Cole's Mates

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Cole's Mates Page 10

by Dace Everan

  Ren smiled. “Then they will understand that both Jaron and I love you.”

  Cole stared at him. Love was a strong word. He couldn’t just throw that word around like that!

  Ren curled his hand around her neck and pulled her close, pressing his forehead to hers. “Let go, Cole, and just trust what you feel here,” he said, laying a hand over her heart.

  Cole closed her eyes and wanted to cry. “Hard, Ren,” she whimpered.

  He sighed. “Jaron and I will help you,” he promised.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cole shivered. Jaron’s lean body pressed firmly to hers. “This is a dance?” she questioned, her cheeks flushing at the way he held her daringly close.

  He chuckled, leaning down nuzzling her ear. “I want you, Cole.” He whispered the words and they tickled her every nerve.

  Cole tightened her grip on him and flushed. “I want to stop,” she pleaded. She needed to stop. Guilt and shame filled her. She shouldn’t be feeling this want of him, not yet. Ren had assured her feeling for Jaron was natural, that the three of them belonged together. But she couldn’t get the unsettling feeling to leave her.

  Jaron released a long breath, inching slightly away from her. “Better?”

  Cole dared look up at him. “No, I want to stop, please.” Not only wanted to, needed to. She couldn’t do this anymore. She could feel other men around her. She could feel that old panic kicking in and she needed room to breathe. She looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Please, Jaron, too much right now,” she cried.

  Jaron furrowed his brow. Shit, she was grasping his shirt in a white-knuckled grip. He stepped away and held an arm out to her to escort her from the dance floor. When he had her at the safety of the table with her children, she thanked him, and he grabbed up Etty. “Come on, sweetie pie, another round before all those boys come get you.”

  “Yes, please, Jaron.”

  Jaron’s grin grew and he held out his arm for her. Etty squealed and joined him. He took one more look at Cole to make sure she was okay, and when he saw the wild look gone from her eyes, he knew she would be okay.

  Cole watched as her daughter giggled with Jaron. She was becoming closely attached to the man, goodness, both men, Ren and Jaron.

  “Hey, Jake, why don’t you go see if little Hanna wants to dance?” Ren directed, ruffling the kid’s hair, taking the seat on the other side of his mother. Ren watched Jake look across the way at the little girl then at her father, Greg. He made a pained look before looking at Ren.

  “Ah…no, I was going to go see if Greg Jr. wanted to go do something.”

  Ren chuckled. “You’re not afraid of Hanna’s daddy, are you?” he teased. Jake flushed and looked back at Hanna.

  Cole smiled. “Go for it, Jake. Hanna would love to dance. I bet she’s tired of dancing with her brothers. Oh, that Mance kid has been circling her, too,” she replied, eyes on said kid as he walked by yet again in front of Hanna.

  Jake released a breath. “All right, momma,” he mumbled, dragging himself from his seat, shoulders slumped and his booted feet dragging.

  Ren scooted his chair closer to Cole’s. “You’re not giving Jaron a chance, Cole,” he accused.

  Cole watched the man dance with her daughter. “I don’t know what to think about all this. And yes, I am, too,” she argued.

  Ren caressed the back of her neck, his warm hand sending shivers along her back. “Jaron wants to know if you’ll join us tonight.”

  Cole glanced up at him. Join them as in they’d strip her naked with Ren on one side and Jaron the other. They’d touch her and tease her and make her all breathless. Oh, goodness, her pussy was weeping. She closed her eyes, trying to block out all the talking and music and foot shuffling. She opened her eyes and tried to focus on Ren’s words.

  “He’s staying in the house tonight. The kids are with Theo and Lane…” He caressed her earlobe. “Nothing has to happen.”

  Cole shivered. The thought of going to Ren was one thing, but to go to both men? She closed her eyes and teetered. Her insides shook and her breath accelerated.

  “Cole…Jaron and I would never hurt you.”

  Cole’s eyes fluttered opened and looked at him. “I don’t know, Ren. I know you won’t hurt me, I trust that you won’t, I just…” She glanced around the dance area, the tables all lined up, all the people everywhere. “It’s been a little overwhelming tonight.” Her gaze darted across the dance floor. Jaron was packing Etty around on his back socializing, Etty grinning happily. She glanced at the dance floor where Jake danced with Hanna. Her lips curled in a smile. The little girl was whispering something in her son’s ear and making him blush.

