehold, determined not to run from this battle. Taking a bite gives me time to phrase a rejoinder. “Tales of my workings? Your Highness, I beg you, believe half of what you hear. Stories have a way of growing larger with each repeating. If I have been remiss in my social obligations, I apologize. I will gladly set you straight on any rumors captivating your curiosity.” I hate gossip, especially when it’s about me!

  “Let me see, I have heard a tale of your battling ten demons without taking a scratch. It has been said you were seen soaring over the city like a bird. And of course, there is the one about bringing my soul back from the edge of the heavens, making me forever a slave to your will.” He arches an eyebrow, giving a half smile. “Not that the last would be all bad, I am sure.”

  I cough into the napkin, nearly choking on the food in my mouth. Sipping wine, I stall for time.

  I answer the easiest first. “Your Highness, let me set your mind at ease. It was your brother and I who flew over the city to make some adjustments to the shield. And there were a mere five demons that attacked a group of us: I’m sorry to say that Charles took a shoulder wound in the skirmish. I hardly battled a horde of demons by myself. As for the last…” I take another bite, contemplating my repartee. “Many people aided in your recovery, including your family. The part I played was miniscule.” I make a false thrust to engage his wit. “If I was to bewitch you, I assure you, you would be the first to know.”

  “Oh, but you have, my lady, you have,” Prince Alexandros replies without a trace of humor.

  Gazing into his eyes, I feel my cheeks heat once more along with the rest of my body. Butterflies take flight in my stomach for the second time in as many days. Traitor! Not even separated from Kyle for two days, and already you let a man seduce you. And believe me, if you were alone with him, you’d be as good as bedded!

  Clink, clink, clink. A utensil is applied to the glass on my right, breaking the hypnotic potency of the prince’s gaze. I take my glass in hand, awaiting the pledge with the rest of the guests.

  “A toast,” King Arturo booms into the immediate silence. “To Archmage Reba and the Crusaders of the Light. May they guide us well through this time of darkness.”

  “To the archmage and the Crusaders of the Light,” the room echoes.

  I finish the contents of my glass then focus my attention on the plate in front of me, trying to forget the presence on my left. No longer feeling hungry, I taste none of the food as I clear my plate.

  Guests begin to leave as I maneuver my way through the dessert course. I turn to my host, making a calculated retreat. “Your Majesty, thank you for the honor of dining at your table this evening.”

  “Your presence has honored us all, Archmage Reba.” King Arturo’s lips curve, but the gesture doesn’t reach his eyes or his heart. “In these times, duty calls to us all. Please, do not feel obligated to stay a moment longer.”

  Turning to my other dinner companion, I continue with the necessary social pleasantries. “Prince Alexandros, it has been a pleasure, but I have much yet to accomplish this evening. If you will excuse me?”

  “Of course,” he replies, jumping to help me with my chair. “Shall I escort you to your chambers?”

  Oh, God, no! “Thank you, but no. I believe I can f
ind my own way. The walk will give me a chance to put my thoughts in order.”

  “Until tomorrow, milady.” Swifter than thought, Prince Alexandros captures my hand, ushering it to his mouth.

  With the caress of his lips, my pulse races. My legs turn to jelly. I lock my knees in order to remain upright, giving a brief dip of my head as he releases my hand.

  I slather my muscles with self-control to keep from running either from the room or straight into his arms. Stretching out my legs for long, quick strides, I retrace the route Szames used when escorting me to my seat. I am relatively sure of the way back to my rooms as I cross the foyer outside the dining room. Oh, Kyle! Why didn’t you play that stupid game with me? Now I’m here, alone… but then, I’m always alone, even when you’re with me.

  “Hey, where’s the fire?” The English idiom from behind cuts through the swirling fog of my scrambling thoughts. I slow down, giving Jamison a chance to catch up.

  “That was some dinner, wasn’t it?” I babble, trying to calm my frazzled nerves.

