Jade's Paradox_Becoming Fairy Queen

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Jade's Paradox_Becoming Fairy Queen Page 10

by Isabelle Hardesty

  She looked at the dark void of faces, knowing that there were hundreds of fairies sitting quietly, but she was unable to see them all.

  "We've managed to make the shapeshifters think we hate them. The Faction is being taken down, group by group. It’s only a matter of time before all normals know we exist. Do we want to be known as fairies who are good or evil? The only way we are going to survive is if we unite with shapeshifters and live in peace with normals, not kill them like Bex is planning."

  The room was silent and then gave Jade a luke-warm applause.

  "My boyfriend is a shapeshifter.”

  Several fairies gasped, but most stayed silent.

  “And I briefly thought about abiding by the rules and breaking up with him if I won, but I’m not. I want to be Fairy Enthrall to change things for the better. I don’t see how loving a shapeshifter is bad.”

  She paused and looked around, hoping to see Seven’s reaction. She never wanted him to doubt her love for him. Her gaze found him and she felt like all was right in the world.

  “So if you’re ready for our new future together, working with shapeshifters to survive, then vote for me. Thank you.”

  "That was great, Jade," Malik said.

  Jade exhaled and leaned on the nearest wall. "What now?" she asked.

  "Now all we can do is wait."

  Several other fairies followed Jade. With each performance, her anxiety grew. She wondered where Nyx was and knew that time was running out for her to stop Bex from using the Flora Mordis on normals and shapeshifters.

  Finally, the emcee leaned towards the microphone and said, “Bex.”

  The crowd cheered as Bex stood up. She looked the part of the incumbent Fairy Enthrall as she swayed left and right, her dress cascading dozens of flowers which hit the stage and sprouted. She recited a popular fairy poem.

  Jade rolled her eyes as Bex spoke of tenderness being balanced by the force of fairies.

  Bex stopped and then held her hands out. “The previous poem was beautiful. I remember reciting it as an ignorant child. But I’m not a child anymore.”

  The crowd rippled with chatter and then grew quiet when she continued.

  “Now I am bombarded with story after story of either the Faction or shapeshifters attacking us.”

  Jade clenched her fists as she watched the evil fairy queen lie about shapeshifters.

  Bex’s dress turned from a pale yellow into a deep violet in an instant. The flowers on stage changed to a bright red, flames shooting out of them. “This is in memory of the one weapon we fairies had to protect us from annihilation: Flora Mordis.”

  There were audible gasps from the audience

  Bex walked closer to the edge of the stage and pointed at various fairies in the audience. “Once we knew how to create this weapon, but that was stolen from us. Some say that happened to protect us. I say it was to control us.”

  Bex reached into the décolletage of her dress and pulled out a vial. “This is the only sample of Flora Mordis on earth.”

  The great hall was silent.

  “If you make me Fairy Enthrall once more, I will protect you and use this to wipe out all normals and shapeshifters.” She held the vial up and turned to face Jade. She slowly tucked it back in her dress and sneered at Jade as she turned back to face the audience. Bex bowed and the crowd stood up, cheering.

  Jade dug her fingernails into her seat, popping several pearls onto the floor. She couldn’t take it anymore. This was the moment she had to act.

  She stood up to finally fight Bex and take the Flora Mordis from her. She paused when she heard the emcee.

  The emcee walked to the microphone and said, “Contestants will now demonstrate their strength. Each fairy contestant will fight a Cloyn fairy, selected for her strength, power and agility. She has willingly taken the Vinal Vine Tea to enhance these traits.” She opened up an envelope and then closed it after it reading the contents. “The first to go against Nyx will be Jade.”

  Jade’s head whipped to the right, “Nyx!” she yelled. She cringed when she saw Nyx walk on stage. She didn’t think Nyx knew what she was taking, not if it was going to make her look and behave like she this. She scurried out of her seat and ran to her younger sister.

  Nyx lumbered toward the center of the stage and stopped, her arms swinging. She took a deep breath.

  Nyx’s eyes rolled back, revealing the whites of her eyes, but they were tinged green. Jade knew that Nyx wasn’t going to be able to be reasoned with.

  Nyx spun and grasped the microphone from the jeweled stand. “I am Nyx. I am Cloyn.” She dropped the microphone and fell to her knees. She stretched her arms out; she shook her back and two long translucent wings unfurled. She stood up and bent forward. Her wings flapped, lifting her off the ground about four feet.

  Nyx charged towards Jade, knocking her on her back.

  Once on her back, she was finally able to see where her family was seated. She saw her mother covering her face and her father’s arm wrapped around her shoulders.

  Jade jumped to her feet and blocked a kick to her head from Nyx.

  “Nyx, it’s me, Jade. Look at me!” Jade yelled.

  Jade stepped back, tripping on her dress, and fell on her bottom. She scrambled backwards, hoping to avoid Nyx.

  “You have to stop! This isn’t you!” Jade screamed. Her heart felt as if it was going to pound through her chest. Jade felt her shapeshifting happening and this time, there would be no stopping it.

  Bex walked on stage and lifted her arms up. The smoke responded and lurched over Bex’s head. It surged towards Jade and grabbed her leg, pulling her towards Bex.