  Ren grinned. “Hanna’s like her daddy, probably going for shock factor.”

  Cole gave a soft giggle. “I miss those days.”

  Ren rested his callused hand on the back of her neck. He would stay here next to her till she caught her bearings. If people wanted to talk to him, they would have to come to him. The two sat and watched his guests dance and laugh and tell tales of past dances.

  It was late when Cole closed the back door of the house. She released a breath of relief. She had seen Ren and Jaron still out at the fire as she snuck by to get to the house. She peeked into the kitchen to make one last assessment of the place, all clean and tidy how she liked it. The group-sized coffeepot was ready as was the teapot. She opened the fridge, assessing the food for breakfast, nodding in approval.

  She made her way upstairs, glanced in Ren’s room, and halted. Her brow furrowed. How hard would it be to just walk in, strip, and lay in his bed? They had promised nothing had to happen. But what if she wanted something to happen? What if she fell under their spell and gave herself to them? Would it be bad of her? She cringed. There was nothing wrong with her sharing herself with two men that wanted her and who she wanted! She hated that she had to remind herself that she was in control here. She stared at his king-size bed, her mind blank.

  “You have always been more than welcome,” Ren’s voice whispered next to her ear. His hand came to rest on her hip.

  Cole jumped and a yelp escaped her. She nearly reared around on him and hit him, had his big hand not felt so comforting. She urged her heart to stop pounding so hard.

  Ren laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Relax. filly, you’re safe,” he crooned, leading her into the room. Jaron following behind them, easing the door closed.

  Cole stood statue still watching as the two muscled men removed their hats. Jaron stood back waiting for Ren’s go ahead. Cole bit her lower lip between her teeth and waited to see what would be done. Ren started on his shirt, eyes on hers. She bit her lip tighter. Anticipation reared through her as he undid the buttons on his wrists.

  Jaron’s soft, husky laughter caught her attention. She tore her gaze from Ren and peeked back at Jaron. His eyes twinkled with laughter. He neared her, his large hand cupping her jaw, pulling her closer, his lips whispered across hers. Her lower lip tingled with a delightful throb. He sucked her lower lip in and her eyes closed.

  Ren smirked at the way Cole’s little hands clutched the front of Jaron’s shirt. He guided her hands up to start unbuttoning.

  Cole whimpered against the assault of Jaron’s mouth on hers. Her fingers clumsily unbuttoning his shirt, her hands spread over his warm torso as his shirt opened to her. She moaned and fell back against Ren’s hard body, her hands grazing over the hard planes of Jaron’s body.

  Ren held her steady as she fell under Jaron’s touch. His eyes watched as Jaron caressed her lightly, hands drifting, but innocently enough not to frighten their little filly. “Up, Cole. Hon, hold yourself up,” he urged.

  She straightened and watched as Jaron eased away from her, his hands nimbly working on the buttons of her blouse. She peeked, eyes filled with a dazed look back at Ren as his hand caressed the swell of her hip, followed the rim of her skirt, and slid her zipper down. The cool air kissed her heated flesh as her blouse opened to Jaron and her skirt fell to t
he floor, pooling around her feet.

  Ren chuckled, caressing her naked ass, thumb caressing the crease of her ass till it met with the black strip of her thong that peeked out the top. He followed the strip along her hips, hands hugging her bottom to his groin. He nuzzled her neck, peeking down her front. His teeth nipped her neck.

  “Etty was right. Very lacy.” His hand crept up, caressing her black-lace-covered breast.

  Cole squeaked, eyes widening.

  Jaron chuckled, lifting her, wrapping her legs around him. “Shit, you’re tiny, Cole.” His hands grasped her ass, holding her snug to him.

  Her shoulders rested against Ren as Jaron dipped, his mouth covering her breast, sucking.

  Cole squirmed, her thighs tightening as sheer pleasure gripped her. Her back arched and her head banged against Ren’s shoulder.

  Jaron hummed, letting her tight nipple pop from his mouth. His gaze fed on her, taking in her golden shoulders. Her heaving breasts encased in the black lace teased his cock in the worst kind of way. He could see her dark pink nipples peeking at him. His hand skimmed over her tiny waist and came to rest on her flared hips. A grin lit his face. He glanced at Ren as if he had just gotten the best gift ever. His thumb caressed Cole’s black-lace-covered pussy.

  Ren growled with a fierce hunger for what lay beneath the tiny strip of black.

