The Black Hole Experiments Quadrilogy (2017)

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The Black Hole Experiments Quadrilogy (2017) Page 9

by V Bertolaccini

  He examined them wondering how fast the starship was traveling, and realized that it must travel at many times the speed of light or the starship would be useless!

  He returned to the wormhole gateway, and on approaching it he spotted the form of screen and line of dots going down its side, and he pressed the first that he saw and was amazed when the screen lit up and showed a view of a bright place, and he entered the wormhole, and the darkness swiftly turned to blinding light and he could not see at first, until his eyes started adjusting, and he saw he was in a type of tunnel about his size, about him, made of translucent material, and below he suddenly saw an incredible world covered in bright blue water, glowing in intense brightness!

  He was sure if the light had been more powerful it could blind him, and he watched reflections of strange objects in the water of the world below, and he watched distorted shapes and a distorted sun, which seemed magnified.

  He was on some form of colossal space station, surrounded by other forms of space stations with tremendous sizes, stretching out for miles all about him, with networks of translucent tunnels, with large round and square bulges.

  The sun there was of an incredible size and he realized that the place might have been built an incredibly long time ago and that the sun had increased in size for some reason.

  He entered a spherical bulge of transparent material, connected to another translucent tunnel, which went on into the distance.

  Stars shone at his side intensely, as he clumsily rested.

  Another large world’s sphere was shining in space, at his side. It was completely different, and he could barely believe that it was a normal world.

  Further along, he spotted a region, and he stood staggered, where he spotted a region of the space station with an even more colossal size, stretching out for hundreds of miles all about it, in networks of translucent tunnels, with large round and square bulges that had sizes that were in miles.

  After a long time, of observing everything, he returned to the wormhole gateway and made his way back to the starship.

  In the darkness of the starship he stood shocked at what he had seen and he realized that he did not know how to properly handle an alien encounter with a highly advanced race! How could he communicate with them? Other locations surely had them! The dangers were immense and he considered what would happen if they found the gateway at Moonbase X3, and he was sure they could not deal with such an advanced civilization! If they were deadly it would be the end of everything!

  On his approach to the screen and line of dots going down its side he gasped, and gasped more every time he pressed a button and saw a new location on the screen, and stood amazed when he saw one with a view of a bright place, as he recognized something, and amidst a blur he saw it was a view through a rotating sphere form at the center of a chamber, and he spotted the scientists at the moonbase faintly visible about its sides!

  The starship’s technology was incredible and he somehow sensed there had to be something there on how it worked and he returned to where all the controls in the room had been and looked around until he found a hidden away screen.

  He looked through information on it, which he could not decipher, and searched for anything to do with the starship and started photographing diagrams and drawings of it and information with it, and photographed everything he could, using a device he had, and for hours he continued on going, until he was sure he had everything, and what he wanted, and returned to the wormhole gateway, and decided to return!

  He realized their knowledge was colossal and he could barely understand it! They used the gateways to keep their civilization connected, over the immense expanses of space!

  The familiar pattern of movements of the Moonbase X3 wormhole was amazing and he never thought he would be watching them from inside it, from galaxies away!

  While he was thinking of all the other worlds there were on the screen, and undoubtedly on other entrance points, an unusual view appeared on the screen and he watched Commander Craven entering the Moonbase X3 chamber, and stand talking to Lucas, and Weaver rushed through the gateway!

  Chapter 16

  The Transcendents

  All the scientists stood staggered when Weaver rushed out of the wormhole without warning and rushed over and shut down the colossal magnetic field holding the gateway open!

  It was incredible that it worked and that the whole gateway collapsed and vanished, and he spotted the relieved faces of many of the scientists!

  The extraordinary scene that developed there afterwards was incredible, and he warned all the scientists there what was there and that mankind was not ready for an alien encounter of its kind! It would be far more dangerous than the Ice Station X1 voyager!

  Some leading scientists started trying to reopen the wormhole, but they could not, and he believed when he reported everything he had that they would avoid doing so, and the immense cost of constructing another was too high!

  He was also sure that they had carried out all their experiments on it as an entire month had passed since he had entered it, and he realized he had been going through the wormhole for an entire month, before he had arrived at the room, and he started to recall some strange encounters that had taken place, and he had met the last of the transcendents that had built the more advanced version!

  He realized that it would have resulted in disaster for mankind and that it would have met with many civilizations and things far more advanced and that it would have been destroyed!

  He realized many civilizations must have encountered the wormhole while trying to build their own and had been stopped with different methods!

  The entire chamber was full of scientists and he saw that many were angry and he wondered what they would do!

