Marriage by Proxy

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Marriage by Proxy Page 6

by Combs, Sasha

  Misha unbutton her flannel top as he planted kisses along her neck and jaw line. He had begun speaking to her until he realized that he was speaking in Russian. Pulling her up to a sitting position, as her top lay wide open; he sat on his haunches and reached behind her head to untie her hair.

  “Carolyn I’m not going to lie to you. I don’t want to stop what we’ve started here tonight. If you don’t want me to go any further you need to tell me now because pass this point I plan on completely possessing you. And when I’m through I guarantee you, you’ll not have any further questions regarding our marriage or those 365 days you so fondly refer to.” Carolyn smiled at Misha because she was long pass the point of being able to tell him to leave her room. Her body had taken over and her mind was being held captive. Placing her hand on his thigh she slowly slid it until it lay gently atop his manhood. Looking him in the eyes she said “Misha whatever happens tonight I want you to know that I want you and I freely give myself to you.”

  Misha kissed Carolyn as he continued to undress her. As he gently laid her down he softly caressed her body as his lips planted kisses long her breast and across her neck. Misha kissed her ear then whispered to her.

  “Carolyn believe me when I say this…I love you. Don’t ask me when I knew…just know that I love you now.”

  That night as the firelight lit their cool room their bodies glistened with perspiration as they sent waves of sexual pleasure and delight to one another. Once they believed their need was quenched; another surge would hit them and they’d intertwine their limbs as each sexually charged encounter reached another plateau. As the sun peaked over the horizon and the fires embers glowed within the smoldering remains; Carolyn rested quietly in Misha’s arms as her aching body relished in their mutual bliss. She was happy. She didn’t want to dissect it, find reasoning or rationalize her dubious behavior. She was certain of one thing; she and Misha were a perfect fit.

  Chapter Six

  It just keeps getting better

  When Carolyn lifted her head from the pillow her eyes squinted due to the sunlight brightly illuminating the room. As she stretched, she released a delicious moan as her body ached from the late night marathon romp. As her eyes fully adjusted to the well lit room, Carolyn looked around and realized that Misha was MIA. She whispered to herself.

  “He wakes up the tiger in the sister then he won’t stay around long enough to tame it.” Carolyn gets out of the bed; bracing the cool chilled room; she tip-toes across the cold hardwood floor to peak out of the bedroom window. When they arrived at the log cabin it was late and the night blanketed the surroundings preventing her from seeing the view. Most of the trees had already succumb to autumn and had lost their leaves but the mighty evergreens soared high into the sky and lay scattered throughout the landscape rendering a serene view. As the chilly air began to produce goose bumps on her body, she turned around to find her robe. Carolyn was startled to see Misha standing in the door holding a tray of food as his eyes rested upon her naked body. Playfully Carolyn said “Do you like what you see?”

  “You better believe it. But I thought I showed you last night. I must not have done a good enough job convincing you. I see I still have some convincing to do.” Misha sat the tray on the night stand and closed the distance between he and Carolyn. Picking her up into his arms he placed her onto the bed. Gently positioning his body on top of her; he captured her mouth with his. Deeply and passionately he relayed his full intentions in his kiss. His moans said I need you. His teasing bites said I want you. And his touch said you’re mines. As Misha and Carolyn made love every stroke of passion seemed to take them pass a point of no return. They both demonstrated specific needs and they each made every attempt to fulfill their partner’s desire. Nothing stood between them. And the contract that had originally bound them was being replaced by an intricate webbing of emotions, passion and love.

  As morning gave way to evening, Carolyn and Misha lay wrapped in each others arms asleep in bed. They had made love all day long only stopping long enough to eat the cold breakfast that Misha had prepared and sat on the night stand. As Carolyn woke she slowly sat up, so as not to wake Misha, and loving gazed upon him. She couldn’t believe her fortune. She’d been so cynical regarding her circumstances; never truly relenting to the possibilities of happiness or Alexandra’s expertise in her field. Carolyn allowed her mind to wrap around the word husband as her eyes continued to rest on Misha. He was young, handsome, sexy and completely hers. She knew that their differences would cause them to have challenges, but the fact that Misha seem to take the initiative to take their relationship to another level only solidified her resolve that he was committed to the marriage and it wasn’t merely a contract. Carolyn leaned forward and kissed Misha on his lips. He had kissed every part of her body and she could still smell her perfume as its aroma lingered on his face. Misha released a deep moaned as he stretched his arms, encircling her body to rest nestled upon his chest. With his eyes still closed but fully awake he spoke to her.

  “Have I convinced you that I like what I see, or do I still have some convincing to do?”

