Awakened in September

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Awakened in September Page 3

by Kelsey Clayton

  “Not true.” I counter. “I think I very well may be in love.”

  “With who?!” The three of them shout.

  “Mila Kunis.”

  Their excitement dies down rapidly and a pillow hits me in the back of the head. After they’re done laughing, Jesse looks at me seriously.

  “No, but really. Could you see yourself having a relationship with this girl?”

  “I don’t know. I mean she’s not that bad. I can stand being around her, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Well, not quite, but it’s a start.” He replies. “You should give it a shot.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” My defenses automatically start kicking in.

  Caleb leans forward with his arms resting on his knees. “Holden, we’re not telling you to marry the chick. Just hang out with her a little more and see what happens. Besides, at least then I can tell Taylor you gave it a shot and it just didn’t work out.”

  I groan audibly, wanting to tell them to fuck off but ultimately deciding against it. “Fine.” I cave. “But if this ends with me having a psychotic stalker, it’ll be your job to get rid of her.”

  “Deal.” They answer, satisfied with themselves.

  What have I gotten myself into?

  Chapter Four

  I lie on my new bed, basking in the comfort of it. The only thing I need to do now is get a massage to correct the damage of spending three nights on the old one. I take out my phone and dial the number for the massage place near campus. The soonest appointment they have is for Tuesday morning. I’m supposed to have class but the first day is never anything special. I had the same professor for psych last year, so I’ll just email him and let him know I won’t be there. Besides, who wants to sit in class at 7:30 AM? I hate that I waited so long to register this semester.

  As soon as I confirm the appointment and hang up the phone, I get a text from a number I don’t recognize.

  Unknown: Hey

  My eyebrows furrow. For a minute, I start to wonder if Bianca changed her number again, or if she’s texting me from a friend’s phone. She does that from time to time when she feels I’m not answering her enough. However, a text from her comes in shortly after this one, so I doubt it’s her. I decide to answer.

  Me: Uh, hi. Who is this?

  The response is practically immediate.

  Unknown: Oh sorry. It’s Bree.

  Taylor gave me your number.

  I hope that’s not weird.

  I add the contact into my phone and let her sweat it out for a minute before replying. I can’t seem too interested. After a bit, I type out a response.

  Me: Hey. No, it’s fine. What’s up?

  Bree: Just getting ready for classes tomorrow. You?

  Me: Dreading classes tomorrow.

  Bree: Come on. It can’t be that bad.

  Me: You’re new here. Tell me how you feel

  tomorrow, or next week.

  The two of us text back and forth for almost an hour. I find out she’s taking Creative Writing, Calculus, Intro to Physics, Anatomy, and American History – all classes that would make me want to put my head through the wall. I joke that she’s an overachiever but I think she takes it as a compliment. My phone buzzes again, but this time it’s not Bree.

  Bianca: I don’t understand why you ignore

  me when you get back to school.

  I roll my eyes as I think of what to say back.

  Me: I’m not ignoring you. I’m just busy.

  Bianca: Busy fucking other chicks.

  Her response actually makes me mad. This is why Brandon thinks I should have nothing to do with her. She’s always like this when I go back to school.

  Me: What if I am? You’re not my girlfriend.

  Bianca: Ugh. Whatever. You’re disgusting.

  I don’t bother answering. Nothing I say will please her unless I beg to make us official, which I am not willing to do. She’s a cool girl and all, but she’s just not someone I could see myself being with. We’ve tried a few times, but it always ended because she expected me to be this perfect boyfriend and that’s not me. Besides, my eyes never stay focused on one person.

  Another text comes through, but this time I smile a little.

  Bree: I’m laying in bed, but I’m a little disappointed.

  It’s not as comfortable as your new one.

  Her attempts at being subtle are slightly adorable, but she fails miserably.

  Me: Well, how about you come over tomorrow

  and we can lay on mine and watch a movie?

