Awakened in September

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Awakened in September Page 16

by Kelsey Clayton

  Because I’m so fucking gone for her but she thinks I’m a slut so instead, I just take what she gives me and don’t complain about it? No. Definitely can’t say that. “She knows what I’m like – the things that I’ve done to other girls, Bree included.” I try to explain. “I won’t put myself in the place to do that to her, not that she would even let me.”

  His eyes widen. “She turned you down?!”

  The memories cause me to cringe and laugh all at the same time. “Twice. I mean, I didn’t exactly ask, but she could tell where I was going with it.”

  Biting down on his bottom lip to suppress his smile, he snickers. “Damn, she really is different.”

  I look down at the sleeping beauty on my lap. “She’s my best friend.”

  A small tug on the corner of her mouth tells me she may be awake, but I don’t question it. Even if she heard everything I said, it’s all true and I’m not ashamed of any of it.

  WHEN IT REACHES THE point where I can no longer stay awake on this lounge chair, I know it’s time to go to bed. I softly wake Kayleigh and the two of us go to my bedroom. Thankfully, she doesn’t notice Caleb’s suggestive look as we pass him.

  The two of us change and I mentally groan when I see her wearing one of my t-shirts. She always looks good, but in my clothes, she’s absolutely sinful. Still, it’s too late and we’re both exhausted.

  We get into my bed, cuddling up together like we always do. I can’t stop thinking about what she told Jason. She’s going to be spending Thanksgiving alone? How can I leave her here knowing that? The thought will haunt my mind the entire time I’m gone.

  “Kayleigh?” I whisper, hoping she’s still awake.


  “Why aren’t you going home for Thanksgiving?”

  She freezes for a moment but then sighs. “My mom and stepdad are going on vacation. Bree should be going home though, so I’ll be able to stay in my dorm.”

  A small sound leaves my mouth, letting her know I heard her. However, my thoughts are all over the place. I don’t want her here by herself. I don’t want her anywhere if I’m not there, too. I want to bring her with me. The idea of showing her around my hometown, telling her about myself – it scares the shit out of me but in the best way possible.

  She turns in my arms and looks at me. “What’s wrong? If you’re worried about me being alone, I’ll be fine. It’s only a week.”

  “No. It’s not that at all.” Shit. She’ll never agree to it. We’re just friends. The word feels heavy in my mind.

  “Then why does it seem like somethings off with you?”

  I’ll never know unless I ask, right? To buy myself time, I lean forward and kiss her softly. When I pull away, I’m sure this is what I want. “I’m just trying not to scare you away.”

  She starting to worry, looking at me like something’s wrong with a crease in her perfect forehead. “What? How would you be scaring me away?”

  Screw it. Tell her. Fucking say it. “I want you to come home with me for Thanksgiving.”

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, I realize it was a horrible idea. Her eyes widen and she looks like she’s about to run for the hills. Shit, please don’t leave me. I’ll do anything to make sure she doesn’t walk out that door right now.

  “Say something.” I beg. “Please.”

  She flutters her eyes closed and breathes in deeply. “I-I don’t know what to say.”

  Okay, at least she’s not screaming no in my face, and she’s not pushing me off the bed to make her escape. “Well, you could say you’ll come with me.”

  I can practically see the gears turning in her head. She bites her bottom lip and I need to resist sucking it into my mouth. This is not the time for that.

  “But we’re not even dating, and I don’t like Thanksgiving. There’s so much food and your family will be there, and what if they don’t like me? I don’t even like me. I just, I-I don’t…” It’s like once the words started flowing, the internal panic was released and she doesn’t even realize what she’s saying anymore.

  “Woah, Kayleigh.” I cut her off. “Baby, relax. You don’t have to, it was only an idea.” She visibly relaxes and I kiss her forehead as she calms. “I’d like you to come with me, but you don’t have to.” The idea of her rejection makes my stomach churn, but I’d never make her do something she doesn’t want to. “Just think about it, yeah?”