  “Honey if you did any more convincing you’ll have to call the paramedics and have me air lifted out of here.”

  Laughing, he opened his eyes and peered at her.

  “Carolyn I love you. I’m not just saying that because it sounds sweet. I really love you.”

  “How can you say that so soon Misha? We haven’t known each other for a week.”

  “I can only tell you how I feel and I’m telling you that I love you. Call it love at first sight if it’ll make you feel any better.”

  Carolyn surveys his face as he played with her hair and rubbed her back. She was a good attorney and she could tell when someone was being less than truthful and her spidy senses were telling her that Misha was not lying. At the very least he did believe himself to be in love. Leaning in; she gently kissed him on his lips.

  “I’m going to take a shower. Why don’t you get a fire started in the great room and I’ll prepare something for use to eat when I’m done.” As she rolled over to get out of the bed Misha tapped her on her bare bottom with the palm of his hand.

  “Alright now, I’m not into that S&M stuff.”

  Misha was fluent in English but there were some terms and slang that he was not familiar with.

  “What’s S&M?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “Hmmm…now you’ve got me curious.”

  “Just go light the fire and believe me when I say that you don’t need to add anything new to your repertoire; you’ve got it going on babe.” Smiling, she winked at him as she entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

  Carolyn had not bought anything sexy or alluring for her weekend get away. She had not planned on seducing Misha nor did she feel the need to appear attractive. Now as she chose something to wear she regretted her attire choices. The thick wool sweaters, sweat shirts, flannel and heavy denim jeans were the extent of her fashion attire. She concluded that her female magnetism would have to compensate for her drab wardrobe.

  As she prepared dinner, Misha showered and shaved and returned just as fresh and sexy as the first day she’d met him. As he came behind her he wrapped his arms around her waist and began planting kisses along her neck and nibbled at her ears.

  “It smells good in here. What are you cooking?”

  “Baked chicken breast with lemon seasoning, twice baked potatoes, string beans and baked apples.”

  “Sounds delicious.”

  “You pack the food, and I’ll cook the meals.”

  “Would you like to turn the oven off while we review my…how did you say it…my repertoire.”

  Carolyn turned around to face Misha as his arms remained wrapped around her waist. “Misha before we take on your repertoire I think we need a little sustenance.” Lifting herself up on her tip toes, she planted a soft kiss on his lips as she inhaled his aroma. Closing her eyes she rested her head on his che
st as she recounted his confession of love. Carolyn had never truly been in love. She believed that that was partially the reason she’d rebuffed Kyle’s marriage proposal. She loved him and cared a great deal for him but she wasn’t in love with him. But now as she rested securely in Misha’s arms Carolyn was experiencing an unfamiliar emotion that lie deep within her soul. Even though she’d only know Misha for five day’s she suddenly couldn’t imagine her life without him. She knew that it wasn’t just the sex; even though it was great and he’d excited regions of her body that had never been touched before. Carolyn was a natural born pessimist and she knew how to shoot down anything that wasn’t the genuine article. The bond that was brewing between she and Misha was not artificial it was real and she believed that it was the beginnings of love. Misha gently ran his fingers through her hair as his thoughts wandered. He didn’t want to hold anything back from Carolyn. She was his wife and they both chose to enter into a marriage bond. This was something that Misha took very seriously and he was noticing the change in Carolyn as she too was beginning to show signs of her acceptance. He resolved that when the time was right he’d reveal everything to her and he could only hope that it wouldn’t unravel the bond that they had most recently acquiesced.

  Chapter Six

  It can’t get any sweeter than this

  After eating dinner Carolyn and Misha lie on the couch in each others arms. As Misha played with the ring that adorned her finger, Misha asked her a question.

  “When your parent’s died did you have a lot of emotional baggage?”

  Carolyn repositioned herself to look at Misha.

  “Why would you ask me that?” It seemed like such an out of the blue question to Carolyn and she knew that it stemmed from another thought that had to be lingering in Misha’s mind.

  “Well, when you talk about your aunt it sounds like you had a lot of feelings that maybe she just wasn’t prepared to deal with. Not to mention the fact that when your father died, she also lost her brother. Maybe your pain was just a little more than she could bear.” Carolyn had never thought of it in those terms. She believed that since she was the child and her aunt was the adult it was her job to be the responsible person and take care of her. She’d never thought about the pain that her aunt most probably felt. Not to mention the fact that she was a single thirty-three year old woman; forced to take on the role as primary care giver to a depressed, sniveling, eleven year old pre-pubescent girl.

