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Bared Page 6

by Jill Shalvis

  She blew a strand of hair from her face. “‘Come on,’ he says,” she muttered, and used her free hand to yank at the jean shorts that couldn’t possibly be yanked at because there simply wasn’t enough material. “I’m coming, I’m coming.”

  Coming. Such an innocent word, really, so why it put a picture in his brain of her sprawled out and naked beneath him, coming, he had no idea.

  He shook his head and strove to find something else to think about. “I thought you’ve been running and taking yoga,” he said. Emma vexed and puzzled him, so he felt like vexing and puzzling her back.


  Apparently the twins did have at least one thing in common—a healthy dislike of strenuous exercise. “You know, jogging? To keep fit?”

  “Oh. Yes.”

  He glanced at her in time to see her worry her lower lip, and bit back his own grim smile. He really had no idea why he loved torturing her, but he wasn’t nearly done. “Because I have to tell you, Amber, you need to get a refund on that private trainer you hired.”

  When the wind whipped up her hair and blew it across her face, she irritatedly shoved the hair away. “She’s, um, been on vacation.”

  “You mean ‘he?’ He’s been on vacation?”

  Dismayed, she just looked at him.

  The cost of her clothing—$150.

  The price of her makeup and hair—$200.

  The look on her face—priceless.

  “Yes,” he said. “You remember Harris. The trainer you use four times a week.”

  “Clearly,” she said, and she managed a laugh. “I shouldn’t walk and talk at the same time.”

  He couldn’t help it, he laughed, too. Poor baby, being so torn between having to lie and needing to keep the cover—God only knows why.

  And damned if he wasn’t attracted to her innocence even as the continued lie bugged the hell out of him.

  Somehow it combined, in some weird way, to work as a powerful aphrodisiac. It was sick, he knew, being turned on by her under the circumstances and he knew he had to ignore it.

  And her.

  At least, the best he could. Luckily, they reached the top. He admired the view and took a deep breath, but when he turned to her, he let the breath out with a laugh.

  Bent, hands on her knees, she huffed and puffed for air. “Don’t say a word.”


  She laughed. “Why do you do that? Why are you so…”


  “So tough? Hard to crack?”

  He just looked at her and her open expression shuttered.

  “You know, there’s something I’d really like to tell you,” she said. “But it’s complicated.”


  “Because I can’t tell you.”

  “That doesn’t make much sense, Amber.” He emphasized her name, and she winced a little.

  “I know.”

  Above them, the clouds were moving like a speeding train. He didn’t want to have to bail back to the cars and sit and wait out another storm. “What are the chances you’re going to tell me the thing that you can’t tell me?”

  “Small,” she said apologetically. Her eyes were filled with conflict. “I promised I wouldn’t.”

  “Tell me, anyway.”

  “I have a better idea. Let’s just do this.”

  Fine. “Wait here.” He went to the edge where he wanted her to stand during the shoot. In spite of the whipping wind, Stone had set up already, and with the lighting perfect, they were ready.

  “Now’s better than later,” Stone said, checking his light meter. “I don’t think we have a later.”

  Rafe glanced upward, watched the clouds rumbling. Yep, they were losing time quickly. He looked back at Emma. She was bent over again, and he took a moment to take in the nice view of the hot shorts riding up her—

  “Now, that’s the shot that would sell millions,” Stone said in appreciation. “She should bottle that ass and—” He broke off when Rafe growled. “What?”

  “She’s our model.”

  “Right. I think I know that.” Stone eyed him. “Don’t look now, man, but you’re doing it again.” He waggled a knowing eyebrow. “Just like last week. You’re acting like you’re interested in her beyond how she looks through your lens.”

  “And you’re doing it again.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Talking too much.”

  Stone just laughed. “So…when are you going to tell her we know she’s not Amber?”

  Stone took another look at Emma. She straightened and swiped at her brow, then grimaced and checked her arm, presumably to see if she’d smeared her makeup. She had, he could see from here, and she sent a sweet smile of apology to Jen, who rushed over with her bag.

  Amber never would have apologized, nor would she have wiped her face on her forearm. Because, at all times, Amber was intensely aware of her makeup and how she looked.

  Clearly, Emma wasn’t.

  He waited until she’d been repaired, waited until she stood alone near the edge of the rock formation. Near the edge and yet far back. Apparently she was trying to look and trying not to look at the same time, while casually glancing around her to see if anyone was watching her.

  As well as being unused to a lot of makeup, Emma didn’t like heights.

  And she obviously didn’t like being so exposed. Her hair was still whipping around her face, and through the halter top he could see her nipples puckering against the material…just before she crossed her arms over her chest and hugged herself.

  For the oddest reason, that got him, and he moved to her side, blocking her from view of the others. “Cold?”

  She shrugged.

  Not a complainer, he’d give her that. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

  Startled, she glanced at him as if not sure what he was referring to. When she saw him looking out to the desert beyond them, she relaxed a little.

  “I never would have imagined, but it is. The Joshua trees look like tall, skinny old men.”