  “You’re bare, Cole.” Fuck, he loved a shaved pussy. Soft smooth silk under his fingers, his lips, his tongue. The way those lips would plump as she would get aroused, puffy and swollen tight clit peeking out. He groaned in agony, fingers itching to rip the fabric away from her. Ren’s warm hand on his jaw calmed his frantic thought.

  “Slow, Jaron,” he warned.

  Cole whimpered, body squirming between the two men, her mind returning to her. “Let me down,” she whispered breathlessly.

  Jaron released her, easing her to the floor, kneeling in front of her.

  Ren nuzzled her neck. “You’re safe, Cole…Only what you want will happen…nothing more,” he whispered.

  Cole looked at him with fear-filled eyes. “Promise?” She needed to know that she could sleep and be safe, that she wouldn’t be woken in the middle of the night with one of them fucking her. She wanted to be awake when they took her. Wanted to say, Yes, please fuck me.

  Ren nodded. “The moment it gets too much for you, you let us know and everything stops. I promise.” He glanced down at Jaron.

  Jaron nodded. “Promise,” he whispered, easing her panties down.

  Cole shivered as the air struck her bare flesh, as Jaron’s hands skimmed the length of her thighs, flattening and molding on her hips, pulling her closer. She shivered as his hot breath spread over her naked pussy. Her head fell back against Ren’s chest, his hands kneading her breasts.

  “Spread your legs for Jaron, Cole,” he ordered softly, tucking his foot on the inside of her, helping her.

  She grasped his forearms as Jaron’s tongue darted out, flicking her clit ever so teasingly. She growled, thrusting her hips out for more. Jaron’s grip on her hips tightened and the throaty growl that escaped him sent sweet shivers up her spine. “Please, Jaron.” She panted, feeling his thumb spread her pussy lips, opening her cunt to him. Ren growled next to her ear and she turned, Ren’s mouth claiming hers as Jaron’s mouth mashed to her pussy. Electricity shot through her, sensations buzzed all around her, and she felt high as the sky as Jaron’s tongue worked her clit, as Ren’s hands groped, squeezed, and pinched her aching tits.

  She panted, biting Ren’s lower lip and arching her back for more, grinded her hips against Jaron’s face. “Oh God…err, more pleeeassse,” she begged, legs coming up and resting on Jaron’s broad shoulders.

  Her hips bucked and her heels dug into Jaron’s back. Stars sparked in the back of her head. Her breath ripped from her and her grip on Ren tightened and she pulled her mouth away from his. Mewling growls tore from her lips as her hips jerked and strained at the lust Jaron was awakening and working in her. Jaron’s husky moans and Cole’s sharp squeals filled the room. She threw her head back and her body shuddered on Jaron’s face as the orgasm struck her and threw her off balance.

  Ren eased her legs down from Jaron’s shoulder and eased her into Jaron’s lap. He nuzzled her neck. “We love you, Cole,” he whispered as she slumped easily into Jaron’s arms, exhausted and breathing heavily. Jaron hugged her close giving Ren the time he needed to undress. He whispered soft kisses along her jaw, his hands caressing her back. “You’re safe, never gonna hurt you, filly,” he promised.

  Cole felt her body lifting from Jaron’s warm embrace, heard the whispering of blankets being pulled back, softness under her.

  “Cole, hon, look at me.” Her eyes fluttered open and met Ren’s deep gaze. She licked her lips, spreading her legs.

  “Please, Ren,” she begged. She wanted more, wanted Ren. Her heart nearly thudded its way from her chest in anticipation, in fear. She blocked images not worth remembering from her mind as Ren dipped, claiming her lips. She felt the bed shift next to her, Jaron’s warm mouth littering kisses along her shoulder, down her arm. Jaron plucked up her hand and nibbled on the tips of her fingers.

  She moaned at the sensations, her arm trembled, and she tore her hand away and her fingers delved into Ren’s thick locks. Her mouth opened eagerly as a fire built deep in her belly. She could feel a hard dick against the side of her thigh and another jutting against the top of her other thigh. Her eyes shot open and clashed with deep green. Her breathing was rapid and she could taste Ren on her, in her.

