Prophecy of the Flame

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Prophecy of the Flame Page 34

by Lynn Hardy

  To me you have continually been.

  Therefore, I will now give unto you

  The ability to see what I do.

  ‘Sight,’ and magic you can see.

  Once more, and your vision is free.”

  I graze his forehead with the last line, feeling lightness in my arm and euphoria within. A blue glow envelopes his head before melting into his eyes. How am I going to resist working with magic when there’s no pain? If I don’t vary the locations, Castle Eldrich will be one gigantic dead zone.

  “All you have to do is say s-i-ght”—I pronounce the English word slowly—“while thinking about seeing magic. Saying it again will return you back to normal.”

  “So all I have to do is say sight?” His brow crinkles as he stares at me. “The pattern of colored light surrounding you, that is your aura? They were right; it is brilliant… gems, sparkling in the sun. It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” As my cheeks brighten to pink, he stops gaping at me, looking instead to the force field.

  “If you’re ready?” I set my mind back on the work ahead. “It’ll take a moment for me to make today’s alterations.”

  Repeating the same spell we used last time we were aloft, I enlarge the shield by another ten feet. Seeing Alex waiting for me in the meadow, I take us there. I sense Alex’s shock at our landing. When he spots our linked hands, I perceive jealousy as well. I snap my empathy shield into place, releasing Szames.

  “Reba, timely as ever.” When we near, Alex takes my hand, delivering a courtly kiss. “I had no idea flying makes you look so radiant. Perhaps I will have to take you up on your offer and accompany you one day soon.”

  Butterflies have come back to haunt my stomach by the time he is through. It is all I can do to break eye contact with him. Reluctantly Prince Alexandros releases me.

  “When you want your first flight, let me know. For now we have these poles to take care of. I didn’t want to exhaust you, so I brought Szames for additional support.” I indicate his unacknowledged sibling.

  I hold the hands of both princes, one in each of mine, and recite the duplication spell. When I utter the final words, the fair-haired prince touches the enchanted shaft to the waiting poles.

  “While you’re both here, let me demonstrate these for you. It will be necessary for you to train several of your men so they can distribute them before the battle.” I bend to pick up one of the light-posts. Both princes jump to assist me. Being in the way, now that there are three of us trying to stand one shaft upright, I take a step back, instructing them to hold it perpendicularly to the ground while pressing downward.

  “Pen-eh-trate.” I make an effort in the pronunciation.

  When the lamppost sinks five feet into the ground, Alex takes a backward step. Szames wiggles the pole, testing its durability.

  “Il-lum-i-nate.” Instantly the mage-globe brightens. I ask the brothers to hold the shaft once more then intone, “release” followed by “transparent.”

  Szames and Alex practice the unfamiliar words. Alex has more trouble than Szames. However, after a few tries, both are able to accomplish setting and turning on the lamppost.

  Stating my need to speak with my rock bearers, I am able to extricate myself from Alex. Our long, quick strides are synchronized like runners of a three-legged race as Szames accompanies me to the front gate.

  Noticing my silent companion still has sight activated, I ask, “I take it you believe what I said about Alex?”

  “I am sorry I ever doubted you.” He gives a tired shake of his head. “Tell me: Is it like that every time you are near him?”

  “More or less. This was his strongest effort since I started shielding myself. Most of the time it isn’t as intense. The barrage is more incessant.”

  A look of disgust slides across Szames’s face as we close in on the gate. His countenance speaks volumes about his disapproval concerning his brother’s actions.

  “Szames, don’t get me wrong. He’s still something a woman can resist,” I clarify my position. “All you have to do is want to bad enough.”

  A nod to the guards at the gate is all it takes to get us onto the street. In the dusky light of the coming night, it is easy to spot the group of children. I smile, seeing that, once again, they all have a bundle of food intended for distribution to the workers as they reenter the gates at dusk.

  Upon recognizing my silver robe, the youngsters dash toward us, all except the two tallest, who are carrying the pails of rocks. Recognizing my large companion, they skid to a stop about a foot away. They sketch awkward bows, keeping their eyes on the ground before them.