  Eventually a famous leading scientist took a microphone and started calming them, and Weaver was handed the microphone to explain what had happened and he wondered if they would accept what had taken place!

  He suddenly recalled more of what had occurred in the stargate, and his encounter with the highly advanced transcendents, from another universe, and for some reason he started to explain what the dangers of using wormholes were, and his encounter with the transcendents and that in the starship, to explore the stars the correct way, they had given him plans to build a starship!


  The Visitation

  The pale cold complexion of the Russian scientist entirely altered! Sounds he gave took strange tones everywhere as he started trying to explain, and Weaver strained his eyes trying to see him now, while he considered it, and the darkness in the room grew!

  “Normal astronomers and observatories around the world never detected it, and would have studied it with great curiosity if they had at a far lower velocity, and would have been baffled, as it went at many times the speed of light!”

  Weaver grasped at what it was and started to comprehend what he had been missing! He wondered what could detect such an object, and if they even had anything available!

  “Its origins were undetected by the sources that had seen it and had been set up for high speed objects!” The scientist continued, biting his lower lip hard. “The detection sites were mainly created and functioned to discover and track any high speed objects for military detection systems and unidentified flying objects of any kind, and from all the accumulated sources known only Russian intelligence agencies investigated it further because of its tremendous velocity and the fact that the location of its descent was accurately traced into this place and region of the Antarctic!”

  “My god!” Weaver gasped, realizing the mistake he had made and what the outcome of what was occurring could be!

  “Yes! The location was traced to this top secret American military ice station base, where they investigated!”

  “It must have been incredible!” Weaver answered firmly. “The impact must have been tremendous! Did that telescope here with its new technology have anything to do with it?”

  “The scientists h
ere, and in the underground telescope chamber, did not even know of its arrival! If it had been far slower they might have recorded it as an asteroid of immense proportions! It was only recorded as an immense explosion or earthquake of unknown origins, which had lasted seconds, and which had occurred during the night!”

  Weaver was amazed that it actually landed nearby, and he believed it had to be the telescope that had been responsible, and he had detected that they had been up to something with it when he had discovered it in the secret chamber below.

  “The magnitude recorded by their equipment had shown them the tremendous power it had!”

  “Tremendous power!” Weaver panted, and considered what weight it could have and at what distance away it was.

  “Russian scientists used examinations of satellite images to examine and trace the exact location where it had landed, and where it had entered the ice!”

  “Like a crazy shooting star exploding out of the polar night sky!” Weaver continued. “At a velocity and force unheard of!”

  “After a great deal of observations, research, and discussions by the leading scientists they agreed that the thing that they had found had to have artificial origins mainly by its appearance and its tremendous power! It also has to have vast technology, which may give its origins! They had to investigate it as far as they could! Even with this highly confidential American base being here!”

  Weaver could not get what it could be or the outcome of such a scenario, and thanked the scientist for warning him of it!

  “Space may be full of them?” the scientist continued, giving his opinion. “We have to investigate! The future of this world could be at stake?”

  “So there could be more searching for where it came from? Do you think it was damaged landing?”

  “We have to get anything that we can on it! We have to get as much details of it and its origins no matter what!”

  “The technology could very well make it worthwhile!” Weaver sighed, thinking of how much it could be worth.

  “Have they been able to make contact with it?” Weaver asked.

  “As far as I know they have not!”

  “Have they entered it yet?”

  “As far as I know they have not! What it is made of is either indestructible or virtually indestructible! They have been trying everything that they have to get into to it!”

  “Incredible!” He replied. “I never thought I would live to see one! Never mind confront one! What information have you on it?”

  “There is little so far! It has a vague flying saucer shape and is about quarter of a mile across all around it, and about hundred and something feet high! They have uncovered most of it, except a region still under the ice! They have used everything available to check for places to enter it!”

  “Is there positive proof that nothing emerged from it before they arrived?”

  “No! But there have been no signs of it anywhere, and no encounters have been reported worldwide from it!

  “Has there been anything on getting where it originated from?”

  “They have nothing on its origins or destination, and if it had achieved its objective!”

  “Have they found anything to indicate it has intelligence or if there is anything aboard?”

  “They discovered its forces deliberately melted the ice and allowed the water to freeze over it, and that it hid itself away, and it is believed something deadly is buried away in its interior!”


  Ice Station X1

  Chapter 1

  The Alien Encounter

  Out of the silent empty Antarctic night high-powered rifle blasts were astonishing, especially in the fatal blizzard engulfing Willis! The explosions sounded so powerful he believed they were using some form of powerful explosive in the bullets!