  “You should see them in winter. Once in a great while it snows. Then they look like tall, skinny old women.”

  She laughed and the sound tugged at the corners of his mouth until he found himself smiling back at her.

  Their gazes and the humor connected them, and then their smiles slowly faded but they didn’t stop looking at each other. He could see the pulse at the base of her neck kick into gear and he knew how she felt because his own had started cooking, too.

  He’d been around beautiful women for years now, and somehow, at some part, he’d grown immune. Not that he’d stopped seeing them or acted like a monk, because he surely hadn’t. But it seemed that the more time went by, the less he felt moved by any particular woman.

  It was all tied up with his need to stop doing this kind of photography, to settle down and find one woman, the one who could excite him for the rest of his life.

  Which meant he had to finish this shoot. “Ready?”

  “Here,” Stone said, pointing to her mark. Next to it was an ancient-looking rock formation—three large rocks, one on top of another so that they stood just slightly below the height of her shoulders. “Lean on them,” he instructed her. “Toss your head back, with your hair over one shoulder so we can see the line of your spine.”

  And her ass. Rafe could see that thought flash through her mind and he contained his grin at her look of dismay. Maybe she’d tell him right now. His smile vanished because he couldn’t believe how much he wanted that, wanted her to confess to him.

  Instead she stepped onto her mark, put her hands on the rocks and arched her back, just a little, and with the beautiful and eerie desert as her background, and with her long brunette hair flowing over one shoulder, she looked back at him.

  Her skin looked positively luminous, the red halter only emphasizing her willowy yet curvy form. Her legs were so long that they exceeded the legal limit, and capping them off with hiking boots had been a stroke of genius. She loo
ked like a wild, yet innocent, sex goddess and he knew every pair of eyes that took in this picture would want her.

  He wanted her.

  He looked at her through the lens. No doubt the shot would be another incredible one. “Cock one hip, just a little—”

  Almost before the words were out, she did it and hit the right pose. Except, she wasn’t looking at him; she was looking down, as if she couldn’t look at him. He knew her big secret was killing her.

  “Amber…you’ve got to look at me.”

  “I know.” She closed her eyes, then opened them on him. “I’ll never forget today,” she said softly. “I know I was a pain getting up here, but my God—” she looked out to the view and slowly shook her head in awe “—it’s…life altering.”

  He adjusted his focus through the lens. “In what way?”

  “It’s so…big. So…real life. It makes all my problems seem so small.”

  “Yeah? Smile just a little, mostly with your eyes, there you go…” He focused a little closer…perfect, it was perfect. “What kind of problems do you have?”

  She laughed. “Oh boy. If you only knew.” She looked around her again and sighed. “I just can’t get over how incredible it all is.”

  “Because you’ve never seen it.”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  Aw, hell. He was going to tell her. “You’ve been here before.”

  Her gaze flew to his.

  “Or at least Amber has.”

  And while she stood there speechless, looking gorgeous and just a little bit off kilter, he got his shot. He clicked his shutter until he was out of film then he slowly nodded. “Several times, in fact. She’s been here and she hated every moment of it—the drive, the heat, the dryness, every insect that had the bad misfortune of landing on her. She hated every cactus, every single Joshua tree. She hated all of it.”

  Emma stared at him, eyes widening and then shutting for a moment.

  He waited her out and when she opened her eyes again they were drowning in regret.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  “You’re Emma.”

  “You knew.” She looked shocked to the bone. “When did you figure it out?”

  “About two minutes after you walked onto the set in Kauai.”

  “But how? How did I give it away?”

  “It was what you didn’t do.” He ticked the reasons off on his fingers. “You weren’t demanding things and you weren’t trying to hit on every single man around…”


  “I looked into your eyes and saw Emma. Queen Emma.”

  “Queen…” She sputtered, making him laugh. “Queen Emma?”

  “Amber always refers to you as that. You didn’t know,” he said and laughed again. “Honestly, I think she actually means it as a compliment.”

  “Right.” She blew a strand of hair away from her face, then let out a little disparaging sound. She stared at him some more. “You never said anything, you never gave it away that you suspected.”

  “I was pissed.”

  She bit her lower lip again. God, the way she tortured that lip…

  “And now?” she asked, her voice shaking just enough to have him softening. “Now that you know the truth, are you still angry at what I did?”

  He lifted a shoulder. “I got over it.”

  Her eyes hadn’t left his. “When?”

  “I don’t know. Soon as I realized you weren’t wasting my time, I guess. When I saw that I could still get the pictures I needed.”

  Emma stared at him, looking shaken and…

  Oh, damn.


  She looked aroused and his body leaped to join the fray.


  “SO YOU REALLY KNEW,” Emma said. “You knew the entire time…” She shouldn’t have felt so shocked. After all, she was a terrible actress, which explained why she did what she did for a living and wrote scripts instead of playing them out.

  But she was shocked, to the core, and it reverberated through her body, leaving her staring at him like some dimwit.

