Prophecy of the Flame

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Prophecy of the Flame Page 32

by Lynn Hardy

  “We had a deal, remember? You lead because you are sending us home.” A note of sarcasm creeps into Allinon’s voice. He works to restrain it. “It wouldn’t be fair to bring people here without their permission, especially when it’s a one-way trip.”

  “I’m with him. Hot Momma, I might look the part, and the motions come natural, but I feel like a fish out of water. The fact that I’m the solitary African American in this entire kingdom doesn’t bother me; it’s even kind of nice. The ladies are all curious…” Charles takes the time to leer before resuming. “Talk about getting a major refund on the black tax I’ve paid all my life.”

  When our Caucasian eyes stare blankly, he explains, “Back home I hadda do everything twice as good as da whities, usually fo’ less cheddar.” Rubbing his fingertips together, he flashes a quick grin. His jocular voice takes on an unaccustomed strain, “No offense but this is a perfect example: I can’t seem to keep from treating you guys like you’re my peeps. And the thought of spending my life hackin’ at fo’-real people with a sword makes me wanna puke. I’m sorry, Little Momma, but the sooner you send us back, the better.” That explains Charles’s constant mood swings. His new persona is at odds with his true character, pushing him in directions he usually wouldn’t go. He’s probably compensating by jumping into bed with every available female. Ugh! Men.

  “I gave my word. I will stick by it, come Hell or high water. Unless the vote is unanimous, we go home after the crusade, even if I have to go, too.” With little more to discuss, minutes later I leave for my next engagement.

  I find Queen Szacquelyn’s presence as enjoyable as her daughter’s, but it is difficult to talk about simple pleasantries when so many other things are on my mind. I excuse myself from tea as soon as it seems polite, racing over to the front gate to work on more paladin stones with Szames.

  I appreciate his magical proficiency as my hectic schedule plagues my thoughts. Less than a half-mark later, I proceed to the practice grounds to meet Allinon and Charles. Word has gotten out: fighting abilities will be given to the untrained. Four new women recruits have enlisted. Now I must fulfill my part of the bargain.

  Weaving the transfer spells, endowing the women with martial arts skills and sword mastery, I sigh. I hope I get to stay. I stride toward the meadow to meet Alex.

  Spotting Lieutenant Craig, I ask him to accompany me, intending to use his energy to put the final touches on the thirty-foot poles. I erect an empathy shield. Braced for the coming ordeal, I approach the stables.

  “Reba, you look positively picturesque this afternoon,” Alex greets, flirtatious as ever.

  “Thank you, Alex. I hope you weren’t taxed from yesterday’s spell?” Perhaps I can talk my way out of working with him yet.

  “I did find myself able to sleep quite soundly. It seems, contrary to how it looks, magic takes a lot of energy.” My heart still flutters as he flashes his most charming smile, but uncontrollable desire doesn’t threaten to drive me into his arms.

  My tolerance for pleasantries evaporates. “I am pleased you, too, have arrived early. I have many duties vying for my attention.”

  With a tight smile, I motion for his hand. Since Allinon was kind enough to leave one of the mage-globes, I simply use the duplication spell on the pile of sand. Unable to discern anything, I assume my partner still finds the process tolerable.

  “I think your magic lessons are coming along wonderfully. If you would like a little more experience, you can help me put the final touches on the globe holders.” I gesture to the waiting soldier. “Lieutenant Craig has enough resources to aid in the final duplication.”

  “It will be my pleasure to experience whatever you will allow,” Alex replies in a sexy, bedroom voice.

  “Then, please, follow me.” I effortlessly ignore the seduction. The corny come-on line still excites me more than is warranted. Looking up into his eyes makes melting into his arms seem a matter of urgency, but the feelings aren’t as overpowering as they were yesterday. A prickling slides along the back of my neck: a warning that magic is afoot. Would’ve noticed that days ago if my hormones weren’t on the rampage every time I was within ten feet of the man.