  She nods and I take comfort in the fact that she hasn’t said no – at least not yet anyway. I kiss her once more before shifting us and pulling her closer so her head lies on my chest. She falls asleep rather easily but I stare at the ceiling, wondering what in the world has happened to me.

  THE SOUND OF KAYLEIGH’S alarm blares the next morning, waking us both. She gets up to get ready for work while I stay in bed. At first I think she’s avoiding me but when she catches me ogling her body as she changes her clothes, she smirks. Yeah, we’re okay.

  Just before she goes to walk out the door, I get up. “No kiss?”

  She rolls her eyes playfully and comes over to peck my lips. “You’re the clingiest friend ever.”

  There’s that word again. Friend. It makes me want to mark her up and show the world that she’s mine, regardless of what she’s afraid of. “You love it.”

  “You wish.”

  Maybe I do. Ugh, fuck. “Hey, remember what I told you to think about, okay?”

  “Y-you were serious?”

  “Yes? Why? You didn’t think I was?”

  Trying to compose herself, she shakes her head. “I-I just thought maybe you were drunk and talking nonsense.”

  “Oh. Well, I wasn’t.” Shit. This is where she turns me down.

  She thinks about for a second before nodding. “Okay. I’ll think about it today then.”

  Hope swells inside my chest and I need to do everything I can to keep it down. “Good. If you can, let me know by tonight. I’d have to buy your plane ticket so we’re on the same flight.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I could pay for myself.”

  I smile, stepping into her personal space and kissing the top of her forehead. “Now who’s talking nonsense?”

  It all seems way too intimate for what we are but I can’t find it in me to care. She must feel it too because her cheeks flush and she stumbles backwards. After coming over to kiss me one more time, she leaves the room with a quick goodbye – heading to work.

  I throw myself down on my bed and groan into my pillow. This girl is going to be the reason I go completely mental.

  THE REST OF THE day is torture. I work on packing, knowing I don’t need a lot, and send a quick text to my mom – telling her that I might be bringing someone home with me. She tries to call me but I don’t answer. I’d rather not listen to her grill me when I don’t have all the answers yet.

  Towards the middle of the day, my phone rings again and Brandon’s name appears on the screen. Shit. Mom must have called him. I’m not stupid, though. I know if I don’t answer, he’s only going to keep calling. I pick up the phone and put it to my ear.


  “Is it Kayleigh? Tell me it’s Kayleigh.” He sounds desperate to know.

  “Oh, hey Bran. I’m great, thanks for asking.”

  “Shut up. Is it her?”

  I chuckle. “What are you talking about?”

  He huffs. “Don’t play coy with me, Rivers. It doesn’t look good on you.”

  “Everything looks good on me.” I correct.

  “Cocky bastard.” He mumbles under his breath. “I mean the someone you might be bringing home with you for Thanksgiving.”

  “I think the key word in that is might. I haven’t gotten an answer yet.”

  “But you asked? So, it is her?”

  I wince, knowing there is no getting out of this. “Y-yeah. But don’t go making a big deal about this. We’re just friends. I don’t want to scare her off thinking I’m ready to marry her tomorrow or something.” My mind gets lost in a daydream of Kayleigh in
a wedding dress, walking down an aisle towards me… No. Fucking stop.

  “Fair enough.” Brandon laughs. “Well, let me know what she says. Regardless, I’ll see you tomorrow at the airport.”

  “Sounds good.”

  We get off the phone and I go back to packing, trying everything I can to keep thoughts of how crazy I am about her out of my head.

  OF COURSE, THE ONE day I need her home more than I need to breathe, she works from open to close. Apparently, the rest of the employees left early for break and that left her and Dawson to cover the whole day. My phone vibrates on the bed and for a second I start to panic.

  Laci: I saw your girlfriend.

  You invited her home with you?

  She must be talking to Dawson about it and Laci overheard.

  Me: None of your business.

  Stay away from her. I mean it, Lace.

  The last thing I need is one of my exes intimidating the only girl who has managed to hold my attention in a vice grip. She doesn’t respond, so I toss my phone back down and continue packing.

