Storms of Passion

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Storms of Passion Page 5

by Myla Jackson

  “Uh huh,” she said, driving back the blinding waves of desire to motion sharply to Jaina and Ridha. When they nodded their heads in understanding, she let herself go to the onslaught of sensations building with the Effect. In moments she panted and screamed his name, dragging her fingernails over his naked back.

  Khetan dropped to his knees and buried his face in her curly mound, flicking and nipping at the nub of her sex.

  Through the shrouds of white-hot desire, she watched the unoccupied women gather the various weapons and clothing that littered the floor. Mayla nudged Khetan’s weapon free of his trousers and toward Ridha. The frenzy of naked writhing bodies and the exhilaration of making their move before they were caught, added to the amazing things he did to her with his tongue. Her body shook in spasms with the force of her orgasm.

  Khetan lapped at the moist fluids spilling from her womb. He slid up her body, nipping and licking her sensitive nipples along the way.

  The need to feel him inside her built to a crescendo. Mayla wrapped her arms around his neck and lashed her legs around his waist, sliding her warm slickness over his rock-hard erection.

  Khetan sank to the floor carrying her with him. He laid her gently on his clothes before he hooked her legs over his shoulders, exposing her fully to his lust. Then he slammed hard and fast into her moistened cunt--skin slapping skin, sexy slurping sounds accompanying the rutting motion. With a shuddering release, he collapsed, spilling his life fluid into her.

  Mayla lay stunned and breathless. Adrenaline surged through her veins, urging her to grab Khetan and ram him back into her for more titillating sensations. Regret stirred within and she sighed. How she’d love to be so carefree as to enjoy endless hours of mind-numbing sex without a thought to the future. When she was with Khetan, she so easily forgot she was a princess. With him, she was a woman. A woman dangerously close to falling in love with a pirate with a lust for wandering.

  Mayla sighed. As always, she had responsibilities and work to do. Better to do it while the men were satiated and temporarily incapacitated.


  Khetan slung an arm over his eyes and groaned. He felt Mayla move next to him but couldn’t find the energy to shift from his sprawled position on the floor. If he could die now, he would die a happy man. “Woman, you will be the death of me.”

  “You’ve said that before and there may be truth in what you say if you don’t cooperate.” Her voice sliced through the lust-induced fog in his brain.

  He shifted his arm and peered up at the woman standing naked and determined over him, holding his weapon aimed at his chest. Damn. She was beautiful, but the laser was deadly. If he had any starch left in him, he would have sprung to attention with the exciting combination. But he was whacked out. Completely drained of energy she seemed to have sapped from his poor body. He dropped his arm back over his eyes to block the tempting view and asked, “What do you want?”

  “Off this planet.”

  “And you have to threaten me and my men to achieve this?” He peeked from beneath his arm.

  “I want off the planet on my own terms, no one else’s.”

  “Why didn’t you say so? You didn’t have to go to all that fuss to get me to take you up to my ship. You just had to say the word. Although, I liked the fuss part,” he said, reaching down to rub his tender testicles.

  “You will be my prisoner and you and your men will do as I say.”

  “Yes, your highness.” Khetan sighed and pushed to his feet.

  Mayla backed out of reach, holding the laser unwaveringly aimed at his chest. “Make a move and I’ll shoot you.”

  “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be careful not to touch you. Although, that’s a lot to ask after your performance.”

  “I’m sure you can manage. Now, get your men together. We need to leave before the next firestorm begins.”

  Khetan fought to hold back a smile. Mayla would not be amused if he laughed at her attempt to sound brave and commanding.

  “You’d best do as she says. I saw her run a man through who didn’t take her seriously.”

  Khetan turned to see an equally determined Sinsal holding another laser gun at Max’s midsection. Anger replaced amusement in a heartbeat. It was one thing to threaten him. He had no doubt he could take care of himself. But a threat to his men raised his hackles. “You can’t force me to call my ship down to pick us up.”

  “Don’t test me.” The drawn line of Mayla’s mouth and the stubborn jut of her chin made him pause. Without turning her head she called out, “Sinsal.”