  “Prince Szames, I’d like you to meet five of the most helpful children in your city: Maria, Araine, Kappi: Chazan, and Todd are the one carrying the buckets.”

  “Milady, these are your stone collectors? They are young to be dedicated to such a noble cause.” When he bows back to the children, Maria blushes a bright red while Araine hides her face in her brother’s shirt. “The kingdom is most grateful for the service you have rendered.”

  Taking the stones from Todd, I address the kids again. “You guys have been doing such a wonderful job; I don’t know what I would do without you. If you think you’re up to it, I’ve got another task for you.”

  “Yes, m’lady.” Todd’s back is board straight.

  Squatting down to their level, I use a stone to form another pail. I explain that we need two full buckets for the next two days and a third bucket, tomorrow.

  “Momma’s so happy I’m helpin’, I know she’ll let us go earlier,” Chazan volunteers.

  “I knew I could count on you. Now this next part is real important.” I lower my voice as the circle of their cherub faces closes in around me. “Tomorrow I also need you to find eight rocks the size of two of your hands. I’m going to give you a very special stone, one that will protect you from being hurt.”

  I ask them to repeat the instructions. During their impeccable recital, I notice Kappi’s stuffy nose and ask him about it. “I’m okay, m’lady.” He sounds like someone has applied sandpaper to his voice box. “Please don’t tell my mom; she’ll keep me home for sure.”

  “How ‘bout if I fix it for you?” I gather him in my arms, trying for healer’s sight. “Can you tell me how it feels?”

  The brave lad describes the symptoms of the common cold. I place my fingers where the infection has taken hold. When my sight indicates a full recovery, I hand him the cloth wrapping from the unwanted necklace.

  “Now blow.” In a matter of seconds, he is unable to loosen anything more from his nose.

  “My head don’t hurt, and my nose stopped it’s runnin’.” Squeezing my neck in a hug, he adds, “Thank you, m’lady.”

  “You’re very welcome. Prince Szames, are you ready?” I stand, anxious to get back to work.

  “I have the paladin stone, milady.” There is a reverence in his voice that causes me to blush.

  After transforming the contents of the bucket, I hand stones to my volunteers. “Now I want each one of you to spit on the stone then put it in a pouch with a lock of your hair and tie that around your neck. Can you do that for me?”All five immediately complete the first step. I smile.

  “You’d better get home now. Your parents are probably looking for you.”

  “You have a way with kids.” Szames remarks as we turn back to the castle.

  “And so do you. I don’t think any of them will ever forget: a prince paid them a compliment.” A smile of disbelief plays about my lips. “You know, for a noble, you aren’t all bad.”

  Szames’s squire, Harold, is waiting for us at the gate. I ask to borrow his services.

  “Harold, there’s a staff next to my bed. Could you fetch it for me, please? We will meet you at the practice grounds.” I don’t get the sense of fear or awe from him that I do from most others. I suppose when you are serving a prince, dealing with an archmage is no big deal.

  Harold’s darting glance to Szames for confirmation is
barely perceptible before he replies, “Yes, milady,” and exits with a bow.

  “If you have time for an extra stop, I could use your help getting a few of those new lamps over to the practice fields.” I invite my favorite magic partner to join me.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Charles, how’s the training?” I shout as we approach the small group of new recruits.

  The paladin gives some final instructions to his trainees before joining us. “Darn good, considering only two of them had touched a sword before.”

  “I’ve got your lampposts.” I indicate the four poles with mage globes attached to one end. We set them up around the perimeter of his designated area while Charles fills us in on the details.

  “After they got over the shock of knowing what to do, they increased in proficiency tenfold. Now they are better than the majority of the troops. What they lack in strength, they more than make up for in speed and skill. Even with my additional power and reach, I’m hard pressed to best them.” With a leer, he adds, “But there’s not another soldier I’d rather be hard pressed with.”

