The Duke Takes a Wife

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The Duke Takes a Wife Page 4

by Dahlia Rose

  “So you want me to marry into the chaos?” Zeva laughed unbelievingly. “And here I thought you liked me.”

  Jasper took her hand. “I do like you, very much so. They would not be able to run roughshod over you. You would give as good as you got and we could have a good life together. I know we can’t say we love each other now, but the attraction we have is magnetic. I think I can find my forever with you, like Ralph and Joan. Unless you don’t feel the connection like I do...”

  “No, no, I feel it,” Zeva agreed. Her mind was still reeling from everything he said. “There is tons more we have to discuss. I still have three months on my duties with Commander Brighton. What if we don’t work out, would I want to be married and then in essence be sentenced to a relationship that I don’t want? I’d have to uproot my life here...”

  “Were you not planning on leaving D.C.?” Jasper asked.

  “Yes, I was, but to move to England?” She shook her head.

  “It’s something new, another adventure and with a man who would be waiting to cherish you for the rest of your life,” Jasper replied.

  “When would we have to get hitched?” Zeva asked.

  “I would like to be married to you before I leave, and then I could take the certificate to my solicitor.” Jasper was idly playing with her fingers. “In the three months you are still here we arrange to have your things moved to my home, and when you arrive we announce you to my family and the public.”

  “I really need to think about this,” Zeva said weakly. “It’s a lot to ask a girl after knowing her for three days.”

  “I know, and if you want me to leave I understand that as well.” Jasper sighed. “Just know, regardless of whether it’s a yes or no to my proposal, I want to see you. I’m not opposed to a long distance relationship until you are ready for a permanent change.”

  “What about your title?” Zeva asked gently.

  “Pardon my French, but fuck it. I was doing it because of my father’s wishes and in his memory. I have a cousin that the title would go to, and I also think my mother is trying to marry off Miriam to him thinking that if the title falls to him she would be able to reap the benefits. She’s got all her bases covered, apparently. Either way I’d still have my manor house and my business and hopefully have you.”

  “So, she wants you to get married and bring more money into the family fold, or she wants one of your cousins to marry another second or third cousin, I have no clue, and thus would retain money to help fund her lavish lifestyle?” Zeva asked, finally making sense of the situation.

  “In essence yes,” Jasper answered.

  “That’s a fucked up situation, and all you are trying to do is retain the title that has been in your father’s family line,” Zeva mused. “And you are willing to give up that title to be with me.”

  “Forgetting all of that, what I really want is you, yes,” Jasper confirmed. “And before you ask, yes after three days. I’ve always been a man who makes decisions rather easily. I know what I want and usually get it.”

  Zeva gave a husky laugh. “Careful Jasper, your upbringing and title is showing.”

  “Tell you what, I won’t stay for dinner and I’ll give you a chance to think.” Jasper drained the last of his beer and stood. “Call me tomorrow and let me know your decision. Then I can pick you up and we can go for a nice dinner out. I’d love to see you in that red dress again before I leave.”

  Zeva stood as well. “Even if I say no.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her. “Even if you say no, luv.”

  “At least let me make your plate to go. I made dessert too,” Zeva said. “I’ll make one for your uncle as well, sounds to me like he needs a good meal to offset the drinking.”

  “You don’t know the half of it,” Jasper sighed.

  She saw the defeated slump of his shoulders and how much this was affecting him. Not only the business of his title and his mother and cousins, but the fact that he was trying to save his uncle who could possibly not be saved. He carried the weight of his world and she wanted to care for him and love him, yet she had to think. Zeva was always in the habit of keeping containers to take her lunch with her. So she packed two to-go packages for Jasper and his uncle and then filled two of the smaller plastic Tupperware with the tiramisu. She put them in a warming bag and led him to the front door.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” she promised and stood on her toes and lifted her head to kiss him.

  “Oh no luv, I need more than that to hold me over,” Jasper murmured.