  Whoever was after him had to be crazy and out for the kill, and stupid for entering them into such a blizzard and fury of snow! He could not realize who was there and just accepted that they might be trying to kill him for being a leading scientist at the ice station!

  Ice Station X1 had to be located in the coldest and most remote place on the planet! Even in the summer the place had been deadly cold to him! As far as he was concerned there was nothing there to kill for and nobody there that he thought capable of doing so! It and the coldness made him cringe, and blindly rush on through the blinding blizzard, lost.

  A loud explosion blasted out and a bullet thudded somewhere nearby and he had to run through the dark snow landscape for his life! He dared not use his light and he could barely see anything!

  The men could be heard over to his side and he realized that they could have infrared sights and he just dived into a pile of snow, and buried himself deep. Surely they would not find him!

  Once he realized that nothing had happened he started to enjoy the rest and being free from being attacked. His mind raced through what had occurred! Yet he only realized that the location that he strolled into had been a region that nobody at the ice station went in, and he started to wonder what was there.

  Why would they go to such lengths to kill him? What could possibly be there? What could be there in such a desolate place?

  When he finally left where he was and started to return to the ice station, he started tracing where he had been where they had appeared and started looking around, and strolled around and found something buried beneath a region on flat snow, which he wiped the snow and ice away from and revealed a wooden cover.

  Below it he found a vast hole going straight down deep into the ice below, which had clearly been hollowed out with some large powerful machine, which he had not seen there. Yet the region was vast!

  Who had dug such a hole? And he wondered if it was by some foreign country that intended to destroy the secret military station?

  It was then that he discovered an old rope and harness buried away in the snow, and knew he had a way to climb down, and he decided to investigate it, while avoiding being killed by them or the blizzard! He was sure it had been dug for a reason and that something was just below him!

  He swiftly attached the ropes and fitted the harness around him and shifted in, and turned on his light, and covered the top with the wooden cover.

  Mind-bending sounds and echoes from the haunting blizzard screamed down through the ice shaft with fury and left him stunned at the dangers, and no matter how he tried to shake it off and contemplate identities his thoughts never formed stable recognitions of what was occurring in the blizzard above!

  The ice that the tunnel went through fascinated him as it was different from the regular ice below the ground there! It looked to him to have been formed from water that had melted and had been frozen quickly afterwards!

  Clouds of powdered snow and snowflakes swirled down and through the beam from his light and he continued to release the rope, edging him down, seeking to discover what was below.

  He realized that he had avoided being killed after all and wondered if he was going to be killed later, when he climbed back up and went outside.

  He groaned as he moved down, realizing the mistake he was making and the trouble he would have getting back to the surface and trying to find the ice station in the dark.

  He stopped and dangled about on his rope and examined how the tunnel had been cut, while glimpsing parts of the shaft above, and was surprised again at how large and expensive the equipment used must have been.

  He had always wanted to investigate some great mystery and it had even helped lead him into becoming a scientist, at such a far out desolate location, and he wanted to explore more. He had wanted to explore and discover new things of value and greatness, and perhaps even be remembered in history somewhere!

  What interested was why they had gone to such lengths to kill him, and why he had not known about the tunnel! Surely they had a way of examining below the ice and would have done it while constructing the underground ice station, especially with it being of so confidential and belonging to the military.

  What treasures could be hidden away in such a region, with it being one of the last not properly explored regions?

  What was he dealing with though? Why were they trying to kill him? Were they protecting something that they had hidden there?

  Something of unfathomable unidentifiable nature could be under him and he had to explore it!

  As he lowered himself progressively he started to realize the depth of it and that there could be something there!

  Something could be secretively built there with the help of the Russian spies in the ice station, and to be used to destroy the entire ice station in an atomic war!

  He realized the implications of the find and that he would have to check what was there, no matter what! He could not let it go, and he had to survive and give the information to someone.

  Willis was blinded by the black abyss below him as he lowered himself down through the cold tunnel, uniquely drilled with an incredible precision.

  He gripped the rope hard, but spun round, and fixed his foot against the tunnel wall to stop it, and looked up to the top of the tunnel and just saw darkness there now, and looked and listened to what was there, and realized that if he was caught there they could cut the rope and let him fall to his death at the bottom. If he never died he would starve to death there!

  So far he had been unchallenged with his insistence in going down and he realized that he best increase his speed!

  A silent thud echoed down from the top and eventually a cloud of snow came down making him gasp and search for anything, and consider putting his light out, but he saw that it was a freak gust of wind blowing into the cover.

  He wondered why he was lowering himself so slowly down when they could easily fall down by freeing the rope and using his hand to slow and stop it, but it could be dangerous!


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