  Jade kicked her sneakers off and freed herself from Bex.

  Seven jumped onto the stage. “We’re stopping you tonight.”

  Bex circled her hand wide, creating a small wind tunnel and knocked Seven to the other side of the stage.

  Some in the crowd cheered, while others were silent.

  “Oh, a shapeshifter at our event,” Bex said, feigning surprise.

  Jade had her back to her sister and was shocked when Nyx wrapped her hands around her neck and squeezed. She couldn’t breathe. Jade had no choice but to bend her knees and flip her sister over her head.

  Nyx landed with a thud and was out.

  “I’m sorry,” Jade said, touching Nyx’s face.

  Alejandro made his way to the stage, sweeping in and scooping up Nyx with the help of Soraya and Malik. The young shapeshifter tended to his beloved fairy girlfriend.

  Soraya stood up and walked towards Bex. “Stay away from Jade and Nyx.”

  Jade heard Soraya’s voice, but couldn’t respond. She fell to her knees and reached forward with her hands as her shapeshifting took control of her body. She was torn between watching her injured sister get pulled to safety and watching Bex attacking Seven. She couldn’t move until the transformation was complete. Her dress unbuttoned without her touching it as her back elongated. It fell to the floor, as her skin shifted to dragon scales, iridescent mixed with purple and greens.

  Jade’s jaw ached as it stretched and her vision sharpened. She turned her head to Soraya and then to Bex and clawed at the cold stage floor as she leapt towards the evil fairy queen.

  Bex held up her hand and one of her guards standing behind the curtain threw a sword to her. She wielded the sword and sliced at Jade, cutting her shoulder.

  The crowd gasped.

  Bex then pointed the sword towards Soraya. “Are you sure you want to battle with me? You still have time to run away.”

  Seven struggled as blue smoke began covering his head.

  The audience seemed to slowly realize that the fighting on stage was real and not a grand performance.

  Jade jumped to Seven and held him with her strong claws, careful not to hurt him. She pulled him, unable to free him. Now the smoke covered part of her claw, too.

  Soraya yelled, “Bex, I am through letting you steal from me. No more!” Soraya held her hands up and threw a mi
xture of the dust.

  Jade tried to free herself and to her horror, Bex reached into her dress and pulled out the vial. She opened it and waved it in the air. “Fairies, witness as I use the Flora Mordis on this shapeshifter and watch as he disintegrates.”

  Nyx regained consciousness and pushed Alejandro’s hand off of her. “Let me help. I can’t believe I almost killed Jade.”

  “No, Nyx. I think your new mom’s handling this, look,” Alejandro said, pointing to Soraya.

  “I’ve waited for this moment for so long,” Soraya said. She turned to Jade in her dragon form and said, “Lower your head.”

  Jade craned her head low, avoiding the blast of fire that Soraya shot at Bex. It poured out of her hands. She staggered and the color from her face waned.

  Jade freed herself from Bex’s grip and managed to free Seven for the length of a second.

  It was too late. Bex held the vial up and poured it in Seven’s direction.

  Jade lurched forward to knock Seven out of the way, but was beaten by Soraya, who fell straight into the path of the poison.

  It fizzled on her left leg and burned bright purple. Soraya screamed and grabbed her thigh, writhing in pain.

  Jade knocked the vial to the floor and clawed at Bex, who scrambled out of her grasp, until Jade pinned her to the stage. The evil queen couldn’t move.

  Jade breathed in Bex’s face and let out a high pitched scream.

  The crowd cheered as Cheltan guards swooped in and captured Bex.

  Jade saw her dress in a heap on the stage. Seven picked it up and led her to the side stage, near the curtains, where she transformed to her natural state and re-dressed.

  She hugged him, and then ran to Soraya, who was being attended to by Rosa and Henry.

  “The fairy sitting to my left thought she was watching a performance,” Henry said as Rosa helped dress Soraya’s wounded leg.

  “Thank you for protecting Jade,” Rosa said.

  Soraya squeezed Rosa’s hand. “I’m glad Bex has finally been stopped.”

  Seven kneeled near Soraya and said, “Soraya, you saved my life twice.”

  “And I would do it again.”

  Jade felt a moment of hesitation, seeing her adoptive mother and her birth mother together, and then realized they were all family. “Soraya, thank you for saving my life and Seven’s.”

  The emcee found Malik and pulled him aside as Jade and everyone else talked.

  Jade hugged Nyx and said, “I’m so glad you’re safe. Promise me you’ll come to me next time there’s trouble, no matter what it is. I’m not always the best listener, but I will learn.”

  Nyx hugged her sister.

  Malik walked towards Jade. “Well, they’ve obviously disqualified Bex for being a murderous mad fairy.”

  “So, after they allow the audience to vote—“

  “How long before we know?” Jade asked, clasping Seven’s hand.

  “Give it three hours or maybe four,” he said, wringing his hands.

  Jade felt like she had won already. Her family was safe and her love was by her side. She leaned her head on Seven’s chest and said, “We did it.”