  Ren’s lip curled in a smile at the lust in Cole’s eyes. “Beautiful woman,” he praised, easing between her legs, the tip of his thick dick teasing her wet cunt. Her legs spread further as he stroked his dick against her pussy. “Not going to fuck you, Cole,” he whispered. Her eyes widened and he was sure he saw rage in those beautiful cerulean depths. Her nostrils flared and he smirked. Taking hold of her, in a swift movement he was under her and had her straddling him. “You will fuck me,” he informed her.

  Cole looked down at him, breathless. She shivered at the feel of his thick dick mashed against her wet cunt. She shook her head, but before she could say anything, Jaron was behind her, grasping her hips, his mouth nipping at her earlobe. “I’ll help if you need, Cole…” Nip, lick. “All you have to do is ask.” He sucked on the side of her neck, moving her hips against Ren.

  Cole moaned out, her eyes closing at the sensual feeling these two beautiful men were instilling in her. Never in all of her womanhood had she felt as beautiful as she did in that moment. Ren giving her the option to fuck him, and Jaron giving his support to assist her, neither of them were pushing her. She dipped, kissing Ren’s lips. “Thank you,” she whispered, hips grinding against his dick.

  Ren nipped at her lips. “Your show, my love. All of this is you,” he assured, caressing her cheek with his finger.

  Cole felt empowered, felt pure, felt like she had the chance at a new start here between these two men. Her mouth mashed to Ren’s and her hands reached back for Jaron’s, steering them to encircle her, to help guide her onto Ren’s thick cock. She gasped at the feel of Ren’s dick at her entrance of her seeping cunt.

  “Easy, filly…” Jaron groaned, holding her till her body eased from the sudden tension. He nibbled her neck. Ren’s hands cupped her face, his lips soft as they brushed along Cole’s lips.

  Cole moaned as she allowed herself to settle on Ren’s thick cock. “Oh God!” she sat stunned, impaled. She licked her lips and looked down at Ren. Seeing the passion in his eyes pushed her on. “Help me, please, Jaron,” she begged, moving his hands to her hips, grabbing Ren’s, pressing them to her tits. Her own hands curled around Jaron’s neck and she pulled up, using him as leverage, slamming herself down on Ren. She nodded. This is what she wanted. “Yes, please,” she cried, eyes closing, taking in all the feelings whirling through her, around her.

  “There you go, filly.” Ren panted as she fucked him. Jaron’s strong arms he
lped her, giving her the lift she needed, guiding her smoothly on his thick dick.

  Cole groaned, one hand grasping Ren’s forearm, the other grabbing Jaron’s as the fire burned hotter in her. She shook her head, confusion filling her. Her insides felt ready to burst open. She wanted to scream, to claw.

  “Shh, don’t think, hon.” Jaron panted, hugging her around the waist, his finger strumming her clit.

  Jaron’s breathe was hot on her shoulder, his moans urging her on. Her hips rolled and Jaron’s pace quickened, his finger and the way he pushed on her lower back encouraging her body. Cole screamed as she came gushing over Ren, her fluid squashing between them. His dick jerked in her cunt and her cunt contracted around him. She buried her face in Jaron’s neck and bit hard.

  Jaron growled, squeezing her tighter, her teeth feeding his hunger. Sharp canines tore at his flesh and the animalistic act made his Wolf want to come to life. Wanted to grasp Cole’s hips and fuck her ass just as eagerly as she fucked Ren.

  Ren growled a warning at Jaron, feeling his lust. “Not yet, Jaron!” he ordered, his hands grasping Cole’s hips as he came, his eyes rolling and a low growl rumbling from him. Please, let Jaron have the strength to wait. The strength to think of Cole before himself, as he had no power left in him as his seed shot deeply into Cole, as her cream spilled over him, warming him. Heavenly beasts, he would come a second time if her cunt didn’t stop sucking at his dick!

  Jaron slowly settled Cole onto Ren’s chest, hand stroking her damp hair, down her slender back. “Rest, our beautiful, strong Cole,” he praised, blessing each ass cheek with a kiss. He peeked at Ren, apology in his eyes for nearly losing control.

  Cole snuggled close to Ren, marveling in the feel of Ren’s still-stiff dick buried deep in her. Jaron snuggled close to Ren’s side, blankets settled over the three of them, cocooning them together. He reached out for Cole’s hand and held it close to his chest. Her eyes fluttered open and met his. He held her gaze for the longest time. She yawned and snuggled down, eyes slowly closing. Five minutes later, she shifted and squeezed in between the two of them on her belly and buried her head under the pillow. Ren smirked at Jaron.


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