Scaling Her Dragon: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 8)

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Scaling Her Dragon: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 8) Page 3

by Taiden, Milly

  “Thank you!” Razzy’s eyes crinkled at the corners with her smile. “I didn’t think anyone else understood.”


  Becca glanced at the blanket she’d been given to wear as a dress. She had no idea how to make something elegant out of it. The best she could do was tie the thing over her shoulder and go toga-style. Her bedroom door swung open, and Charlotte waltzed in wearing a gorgeous gown in the ice blue color of the mountains she lived on.

  “Wow. You look amazing,” Becca said. “Meanwhile, I’m going to look like I’m wearing your curtains to the ball.”

  Charlotte frowned at the way Becca had draped the blanket over her shoulders. “What in the world are you doing with that dress?”

  Dress? The blanket was a dress? “Um…wearing it?”

  Charlotte slapped a hand on her forehead. “I’m so dumb. I forgot you don’t know how to wear these. I thought Gerri or someone in Alyx’s castle would have shown you how.” She rushed to Becca and held the sheet under Becca’s arm. “Strapless ball gown in her favorite color.”

  Becca gasped as the material tightened around her bust, fitting over her breasts and flaring down into a gorgeous, golden dress. There was no need, or space, for a bra. “How in the hell did this sheet turn into a dress?”

  “It’s all artificial intelligence. Your favorite color is gold, and it picked a design that will flatter your curves,” Charlotte said with a smile. “You look beautiful.”

  Becca still couldn’t believe the thin sheet she’d been playing with had reshaped itself, and even changed thickness and color, to become a gorgeous dress.

  “I felt really bad for Razzy,” Becca said, putting on a pair of diamond studs she rarely used. Her grandmother had given them to her on her sixteenth birthday. Their nana had been such a nice woman—more caring to her and Charlotte than their own parents.

  “I know,” Charlotte said. “If it weren’t for Razzy, I don’t think I’d be going anywhere near that castle.”

  Becca frowned, taking the shawl Charlotte handed her and watching it change to match her dress. “Why not?”

  “There’s a lot of stress over there. I’d rather stay on this side.”

  Becca nodded. But that poor girl was trying to do something nice for her mother’s memory. They couldn’t leave her hanging, not when she was waiting for them to show up. “Come on. Let’s visit with her and meet your neighbors.”

  * * *

  Becca gasped at the number of beautiful and colorful gowns she saw. Every color in the rainbow, much like the flowers in the garden, filled the massive hall. She took a glass of wine from a passing waiter and smiled a thank you.

  “There’s Razzy,” Charlotte said. “She looks amazing.”

  Razzy wore a beautiful A-line gown that matched her eyes. She glanced around the room full of guests and made a beeline for them. “You came.” She hugged Charlotte first and then Becca. “I’m so happy you two showed up.”

  “I’m sorry Bella couldn’t make it.” Charlotte sighed. “Pregnancy can make a woman exhausted.”

  Razzy nodded, her eyes sparkling with delight. “I can’t wait to meet their babies.”

  Charlotte glanced away and then smiled at Becca and Razzy. “Give me two minutes. Brecc is calling. He has that look on his face that scares most people. It’s his way of getting me to pay attention to him.”

  “Go on,” Razzy said. “I have Becca. We’ll have fun.”

  “I’m a little afraid to hear that.” Charlotte laughed as she walked away.

  Becca’s gaze roamed the massive hall. Decorated in silver and gold, it was truly fit for a king. “This place is amazing.”

  “Come on,” Razzy said, looping her arm with Becca’s. “Let me give you the grand tour. I have something very fun in mind.”

  They went down a hallway, farther from the mass of guests, and through a doorway that appeared to be a quiet set of private rooms. “I don’t think we’re supposed to be on this side.”

  Razzy giggled. “I have a dare for you.”

  “Uh-oh.” She glanced around the long, dimly lit hallway. “Am I going to get arrested?”

  Razzy frowned for a moment. Then she shook her head and laughed. “No. No getting arrested. I just want you to go into the library and find the book with the woman on the cover and spine.”

