Cole's Mates

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Cole's Mates Page 3

by Dace Everan

  “Mom, what’s a cunt?”

  Cole’s eyes widened and her face turned deep red at the word. Shock pierced through her, followed by anger. Who in the hell had dared use that kind of language around her daughter!

  Jake released a whistle. “Ooh, you said a bad one, Etty,” he warned, crossing to the table taking a seat.

  Cole cleared her voice. “Is this what was bothering you?” she asked her daughter, trying to calm her fast-fraying nerves. She would be calling the school first thing in the morning and having a chitchat with the principal. Etty nodded, mouth pursed, waiting for an answer, Jake right beside her. Cole released a breath. “It’s another term for a woman’s vagina,” she answered simply. Jake screwed up his face in disgust and Etty scrunched up her face and looked even more confused. Cole narrowed her eyes at the looks coming from her children. Jake was old enough that he was learning about male and female anatomy in school, but Etty? She knew women had vaginas but to hear the big C-word! “Did someone call you that name, hon?” she asked softly. Etty grunted and hunched over. Cole chewed her lower lip. “Hon, you have to speak, I can’t read your mind,” she pointed out. That and she wanted to know who the hell she was going to be having a nice chitchat with later!

  Jake scoffed. “Yeah you, can! You told me you could.”

  Cole scoffed right back. “I can’t read your little sister’s but I can read yours, and you’re gloating,” she stated.

  Jake backed down. Ren did grin about that. The boy had been gloating and he wasn’t helping the situation. “Jake, want to check on that pizza with me? Maybe tell me if it’s done?” He was sure he could recognize bubbling cheese and brown crusts, but hey, the last pizza he’d attempted had been black as shit on the bottom. Jake grinned, hopping down, stopping to hug his sister and whisper in her ear. She looked at him nodding.

  Cole waited for Etty to spill the beans on what really happened. “One of the girls at school called me that, said I was like my momma who was one, too, for living in a house with a man like Mr. Ren.”

  Cole snorted. What in the hell was that supposed to mean? A man like Mr. Ren. Ren had been nothing but sweet since they’d moved here. She’d not been here long enough to truly know him, nor long enough or brave enough to go to town alone. Had people made assumptions about them? She inhaled a calming breath. She didn’t care what those people thought! Ren was a good man. “You think Mr. Ren is a bad man?” she asked.

  Etty shook her head. “No.”

  Cole nodded. “He isn’t, and do I really look like a vagina?”

  Etty giggled. “That’s just silly, Mommy.”

  Cole nodded. “I agree…Maybe we should educate this little girl.” She hummed on the thought. “You know what, hon? If she ever says that to you again, you tell the teacher. If the teacher doesn’t listen, you tell the principal. If he doesn’t do anything, you come have another chitchat with me and I’ll take care of it for you…Can you tell me who said it?”

  Etty looked at her mom. “Her name’s Nancy Hammond,” she whispered.

  Cole nodded. She would have to find out who her parents were and call them later. Give them a piece of her mind and a little education on how to raise respectable, clean-mouthed children perhaps. It had been a talent she had excelled at when she had become a parent. Her peers had always told her she had a good way with words and knew how to handle hard situations.

  Chapter Two

  Cole shook her head, staring at the phone. She had never felt so horrible. Tears welled in her eyes. She wiped them away. No way would she cry over this, this bullshit. How dare that little girl say her Etty called her that? How in the hell had this been turned around? Err, she was better than this. She couldn’t even defend her own children from Goddamn little bullies!

  Ren brought the kids in, laughter filling the room. He caught Cole wiping her eyes and ushered the kids toward the stairs before they could see the despair in their mother’s eyes. “Hey, guys, go wash up. I think I found some treats in the freezer earlier,” he ordered. Both kids beamed and raced up the stairs. He crossed the kitchen eyeing her. “Didn’t go well?” he asked.

  Cole glared at him. He had given her the mother’s number, told her she was a nice lady. “She’s not nice. You know she said my Etty called her little girl that! Then she proceeded to call me names. I don’t even know this woman and she’s going to call me names!”