  Bree: That sounds great. I have class until five

  but I’m free after.

  The thought of having plans with Bree makes me a little uneasy, but not nearly as much as I expected. Maybe giving this a shot won’t be so bad after all.

  Me: Do you need me to pick you up?

  Bree: If you could.

  Me: No problem. I’ll be there around 5:30.

  Goodnight Brianna.

  Bree: Goodnight Holden. ❤

  I try not to think too much of the heart. I’m only giving this a shot because Caleb asked me to. The chances of it working out are slim. Relationships just aren’t my thing. Girls always expect romance and chivalry, and I’m more of the get drunk and have sex type. They always end up getting mad and telling me to fuck off. I’m sure this will be nothing different.

  SITTING THROUGH CLASS THE next day has me feeling miserable. All we do is go over the syllabus and what’s expected from us for the duration of the class. It’s the same thing every year, and to be honest, I don’t know why they can’t just email us this stuff. It would have the same effect.

  The time comes for me to pick up Bree and I go downstairs to grab my keys from the kitchen. Caleb and Jason are in there and eye me suspiciously. I brace myself for the interrogation.

  “Where are you off to?” Jason manages to ask first.

  I try to play it off like it’s nothing. It is, but they’re going to make a big deal about it. “I’m going to get Bree. We’re hanging out in my room tonight.”

  “Hanging out? Is that what we’re calling it now?”

  I chuckle. “Ay. Keep it PG. We’re just watching a movie.”

  “Sure, sure.” He waves his hand dismissively.

  Caleb looks smug. “So, you and her…”

  “I’m giving it a chance.” I cut him off. “Just like you asked. Don’t get your hopes up, big boy.”

  He snickers and nods. “Okay. I won’t say a word.”

  “Somehow, I have a hard time believing that.”

  I take my keys off the hook and head out the door. The drive to campus is quick, only a few minutes. I send a quick text to Bree, letting her know I’m outside. She answers, but doesn’t end up coming out until almost 5:40. She’s apologetic as soon as she gets in the car.

  “I’m sorry. I was talking to my roommate.”

  A part of me is slightly annoyed, but I brush it off. “Don’t worry about it. Was it a good talk, or a bad talk?”

  “Good. She’s pretty cool, keeps to herself a lot though.”

  I hum in acknowledgement and pull out of the space. The ride back to my place, our conversation flows nicely. She asks me about my classes and tells me about hers – the difference being she likes hers.

  We get into my room after a quick talk with Caleb about Taylor. I can’t, for the life of me, figure out what he sees in that girl. She’s more annoying than Bianca, and that’s saying something.

  “Holden, it’s freezing in here.” She shivers.

  I chuckle softly. “Yeah, sorry. I like it cold. Do you want one of my hoodies?”


  Looking through my closet, I find one that I don’t wear all that often. If there is one thing I know about females, it’s that when you give them your clothes, you don’t get them back. I pass it to her and she pulls it over her head, warming up immediately.

  “So, what movie do you want to watch?”

  She shrugs
. “It doesn’t matter to me. What do you have?”

  I turn on the TV and go to my movie selection. She ends up choosing Gone Girl – a movie Laci downloaded on here a couple years ago. I’ve already seen it, but Bree seems into it enough. To be honest, it reminds me how psychotic some women can be.

  At one point, she moves closer, tucking herself into my side. The movie is boring me, and with her little body this close… Well, who am I to resist the urge?

  Putting my arm around her, I pull her even closer. When she looks up at me, I smile and bend down to kiss her lips. Her breath hitches slightly and it’s obvious that she wants me too. I slide my hand up and under the sweatshirt, making contact with her smooth skin.

  Now, this is the kind of hanging out I could get used to.

  THE FOLLOWING EVENING, I’M in a really good mood. My massage fixed the kink in my back and conversation with Bree isn’t the worst thing in the world. I’m sitting on my bed when I start to get hungry. I don’t feel like making anything, so I decide to go grab a bite to eat. As I stand up, an idea pops into my head.