  That was it? “A woman?”

  Razzy’s eyes twinkled with humor. “Yes.”

  “There’s a catch. I know there is. I bet there’s fifty books like that, aren’t there?”

  “No, no. Just one. I’ll even tell you that the books are filed by color. The one you’re looking for is black.” Razzy pointed down the hall. “Fourth door to your left.”

  Dammit. The girl tempted her so much. “What do I get if I do this?”

  “I hear you like dragons,” Razzy’s smile widened. “I happen to have a very cute purple, dragon-eye gem that’s been passed down my family line. I will part with it for you.”

  “Are you insane? I don’t want a family heirloom.” She shook her head. “I’ll do this, but no giving me stuff that should go to your children.”

  Razzy blinked her eyes wide. “Okay, but you’ll do it?”

  Ah, hell. Of course she would. Now she wanted to see what was so special about the damn book. “Yes.”


  Vikter took the back stairs, staying away from the guests and the majority of the castle employees. He was in no mood to speak to anyone. The last thing he needed was to accidentally see someone who wondered why he looked the way he did and decided to make idle conversation.

  He stomped his way to his office. His dragon pushed at the skin, seeking to fly again. For a second, he stopped at the door, his rage pushing him away. Something felt different about his space.

  He entered the room quietly, wondering why his dragon roared internally. He scanned the room until he found what he was looking for: the intruder. He watched a pair of hips swing side to side as a woman in gold shifted from foot to foot.

  “Holy shit,” she breathed. “I knew there had to be a catch.” She flipped through a page and gasped. “Wow. I wish I knew a man with enough strength to do some of these.”

  He frowned, wondering what she could be looking at. The scent of her arousal reached him. Something turned her on. He wanted to know what that was. He took a step closer. Then another. She wiggled her hips again, and that’s when he realized she was squirming.

  “Oh my god! This chick knows how to have fun,” she choked. “Three guys? Who the hell takes on three men? Half the time I can’t even deal with one without wanting to murder him.”

  He frowned. She really loved talking to herself.

  He wasn’t in the mood to play host and wanted the chick gone. The rage filling him pushed away any other emotion. “You’re trespassing,” he said, his voice full of authority.

  She whirled around, holding a large volume of sexual acts pressed to her chest. “Christ! Have you ever heard of knocking?” Beautiful, big-brown eyes the color of soft honey, framed with thick, dark lashes, stared at him. Her generous lips formed a slight pout.

  She was breathtaking, and not just her rounded face with flawless brown skin. The curves hidden under her dress sent desire shooting through him—something he hadn’t felt in almost a year. He frowned. “No. This is my office. Why would I knock?”

  She glanced at him, up and down, scrunching her nose in distaste. “Forget knocking, have you ever heard of a brush? A razor?” She sniffed. “Cologne?”

  “Once again,” he said, his voice deeper than before. “You are trespassing. The ball is down the hall.”

  She winced. “I’m sorry. Razzy asked me to come in here and get a book.” She gave an apologetic smile. “I didn’t think this was anyone’s office.”

  “It is. Now, get out.” He heard the words come out of his mouth and wished he could take them back. It wasn’t her fault he was angry with life. Watching her lovely dark features as she continued to stare at him, he thought about
how long it had been since he’d been with a woman. Too long.

  Her perfectly lined brows flew up until he saw a spark of anger light her eyes. “Wow. You’re in need of some manners.”

  “I have manners.” He turned to point to the door. “You can get out through there.”

  She blinked, gripping the book so tightly he saw her knuckles discolor. “I thought people on this planet were supposed to be nice and happy. What the hell crawled up your ass and died?”

  “You are trespassing where you’re unwanted,” he said, his rage growing. She took a step closer to him, and through the cloud of fury and anger, his dragon got a whiff of her essence. The animal pushed harder to be let out. Desire bloomed in him for the annoying stranger. Something about her got to him. He’d lost a lot of himself in the need to keep his dragon awake. The only way to do that was closing off all emotions other than anger.