  Ren looked at her. It was good to see her flare up. He had been worried that all she had left in her was the mommy feelings. Maybe not. He smiled. It was good to know there was still a woman in that gorgeous body. “Her daughter is a brat, and I’m sure it was her who uttered the word. Her momma is having a rough time right now, but that does not give her the excuse to yell at you.” He pulled out a couple of chocolate-dipped ice creams from the freezer. “I’m feeding your kids treats.” She didn’t even look at him. Anger flared in her eyes and her mouth was tight and he swore smoke was about to blow from her ears. Ren set the treats down, took Cole by the shoulders, and looked her in the eyes. “No need to dwell on it. Nancy’s mother will probably stop in tomorrow and apologize and then make her little girl apologize and everything will be okay,” he assured, laying a kiss on her forehead.

  Cole didn’t hear a fricken’ thing, and if she had, it all flew her mind when he kissed her. First, his warm hands on her arms holding her in place, his deep resonating voice assuring her. That voice alone made her feel safe. Now the kiss, small and affectionate and meant to comfort, sent her into tizzy. Did he realize it shot so many different feelings through her? “Thank you,” she stumbled over the word, not sure what she was thanking him for.

  * * * *

  The crisp night air felt wonderful on her damp fur. She huffed heavily, glancing around the large yard, trying to catch her breath. A startled yelp escaped her at the sight of a large brown Wolf heading her way. Ren hadn’t said there would be other Wolves out! She backed up, forgetting her form and the two extra legs. Or was it the tail? She stumbled, falling back, and reared around with a yelp and ran back toward the house. Oh, God, if she barked, would Ren hear her? Would he assist her? She had told him she was going to try and attempt to take a run. Oh, what the hell had she been thinking? She swore she could feel the heat of the other wolf breathing down her throat. Panic seared through her.

  “Cole, slow down.”

  The deep voice penetrated her brain and she whined, fear gripping her. Who the hell was that! Oh God, she was going crazy, hearing voices in her head. A male voice, to boot! She shouldn’t have gone out. How did she think she was safe out here? Her paws pounded hard against the ground. Tall grass whipped her face. She ducked under the fence, scraping her back along the low hang of it, yelping again.

  “Cole, you need to stop,” whispered the voice.

  Her legs ached and her lungs burned as she spurred herself on. There was no way she was stopping, not till she made it to those steps and managed to yell her head off for Ren. He would save her, she was sure of it. There was no way he would let anyone on his ranch get hurt on his back doorstep.

  “Cole, stop now!”

  She wasn’t sure how it happened, but her fur-covered body slid and slammed into the hard ground. Dust lifted all around her, up her nose and in her eyes. She swiped at her face, trying to get the dust out. She whined, trying to get up, trying to get the dirt from her nose. She felt strong hands grip her fur and hold her down. She squirmed, turned from Wolf to human form and screamed. “Colette!” A hand covered her mouth, a large hand, a hard, naked body pressed to hers, and she struck out. Her arm got free, striking hard flesh.

  “Colette, stop it now!” Ren gritted. He rolled off of her, grabbing her up and dragging her into his lap, arms circling her. “Not going to hurt you. Cole. Shit, woman, calm down.” He tightened his grip, locking her arms in place. Tears rolled down her face and she trembled, the most haunting whines escaping her. “Cole, it’s me, Ren…not going to hurt you…wanted to make sure you were okay,” he whispered, waiting for her
body to ease, something. She shuddered and broke down in sobs. He turned her in his arms and hugged her close. She had a feeling he might sit there all night if that’s what she needed.

  Cole shivered. Her breathing returned to normal and her heart rate slowed. Her hands still shook and she wished she could control that reaction. Her head still buzzed and she wished that anxious feeling would go away. How long had they been sitting here? She was in Ren’s arms. She had heard his voice whispering to her, his warm breath fanning over her head, his large hand petting her, calming her. She shivered as the cool breeze of the night swept over her naked body.

