Rise of the Evil Army!

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Rise of the Evil Army! Page 1

by Todd H. Doodler

  The Super Fly series

  The World’s Smallest Superhero!

  Revenge of the Roach!

  Super Fly vs. Furious Flea!

  Rise of the Evil Army!

  To my favorite superhero of them all, my daughter, Electrifying Elle!

  0.A Very Super Fly

  1.Danger in the Forecast

  2.The Con Is Coming!

  3.Comic Con—Stinkopolis Style

  4.Under the Big Tent

  5.Jeremy’s Jitters

  6.Vicious Bugs

  7.Bugs Gone Wild

  8.Hoops Lets Loose!

  9.The Happy Hornet



  12.All Is Lost

  13.The Mad Mob

  14.Bad Bug Juice


  16.Peace in the Middle East (Middle East Section of the Dump, Anyway)

  A Very Super Fly

  Eugene Flystein had never been an ordinary fly. Sure, he liked buzzing around and eating poop and smelly garbage. But Eugene also loved inventing things.

  So far, his most successful invention was the Ultimo 6-9000. The Ultimo looked and tasted like key lime pie. Its name came from the fact that in a mere six seconds the pseudo-pie made whoever ate it 9,000 times smarter, faster, and more powerful.

  After just one bite, Eugene was transformed from a clumsy, slow-flying fourth grader into . . . SUPER FLY!

  At first, Eugene’s best friend, Fred Flea, chose not to consume the dessert of destiny. But he did agree to help Eugene as his non-super sidekick, FANTASTIC FLEA.

  When Eugene’s younger sister, Elle, tasted the Ultimo 6-9000, she became FLY GIRL. And it’s a good thing, too, because without Fly Girl’s help Eugene and Fred might never have defeated Cornelius C. Roach, the bully who bit the pie to become the super villain, Crazy Cockroach. Yes, that’s a lot of superpower pie eating, I know.

  Later, Fred ate the Ultimo 6-9000 and even shared some with a feisty flea named Fiona. Thanks to some tricky pranks arranged by Crazy Cockroach, Fred briefly became the villain Furious Flea before returning to the good side. He resumed his friendship with the Flysteins and was once again known as FANTASTIC FLEA.

  Eugene and Elle were glad to have the now-super Fred back in the good leg of their dirty-diaper headquarters. Crazy Cockroach and his henchbugs, Dee and Doo Dung, had headquarters (complete with refrigerator and Ping-Pong table) in the other leg.

  If you’re wondering why you haven’t seen any of this craziness on the news, it’s because all of this took place in the bug-centric town of Stinkopolis. And frankly, we don’t get that news channel. In that dump swarming with insects was an old toilet bowl in which floated Brown Barge Elementary School. This is where all these insect kids go to school—students by day and superheroes/villains after school.

  If you want the details, please read the first three books, which describe Eugene’s amazing adventures. Otherwise, let’s join our heroes—and villains—in progress!

  Danger in the Forecast

  One fine fall afternoon, Elle Flystein felt an extra chill in the air, the chill of trouble. Fall leaves crashed on the junk cluttering the stinking streets of Stinkopolis.

  As they walked home from the bus stop, Elle; her brother, Eugene; and his best friend, Fred, deftly dodged the brightly colored hazards easily a hundred times their size.

  Eugene and Fred laughed and laughed so hard that Elle had to ask, “What’re you laughing at?”

  Eugene looked at Fred. The athletic flea shrugged.

  Eugene pushed up his eyeglasses and then . . . burst out laughing.

  Fred laughed too. “We don’t remember.”

  Elle shook her head, but she couldn’t help smiling at seeing her brother and Fred acting like pest friends again. For a while, Fred had been seduced by the Dark Side of the Diaper.

  To be fair, the trouble started with Eugene. After being named Brown Barge’s Student of the Season, Eugene started acting too cool for school, and he was too busy for his best pal.

  So Fred fell for a pretty flea named Fiona, and worse, he started hanging out with Cornelius C. Roach and those dumb beetles, Dee and Doo Dung. Lots of good bugs do bad things under the influence of bad friends.

