The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance

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The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance Page 55

by Nichole Allen

  18 of 25 Bonus Stories

  Sealed by A Kiss

  This was definitely not the sort of life that Debra was used to. Sitting like a prisoner in between walls with guards watching over her just wasn’t her sort of thing. This was not what she had signed up for when she enrolled as a journalist and yet right now there was nothing that she could do about it. She looked around at the other ‘prisoners’ like her. They were all men, five in number and she was the only female. She needed to get the hell out of this place, but as she got up and headed for the door, she was blocked by a huge uniformed chest.

  “Where do you think you are going?” he said to her.

  “You people have no right to hold me here. I came here on my own free will,” she said defiantly, but the soldier just stood looking at her as if she was a little child asking for the impossible.

  “I'm sorry, ma'am, but we cannot let you go out when there is full-fledged war raging out there. We are here to protect all American citizens and there is no way that we are going to risk losing you,” he said, grasping his gun a little harder to drive home the point.

  To this soldier, commands were like the gospel, and there was nothing that she was going to do to make him change his mind. She went back to where she had been seated, her blood raging with anger within her veins. She thought about the way that all of this began. When the war had begun in Kabul, she had decided to come here as a journalist. The main reason for her coming to Afghanistan was so that she could get the story from the perspective of the locals, and not what the government wanted people to hear. Everything had been going according to her plans, until the US marines had come in. One day while coming from gathering information, she had walked out of a building only to be bundled into the back of a jeep by the marines. According to the information that she gathered, the people that had been ‘rescued’ were to be held here awaiting transportation to another point, before they were put on a ship and taken back home by SEALs. She found it absolutely absurd especially since she had come here on her own, not caring what sort of danger loomed up ahead.

  It had now been almost twenty-four hours and they were being held like prisoners in the make shift camp. They could not even use the toilets without an escort. Debra felt unsafe, more unsafe than she would have felt outside in the open fields where she could see everything that was happening. Here it was just them, the guards and the high walls around them, complete with razor wires at the top. If she could get a chance to do it, Debra would gladly have escaped without even thinking twice. That, however, was just going to remain a thought and nothing more, because there was nowhere that she was going with all of this security around them. She sat back against the wall and closed her eyes, hoping that all of this was just some bad dream that would soon come to an end.


  They all sat in the back of the truck as it bumped along the road. Seal Special Agent Chris Mason did not pay much attention to the other soldiers in the back of the jeep. It was a good thing that they were now heading back to the ship after the long day, searching the whole area to see if they could find any American citizens to rescue. This had to be the most boring mission that he had ever been on since they had not encountered any action so far.

  As he sat in the bumpy truck, his mind wandered. It had been a long time since he’d been with a woman and the effects were beginning to have their effects on him. It had been at least three months, which to him felt like a century especially since he was used to having sex every single day. He felt as if his manhood was going to explode with all of the lust that he had burning deep within him. He would have loved to go and whack off but that was something that never satisfied him as real sex with a woman actually could.

  “Chris, are you actually listening to a word that we are saying,” the senior commander said while touching him on the hand and bringing him back to the present.

  “Um sorry, just feeling a little absent-minded, Sir,” he said to the colonel.

  “Well, we are going to pick up some people later on at one of the camps, and I would like you to take charge of that team, if you don’t mind,” the commander said to him.

  “Yes, that will be fine with me, Sir,” he replied politely as the truck bumped along the dusty track.

  “Okay, that is going to happen this afternoon. We will bring them to the vessel and wait to hear if there are any more Americans to be found before we transfer them home,” the commander said, looking happy with the decision.

  “No worries, I have everything in control and there is nothing to worry about,” he said, glad for this because it finally meant that he could be trusted to lead, which automatically meant that he might soon be getting a promotion, which meant that he just might have his own team to run.

  It was late afternoon by the time that they came within the vicinity of the camp where they were going to pick the American citizens. Chris could not help thinking the way that they were being used as some sort of couriers or cabbies, despite the fact that they were professionals, trained in deadly warfare. They were all seated in the back of the jeep, him and three others and the drill was pretty simple. Get to the camp, deal with the necessary paperwork, get the citizens out of danger and take them back to their camp, from where they would be ferried to the ship for their ride home. This was a drill that should have been given to a less elite group, but then again, where there was war you never knew what surprises lay ahead for you. One had to always be on their toes, ready to deal with anything that came up.