  Ren brushed his hand over her hair. “There we go…I’m sorry I scared you. I should have told you I would check on you,” he whispered. She sniffled, giving her head a shake, wiping at her nose. “You need to get up, Cole…Your muscles are going to cramp. That was some run you took.” He tucked a finger under her chin, making her look at him. Poor filly had dirt smeared all over her face. He would imagine she had dirt up her nose, grains of sand in her mouth. “Can you get up for me, Cole?” She offered a meek nod and struggled from his arms. Her arms covered her naked breasts as soon as she stood. Ren sighed. He bet at one point she would have stood proudly naked. “How about next time we go out together? That way you’ll know I’m out here with you,” he suggested, heading toward the house.

  Cole nodded. The last thing she was going to do was go out there again. What the hell had she been thinking? To put herself in danger like that! What if that had been some other Wolf? What if Ren hadn’t been here? What would happen to her children now? She inhaled quick, sharp breaths. She would not think about that. Her children would have her for the rest of their lives. She would be here for them.

  Ren stopped when he didn’t hear the soft padding of her feet behind him. He glanced back. Cole stood frozen, so many emotions crossing her beautiful dirt smudged face. “Come on, Cole, a hot shower will make you feel better. Your muscles will stiffen,” he warned, tugging on her hand.

  She peeked at him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  Ren released a breath, pulling her close. “Nothing to be sorry about, little filly.” He hummed, hugging her close. He chuckled. “You know, that’s twice today I’ve gotten you. Maybe I should stop sneaking up on you?” he pondered.

  Cole released a nervous laugh. “Maybe I should stop being a chicken,” she stated.

  Ren chuckled. “Yes, that would be good. You have nothing to be afraid of out here. I have members all around, three ranch hands in the yard. They know to keep an eye on you. I have four more on the perimeters of my property. Their families are out there.”

  Cole dared peek up at him. She bit her lower lip. “Still scares me,” she admitted. Not just a man jumping on her, but everywhere, everything. Not knowing what was out there, waiting to grab her up and take her from her kids. What would they do now if she went missing? Would Ren take care of them? She couldn’t ask that of him. She fanned her face, trying to push the stupid thoughts from her mind.

  Ren nodded. “Maybe tomorrow night we can take a run. I’ll show you around.” He looked down at her. “You need to remember to use your instincts. Your sight and hearing should be better when in form,” he instructed.

  Cole nodded. “I panicked. I smelled male and got scared.” Her hands started to tremble.

  Ren gave her hands a squeeze. “Safe here, Cole.”

  Chapter Three

  Cole dragged the couch from one side of the room to the other, huffing her way along. When she had it placed, she straightened out and rubbed her lower back, looking at her handiwork. Much nicer. She crossed back to the bed, straightening out any wrinkles. She smirked, looking around the room rather proud of herself. She had only one more cabin to put finishing touches on.

  Monday had been strip everything and start thorough cleaning, Tuesday, finish thorough cleaning, Wednesday, Ren had taken her into town and let her pick out paint. She hadn’t been to his nearby town. The place scared her, larger town, busy, with lots of people and loud talking, easy to be grabbed up. She was thankful he had kept an arm looped through hers the entire time they were out of the truck.

  She left the windows open and moved on to the next cabin. “Cole!” She glanced toward the house where Ren stood in the back doorway. “The school’s on the phone. Mr. Kemp wants to talk to you!”

  She paled. Oh, God, what happened now? Did that little girl get mad at Etty for telling on her? Jake didn’t, wouldn’t do anything, would he? Her brain screamed out numerous scenarios.

  Ren watched Cole as she held the phone to her ear. She’d nod, give a brief okay, followed by another okay then a sharp what, and then started outright snarling at the principal. Something bad happened. He wondered if she needed a ride in. Would she be able to handle walking from the school parking lot to the school all on her own? Her gaze darted his way and caught his attention, and then she looked away.

  “Yes, I’ll be there shortly.” She hung up. “Jake got pushed off a tree, and they think his arm is broken,” she stammered. Her heart beat a mile a minute, her baby was hurt!

