Young Henry: The Rise of Henry VIII

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by Robert Hutchinson

  SP 1/2/119 – Thomas, Lord Howard, captain of the army, to Wolsey; 8 July 1512.

  SP 1/2/146 – Commission of array to Sir Edward Poynings to muster forces against ‘the expected invasion of the French’; Otford, Kent, 28 August 1512.

  SP 41/3/75 – Account of William Brown of receipts and payments of artillery made at Malines by Hans Poppenruyter, naming the guns, December 1512.

  SP 1/5/230, f.266 – Bills witnessing payments by Sir John Daunce for Princess Mary’s trousseau; October 1514.

  SP 1/7/80 – Thomas Lord Darcy to Wolsey about his military service; Templehurst, 15 January 1514.

  SP 1/66/30 – List of jewels delivered to Henry VIII, undated but probably August 1527 – May 1528.

  SP 1/82/151 – Seditious remarks by the monk John Frances; 22 January 1533.


  ASV A.A. Arm. I-XVIII, 4098A – Address of the peers of England to Pope Clement VII seeking the annulment of Henry VIII’s marriage with Katherine of Aragon.

  Vat. Lat. 3731A f.5 – Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn; undated but probably January 1527.


  261.4/BA1006/31b/319 – Purchase of bows and arrows by Droitwich, Worcestershire, to arm troops sent when Prince Arthur went into Wales, 1496.


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