  Fred became a super villain! Now the boys acted like the whole crazy thing had never happened.

  At least Eugene wasn’t acting like Mr. Big Bug on Campus anymore. That was more annoying than an ant with ants in his pants. And after school at the Flysteins’ home or in the good leg of the diaper, the boys were back on Wi-Fly playing Sewer Invaders, practicing their superhero moves, or working on Eugene’s latest invention.

  A cool breeze made Elle’s wings flutter and her spine shudder. The 9,000-times-more-intelligent second grader wasn’t just cold. Her super brain kept calculating the likelihood of Crazy Cockroach making another outlandish attempt to defeat Super Fly and take over the world. And the answer was always the same—a hundred percent likely.

  Super villains live for revenge and world domination. Crazy Cockroach was a super villain. Therefore . . . it only became a question of when and how.

  By the time Elle arrived at that thought, the friends had reached the Flystein home. Eugene told Elle, “We finally remembered what we were laughing about.”

  Fred nodded but didn’t speak for fear of cracking up.

  Elle tapped one foot on the ground. “Well?”

  Eugene sputtered through helpless giggles. “We were laughing about how we can’t stop laughing.”

  Elle wanted to tell them, “Hey! Remember, we’re superheroes. Any second now we might need to save the world again.” But she was laughing too hard.

  The Con Is Coming!

  The phone rang before Eugene had a chance to open the refrigerator and look for something disgusting to eat.

  Adam Aphid chattered breathlessly on the other end. “Did you see the notice?”

  Eugene felt clueless. “What notice?”

  Adam’s squeal nearly shattered Eugene’s eyeglasses. “Comic Con’s coming to Stinkopolis!”

  Eager to hear every exciting word, Fred hopped around Eugene.

  Elle ran to pick up the extension in their parents’ bedroom. She squealed, “The Comic Con?”

  Adam sighed. “Well, no, but a Comic Con. Isn’t that thrilling enough?”

  Elle squealed. “You bet it is!”

  Eugene said, “Send me the link, and we’ll talk later!”

  Adam chuckled. “Okay, over and out, or whatever, dude!”

  Now, every bug knew Bug Con is the biggest comic book and superhero convention around. Unless they’ve been living under a rock or sleeping in a cocoon, that is.

  The phone rang again, even before Eugene could power up his computer. Carlos Caterpillar also wanted to know if the friends knew about the Con.

  Eugene snapped, “I’d know more if I could visit this link and . . .”

  The link from Adam filled in with a flashing banner proclaiming, “Stinkopolis’s first and best Bug-Con!”

  Fred and Elle crushed Eugene from either side as his 9,000-times-enhanced eyes and brain took in the announcement.

  “A real con!” Eugene exclaimed.

  “Free admission!” Fred added.

  Elle squealed. “Ooh! There’s a superhero/villain costume contest!”

  Eugene and Fred loved costumes. They were always coming up with funny duo-bug costumes, like “spider and web” or “dog poop and fly” (which was especially funny because Fred dressed as the fly and Eugene, the poop). Of course, their favorite costumes were Super Fly and Fantastic Flea. But those really weren’t costumes, those were work uniforms.

  Elle’s super brain reached the same thought at the same time. So all three superbugs ex
claimed, “We can dress as ourselves!”

  Elle giggled. “We’ll be the only ones who get the joke.”

  Comic Con—Stinkopolis Style

  Word of the upcoming Comic Con spread through Brown Barge Elementary School faster than bug flu in February. Everybug wanted a chance to shop for comics, attend panels to discuss serious issues (like whether MegaMoth could beat SuperSlug in a one-on-one fight) and browse tables full of cool T-shirts and promotional freebies. All of that—along with meeting their real-life superheroes hoping to score an autograph or selfie with them—was enough to set the halls abuzz.

  Many bugs debated the merits of various costumes and whether to enter the contest or just vote for the best.

  Lucy Kaboosie fretted, “I can’t believe we only have three days to get ready.” The lovely ladybug enjoyed costume contests but worried that she wouldn’t have enough time to prep a winning entry.