  Chuckling not so much at the dark man’s pun, but at his return to good humor, I shake my head. A moment later, when Harold returns with the requested staff, I unbutton my cloak. “If you think they’re up to it, it’s time I got in a little practice myself. It will let me see firsthand how they adapt to a different opponent with a new weapon.”

  “This should be interesting.” Szames takes my silver cloak while Charles nods in agreement.

  “Tell you what, let’s make it really interesting. With my mage talents, I have lightning speed and agility, heightened intuition, not to mention six inches of reach. They all have a paladin stone?” When Charles replies affirmatively, I give a firm nod. “I will take on three of them.”

  “I assume you have a stone or something?” Charles arches an eyebrow.

  “Paladin stone,” I pronounce in my native tongue. I give a cockeyed smile. “I’m good to go.”

  The three of us enter their sparring area. The women form a line, coming to attention.

  “At ease, ladies. I’m just here to get in a little practice. Mikaela, Auricle, and… Rucela, wasn’t it? You three against me. Don’t pull any punches. I won’t either.” The recruits jump to obey my no-nonsense tone.

  The indicated women circle my position in a triangular pattern while I stand with my feet shoulder width apart, braced for their attack. Mikaela gives a minute nod of her head. All three edge forward. I rush at the closest warrior, Auricle, to buy a few seconds before I have to deal with all three.

  When the woman’s eyes dart to her partners, I land a bone-crunching strike across her wrist. With the shield active, the blow is reduced to a bruising force that causes her to drop her sword. “Hai-ya!” A quick karate kick to the stomach takes Auricle down and a jag to the head with my staff out for the count. I pivot to face the others.

  Sparring with the remaining two is like nothing I have ever done. Taking a deep breath, I let go, allowing my body to react without my mind’s supervision. Swifter than thought, I parry the dual attack. Sweat beads up on my brow as I fail to find an opening to disable either one. Minutes drag by. I sense a crowd of onlookers gathering. I force my mind to stay focused on my opponents. Patiently I wait for the opening I know will bring the mice within reach of my claws.

  Men begin cheering, some for me, some for the Cuthburan women. Rucela darts a quick glance in their direction. My staff swipes her feet out from under her. The next strike knocks the wind out of her.

  Mikaela’s attack takes on a desperate fury as we square off, one on one. When I see Rucela moving to rise, leaving herself wide open, a quick swing that would have split her head, were it not for the paladin stone, leaves her unconscious. Mikaela is good, a master swordswoman by any standards. But with my enhanced abilities, she is outmatched. Another five minutes and her sword hits the ground. Still the fiery redhead is unwilling to yield. When I aim a strike at her head, she blocks with her wrist, and although pain nearly blinds the woman, her face is set like stone.

  With her attention focused on the staff, she misses the leg sweep coming right on the heels of the charge. My redheaded opponent lands flat on her back, unable to breathe. My stave halts mere inches from her nose. The match is over.

  “Not bad against three miniature swordsmen, but how would you fair against full-sized attackers?” The biting sarcasm in Alex’s voice surprises me more than hearing from the prince at all. “Brother, I bet you and I alone could best her.”

  Although he has addressed his sibling, his remarks are loud enough to be heard by the hundred or so men watching the sparring match.

  “Is that so, Your Highness? I’d rather see the two of you matched up against these ladies, if you are so contemptuous of their skill.” I shoot Charles a warning glance when he begins to chuckle at the proposed duel.

  “Since you are secure in their abilities, why not take one as a partner if it is the odds that concern you.” Alex replies. I am overcome with desire to acquiesce.

  Snapping my empathy shield in place, my reply drips with honey. “If I am to have a partner, I insist you take a third man on your team.”

  “Agreed. Stezen, up to a little sparring?” The crown prince’s ethics, or lack thereof, do not keep him from trying to recruit the arms master standing beside him.

  “With all due respect, Your Highness, you got yourself into this, and you can get yourself out of it.” Stezen recognizes the true skill of the newest additions to the army.

  Alex’s smile is crooked. “Szames, are you going to desert me too, Brother?”