  “Lance, I'm going in with you. Kendrick, you and Steve keep a watch out here while we clear with Sunders,” he said as they all jumped off the jeep, with Steve and Kendrick taking their positions by the gate.

  The camp was guarded by a huge perimeter wall complete with razor wire on the top to keep out anything. Chris and Lance made their way to the gate, where they were cleared by the supervisor, Sunders, before they drove into the compound to pick up their latest ‘guests’. It was the normal drill and all of the people came willingly, except one boy in the back, who seemed to take his time. He had a hat pulled down over his face, and he was wearing the normal Arab garb that hid everything within.

  “Hurry up, we have got to run or else we will make it back to camp when it’s dark,” he shouted at the group as they came towards them.

  The boy finally walked up to where Chris was standing by the jeep and when he looked up into Chris' face. Chris felt his blood pumping through his veins. He was surprised when the softest looking brown eyes looked into his own. It was not a man at all, it was a very pretty looking dark skinned woman and despite the fact that she was dressed in a loose fitting garb, Chris could tell that she had a very fine and sexy figure under it. Just the thought made his manhood shift around in his pants and he hoped that it would not misbehave and start growing hard in his pants.

  “I didn’t know that there were women here,” he said to her, avoiding her gaze for the fear of the effect it would have on him.

  “Great, not only are we being held here against our will, but we are also being held by a bunch of chauvinistic pigs,” she said bitterly. He had to stop himself from getting mad.

  He wondered how human beings could be like this. They were only trying to help them in these dangerous times and yet the bitch had the balls to insult him.

  “Ma'am, if we could please have some respect around here, I think it would be much better. We are only here for your own good,” he said to the woman, who continued to look at him.

  He could not see her directly as he was avoiding her gaze, but from the little that he could see, he could tell that she was the sexiest woman on earth. There was something about her that just seemed to get him completely turned on. Maybe it was due to the fact that he had not had sex in quite a while that his body seemed to be reacting to her scent and all right now.

  “Alright, I'm sorry for being rude, but the thing is that I am the one who brought myself here and I don’t understand why I have to be forced out,” she said, her looks
softening. As he looked at her lips through the corners of his eyes, he couldn’t help but wonder how they would feel against certain parts of his body.

  “I'm sorry but we are working under orders, ma'am, but once we get you out of here, I'm sure that the government will be glad to explain everything to you,” he said to her before turning to look at his other soldiers. “You guys will take care of the men; the woman will be with me.”

  Lance signaled for the men to follow him and they did so obediently. Chris looked at the pad that he was holding, checking out the people’s names. Debra Santana. She had a name that sounded just as sexy as she looked. He began walking back to the jeep, turning to look at her, but she seemed to stand her ground. He continued walking towards the jeep without turning to look at her again, and sure enough, she came dashing after him.


  He had not looked at her even once in the jeep and she could not understand. Maybe he did not like her, or better still, had no interest in black girls like herself. Debra found herself wondering why she was looking at him this way. Okay, he was not as stone faced as the other soldiers who wore indifferent faces. She could tell that he was vulnerable to an extent and thus the reason why she was taking particular interest in him. He was tall, had the physique that any woman would die for, not to mention the looks. It had never been in her nature to look at soldiers this way. She was used to a different kind of company, the company of fellow journalists back in the office in Boston. This soldier was a killing machine in human flesh and he would probably put a bullet right through her head if he was ordered to. He was just not her sort of guy, and never would be.

  Debra found herself looking at the nametag on his shirt, Chris Mason. From the look of things, she could tell that he was the one who was in command of this group of soldiers that were taking them to God knows where to wait for their ride back home. Since she was stuck with him, and being a journalist who was curious and not used to silence, she decided to make conversation with him. Maybe she could get some info from him along the way that might go a long way in helping her get the story that she was looking for.

  “So, I take it that you must be Special Agent Chris Mason,” she said to him thoughtfully as the jeep bumped along.

  “Lieutenant Mason, ma'am, that is what everyone refers to me as,” he said to her, still not looking at her and seeming more interested in the terrain that was beyond her.

  “Okay, Lieutenant Mason, what happens to us once we get to the camp, are we being taken back home immediately,” she said to him, telling that he was a SEAL from the uniform he was wearing.