  “Which one of your men shall I shoot first?” she asked, eyeing Max and his shriveled cock. “He might be small now, but he can rise to the occasion given the right stimulus. Be a shame to waste such a specimen.” She shrugged and raised the laser pistol to Max’s heart.

  “Wait!” Khetan would have played out their little game if it had been his own life he was risking, but the lives of his crewmembers were different. He couldn’t risk them on a dare. With a last glance at his men, he turned to Mayla. “I’ll notify my ship.”

  “Ah, Khetan, you grow soft in your old age. Don’t do anything on account of the weapon pointed at me. She won’t shoot me. Not after the great sex we had together. Huh, Sinsal? Tell him.”

  Sinsal’s eyebrows rose and a smile tilted one corner of her mouth. “Don’t let your ego get the better of you or you’ll find parts disappearing you might wish to keep.” She squeezed the trigger and a laser blast exploded on the ground beside Max’s feet.

  He jumped backward. “Hey! I got your point, already. Call the ship, Captain, before I’m cut to ribbons.”

  “That’s not necessary, Sinsal. I’ll call.”

  “I’m glad you’ve decided to cooperate.” Mayla’s gaze slid over Khetan’s naked skin like warm syrup, meltingly soft and sexy.

  He felt the tug of the Effect and fought to control his body’s reaction. He refused to let her win again. She may have bested him once but he wouldn’t let it happen again. Since the idea was to get the women on the ship anyway, he’d bide his time. Once on board, she would be on his turf.

  “Get dressed, we don’t have time to waste.” She waved her weapon toward his discarded clothing.

  “As you wish, your highness,” he replied. After he’d pulled his trousers and shirt on, he stared into her eyes and touched his finger to the communicator attached to his collar. “Brack, this is Khetan.”

  A long pause followed and Khetan held his breath. It had been more than two days since he’d had contact with his crew. Surely they wouldn’t have left the galaxy without him.

  “Khetan? Is that you, captain? Shit we thought you were dead when the shuttle returned without you.”

  “So it did return. Good. We’re going to need it to get these women off the planet. Send it down immediately. I don’t know how much time we’ll have until the next storm moves in.”

  “Just a minute. I’ll do a scan and see.”

  Khetan studied Mayla, waiting for her to drop her guard. The hands that had set his body on fire held firm to the weapon, showing no sign of weakening. Once he got that weapon out of her hands, she’d be all his. And he’d delight in tormenting her body.

  “Looks like one is on its way now.” Brack interrupted Khetan’s thoughts. “At its present rate of speed, the storm should hit sometime in the next three hours.”

  “Then we’ll shuttle as many as we can back to the ship. Get both shuttlecrafts on the way, now. There’s only enough room in the clearing to land one shuttle craft at a time.”

  “Aye, Aye, captain. As soon as one is loaded, the other will enter the atmosphere.”

  Khetan released the communication link and stared at Mayla one eyebrow raised. “Satisfied, your highness?”

  Mayla’s eyes narrowed slightly. “No. Somehow I feel like I’m the one being held prisoner instead of the other way around. You’re up to something. But hear this, I am not afraid to use this weapon. If I have to shoot you, I will.”
  Khetan raised his hands in mock surrender. “Oh, I believe you, Princess. And I’m shaking all over in fear.” He suppressed a grin. He was shaking, but not in fear. Overpowering urges racked his body just standing next to her.

  Mayla emitted a very un-princess-like snort. “Let’s get moving. The storms can be unpredictable. The sooner we get those shuttles loaded, the sooner my people get off this planet.”

  “Yes, your highness.” Khetan would play along with her a little longer. She was beautiful when she took charge. He had not doubt he could regain control whenever he felt like it. He just didn’t feel like it when they attempted to accomplish the same goal--to get the Shandalans on board the ship. He’d deal with the Durakee once the women were safe. Under no circumstances would he let the Durakee take these women and sell them into slavery or whatever fiendish thing they had in mind.

  “Get your clothes on men, we need to make sure our captors make it to the ship.”