  I’m just putting the last couple things into my bag when my door swings open. I turn to see Kayleigh standing there, looking at me like she might self-destruct.

  “Okay.” She says so quietly I almost think I imagined it. “I’ll come with you.”

  And there isn’t a word in the English language that could describe the feeling that floods through my body.

  Chapter Twenty

  The airport is swarming with people traveling for the holiday. Kayleigh follows me through the crowd and down to the baggage claim. As soon as we get there, I look around for Brandon. My phone starts to ring in my hand.

  “Hello?” I answer.

  “Hey.” He shouts over the noise. “I take it your plane landed?”

  “Yeah, we’re at baggage claim C. Where are you?”

  After hesitating for a second, he makes a sound like he found what he was looking for. “B. You should be right near me.” The two of us search the crowd for each other while standing still. “Are you standing next to the hot brunette?”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Yeah, you see me?”

  “Yeah. I’ll be right there.”

  “Okay, cool.”

  Hanging up the phone, my eyes stay on Brandon just in case he loses sight of us. He lights up as soon as he’s close enough.

  “Hey man!” He greets me, wrapping his arms around my torso excitedly. When he’s done, he turns his attention to my guest. “And you must be Kayleigh. You’re even hotter in person.”

  The smirk on his face lets me know he’s only saying it to fuck with me. I watch as Kayleigh seems shocked and I chuckle – pushing Brandon’s chest and making him back away. “Okay, enough of that.” I turn to Kayleigh. “Forgive him, he lacks a filter.”

  She smiles politely and I do my best to ignore the jealousy in the pit of my stomach when I think about her eyes being on anyone but me.

  THE DRIVE HOME IS a couple hours long, so it doesn’t surprise me when Kayleigh falls asleep. During one of the many times I turn around to check on her, I notice her eyes are closed and soft snores escape her mouth. Brandon feigns disgust when he sees me look at her for a little longer than necessary.

  “I can’t believe you got her to come with you.”

  I smile. “Yeah, me either. I thought she would turn me down for sure.”

  “Let’s just hope your stalker doesn’t get her hands on her while you’re here.”

  Thoughts of Bianca plague my mind. I hadn’t even thought about her when I asked Kayleigh to come. God only knows what B would do if she realized I brought a girl back with me. There was a time she found out I was considering dating someone other than her during senior year. She threatened the poor girl until she cried and wouldn’t so much as look at me.

  “Yeah. We’ll have to avoid Alec’s house. Maybe we can go to Craig’s or something instead.”

  He thinks about it for a second, then nods. “Sounds like a better plan than Alec’s anyway.”

  The topic changes into hockey and how school is going. It’s nice to just be able to talk like this with him. We’ve been inseparable since we were younger, so being away at different schools has always been hard. It isn’t until we get closer to the house that he mentions Kayleigh again.

  “Mom is so excited to meet her.”

  I roll my eyes and shake my head, knowing how overdramatic Heather can be. “She acts like I’ve never had a girlfriend.”

  “Correction, you’ve never had a girlfriend you’ve brought home.” He quips.

  “Well, that’s still true. She isn’t my girlfriend.”

  Brandon laughs loudly and I need to smack his arm to shut him up. “Still?! Hasn’t she basically been living with you?”

  I half shrug. “It’s not for lack of trying. I’ve dropped hints a few times.”

  He turns to look at me then back at the road. “Has the infamous Holden Rivers lost his touch? Come on, man. Since when are you shy?”

  Glancing in the back to check if she’s still asleep, I see her eyes snap shut and it looks like she stops breathing entirely. She’s awake. I drop my head and smile shyly. “I just don’t want to fuck this up.”

  “Aw. Little Holden has a heart.” He teases as we pull up to the house. “I’ll get the bags out of the trunk while you wake up your girlfriend.”

  “Not my girlfriend.” I correct, for no reason other than knowing she can hear us right now.

  He waves me off dismissively. “Mhm.”