  Turning on my heel, I saunter over to the poles Allinon completed yesterday. He used his druid abilities to encourage one end of a wooden stave to grow new limbs, twining around the mage-globes. Each rod has developed according to an inner chaotic pattern, securing a globe at one end. Holding the opposite end of the shaft in one hand and Alex’s hand in the other, I begin setting the spell.

  “Pointed and sharp this end will be

  With the magic I now give to thee.

  ‘Penetrate’; in you will sink.

  ‘Release’ brings you to the brink.”

  The stave lengthens, forming a spear at the base, but other than that, there is no discernible change to the naked eye. Magesight reveals a cerulean glow.

  “I made the activation keys English words for added security. They should be adequate for the function we discussed in the council meeting.”

  “Reba, as always, it is a pleasure working with you.” Turning me to face him, he lowers his voice. “Has anyone ever told you how enchanting your eyes are in this light? The sunset makes the amber dance. They echo the color in your enchanting mane.”

  “Yes, actually, they have,” I retort dismissively. Even though my pulse has quickened and the pull of attraction nags me, I release his hands, motioning for Craig to assist me. Denying Alex knowledge of the stimulation gives me a vindictive pleasure.

  “Lieutenant, if you’re ready, it’ll be as we discussed on the way here.” With an empathy shield in place, I can’t tell if Craig is bothered by the contact with the arcane as I chant the spell.

  “There. That’s all there is to it.” I ignore Alex, hoping he will go away. “What did you think?”

  “Milady, it’s about the most int’restin’ experience I’ve had,” he drawls. “I’d be glad to lend a hand whenever ya need.”

  “I appreciate your willingness, Lieutenant. As a matter of fact, if you’re available, perhaps you could guide me around town. There are several stops where I’ll be required to cast the enchantment we’ve just performed. Your aid will be welcomed.”

  Craig agrees, leaving to ready the horses.

  Shutting my eyes briefly, I take a deep breath. “Alex, I’m sure you have many pressing matters to attend to, so I won’t monopolize any more of your time. As enjoyable as I find your company, I’m afraid duty calls us both.”

  “I, too, have enjoyed the moments we share.” Pausing and giving a half smile, he looks hesitant. “I long to spend the afternoon indulging in the splendor of company so fair. I will join you. I can make an opening in my schedule with a little effort.”

  “If you are sure it won’t be an inconvenience.” Ah man, you had to get all cocky and open your big mouth.

  “For you, milady, I have all the time in the world.” With an elegant bow, the raven-haired prince strides to his waiting squire.

  I feel like I’m on a first date with the high school quarterback. As we begin our ride, I address Lieutenant Craig, hoping to rid myself of the unwanted feelings. The prince, however, still manages to dominate the conversation.

  I try, once again, to bring Craig into our discussion. “So, Lieutenant, you have an interesting accent. What part of the kingdom do you call home?” Anything is better than listening to more of Alex’s monologue about sword expertise and awards he took in last year’s festival.

  By midnight bells I have had about all I can stand. I hold in a sigh as the guard at the front gate pulls Alex aside to deliver a personal message. The “thank-you” I give as the crown prince politely excuses himself is gratefulness for his departure rather than gratitude for his accompaniment. The lieutenant, respectfully silent, continues to escort me to the barn. When the stable master fails to greet us, I turn to my escort.

  “Craig, if you will point me toward the proper brushes, I’ll gladly see to the care of my
mount.” I could use the relaxation before dinner. I begin to unwind with the familiarity of the chore as I tie the animal to the hitching post and unbuckle the saddle.

  “Right this way, milady.” The lieutenant ushers me into the barn.

  Craig opens a cupboard. I squeeze past him to take a look at the supplies. A hand brushes my waist. Turning toward the officer, the touch turns into an embrace. He draws me to him. Defensive instincts kick in. I step backward to put some distance between us, but his grip is firm. My effort takes me nowhere.

  “Lieutenant!” The growl in my voice doesn’t register. He leans in to smother my mouth with his.

  Adrenaline surges into my veins. Options run through my head at light speed: With my arms pinned, I can’t get a backswing to land a solid punch. Can’t use a judo throw with his hands locking mine behind my back. One thing left to try.