  Max had been watching Sinsal, a frown creasing his brow. Khetan knew he didn’t like being at the business end of a laser pistol, much less, one manned by a female. At Khetan’s words, he looked up. “Huh?”

  Khetan almost burst out laughing at his bewildered expression. Max had to be wondering why he was so willing to go along as a prisoner. He narrowed his gaze at his second in command. “You heard me, let’s get going. These women are serious about getting off this planet and I’m all for it myself. The sooner the better.” With his back to Sinsal and Mayla, he winked at Max.

  Max gave him a confused look and shrugged. “Aye, Aye, Captain.”

  “The shuttles carry only thirty people.”

  Mayla chewed on her bottom lip for a moment, staring around at the women all looking to her for the next order. “Sinsal, you’ll take the first load and gain control of the main ship. Take this one with you.” She motioned to Max. “If those on board ship give you any trouble, threaten to shoot him.”

  “What if they don’t care if I shoot him? He’s just a scrawny one.” Sinsal’s gaze ran the length of Max’s partially clothed form and Khetan had to feel sorry for him.

  “We’ll have to take that chance.” Mayla walked through the rest of the women and selected the remainder of the thirty who would go with the first flight.

  “The rest of you will go with me on the second shuttle. I’ll come back to get you after the first load lifts off. Bind the men with whatever you can find. If the Effect kicks in, make sure you post guards with the available weapons. Don’t, I repeat, don’t, let the men gain control of the weapons. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Princess,” was the resounding response from the women gathered around, and they hurried to bind the men’s hands with pieces of their clothing.

  Mayla turned toward Khetan. “You will come with me to ensure my people make it on that shuttle.”

  “Yeah, sure.” Khetan moved closer so only she could hear him. “We both know the real reason why you want me with you. You may delude yourself into believing otherwise, but you’re not immune to the Effect. How long do you think you’ll last, Princess?”

  “I have more control than you do, pirate.” A tremor shook her body and a rosy flush spread over her cheeks, belying her words. Whether from anger or lust, only Mayla knew and she wouldn’t tell him if he was the last man on the planet.

  Khetan chuckled and the flush in Mayla’s cheeks grew brighter. “Let’s go, Princess. The shuttle won’t wait long.”

  * * * * *

  Mayla, with Khetan in front of her, led the group from the cave. She glanced nervously at the sky as they hurried along the trail. Although Khetan was in the lead, Mayla made sure he knew she still had the laser pistol pointed at his back. But he had an annoying habit of slowing every once in a while to let her bump into him. He was doing it on purpose and the more often he did it, the angrier she became. And the more aroused. When she got him back to the cave, she’d have him relieve her then she’d tie him up like the animal he was.

  She slowed with each footstep, her body weakening with her growing need. She struggled against the rising wave of the Effect. Damn this man and damn the Effect! She would not succumb.

  Finally, they arrived at the scarred hull of the Shandalan ship. Within seconds, they could hear the whining scream of engines and the shuttle appeared in the sky above them. A cheer rose from the waiting group of Shandalans and Mayla couldn’t hold back a smile. At least some of her people were closer to being rescued from this planet. She prayed they would meet with little resistance on board Khetan’s ship.

  She turned to Max, her face schooled into what she hoped was a deadly look. “You will tell Khetan’s men, that I have their captain. If they do not cooperate, I will kill him a little at a time. Do you understand? If the next shuttle is not back in thirty minutes, I will remove one of his fingers.”

  She almost smiled when Khetan’s hand’s curled into fists. She’d never shoot a man a little at a time. She knew that, but Khetan didn’t. Best that he didn’t. Otherwise, she’d lose her leverage with his men.

  The shuttle landed where it had the first time. The hatch dropped open in the rear and a man armed with a laser pistol climbed down the ramp. “Captain? You all right?”

  Mayla stood behind Khetan with the laser pressed firmly to his back. When he didn’t answer immediately, she nudged him.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” he said clearly. In a whisper out the side of his mouth he said, “Do it again, that excites me to no end.”