  He set the bag on the floor and in a deft move turned her so she was pressed against the wall and devoured her lips in a kiss. As his tongue penetrated her mouth, he thrust his hips against her, and she felt the sweet ache of wanting to be naked and entwined with him intimately. Zeva wrapped a long leg around his thigh and rubbed it up and down his jean-covered leg. He groaned as their lips mated and ran his hands up her waist to the underside of her breasts. Zeva wanted more, she wanted him to complete the action and touch her. But he pulled away with one more hard kiss and stepped back.

  “Bloody hell, you make me forget the world outside,” he said after taking in a ragged breath.

  “I can honestly say I have never been kissed like that.” Zeva fanned her face, hoping to dispel the heat. “I keep thinking about us being naked.”

  Jasper gave a laugh. “You just say exactly what you are thinking, don’t you?”

  “Easier if people know exactly what I’m thinking,” she replied. “This is how you know I’ll call you one way or another tomorrow.”

  He nodded. “I certainly see that, it makes me want you all the more. Goodnight, Zeva.”

  She opened the door. “G’night, Duke. Oh, I forgot to tell you, you saved me today.”

  Jasper stepped out and turned. “How so?”

  “My commander decided he was going to up the ante. He’s getting bolder now that my time is getting short. I told him my boyfriend would make this a diplomatic incident if I wasn’t home for dinner.” Zeva grinned. “If you saw his face, you would think he was going to pop.”

  “Glad I was able to help.” Jasper grinned. “Night luv.”

  “Tomorrow, Jasper,” Zeva promised and handed him the bag he’d left on the floor.

  He nodded and she watched as he went down the steps and hailed a cab. When he got in, he gave a small wave and she watched as the yellow vehicle went down the street before she closed the door. There was a lot to think about and she put together her meal, disappointed that she didn’t ask him to stay. The mood would have been tense after his proposal of marriage and the reason why. In the midst of all his family drama he did say two things that caught her attention. One, that he would give up his title just to have the chance to be with her, and two, that he could see forever with her. She wanted the same things in a way, a relationship that would last.

  While she ate she broke down the various aspects of her life. What did she have holding her in D.C., or anywhere for that matter? Nothing. The military was all she knew, her family was various foster homes until she had aged out at eighteen and then the military became her family, friends were few to non-existent, she met people with her various service changes and each new place she was posted. Being alone and raised in foster care made her hesitant of people, whom to trust, whom not to trust. She amended the word from friends to acquaintances, because she was never settled enough in one place to form connections.

  It’s what made it easy to move from one place to the next. Foster care had made her introverted as well. She learned quickly to squirrel away her things, her precious belongings. To have a space of her own was something she had craved. When she finally had it, she wanted to keep it to herself, to make her apartments her sanctuary, but in the end she was alone in the world no matter where she moved to after D.C. It would be a new start and trying to fit in to a new place with new people. Why not in the United Kingdom? She would have Jasper and they fit in this imperfect world.

  Even th
ough they had known each other for such a short time, she had more of a connection with him than with anyone at this point in her life. Why not? She mused to herself. Her subconscious answered, Yeah why the fuck not? Still she mulled it over while watching the news, while in the shower, and then in her bed. Her mind was basically made up. There was nothing holding her here and the prospect of something new thrilled her. It was going to be yes. Holy shit, I’m saying yes to marriage and moving to the England! She picked up her cell to make the call to Jasper, choosing not to wait lest she lose her nerve.

  He answered on the second ring and his voice sounded amused. “Checking on me to make sure I made it home okay?”

  “I’m assuming you did, and you aren’t tied to a kidnapper’s chair are you?” Zeva teased.

  “Me watching a rousing talk show on the telly may be considered as such,” Jasper replied. “The food was delicious, thank you. I got uncle to eat as well with a nice cup of hot tea and he’s back in bed. He loved the tiramisu.”