  “Well, we won’t know about the election—“

  “That’s the cherry on top, if I get it. If I don’t become Fairy Enthrall, how can I complain?” She kissed him and was relieved that it was all over.


  One Month Later

  Jade walked to the large balcony overlooking the city. She was almost used to the amazing view from her new home. She couldn’t believe she was now the Fairy Enthrall. It had been a month and she had already seen fairies making peaceful negotiations with shapeshifters.

  Seven walked up behind her and kissed her neck.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Seven said, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  She turned around, her red satin dress capturing the moonlight. “In that suit, you look like a dangerous shapeshifter I should be warned about,” she said with a chuckle. She traced the line of his jaw with her finger. Her eyes helixed and then returned to brown.

  He pulled her to him and pressed his lips against hers.

  “I love you, Seven. In your arms, everything melts away.”

  “I love you, Jade. You’re strong and fight to protect those you love.”

  Her brown curly hair draped over his shoulder as she rested her head against him. “I don’t always feel strong. The Faction still exists, even though more are being arrested every day. And it’s hard to ignore that some fairies hate me.” His body warmed her in the cool night breeze.

  He chuckled. “Did I ever show you my hate mail? Or I should say my hate tweets?”

  “Yes and those people are terrible,” she said with a frown and a chuckle.

  “You’re never going to please everyone. You’ve told me those very words when I’ve gotten some cutting reviews.”

  “I know.”

  “How is everything going with everyone?” he asked.

  “Where do I begin?” She led him to the large couch. “My mom and dad are great and so is my little brother. They’ll be here tomorrow. Nyx texted me from her new dorm. Her roommate is a fairy.”

  “Nice. Does Alejandro like living in California? I have to say, I kind of miss the guy,” Seven said as he sat beside her.

  “Yes. Now he’s closer to his family and Nyx, so it works out for everyone.” She was relieved her sister was back to being Nyx.

  “I’ve been so busy, but I love it,” she said. She was thrilled with her new role but would have to learn how to handle the heavy load of meetings.

  “Between changing most of the Order members, meeting with shapeshifters of different territories, continuing to help Detective Solano stop the Faction, and our late night crime fighting, I can agree you’ve been quite busy.”

  “There’s still so much to do,” Jade said. “What color superhero tights and cape do you want?” she asked with a laugh.

  “Pink, please,” he said with a smile, and then grew serious.

  “Seriously, though, you don’t have to do it all in your first two months of holding this position, my love.”

  She sighed. “You’re right.” She felt that after all the evil Bex had done she had to work fast to right things.

  “Has Bex sent another request for a new trial today?”

  “Yes, and as always, the Order and I have denied it. It’s weird that Soraya is part of the Order now,” Jade said.

  “Yeah, but she seems to fit right in. But, enough about work. Do you know what today is?” Seven said, with a sparkle in his eyes. He leaned forward.

  She thought of her several meetings that day with shapeshifters and fairies. “Did I miss a meeting?” She hoped not.

  “No, but you almost forgot that today is your birthday.”

  “We met one year ago today,” she said in a soft voice. “I can’t believe you remembered with everything that’s going on.” She smiled, remembering seeing Seven for the first time. Her heart skipped a beat.

  “How could I forget?” He slid to the floor and kneeled before her. He reached into his pocket.

  Jade’s heart raced. Time seemed to slow down like molasses as she looked into his eyes.

  Seven took a deep breath. “Jade, I love you. From the moment you came into my hotel room, you turned my life upside down, in a good way.” Seven smiled and his lips trembled. He held her hand and looked into her eyes.

  She covered her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes. She nodded her response as she watched him fumble his proposal.

  “I know you’re busy with everything, but I also know what my heart wants – it wants you. I would be the happiest shapeshifter if you would marry me, whenever you want, of course. It could be now or in a couple of years—whatever. Will you marry me, Jade?”

  “Yes, Seven.” Jade cupped his face in her hands and nodded. “Ever since I met you, my world has changed, too. You’ve been with me every step of the way, always supporting me and loving me. You believed in me
when I didn’t believe in myself.”

  The moonlight gleamed on Jade’s engagement ring as Seven slipped the diamond on her finger.

  He reached up and kissed her.

  Jade gave in to his kiss like she had never done before. Her head swirled with the sweet sensation of love mixed with happiness that only true love brings.

  “Your diamond was cut by a shapeshifter jeweler and created with fairy gold,” Seven said.

  “It’s a true symbol of our love and unity,” Jade said.

  “I like that,” he said, caressing her hand.

  “I’ll be right back.” She scurried out of the living room, her high heels clicking on the tile floor. She kicked them off as she rounded the corner.

  She returned quickly in the same red satin dress, but with her hoodie partially zipped over it. She felt more like herself.

  “I don’t want to share you tonight. The world can wait. Let’s just order in,” Jade said, wrapping her arms around Seven’s broad shoulders.

  “I like that,” Seven said, pulling her closer to him. He pressed his lips against hers as his hands caressed her back.

  She had finally found who she really was. Everything she had gone through had finally pointed her to this moment, right here with Seven, under the moon in NYC.

  The End




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  Thank you,

  Isabelle Hardesty


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