  Mayla couldn’t stop the gasp and the increase in her heartbeat. The Effect threatened to take control. She fought against it, determined to see her people safely on board. Once they were on their way, she’d deal with Khetan. The mere thought of being alone with him, didn’t help her suppress the Effect. She had to think of something else or she’d rip her clothes off here and now and to hell with prisoners and taking over ships.

  “Are you getting hot, princess?” he asked.

  “No,” she replied through gritted teeth. “Have them load up. Now!”

  “Max, make sure our guests are properly handled and given secure quarters. I wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt.”

  “Oh, and Max...” Mayla added, “I’m sure you’ll do the right thing while Khetan is still down here.”

  Max stared from Khetan to Mayla and back again. With a roll of the eyes, he turned to the shuttle. “Let’s get this baby up in space.”

  The men chosen to accompany the shuttle fell all over themselves to make the Shandalan women comfortable onboard. Mayla had to remind herself of the gravity of the situation to keep from smiling.

  When the last of the boarding party were on board and the shuttle rumbled to life lifting slowly from the ground, Mayla breathed a sigh of relief. At least half of them would be safe from the planet’s killer storms. She hoped all would go according to plan once they arrived at the ship. For now, she must deal with one insolent man and a body full of hormones needing release.

  “They’re gone, Princess.” Khetan leaned close to her ear and his warm breath ignited her blood sending it ripping through her veins.

  After taking several deep breaths to hold back her first inclination, Mayla, poked the laser pistol toward Khetan. “Take off your shirt.”

  Khetan’s eyebrow rose into the hair dipping over his forehead and a corner of his mouth lifted. “What, no foreplay? Just take off your clothes and fuck?”

  “Do as I say, pirate.” If he didn’t take off his shirt right away, she’d toss him the pistol and beg him to take her. She had to maintain control for long enough to...

  “As you wish, Princess.” Khetan slid his shirt over his head, standing bare-chested in front of her. He reached for the zip on his trousers and slowly pulled it down.

  “Stop!” Mayla’s voice was more of a screech than a request. Her breath came in shallow pants. “Lie down on the ground and stretch your hands above your head.”

  “This is sounding better and better. Should I pretend to be afraid?”

Mayla’s hands squeezed around the trigger of the pistol sending a bright red laser beam past Khetan’s ear, blasting the inoffensive tree behind him.

  “You don’t have to shoot.” Khetan dropped to his knees, lay down on the ground and extended his arms above his head. “I’ll play your game, sweet thing.”

  “Don’t call me sweet thing,” she said.

  “All right, tantalizing tits.”

  She rolled her eyes and snorted. “Okay, sweet thing wasn’t as bad.” Perspiration sprang out on her forehead and upper lip. She brushed the dampness away and hurried to grab his shirt. In a few short minutes she had his hands tied together with one arm of his shirt and the other arm looped around the base of a small tree.

  With Khetan unable to grab her, she laid her pistol down then stood back, to look down at the gorgeous man. “Now, Pirate, you’re mine.”


  She stood over him like a mighty huntress, ready to devour her prey. Her golden eyes glowed with a fierce passion equal to that building quickly within. He understood her need to be safe, but he wanted his hands free to touch her silky skin and delve into her moistened folds.

  He pulled at the fabric of his shirt, frustrated beyond caring whether the friction burned his skin. He had to have her. He’d never been consumed by such an overwhelming urge to grab a woman and rut with her like the beast she inspired within him.

  Mayla threw back her head, her hair tumbling down her back. The sun kissed her cheeks and she breathed in deeply. Her hands smoothed over her hips and up her sides to cup her own breasts beneath the fabric of her jumpsuit.

  Khetan thanked the stars he’d already lowered his zipper. His penis jutted upward, parting the edges of his trousers. The reddened tip throbbed with anticipation. “Untie me, witch,” he said through clenched teeth. “Untie me so I can pleasure you as only a princess should be.”

  Mayla straightened and looked at him, her eyes glazed with passion. “I will not loosen your bonds. I cannot trust you, pirate.”


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