  “I’ll have to make it sometime for him when I’m at the manor house, maybe he’ll come over for dinner,” Zeva said.

  There was silence for a moment before he spoke. “Does that mean what I think it means?”

  “Yes, I’ll marry you and become the duchess of Northumberland, blah, blah, blah,” she said with a laugh.

  “That’s absolutely smashing.” Jasper’s voice held pure happiness. “I’ll get with a solicitor friend of mine tomorrow, and we’ll get the license and be married. I leave Friday...”

  “So we’ll be married Thursday. We could do it in the evening, my commander will be an ass to let me out half a day on Thursday,” Zeva mused. “I could claim female problems. That always gets him a tizzy then a half hour long spiel about women and their feminine problems. Wait, will your uncle be with us?”

  “No, it’s best he not know until you’re there and we are ready announce,” Jasper answered. “He can’t seem to keep anything from my mother.”

  “Okay, just us and your lawyer friend. I’ll see if I can get out earlier than five, I know the court house stops doing ceremonies at four.”

  “You’ll be leaving at noon on Thursday and we won’t be getting married at the magistrate,” Jasper said wickedly. “Just be ready to go and pack a bag. We’ll be gone for the night.”

  “What are you planning?” Zeva asked doubtfully.

  “A small diplomatic incident,” Jasper admitted.

  “I look forward to it,” Zeva said with a laugh. “I guess being married to you won’t ever be boring.”

  “I hope not luv, we have fifty years to fill,” he teased.

  “I honestly like the sound of that,” her voice was soft. “I hope this works for us, Jasper.”

  “It will,” Jasper promised. “I’ll take care of everything tomorrow and see you Thursday afternoon.”

  “I look forward to it,” Zeva said, and she truly meant it.

  He hung up and she lay back in bed and gave a small laugh. Everything in her life since she was a child had been structured, and this was her stepping outside the mold. It felt exhilarating and Thursday would begin a new life. Jasper could turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to her, or if he and his family were the worst he was in for a hell of a fight. Duchess Zeva McTavish. She tried out the name and it didn’t seem half bad. She hoped they lasted for the next fifty years like he promised, it seemed like they were meant to be.

  Chapter Four

  Thursday Zeva walked into the offices dressed in her uniform, and as usual she looked crisp and ready to do her job. But in the corner of her small office there was an overnight case, and hooked on the door was a dress bag. Today she was going to become a wife. She tried to put that thought out of her head and focus on work but the seconds ticked by while she performed her duties. While she looked totally together on the outside, on the inside she was a bundle of nerves and excitement.

  Today at some point she was marrying a duke. Still, she was worried about how he planned to get her from her chauvinistic boss’s clutches. Commander Brighton noticed her hair was down first thing when she took in the morning briefings to him. Of course he didn’t notice her exemplary work or the fact that she had his agenda prepped before he walked into the office after her. Strutting like he owned the world and only commenting on just the hair.

  “Look at you, dolled up for me, finally.” Commander Brighton grinned. “You look exceptional with your hair down, less severe.”

  “I aim to please,” she said through gritted teeth. “Everything is ready for your morning meeting, sir.”

  “You should sit in personally and take my notes,” he said and lowered his voice to provocative creep factor that made her stomach roll.

  “I type faster from the recorded notes, sir,” Zeva said politely. “If there’s nothing else I’ll return to my desk.”

  “Very well, back to your duties.” Commander Brighton smiled. “You look lovely today, my dear.”

  Without a word she’d turned and went back to her office. A mixture of anger and tears clogged her throat. This new administration brought out all the worms from the woodwork, the racists, the homophobes, the sexually corrupt, and the men who thought women were just objects for their pleasure. In her office she looked at her calendar where she marked off the days to her freedom from D.C. in red. Seventy-two day left, she repeated to herself and focused on the fact that she would be starting a new life in the U.K. It seemed that Jasper’s proposal meant just as much to her as it did to him. By twelve-thirty she began to worry, Jasper still hadn’t arrived. She was supposed to be on her lunch break but stayed in her office.