  Ted Tarantula agreed. “It’s not like you can go to BugMart and buy a Super Fly costume.”

  His friend Sid Spider said, “I’d rather dress as Fantastic Flea.” Then he shrugged. “Either way we’ll have to hide two of our legs.”

  Eugene nudged Fred. As usual, Fred knew what his friend was thinking: How cool is it to be the subject for a costume?

  Cornelius C. Roach also found the discussion amusing. After all, the secret super villain was behind the Con!

  As he’d told Dee and Doo on the evil side of the diaper the other day, “Super Fly and Fantastic Flea both love comic books, making a Con the perfect trap!”

  “A con Con!” Crazy Cockroach giggled.

  The Dungs didn’t get it, but laughed along anyway. They were far from the brightest bugs at Brown Barge, so Cornelius had to explain. “It’s just the place to stage a fight between heroes.”

  Dee still didn’t understand.

  Cornelius went on, “Eugene and Fred both want the rare Poo Poo #2 issue. I’ll arrange to have one copy at the Con and . . .”

  Doo’s lonely, lazy brain cells struggled to spark. “Uh, so Super Fly and Fantastic Flea will fight over the comic book?”

  Cornelius sighed. “Yes!”

  Dee scratched his head. “But I heard Fred and Eugene vowed never to let anything come between them again.”

  Cornelius cackled. “That was before they saw a copy of Poo Poo #2.” His eyes lit with evil glee. “And while those ‘pest friends’ fight, we’ll flatter Elle into thinking that she’s the greatest hero since Hercules. And why does she need to play second fly to Super Fly? Then, before you can say ‘sucker!’, she’ll be our friend, just like Fred was . . .”

  “Until he turned good again,” Dee pointed out.

  Cornelius glared.

  Doo clamped a hand over his brother’s mouth.

  Dee mumbled, “Just sayin’.”

  Then the villain and his dimwitted sidekicks got busy ordering tables, posting a website, and otherwise making Stinkopolis’s first and best Con a reality.

  Under the Big Tent

  On the big day, on the good side of the diaper, Eugene, Fred, and Elle quivered with excitement.

  Elle giggled. “This is so much fun! I thought I’d have to wait till I was old enough to go to Bug Diego for the big convention, or at least Swamp City. It’s so great to have a Con right here in Stinkopolis!”

  Eugene admired himself in the mirror. “I usually worry about someone recognizing that Super Fly is Eugene Flystein. Today I just have to look awesome.”

  Fred shook his head. “Uh-oh. Sounds like the Big Bug on Campus might be coming back.”

  Eugene quickly assured him. “No way, best buddy. I’m only as big as my friendship with you.”

  Elle glanced at her watch. “The doors open in ten minutes. Let’s go!”

  The three super friends could’ve flown to the convention location in less than three seconds. But they didn’t want to blow their cover and let everyone know that they were the real Super Fly, Fly Girl, and Fantastic Flea. So they strolled to the site, along with a crowd that seemed to include every bug in Brown Barge. Even some of the adult bugs were in costume. Being a superhero fan isn’t just for kids, ya know.

  Eugene felt flattered to see lots of other bugs dressed as Super Fly. Big Butch Recluse looked pretty silly stuffed into the costume, especially with two of his legs tied behind his back. And it was especially cool to see the cute little larvae and baby bugs dressed as mini Super Flies.

  Lucy Kaboosie’s Fly Girl costume looked almost as good as Elle’s!

  Jeremy Cricket’s Fantastic Flea outfit looked like a toddler had drawn it on an old T-shirt. But the cricket could hop almost as high as the real hero.

  The dressed-up superheroes came in all shapes and sizes, but as our real superheroes know, being a superhero is more than just a cool costume.

  The convention was being held under four human-sized comic books balanced on top of soda-bottle support poles.

  Lucy shouted, “Eugene, is that really you?”

  Eugene felt glad his mask hid his embarrassment, as he stammered, “No, it’s Super Fly!”

  Lucy laughed. “Right, and I’m Fly Girl!”

  Elle laughed too. “No, I’m Fly Girl!”