  “Hai-ya!” I jab my knee into his groin. The stringy, long-haired soldier gives a grunt of pain as he topples to the ground. With all the new skills, I still use the oldest trick in the book: hit him where it hurts.

  “What’d ya’ go an’ do that for?” His voice is a few octaves higher as he grunts out his complaint between gasps for breath. “Ya’ been comin’ on to me all night.”

  Releasing my shielded empathy, I know his words are honest. Blast that man! If I hadn’t needed these stupid barriers to fend off Alex’s advances, I would’ve sensed this building!

  “My apologies, Lieutenant, if I have misled you. I suggest in the future you make absolutely sure of the other person’s inclinations before you make a move like that, especially when it is a mage you are pursuing.” Sympathy for the hound dog evaporates. My apology turns into a growl. “You’re lucky I didn’t turn you into a toad.”

  Having lost any desire to groom the borrowed mount, I stalk out of the barn. Spotting Merithin in the predawn light, I flag him down to present my latest portal idea as we stroll into the castle. The elder is quick to inform me that a transfer goes one way at a time. During an exchange, items may become mixed, the results of which are unpredictable. Our discussion ends as the bells toll. Realizing I am late again, I race to my chambers.

  “Szames, I’m sorry. This is the second time I’ve kept you waiting.” I sigh for more than my tardiness. “You must think my manners are deplorable.”

  “To the contrary, I am grateful you can fit me into your schedule.” The blond knight comes to his feet. “I must say… you look beautiful tonight.”

  “Thank you.” My tone is curt. God, please, no more compliments!

  Szames pulls out a chair for me and, as usual, takes a seat across the table. With the long day weighing me down, conversation is sparse. I give another terse response to Szames’s inquiry as the servants set the table for dessert.

  I find myself apologizing once more. “I’m afraid I’m not very good company tonight. I am taking out my frustration on you when you are the last person who deserves it.”

  “I have two very capable ears if you would like to talk about it.” The kindness in his voice is touching but I hesitate.

  “Are you sure you want to hear it? It involves your brother…” Should I reveal what I’ve learned?

  “Now you must tell me. I am used to mending the broken hearts of the women Alex has left behind. This will be a first: someone upset before he has bedded her?”

  “Are you implying that I will allow him to bed me?” My voice takes on a steely edge. Seeing his abashed look, I make a hasty apology. “I’m sorry… again. It’s just… I’m as mad as an old, wet hen. My feelings toward Alex are not very kind right now.” I take a long sip of wine before giving in to the urging of my conscience.

  “You know, now that I think about it, you might be very interested in this, but it is a somewhat sensitive topic.”

  Turning to Crystal, I instruct the maid, “The cleaning can wait ‘til morning. You’re welcome to turn in as well. Thank you for your service tonight.”

  While the servants leave the room, my dinner companion waits expectantly. “You may not believe it, but your brother has magic, of a fashion. Kind of like empathy, charisma, and telepathy combined.” Szames looks baffled, so I expound, “Alex’s aura reaches out to those near him to persuade them in whatever manner he wishes. Allinon pointed it out when he saw us together yesterday. Today I tested the theory.”

  Szames still looks doubtful, so I offer what proof I can. “If you’d like, I can give you the ability of magesight. All things of a magical nature will then be revealed.”

  “You mean you could let me see the magic we have been doing?” Szames interrupts me, so astounded, he loses a little of his properness.

  “It’s something I should’ve done days ago. You’ll have to take my word on it until tomorrow. Your brother has a gift of his own. And unfortunately my empathy makes me twice as vulnerable,” I admit with a shake of my head.

  “So Alex is courting you.” Szames exudes nonchalance, but his gaze threatens to penetrate my very soul.

  “I suppose some may call his advancements courting, but I call it a headache. One I really don’t need.” I sigh, reining in my temper. “Thanks to Allinon’s observation, all I have to do is keep my empathy shielded, but let me tell you, it was a close call for a while there.”

  “You are serious?” Dumbfounded, Szames scrubs his face with a hand. “My brother uses magic in his courting?”