  “You said it. I can’t believe they sat you right next to the king, but then again, after what I heard from Rose, it kind of fits.” My eyes bore into him, waiting for him to continue. “Let’s wait until we meet at breakfast in your chambers to go into that.” His clumsy implication for stricter security measures is clear as he glances around. “I noticed you acquired a royal escort of your own.” His voice takes on a suggestive note.

  “You mean Szames?”

  Jamison tries to leer, looking more curious than sensual.

  I chuckle. “I assure you, our association is strictly business, at least as far as I’m concerned. We just happened to get done modifying the shield about dinnertime.”

  Smiling, Jamison mutters, “Sure… right.”

  Holding out my left hand, I display the diamond straddled by two emeralds on my ring finger. “I’m married, remember? You even saw a wedding photo this morning.”

  “If you say so.” He shrugs, a ghost of a smile still playing about his lips.

  Like I don’t have enough to worry about with the attention of one prince. Thank God Szames seems content with a friendship. Then again I don’t have the kind of attraction for him that I do for Alexandros. Dark, smart, sophisticated, that’s my poison. I never went for those blond, hunky types.

  I change the subject. “So are you packing it in for the night?”

  “Yep, I’m bushed. I could use a full night’s rest. How about you?” I sense a weary echo in him as we begin to climb the stairs. “Boy, what I wouldn’t give for an elevator.”

  “Already missing the modern world?” I continue as he shrugs. “Sleep would be nice, but I have way too much on my plate. I’ll be lucky to make it to bed by dawn. Thank goodness my recuperative mage abilities are functioning. With a few hours’ rest, I woke invigorated this morning.” The list of things needing my attention flashes through my mind. “At least, I hope they’re working.”

  “I’m beginning to wish I’d developed my character a little better.” He pauses as we reach the top of the staircase. “So much is needed, even though they have so much already.” Turning to look back the way we came, his gaze travels up to the entry doors, over the ceiling, and back along the flowery floor.

  His voice turns hoarse with emotion. “Isn’t this place amazing? Beautifully tiled floors, vaulted ceiling, and amazing alabaster wood everywhere you look.”

  “I never expected people of this age to have so much refinement,” I mumble, wondering at the competency of their artists. Hey, that gives me an idea. Maybe I can use Prince Alexandros’s attention to my advantage after all.

  We continue in a companionable silence, each lost in our own thoughts. Jamison retires to his room as we reach the turn toward my chambers.

  Even without numbers or markings, it is pretty easy to find my way. The solitary set of double doors in this hallway belongs to my suite of rooms. In the reception chamber, a fire blazes. The page stands waiting for my instructions.

  “William,” I acknowledge the page, moving toward the bureau.

  Seeing a stack of correspondences resting on top of the desk, I change what I intended to say. “If you’ll have a seat, I will be with you in a moment.”

  Taking the stack with me to the center of the desk, I begin skimming through letters containing invitations to do this or that with people I have yet to meet.

  I don’t have time to answer all these, even if I work through the night. Well, I’d say it’s time for a little magic. Let me see. If I use the ink, the paper, and the wax, it should conserve energy. Something like this should do the trick.

  “Time is precious and much would be wasted

  To answer you politely ‘no’ signed and dated.

  So for each letter here, a reply will be made,

  Sealed to be delivered by my waiting page.”

  The exhilaration of power oozing from my body washes through me. I draw in a deep breath. Thickening, blue fog envelops the stack of paper and other utensils on the desk until the items are hidden from view. The mist dissipates in mere seconds. A new stack of correspondences lies next to the pile of opened letters.

  “William, I am going to need more parchment. Can you fetch some?” I ask my wide-eyed page.

  “Yes, Milady Archmage. I can get some from the library.” He is a little less composed than before but leaves immediately to fetch the needed supplies.

  The door to the bedroom opens. Crystal appears, carrying a miniature lamp with a candle for fuel instead of oil. “Milady, I have a question concerning the pot chamber.”

  “Oh, I completely forgot about that. The new device is a toilet. It is used to take care of bodily functions.” I phrase its purpose delicately.