  One in the afternoon and she was pissed, thinking that he played her and all this was hype. Commander Brighton wanted her to come into his office for a meeting. Wonderful, she thought gathering her notebook. Before she went in she twisted her hair back into a bun. There was no way she was going to have him leering at her while they worked. She stepped into his office and Commander Brighton sat behind his desk with a red face. Two others were there, Jasper and another older man she assumed was his friend the lawyer. Her soon-to-be husband grinned at her and gave her a wink.

  “Sergeant Troy, your fiancée told me today is your wedding day and you need to leave early,” Commander Brighton’s voice was friendly. “Why didn’t you tell me you needed to leave early?”

  Zeva cocked her head and answered truthfully. “Because if I had, you would have complained about the female gender and other various things... sir.”

  “Now, now, you know we don’t have that kind of relationship,” Commander Brighton blustered. “I was teasing, it’s the military way, we bust each other’s balls.”

  “Apparently your ‘teasing’ was making my fiancée uncomfortable.” Jasper’s wonderfully accented voice was mild but she could hear the deadly seriousness of his tone.

  “Especially if she felt she couldn’t tell you it was her wedding day or even get the day off for such an event. I hope she won’t be reprimanded or made uncomfortable when her husband returns home. Think of the diplomatic incident that could cause if the newspapers got wind of it.” Jasper’s older friend spoke, and she could hear a hint of British in his own voice. He had to have been living in America for a long time, and she assessed him quickly. Salt and pepper hair, tall, thin and wore a wedding ring and looked distinguished in his black tailored three-piece suit.

  “She will be safe and under my protection. Zeva knows she can tell me anything,” Commander Brighton said and gave her a look that dared her to say otherwise.

  She had time left so she thought it best not to poke the bear too much. “I didn’t want to inflict myself on your time sir. I know your major undertaking is your career and this country needs your input. I respect you and your time too much, sir.”

  It was a load of horseshit, but she saw the old man puff up with pride. Commander Brighton beamed at her as he stood. “And you, my dear, are the best aide I ever had, but today of all days I can do without you
for the day. In fact, take the weekend to spend with your new husband. I will see you Monday.”

  “Are you sure, sir?” Zeva played her role and looked concerned.

  “Certainly, you are always days ahead in my schedule and my briefings. Congratulations to you both and enjoy your weekend.” Commander Brighton came around his desk and embraced her before shaking Jasper’s hand vigorously. “Hopefully one day in the future when I retire me and the missus can visit your home and see our Zeva.”

  “You are more than welcome,” Jasper said in a cordial voice. He escorted Zeva out of the office and to her own where she collected her belongings and the dress bag from behind the door.

  “You really didn’t mean he was welcome to visit us, right?” Zeva asked as they left the building. “That old man plays the role well, but he is absolutely disgusting and you can be assured I’m not his or his wife’s Zeva.”

  “If he ever comes we can lead him out into the moors and let the muck take him. We will wait here for the limo to arrive,” Jasper replied. “By the way, Zeva luv, meet my very close friend, Keith Wharton.”

  Zeva shook his hand. “Nice to meet you. I like how you subtly told him your intentions if he kept harassing me.”

  “That’s all the lawyering I do,” Keith teased. “Jasper asked me to help you finesse your move to Northumberland. With that said, you can contact me anytime if the old fart-bag gives you any more trouble. I’ve met his type many times throughout my work here in D.C., and I despise the way they treat women, especially in this new political climate.”

  “You can always move back to North U,” Jasper said. “I would be thrilled with it and, as a matter of fact, so would many people.”

  Keith smiled. “Glad to know it mate, but Lanie loves it here and we’ve built a life. Besides, the organization needs me, especially now.”


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