  “You have no idea how infuriating it is to feel yourself react to a man you find abominable. Your mind clouds over and your body betrays you.” Recalling my first few days here, my blood heats in a different way. “Alex is the kind of guy I’ve always despised. He thinks he’s God’s gift to women. He’s so full of himself, he’s sure every woman will fall at his feet.”

  “He uses magic to sway women.” Szames’s face mirrors the disgust on mine.

  “Yes, and I was almost a victim. By shielding the empathetic ability within me, I have a fighting chance.” I take a deep swallow of the spiced wine. “Tonight I spent the entire evening in his company. With my shields up, it was like walking a tight rope with one eye closed. And I still had to fend off his continual advances!”

  I slam my fist down on the table in frustration. “If he wasn’t a prince, I would’ve slapped him for half the things he said! Or maybe it was the way he said it. And to top it all off, I tried to distract Alex by including Lieutenant Craig in our discussions. The man took everything I said the wrong way. I had to physically discourage the lieutenant’s advances!”

  Fury blazes in Szames’s eyes. “Craig did what? Did he hurt you?”

  I shake my head in denial.

  My would-be protector adds, “I will have a talk with the lieutenant.” The way he growls it leaves no doubt that there will be very little conversing to it.

  “Thank you for your concern, but I have already handled the matter. I think it will be a long time before he tries anything like that again.” I soothe his anger before mine reasserts itself. “And now I’m so frustrated with that idiot brother of yours, I could just spit!”

  “You know…” Szames’s anger melts as he chuckles. “I bet you are not half as frustrated as Alex. You are dead right when you said he expects every woman to fall at his feet. And here is the most exotic beauty of all, the one everyone tells him he is supposed to marry, and she repeatedly rejects him!”

  Some of the day’s stress drains away as we both get a good laugh imagining Alex pacing like a caged lion. When I regain control of my senses, I feel a creeping headache. That youth spell must not be effective against tension headaches.

  “Thank you, Szames. I needed that.” I sigh, with relief this time. “That is one of the things I miss most about my husband. He is great at looking at the bright side of things. He always makes me laugh.”

  “Do you miss him terribly?” Szames whispers.

  Having drunk more wine than usual, I find myself opening up. “I miss him most when I crawl into a empty bed with no one to help warm the coldness. The rest of the time
, this world of yours has me so captivated, he doesn’t enter my thoughts. But in the quiet moments or when I need someone to talk to…” My voice turns husky as it trails off.

  “Reba, I hope you know that whenever you need a friend, I will be happy to listen.” The resonant bass in his words has a familiar quality to it.

  “I appreciate it, Szames. The feeling is mutual. Whenever you need an ear…” My smile is genuine. I can’t believe I have found a friend here, of all places.

  Szames flushes as he shrugs. “Do not worry. You will get a turn. I will probably bore you to death with details of supply demands.”

  “Does that mean that we are on for dinner tomorrow night?” He nods so I continue. “I was unable to find a way around the portal law. I would love to stay—your world feels more like home than my own—but I am out of options. It looks like you will be losing three of us after one crusade around the castle.”

  “Only three of you are leaving?” His somberness is a deeper echo of mine.

  I nod. “Yeah. If Allinon and Charles would change their minds, then I could stay too, but I don’t think there’s much chance of that.”

  Szames tilts his head. “You have no children. Your marital contract is easy enough to break. If you want to stay, why do you not? I am sure Father will offer you a position as counselor.”

  “And what kind of adviser would that make me? I’m married. That means that I have taken a vow before my country, my family, and God. What kind of person would discard a sworn oath because they found someplace they would rather be?” I sigh. “No, I can’t. I’ll probably regret it for the rest of my life, but I can’t break that vow.”

  “Reba, I admire your integrity.” I look away, blushing at the adoration in his eyes. Deftly he changes topics. “In the meantime, is there anything else I can do to make your time here more enjoyable?”

  “Got any aspirin?” I crack a joke to lighten the mood.

  “Au-sp-rin? I will try to find some for you if you will be kind enough to tell me what kind of things they are.”


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