  “I admit that I was distraught when my parent’s died; what child wouldn’t be? But I don’t feel that my behavior was outside of the norm. I was an emotional wreck in the beginning; but overtime I adjusted to my situation. We both did. And then we just got on with our lives.” Carolyn knew that Misha had opened up this can of worms for a reason, so it was time for her to don her cross examination hat.

  “Misha why would you ask me such an intimate question, is there something more specific that you’d like me to reveal?”

  “I believe that our parent’s have a great deal to do with how we deal with the world around us. You know…Nurture VS Nature. Since you lost your parents at such a young age, I was just wondering about the relationship that you had with your aunt. You just don’t seem to hold her in high regard.”

  “I love my aunt. We just have a complicated relationship. She took me in even though she didn’t have to. I could have ended up in the system; being shuffled from foster care home to foster care home but that didn’t happened and I’ll be forever grateful to her for that.”

  “Do you still talk to her?” Misha could tell that the conversation regarding her aunt was making her feel uncomfortable but they were far pass being polite and discrete. If their marriage was going to work they needed to discuss the hard things as well as the pleasant.

  “I send her a Christmas card and birthday card every year. She lives in Traverse City, but I try to see her at least once a year.” Misha knew that Carolyn was still holding back so he pressed on. He knew that he was treading on thin ice but he’d fearlessly played hockey on thin ice as a young boy in Russia and his nerves of steel propelled him onward.

  “Carolyn what part of this story are you leaving out. Why is your relationship with your aunt so…estranged?”

  “It’s complicated Misha.”

  “Well give me the uncomplicated version.”

  “I think you hung around those U.S. military fella’s just a little too much.”

  “As a matter of fact I did. Now stop trying to change the subject and fess up.”

  Carolyn took in a deep breath and released a long sigh. She’d only shared this story with Alexandra. She’d never even considered telling Kyle and now she found herself preparing to tell Misha. But she thought to herself it’s only right that I tell him because he’s my husband.

  “My father and his sister, where only half brother and sister. My father was the product of an affair. You see, my grandfather, Richard Camdenton, was a Dean at a university and he had an affair with one of his students, my grandmother, Cheyenne Lester. When she got pregnant she tried to break off the affair because her family threatened to disown her if she didn’t. Richard fancied himself in love with her so he begged her to keep the baby and to continue their secret affair. As the truth usually has a way of surfacing; Richard’s wife found out about the affair and notified the president of the university. When the dust settled Cheyenne was expelled and Richard received a tap on the wrist which resulted in a semester suspension with a mandatory sabbatical. His wife forgave him and he went back to be with his family; playing the dutiful husband and father role. I suppose this wouldn’t be much of a story but the complexity lied in their ethnicity. Richard was white and my father’s mother, Cheyenne was black. After my father was born his mother attended a local college and graduated with her nursing degree. She and Richard continued to carry on their secret affair until his untimely death in a boating accident. As promised, her family disowned her, even after Richard’s death. Richard did love my father, and he proved this by naming him in his Will; which caused a new set of problems for my dad and his mother. Over time my father and his half sister Clair, Richard’s daughter, had began corresponding after she sought him out. They actually had a true brother and sister bond despite the disapproval of her family. Clair was the odd ball of the family and she always made a point of doing things her own way, no matter how it affected her family or vexed her mother. But when my father died; not only did Clair have to deal with the death of her brother, but the full force of her disapproving family landed directly on her head. Her mother literally blackballed her from the Camdenton family. She was no longer welcomed at any family gatherings because I wasn’t welcomed. And when she tried to date men, she had to explain to her white boyfriends that I was not her child but this only lead to more questions. I was a burden to her. So when I graduated from high school I left home and never looked back. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate what she did for me. But it wasn’t all peaches and cream. Most times it felt like a bed of thorn filled roses; it looked good from the outside but it was painful on the inside.” Carolyn had replayed her story with little to no emotion. Misha could tell that she’d lived with this emotional scar for so long it had actually become a part of her armor. As he pulled her in close Misha said “Carolyn, we all have something in our childhood that has scarred us in one way or another but I feel that every person has it within them to rise above that pain. You’re living proof of that. I’d admit I wish your relationship with your aunt was more congenial, but I understand the reason for its current state. You are a survivor and I’m sure that your parents would have been proud of all of the accomplishments that you’ve made in your life.” Carolyn felt the tears as they began to roll down her cheeks. She didn’t realize how much she’d bound up her emotions from the past. But Misha validated her feelings and this caused her to feel a release from the pain that had so bound her for over twenty years. Carolyn wanted to be in his arms. She wanted him to love her like no man had ever loved her touched he
r. Coming to a sitting position she turned too looked at Misha.


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