  A knock sounded at his door, and it opened to his cousin Drayken. He stared back and forth between Vikter and the ball guest.

  “I heard yelling,” Drayken said. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes,” Vikter growled.

  “No,” the woman with the striking honey-brown eyes and tempting lips said. “I’m going to need someone to show me back to the ballroom.”

  Drayken grinned, showing more interest than necessary in the curvy goddess. “Allow me. I’d be happy to show you back to the ball.”

  He passed Vikter on his way to the woman. The ire in Vikter knew no bounds; he clenched his hands at his sides. The dragon urged him to interfere, to yank her away from Drayken and rip his cousin limb from limb.

  She smiled at Drayken. Jealousy roared to life inside him. What did he care if she smiled at his cousin? She wasn’t his. Another emotion tried to tug at his anger-filled heart, but there was little room for anything other than fury in Vikter.

  “Thank you,” she said, taking the arm he offered. Then she turned to Vikter with pursed lips. “Sorry about your office. I didn’t mean to intrude in your space.”

  Her words and the hint of hurt he heard in her voice tried to call forth emotions he’d locked away. His dragon huffed, pushing him to be let out.

  Vikter watched Drayken escort the woman out of the room. He listened intently as they walked.

  “Hi, I’m Becca, Charlotte’s sister,” she said softly. “Thanks for showing me back to the ball.”

  “Hello, beautiful Becca. I’m Drayken of the Dragos house. I’m happy to keep your company. A lovely woman like yourself shouldn’t be alone.”

  Their voices faded until he couldn’t hear any more of their conversation. Becca. Why did he care? He shouldn’t. He’d closed off any and all thoughts of mating. But he could still be with a woman. And Becca’s curves tempted and aroused him more than anyone had in a very long time…if ever.

  He needed to fly. His gut told him there was something he was refusing to see. It was harder when his dragon could barely communicate with him. There was a broken link where his emotions were concerned, not that he needed emotions. They would only weaken him now that he knew death was imminent.


  Becca wanted to turn and give the guy who looked like he’d never seen a razor a piece of her mind. How dare he talk to her like she should have known that was his space? Razzy was the one who’d dared her, and she’d been stupid enough to fall for it.

  She glanced around the ballroom but didn’t see the girl. She’d tuned out Drayken and his suave Casanova personality. The guy knew just what to say to a woman. Unfortunately for him, Becca was more aggravated over the other man than interested in talking to Drayken. Something about the jerk stuck with her. His eyes. Behind all that anger and anti-social bullshit, she’d seen so much sadness.

  They reached Charlotte and her mates; Brecc and Eros proceeded to have a conversation with Drayken.

  “Where did you go?” Charlotte asked. “I looked all over for you?”

  “Your sister had the misfortune of walking into Vikter’s lair.” Drayken smiled. “Thankfully, I heard him roaring at her and saved her from his clutches.”

  Becca had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at the way Drayken made himself sound like a superhero. All he needed was a cape. She had shit handled and would have been fine without him. Some men liked to be the center of attention.

  Charlotte gave Becca the look that said we can talk later. Becca took the glass of wine Charlotte handed her and sipped. She glanced at Drayken from the corner of her eye. His incessant chatting had started to get on her nerves. The guy just didn’t know when to shut up.

  She slowly backed away, until Drayken was so involved in his conversation with the wolves, he didn’t realize she’d moved. Charlotte gave her a quick nod to indicate she was free to walk around. What Becca should do was get some air. The ballroom was packed with people, and she was starting to feel flustered. It had nothing to do with the annoying man in the library. Nope. Nothing.

  She slid out a side door and took a path she swore would lead her to the gardens. She had a pretty good memory, so she marched down the quiet rock-lined walkway without hesitating.

  “Stupid man. Did he really think I was there to bother him?” she grumbled, almost tripping on a rock. Her shoes changed from heels to flats with a single thought. She couldn’t believe everything in this place had so much artificial intelligence.