  “That much I surmised, milady, but I could not figure out how to remove the toy-let for cleaning.” Her temper sparks. “And if you still wish me to be open with you—well, milady, if you warn me of future engagements, I might be of more assistance in preparing you for them. That is, after all, my duty.”

  Noting her fear, probably that a disheveled appearance on my part will reflect badly upon her, I lower my eyes. “Point taken, Crystal. I apologize for the lapse. I’ll try to keep you informed in the future.”

  “Tomorrow I will be addressing the commoners. I have a luncheon with the princess, a meeting with King Arturo and the military officers, and Prince Szames will be joining me here for dinner.” Crystal bobs her head in approval as I relate tomorrow’s itinerary. “As for the toilet, besides a wipe down on the outside surface, it won’t need cleaning.” If she didn’t know how to clean it, I wonder if she has figured out how to use it? Briefly I instruct her in the use of the mundane item, adding, “When you stand, magic will take care of the contents.”

  “All that to replace a chamber pot?” She shakes her head but adds with a smile, “Not having a pot to deal with is an unheard-of luxury! This world of yours must be rich in sorcerers to afford such things. Milady, will you be bathing at first light again?”

  “We are changing our sleeping rotation. If you’ll wake me a mark after sunrise?” After she nods, I continue. “I have much to do, but won’t require any further assistance: Feel free to call it a night.”

  “Thank you, milady. If you require anything, please knock on my door. It is next to the bathing room.” I feel her gratitude and amazement as she takes me up on my offer. “Shall I leave this light for you?”

  “No, thank you.” I set my mind on the work ahead, dismissing her from my thoughts.

  The pad of paper and pen I conjured yesterday is in one of the desk drawers. I bring out the modern materials to begin composing a speech. By the time William arrives with the parchment, I have used all but a few pages of the yellow notepad. I flex aching fingers. That’s more writing than I’ve done since high school. Massaging my right hand, I sit back with a satisfied smile. Next time I’ll magic up a computer or a typewriter at least.

  Beaming at the stack of papers, I chuckle. One speech, m
ore shield modifications, two personal defense spells, three offensive spells, and an enchantment for the material. I also composed my first effort at a transdimensional portal. Not too bad for a night’s work.

  “William, I have a short list of duties for you tomorrow. These letters need to be delivered and I will need a guide from here to Princess Szeanne Rose’s chambers half a mark before midafternoon bells.” He nods, looking very proper and attentive even though the midnight bells have rung. “Seeing how you seem to be such an efficient and knowledgeable page, I thought you could handle some additional responsibilities.”

  William smirks. I stretch out my empathy to gauge his reaction.

  “One of the survivors of last night’s attack was a boy who will be assigned to me.” Shock, fear. “Your workload is light, so I assume you will have plenty of time to get him through the basics before your other duties pick up.” Interest, curiosity, slight fear. “This is a large responsibility. Even though you are young, I believe you are ready for this assignment.” Pride, interest, curiosity, slight fear.

  “He is from town and has most likely never even been in the castle, maybe never even met a noble. He is going to need your guidance and instruction if he is to be a good page.” Pride bordering on arrogance and still a slight fear. Let’s see if he has any sympathy.

  “You must remember he has lost everything—even his parents—all in a single night.” Arrogance, slight sympathy, and fear. “I’m putting my trust in you to show him compassion.” Confidence, arrogance, sympathy, and slight fear. Where is that fear coming from? I can’t seem to reassure him.

  “I expect you to keep in mind that although your apprentice may not be someone of equal lineage, he is a person, just as you or I. If you are not up to the task, please let me know and I will find another option.” Confidence, pride, but still with a bit of fear lurking in the background.

  “Milady, it would be my pleasure to accept any apprentice you assign,” William states with manly sophistication well beyond his age. “I will do my best to see he feels this is his new home and to disregard his prior stature.” I perceive honesty, pride, and a small amount of fear. That will have to do. I’m beat. I will have to try and puzzle out what it is he fears some other time.


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