  Me: Going to grab some food. Want to come?

  Her response is immediate, but I figured it would be, being as we’ve been texting most of the day.

  Bree: Sure. I’ll be ready in 10.

  I pocket my phone and head out to my car, thankfully not running into anyone on my way out. When I get to the dorms, she comes right out. We choose going to a diner near campus. It’s simple and gives me the ability to get breakfast food even though its dinner time.

  When we’re finished eating, I pay the bill and take her back to her dorm. She thanks me with a quick kiss and heads inside. To be honest, I didn’t mind her company. Being around her doesn’t annoy me like it does with most girls.

  Walking in the door of the frat house, I’m faced with Jason, Caleb, and Jesse all sitting on the couch. They eye me suspiciously. It’s intense and almost makes me squirm.

  “What’s going on?”

  Caleb smirks. “Oh, you know, just that you went on a date tonight with Brianna Lawson.”

  “Okay one, it wasn’t a date. And two, what do you three do, spend all your time stalking me?”

  “Did you pick her up?” Jason asks suddenly.


  “And did you pay?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Then it was a date.”

  I shake my head. “No. It was two friends having dinner.”

  The corners of Jesse’s mouth raise. “Did it end with a kiss?”

  I wince. “You guys are seriously the worst.”

  They all chuckle as I walk up the stairs. I honestly didn’t think of it as a date. I simply wanted to get something to eat and asked her to join me. However, if Caleb knows about it, that means Bree told Taylor. Does she think it was a date, too? Shit.

  I DISTANCE MYSELF FOR a couple days, not wanting her to get the wrong idea. However, on Friday, we decide to grab lunch. There is a deli near campus that has never disappointed, so we go there. I get an Italian sub and she goes with some lettuce wrap thing. I pay for the two of us, ignoring Jason’s voice in my head telling me this is a date, too.

  “Are you coming to the party tonight?” I ask.

  She nods. “Yeah, I think so. Do you want me to come?”

  Is this a trick question? “I wouldn’t mind you being there. Should I pick you up?”

  “That would be nice. My last class ends at nine, so I’ll be back by like 9:15.”

  “You signed up for a class that ends at nine on a Friday?”

  She smiles, amused. “Yes, Holden. Not everyone comes to college for frat parties.”

  Little does she know, I have a perfect GPA. I just choose not to torture myself with horribly timed classes. Well, except for that 7:30 AM sociology class on Tuesdays. I really need to go to that next week.

  “Bree?” Someone interrupts.

  She looks up and grins. “Julia, hey!” Bree stands up and gives the girl a hug. “This is my boyfriend, Holden.”

  I’m in the middle of taking a sip of my water when I hear the term. I gasp, effectively choking on my water and break out into a coughing fit. Bree rubs my back, making sure I’m alright. Did I miss something? When the fuck did I become her boyfriend?!

  What do I even do? Do I correct her? No, that would be embarrassing. I’ll just wait. I’ll talk to her tonight at the party, once she has a little alcohol in her system. Yeah, that’s a good plan.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” I tell her friend, faking a smile.

  “You, too.”

  After we finish our food, we head back to campus and go our separate ways. The only thing I can think of is the fact that I think we’re just friends, and she’s going around telling people I’m her boyfriend.

  NINE FIFTEEN COMES AROUND and I pull up outside of her dorm building. I’m about to text her to let her know I’m outside, but she surprisingly walks up to the driver’s side window. I roll it down and look her over. She’s not ready.

  “Hey babe.” She bends into the car and kisses me. “I just have to go upstairs real fast and change.”

  “Alright. I’ll wait here.”

  Her mouth turns into a pout. “No, come with me. It’ll only take a second.”

  I think about it for a moment, then sigh. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”

  She looks proud of herself and smirks. “I thought you said cute wasn’t one of the words you’d use to describe me.”