  After I wake her up and she takes in the view of the beach, we make our way inside. It only takes a second before Heather is almost running down the hallway to greet us. She comes to me first, being as I am her son and all, then we both turn to Kayleigh. Okay, breathe H. You’re only introducing her to the second most important woman in your life.

  “Kayleigh, this is my mom, for all intents and purposes. Mom, this is Kayleigh, my…” The word girlfriend is on the tip of my tongue, but thankfully, I swallow it down at the last second. “Kayleigh.” Brandon fails to contain his laugh at my slip up. I send him a subtle glare, silently telling him to shut the fuck up.

  AROUND FIVE, DAN GETS home and finds us in the living room. He introduces himself to Kay and I roll my eyes when he gives me a look. It isn’t until Heather pulls her away to get the photo albums that he smirks at me.

  “Well, look at you finally getting serious about someone.” Dan says, making Brandon sputter on his drink. I watch my best friend with amusement. “What? What’d I say?”

  “We’re not dating.” I clarify.

  He snickers and takes a sip of his beer. “Yeah, okay.”

  “I’m serious. We’re just friends.”

  “Holden, son, you brought her home to meet your family. You of all people did that.”

  I whine quietly at everyone making a big deal about this. “You guys met Bianca.”

  “The girl who showed up at the house and introduced herself without your consent? I’d hardly count that.”

  “Yeah, H.” Brandon pipes up. “You can’t use anything with your stalker to prove a point.”

  Just as I’m about to retort, the two women come back into the room. Kayleigh comes around the couch and plants herself directly at my side. I wrap my arm around her and pull her close – not realizing what I’m doing until it’s too late. She doesn’t mind though. Instead, she smiles up at me and I need to resist the urge to kiss her. When my eyes meet Dan’s again, he just looks at me knowingly. Okay, touché.

  MY EYES OPEN INSTINCTIVELY before the sun comes up. It’s something I’m so accustomed to that I don’t even need to set an alarm anymore – especially not when we went to bed so early. Being in this room, my body just knows. I carefully slip out of the bed and throw on a pair of sweatpants and a heavy sweatshirt, grabbing one for Kayleigh as well. Once I’m done, I crouch down next to her and start to rub her arm.

  “Kay.” I whisper, but it’s not loud enough. “Babe, wake up. Come on.” A str
and of her hair falls in front of her face and I gently push it back. She’s painfully stunning.

  “I’m awake.” She murmurs, her voice laced with sleep. Sitting up, she rubs her eyes and looks out the window. Her eyebrows furrow when she notices how early it is.

  “Get up. I want to show you something.”

  The look she gives me tells me she might kill me, so I give her a bright smile to ease the tension. It works. I hand her the hoodie and once she puts it on, I offer my hand for her to take. We quietly make our way out of the house and across the street. Once we step on the boardwalk, the sun is just starting to rise. I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

  “It’s really pretty.” She breathes. I’m not sure if she’s talking to me or just saying it out loud.

  “I always used to come down here whenever I needed to think.”

  “You’re so lucky you got to live here. It’s heavenly.”

  The two of us watch the sunrise, holding each other impossibly close. However, when I notice the way the light hits her eyes, I can’t seem to look away. She turns in my arms and blushes when she notices she already has my attention. Her lips meet mine and we both melt into the kiss. It’s slow and patient with no underlying intentions. I find myself thinking that maybe she’s starting to feel the same way I do. God, I hope so.

  “Come on, let’s go for a walk before we have to go back.” I interlace our fingers. “Joey will be here around nine. You’ll really like her.”

  “She’s your sister?” She asks, following me willingly.

  The panic inside of me looms. I know exactly where this conversation is headed and I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to handle it. “Be yourself with her, H. I promise, it will be the best thing you’ll ever do.” My mother’s voice plays in my head, reminding me of how I got here. She hasn’t been wrong yet. I swallow down the lump in my throat and shrug.

  “I guess you could call her that. She’s Brandon’s sister.”


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