  “I stood beside you when we faced a horde of demons; these odds do not look much worse.” The crowd chuckles as Szames gives a slight lift of his chin. “Count me in.”

  Alex’s last choice for a teammate makes me shake my head at his gall. “Charles, now is a good time to find out how well we will work together.”

  “At your service, Your Highness.” Prince Charming rolls his eyes as he bows.

  “And your choice, milady?” Alex’s smile is smug.

  I saunter over to where the women have huddled into a group, noting every word of the exchange. “How’s the arm feel? Mikaela, you up to another round?”

  “Milady, I received worse than this from Svin every octal. I’d be proud to help you teach these men a lesson.” By the sneer in her voice when she refers to the opposite sex, I suspect Svin will be better off if he never sees his magically endowed wife again.

  “No use in starting off already bruised; it’s going to be a close match.” I take a moment to heal her arm and whisper, “Don’t let your anger get away from you. Alex still favors his right shoulder.” Mikaela gives a terse nod.

  The number of onlookers has doubled in size by the time we take our place in the center of the field. Standing side by side as we watch the men approach, I begin an enchantment I hadn’t gotten around to implementing.

  “A woman I am, and a warrior I must be,

  Bones stronger than steel will keep harm from me.

  ‘Schwarzenegger’ and ten times his strength will be.”

  A moment later I whisper Mr. Universe’s name. Charles begins to slide right, and Szames edges left to divide our attention. Turning back to back, we wait for the men to make the first move.

  The first few strikes are mild as they try to determine our weaknesses. Mikaela has no problem holding her own, so I concentrate on finding an opening in Charles’s master-level swordsmanship. His paladin shield slows down my increased speed. We are evenly matched… almost.

  Alex’s continual taunts at my companion begin to get on my nerves. My next parry has more force behind it than I intend. Charles dexterously moves the sword to his left hand while he waits to regain the feeling in the right one.

  “Little Momma, you’re stronger than I remember,” Charles chides playfully.

  “Call it my new Conan spell. Figured I’d need it against you.”

  The compl
iment has the anticipated effect. Charles’s strikes become cocky. Ducking his next swing instead of parrying it, I bring my staff down solidly on his foot. He manages a clumsy backswing, but it leaves his head open for a second. That is half a second more than I need. My staff lashes out. The paladin shield keeps it from crushing his skull as he sinks bonelessly to the ground.

  I take my place beside my partner. She, too, has her sword in her left hand. Mikaela is momentarily distracted by my appearing beside her. Alex lands a solid blow on her thigh, taking her down. Even injured, she manages to roll out of the way so she won’t interfere.

  “It looks like we have the desired match after all, milady.” Alex’s charming smile makes me want to zap him with a stun spell and be done with it.

  Taking a step back, I bow as if we are starting the duel over again. “As you wish, so it is done.”

  I move a few more paces back then sprint toward the royal pair. Planting my staff out of arm’s reach, I vault over the princely brothers. Twisting in midair, both feet hit the ground, making a solid landing between them. With my increased speed, I land a kidney punch on Szames before he has time to turn and engage me.

  With a backswing, I take Alex off his feet and come up to parry his brother’s first blow. Concentrating on my intuition, I avert the attacks from both sides and land another blow to knock the wind out of Szames.

  “Hai-ya!” Swiveling around like a ninja, I block Alex with my staff, aiming a foot at his head. The raven-haired prince blocks both attacks by the skin of his teeth. I cartwheel while holding my staff, giving myself a few heartbeats to recover.

  “It seems she has as much fire on the field as she does off.” Alex’s blatant insinuation is accompanied by a suggestive leer.

  The crowd erupts in hoots. Szames struggles to his feet. “I must agree; her beauty is unsurpassed when she is angered. But, Brother, I do not think antagonizing her is the best course of action.”

  With laughter flowing like a river around me, I devise a plan. “And how would you like to find out just how fiery I can be, Your Highness?” I coo, leaving my implied wager clear. “If either of you best me, he will be the one to find out.”


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