  Getting out of the car, I shut the door behind me and lock it. “You going to evaluate every little thing I say, or are you going to change so we can get to the party?”

  This effectively shuts her up and the two of us go into the building. We take the elevator up to her floor and walk down the short hallway to her room. When we get to her door, she takes out her key.

  “I think my roommate’s here, but I’ll only be a minute.” She puts her key into the lock and turns it.

  I’m looking down at my phone as we step inside, reading a text that just came in.

  Jason: We got four kegs.

  Do you think that’s enough?

  I roll my eyes as I respond.

  Me: It’s a little late to ask that now,

  don’t you think? It should be fine.

  “Hey love.” Bree says to someone. “This is my boyfriend, Holden.” There’s that word again.

  I click off my phone and look up. My breath gets sucked from my lungs the moment my eyes land on her.

  Chapter Five

  She’s gorgeous, in a ‘doesn’t even need to try’ kind of way. Her light brown hair is tied up into a ponytail. A pair of sweatpants hang low on her hips and the tank top shows off just enough of her perfect body. Her eyes are brown, but not a deep brown like Caleb’s – they’re more of a honey or caramel color.

  While taking in her appearance, I realize I’ve completely forgotten to speak. The confused look on her face as she glances between Brianna and me, snaps me out of my distracted haze.

  “Sorry. I’m Holden.” I introduce myself, mentally face palming because Bree literally just told her that. Thankfully, she takes pity on me.

  “Kayleigh.” She replies. Her voice only makes her more alluring. It’s light and calm, a sound I could easily find myself getting lost in.

  Get a fucking grip, H. My subconscious criticizes me. She’s just another freshman. They all throw themselves at you. If you want her, take her.

  “I’m going to go change.” Bree remarks, kissing my cheek before retreating to the bathroom.

  I look the girl, Kayleigh, up and down once more. She really is like nothing I’ve ever seen before, and I’ve been with my fair share girls. She seems a little uncomfortable under my stare but smiles sweetly anyway. I smirk in return as she goes back to writing in her book.

  “So, what are you doing tonight?” I ask.

  She looks back up at me and shrugs. “Nothing. Probably just staying in.”

  Good, no plans. That probably means no boyfriend. �
�Well, we’re having a party at my fraternity if you’re interested.”

  I wait for the excited response, but one doesn’t come. Instead, she shakes her head. “Oh, no thank you.”

  Wait. What!? In the last five years, a girl has never turned down an invitation to go somewhere with me. Especially not when her plans consist of staying in bed.

  “No?!” The shocked tone comes out of my mouth before I can stop myself.

  She raises one eyebrow. “What? Is that not a word you hear often?”

  “Well, to be honest, no. It’s not.”

  Her expression seems surprised at my bluntness, but then masks it with ease. “I guess there’s a first time for everything.”

  Just as I’m about to respond, apologize for my indignant attitude and try to change her mind, Bree comes out of the bathroom wearing a pair of tight jeans and a crop top. The outfit is similar to the one she was wearing when I met her. I catch Kayleigh’s face out of the corner of my eye. She’s jealous. Maybe I can use this.

  I walk up to my apparent girlfriend and she instantly molds her body against mine. Placing my hands on her ass, I bend down and press my lips to hers in a heated kiss. My every intention is to make her roommate jealous and in turn, make her want me. However, it was definitely the wrong move.

  When I look back at the girl who has completely captured my attention, I see she’s still looking down at that little book – only this time, she has a disgusted look on her face. Smooth, Holden. Now she thinks you’re a douchebag.

  “You ready to go?” Bree questions. Her voice is still shaky from the kiss.

  I nod. She turns to Kayleigh to let her know we’re leaving and that she won’t be home tonight. Well, okay. I hadn’t said she could stay, but I guess getting laid wouldn’t exactly be a bad thing.

  “It was nice meeting you.” I mumble, knowing she isn’t very warm towards me.


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