  “Like he’s that cute,” she growled. She could barely see anything under the frazzled mop on his head. Other than the piercing, gold eyes, she had no idea what he looked like. “He looks like he needs a flea bath.”

  She reached a circular area in the garden with a bench in the center. She sat, glanced at the dual moons, and sighed. So far, she’d loved coming to Aurora. She’d seen how happy her sister was with her two men.

  In the past, she never would have thought it was truly possible for three people to be in a happy relationship, but she’d seen otherwise with Charlotte.

  Her thoughts turned to herself. Men. She would find a good man. She was positive she would. There had to be a good one out there for her.

  Breath caught in her chest when she saw a massive dragon flying overhead, fire shooting out of his mouth. She gasped, her heart shooting to a galloping beat.

  The dragon wasn’t going fast. She found herself mesmerized by the giant creature. She stood, following through the woods to catch up with it. A loud roar and bright bursts of light guided her along the dragon’s way. She’d never seen a dragon in her life—not a real one.

  She started running, something she wouldn’t be caught dead doing, trying not to lose the dragon. She slipped between trees, glancing up to follow the dragon. Nobody had mentioned dragon shifters. Maybe they just had dragons, not shifter dragons.

  There was an opening between the trees ahead. By the time she got to the area where she’d seen the dragon descending, he’d already landed. Light from both moons allowed her to see the amazing animal almost blending into the rocks lining the lake. She took a tentative step forward. Leaves crunched under her feet.

  The dragon raised his head. He’d been drinking from the lake. Big, golden eyes shined in the darkness. She should be scared shitless, but she wasn’t. Instead, she found herself mesmerized. Her entire life, she’d been dreaming of dragons. The mythical creatures had taken over her home and her free time.

  She’d done so much research, looking into the myths, the legends. They all pointed to dragons not being real at any point in time. But this moment, watching that beautiful creature stare her down with curiosity was beyond every one of her realities.

  “You’re real,” she whispered, taking another slow step toward the dragon. His scales shimmered under the moonlight.

  He didn’t move. He watched her with intense, golden eyes. She bit her lip, unsure what to do. This was her biggest wish come true. A dragon in front of her. The dragon finally lowered his head, to lay on one of his paws, and huffed. She hoped that was his way of relaxing and allowing her to come closer, because that’s exactly how she
was taking it.

  “Hi,” she said quietly, clearing her throat and gripping the sides of her gown. “I’m Becca.”

  The dragon sniffed.

  “I guess you can’t tell me your name, huh?” She smiled. “It’s okay. You’ve got such beautiful golden eyes. I bet you make all the ladies crazy, don’t you?”

  She swore there was surprise in the big animal’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I let my mouth run away from me.” She stopped a foot away from the dragon’s massive head. Her fingers itched to run her hands over his scales. They shimmered brighter the closer she got. “Do you mind if I touch you?”

  The dragon didn’t say anything…because it was a freaking dragon. What in the hell was wrong with her? She kept waiting for him to say something like. ‘I’m gonna turn you into bar-b-que if you get too close.’

  She raised a hand to his face and slowly caressed the area around his nose. He closed his eyes. She figured if he was anything like a puppy, he’d like being petted there. She grinned when the dragon let out a breath. “I bet you like your belly rubbed too, don’t you?” He rumbled something, and she’d swear he was saying ‘yeah, right.’

  His giant eyes snapped open. It was like staring deep into a pool of swirling liquid gold. He sniffed and opened his mouth. His big, spiky teeth were much closer to her face than she was comfortable with.

  “I hope you run free here.” She sighed. “On my planet, you’d be hunted by idiots and the government.” She slid her hand over his scales. They were soft, something she hadn’t expected. Walking around his giant paw, she caressed her hand over his body until she reached his belly.

  The dragon eyed her with curiosity. His wings shimmered like the most delicate chiffon. “You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.”

  She lowered her head to place it on his belly and listen to him breathe. His powerful lungs pushed her face with every breath. For a second, he tensed, then he sunk lower into the ground, relaxing to her touch. She met his gaze and swore he saw into her soul.


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