  Ren raised his brows. “He got pushed?” he repeated her words for clarification. His lips lifted in a snarl. That wasn’t something anyone should do! Push someone out of a tree!

  Cole nodded. “I have to go.”

  Ren studied her for a moment. She was trembling like a leaf. She would do it, he knew that. Hell, she had survived the last year on her own with her children, and he knew the only thing that stopped her from losing her shit were those kids. “I’ll come with you. I have a few things to pick up,” he chirped.

  Cole shook her head. “I can do it,” she snapped.

  Ren smiled, gripping her shoulder. “I know you can. But what’s the point of taking in two vehicles when we can take one and save on gas?”

  Cole nodded. She could do with that. She released a shaky breath and looked back at the phone. Oh yeah, purse, keys, go to Jake.

  * * * *

  Ren looked at the cast, grinning. “You know you’ll have to go get an assortment of markers now and get all your friends to sign it, and draw their marks?” He gleamed.

  Jake grinned. “Cool.” He looked up at his mom. “Can we stop real quick and buy some, Mom?”

  Cole rolled her eyes. She couldn’t believe Ren had even mentioned that. Markers were like five bucks a pack, not to mention having to go into another store, bump into strangers. She slumped.

  Ren ruffled Jake’s head. “I have tons at home in the office. You can go through and pick out your colors.” He ran his knuckles along Cole’s jaw. “Feel free to let me know when I have overstepped myself with your children. Not going to bite you,” he murmured. He’d seen the anger flare, seen her give up in a defeated manner. He didn’t want that from her. He wanted her to open her beautiful mouth and let him know when he was in the wrong.

  Cole nodded. “You overstepped,” she assured.

  Ren smiled. “Hey, Jake, go hop in the truck. I wanna talk to your momma for a sec.” He handed the kid the keys and watched as he walked across the parking lot.

  “Overstepping your boundaries,” she stated. Her body tightened with worry watching her child cross the parking lot alone.

  Ren rounded her, hugging her close. “You need to remember he’s a growing child, and he can’t have his momma holding his hand every single minute of the time she has him in public.”

  Cole grunted. “My child,” she grumbled, tears threatening to spill. Why was he being so mean? Why was he pushing her?

  “Your child, who knows you’re scared to go out in public. You need to stop relying on them all the time, Cole. You’re doing great.”

  She scoffed. “Yeah, because you’re holding me!” she snapped.

  Ren chuckled. “I’ll take that as a compliment. I was thinking we should hang out. School’s out in twenty minutes, so let’s pick up Etty, and go out for dinner. When’s the last time you and the kids got to go out for dinner?”

  Cole furrowed
her brow, shaking her head. “We don’t…it gets too dark before we get home.”

  Ren kissed her temple. “It will be an early supper, still be daylight when we head home,” he assured her.

  Cole closed her eyes. She could feel the panic rising in her. Being out at the ranch she didn’t have to go into town. Ren always had food delivered out to the house every other Monday, or brought fresh stuff home when he went into town. This was twice this week they had gone in and she wasn’t handling it so well. “We’ll be right here, Cole,” he whispered.

  She nodded. “Kay,” she whispered. She could and would do this if it meant her kids experiencing a dinner out. They had used to like going out for dinner. They would want this and Ren was here to keep her safe. Keep them all safe.

  The kids were a bundle of giggles during supper. “How come you don’t have a family, Mr. Ren?” Jake asked as they waited for their dessert.

  Ren grinned. “Too busy with the ranch,” he answered simply.

  Etty giggled. “You’re always at the house at supper, at breakfast, and you’re even at home on the weekends,” she pointed out.

  Ren nodded. Observant little one. “Yeah, but I’m usually doing things, right?” he shot back.

  Etty grinned. “Daddy was never home, Mommy had to do everything herself. It was bad when Mommy went missing. Daddy brought in that other lady and she couldn’t cook…” Her gaze darted to her brother.

  “Shush it, Etty. Mom doesn’t want to talk about her,”


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