  Then the two girls danced around each other giggling with glee. “We’re both Fly Girl!”

  Lucy said, “I hope we both win the contest!”

  “Impossible,” a voice near them asserted.

  The girls turned and saw . . . Crazy Cockroach!

  “Great costume!” Lucy exclaimed.

  Elle blinked. She knew that costume, and . . . it wasn’t exactly a costume. Thanks to her 9,000-times-enhanced powers of observation, Elle knew that the roach dressed as Crazy Cockroach was indeed Cornelius C. Roach—the real Crazy Cockroach!

  The villain bowed. “Thank you.”

  Elle’s eyes narrowed, and her brain raced. Hearing Cornelius be polite made her spine tingle. Surely the roach was up to something, but what?

  Elle added up the facts. Cornelius was at the Con. Almost every young bug in Stinkopolis was there too. So he was dressed as his alter ego—well, so were she, Eugene, and Fred. What could it mean?

  Crazy Cockroach smiled. Elle shuddered at the mirthless display of roach mouth parts. “Did you make that costume yourself?” he asked.

  Elle nodded.

  “You’re amazing! I knew you were smart, but I had no idea you were so talented too,” the roach gushed.

  Elle felt her breakfast rising. She liked compliments as much as the next bug, but when they came from a villain like Cornelius . . .

  Just then, the Dungs rushed up with a plateful of fragrant snacks. “I love fried scabs!” Dee exclaimed.

  “Want some?” Doo held out the plate to Elle.

  The scabs did smell delicious, but Elle remained suspicious.

  Dee ate one, and then Doo. They didn’t die, or even gag.

  Cornelius chuckled warmly. “See? Not poisoned, just fattening. But we understand if you want to keep your perfect physique.”

  Elle blushed. “Oh, I’m far from perfect.”

  “Really?” Cornelius asked. “Not from here. It seems to me you’re a strong young fly with everything going for her: great look, great powers, even great shoes.”

  Elle looked down at her shoes. They were great! But it still didn’t feel great to have Cornelius say nice things to her.

  Doo pushed the plate closer to Elle.

  Dee took another scab and crunched it loudly. “Yum, yum.”

  Elle shook her head. “You’re not fooling me. I know you’re just acting friendly as part of some evil plot. You weren’t my friends before, and you aren’t going to suddenly become my friends now.”

  Pure fury flashed across the cockroach’s face. He wanted to smash the clever young fly right then and there. But he had his secret identity to protect. Besides, he also had to check on his scheme against Elle’s brother and Fred.

  So Crazy Cockroach made his way to the trading tables, specifically to the one in possession
of the rare Poo Poo #2. As he approached the table, Cornelius felt pleased to see Eugene and Fred engaged in a serious conversation.

  Eugene held the comic book carefully by the edge of the plastic bag protecting it. He said, “You saw it first.”

  Fred protested, “But you’ve always been more of a Poo Poo fan than me.”

  Cornelius blinked. Something wasn’t right. The friends were arguing, but where were the punches, the insults, the karate kicks below the belt?

  The two pest friends just disagreed amicably. They were being polite and cordial. This made the roach sick to his stomach.

  Eugene’s voice rose. “Are you serious? You love Poo Poo too!”

  “Okay, I’ll buy it,” Fred conceded. Then he muttered, “But you can’t stop me from giving it to you for your birthday.”

  “I’ll pay half,” Eugene insisted. “Then we can share.”

  To Crazy Cockroach’s complete disgust, the two heroes then shook hands and grinned.

  “That’s a deal,” Eugene declared.

  “You can read it first,” Fred offered.

  Eugene shook his head. “We’ll read it out loud—together!”

  Crazy Cockroach almost puked in his mouth. Instead, he took his anger out on his minions. “It’s all your fault!” he told the Dungs.

  “Really?” Doo wondered.

  “How?” Dee asked.

  Crazy Cockroach didn’t bother to explain. He just kicked the soda-bottle supports until the comic books collapsed on the costumed bugs. As everyone scrambled out of the fallen tent, the roach cackled.


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