  And then there was everything else racing through her. She was cold, for one. The wind had seeped inside her. Her hair was driving her crazy because it kept sticking to her lipstick and stabbing her in the eyes, but as unbelievable as it was, her body hummed with an excitement she couldn’t deny.

  Maybe it was because he’d known she wasn’t Amber and he’d still gone on with the shoots, which meant she’d done it. She’d given him as good as her sister would have. That was exciting in its own right.

  But then there was the way he stared at her, looking frustrated and brooding, with that low, sexy voice that had said things like Turn this way. Arch your back. Yeah, oh yeah, like that…

  God, she loved his voice. She’d tried not to think about it because she’d thought he was talking to Amber, but he hadn’t been. He’d been talking to her all along.

  “What I don’t know is why,” he said. “Why are you here pretending to be Amber?”

  “She’s away. But she said it was really important to her career—”

  “It is. That’s why I don’t get it. What’s keeping her away—” He shook his head. “You know what? I don’t care.”

  “She was with a guy on the islands. I’m sorry.”

  “Are you kidding? I just hope he keeps her there.”

  That startled a laugh out of her.

  “I thought you were playing me,” he said.

  “That’s why you were mad?” When he nodded, she shook her head. “I wasn’t trying to play you at all. It was for Amber. Do you have a sister?”

  “Sure. Two of them. Carolyn and Tessa.”

  “Are you close?”

  “Yes,” he said. “Very. But much as I love them, I wouldn’t go modeling for one of them in a thong.”

  She laughed. “Well, you know Amber. She gets herself into trouble.”


  “And I get her out of trouble. It’s our routine.”

  “Ah.” He nodded. “You’re the oldest.”

  “By three whole minutes.” She shook her head. “And every time she calls and needs something, I tell myself it’ll be the last time I do it, but…”

  “But you can’t stop—”


  Emma jumped at the sound of Stone’s voice calling out. She’d actually forgotten they weren’t the only two people on earth.

  “Weather’s gone,” Stone said.

  “We’re nearly done.” Rafe looked at the sky. “You guys go ahead and head back. We’ll be right behind you.”

  “Hurry, or you’ll get a nice cold shower,” Stone said, and in less than two minutes, everyone and everything but Rafe, his camera and Emma had vanished.

  He was changing film. “Are you too cold?”

  “Define too cold.”

  He shot her a quick grin and it nearly paralyzed her with its potency. “You look almost human when you do that,” she said.

  “Do what?”


  He straightened away from the camera. “I smile a lot.”

  “Not around me you don’t.”

  “You mean not around you being Amber.”

  “Ah.” She nodded, then jerked in surprise when an icy snowflake landed on her arm. “It’s…snowing.”

  He tilted his head back, eyed the clouds, then smiled again. “Yeah. Amazing, isn’t it? We’re only a couple of hours from Los Angeles, and—”

  “And it’s a different world.”

  Again their eyes locked and this time it was her heart that jerked. What was it about him that did that to her? Another snowflake landed on her shoulder and nearly sizzled off her skin. “Rafe…What is it you’re looking for?”

  “Peace. Quiet. Enough hours in the day to do whatever I want. Not to have to deal with Hollywood ever again.”

  She smiled. “I meant right now. What is it you’re looking for right now, so that we can finish.”

Oh.” He actually seemed a little embarrassed.

  “It’s just that I thought you were in a hurry,” she said when he bent to his camera.

  “I wanted to beat the weather. We’ve done that.” He peeked at her. “Are you tired?”

  “All I’ve done is stand here.”

  “Amber would be.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Yeah? So why didn’t you act like Amber when you were imitating her?”

  “I can do that now, if you’d like.”

  He smiled again. “No, thanks. I’m almost done. I just wanted to try…Turn toward me so that you’re fully facing the camera. See what we get that way—Yeah. Now, hands to your side so you don’t cover the body or clothing. We’re getting a clothing allowance here—God forbid you cover it or they’ll cut my budget. Nice.”

  She’d placed her back to the rock, laid her arms alongside her body and leaned her head back to see if she could catch any more snowflakes. His low, husky voice made her shiver.

  “Perfect,” he said softly, and started taking more pictures, though he was quieter than he had been before.

  Because he’d opened up without meaning to? Probably. And something deep within her wanted to put them on a level playing field. “Peace and quiet is my thing, too,” she said.

  “Uh-huh. I imagine working for a soap opera that needs to put out an hour of production on a daily basis is real quiet.”

  “Well…” She had to laugh. “I can pretend.”

  “You love what you do?”

  She watched the sky churn and burn. “I love what I do.”

  “Press your shoulders to the rock. Bend a knee.”

  As another flake hit her bared belly, she did as he asked. For the next few moments they were photographer and model, nothing more. Up until now, it had been like a fantasy. She had played at being Amber, played at being able to model, but now that cover was gone.

  She wasn’t Amber, she was herself.

  Just herself.

  Just Emma.

  Not sexy, not open and wild, not anything this man expected. But then, that was the thing about expectations…they could change.

  She hoped.

  At the touch of hands on her arms, she jumped.


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