  “Yes, you will be shipped back home, although that could be in a couple of days, weeks or even months before we begin on the journey,” he said, the last part of the sentence making her jaw drop to the ground.

  “Months, okay this has got to be some really bad joke, right? If you had just left me back there I would have gone ahead with my work and probably even gotten back home before your ship gets there,” she said to him. “God, this is so not happening.”

  Why wasn’t he looking at her, dammit! She knew that this was the wrong time for her to think about things like this, but the truth was that Debra was madly attracted to the soldier, even though she knew that he would never be her type, or could he?

  “So, have you been a soldier for long?” she asked, looking at him as he continued to avoid looking at her. The good thing was that he was at least talking to her, which meant that they could have a conversation, even if it was not the best one.

  “I've been a SEAL for a pretty long time,” he said to her thoughtfully. “I joined as soon as I finished school and I think that it is a pretty interesting job.”

  “Interesting? I guess you guys get to kill a lot, huh!” she said, wondering what it must be like to live with the conscience that she had killed someone.

  “That is probably the hardest part about doing what we do, and we don’t do it because we want to. We do it because we have to bring some sort of order and will only kill the enemy,” he said, for the first time, his eyes sweeping over her, fine blue eyes that matched the blonde locks sticking out of the helmet that he wore.

  “I can imagine. I just can't picture myself being a part of you guys,” she said, wondering what sort of muscles lay under the uniform he was wearing.

  They went the rest of the journey in relative silence. Debra could not imagine the dirty thoughts that were going through her mind, all of them revolving around the hunk of a soldier that was seated opposite her. She did not even want to imagine how he looked without his clothes on, the thought making her feel a certain stirring somewhere in between her thighs. It had been quite a long time since she had felt this sort of arousal and she felt as if it was going to drive her crazy.

  “Okay, we are here,” one of the other soldiers shouted as he jumped off the jeep, having come to a stop inside some sort of camp. “All the men will follow me, and as for you, you will be under the boss.”

  All of the men in the group quickly followed the soldier as Debra stood there, pondering what to do. She did not trust herself to follow this hunk of a SEAL especially due to the way that her body was already feeling as if she was on heat. He stood there looking back at her, waiting for her to follow him.

  “Well, aren’t you coming? We might not get any food to eat in the mess if we delay,” he said to her, but she just stood there looking at him. “Well, you can suit yourself.”

  She was utterly surprised when he began walking away towards one of the buildings. Knowing that he was her only savior in this middle of nowhere, Debra quickly dashed after him, practically running especially after he had rounded a bend around a building. She almost had a head on collision with him as she found him waiting for her around the corner. He grabbed a hold of her before she could fall to the ground, steadying her as she found herself against his chest. She felt her blood rushing through her body in the most extreme way, her whole being suddenly more aroused that she had ever felt before in her life. Debra could feel the way that Chris’ masculinity was oozing through her and she could not even begin to describe the sort of feeling that it gave her.

  “I'm sorry, I thought that you had gone,” she said to him, breathing a sigh of relief because she was brown skinned and he could not see her blushing.

  “I thought that you were never going to come and so I was just about to come back and look for you,” he said, seeming to enjoy her discomfort as she felt goose bumps forming all over her body, her whole body now more on fire than she could ever remember. “Anyway, come on, we don’t want to be late for lunch.”

  They made their way to the mess, where they found the other soldiers and civilians already busy hungrily munching away. It was then that Debra realized just how hungry she was, temporarily forgetting about the way that her body was feeling. They walked over to the counter and Chris picked up two trays, handing one over to her while he kept the other one. They were then served a nice hot meal, something that Debra had been longing for since she had not eaten a thing since they had taken her ‘captive’.


  “Dude, it looks like the new broad has really affected you, why don’t you just go ahead and dice her,” one of the soldiers said to Chris as he made his way to the gents.

  “Go and screw yourself, dude, how can you say such a thing? They are all civilians that are just here on transit,” Chris said to him, being the sort of guy that never wanted his fellow soldiers to know what he was thinking.

  “You might be able to kid someone else, but don’t think that you can fool me friend especially after we have been away on assignment for such a long time,” Burt said to him as he walked out of the washroom, leaving Chris by the urinal.

  His dick was as hard as a rock as he pulled it out of his pants to take a leak. It was almost impossible for him to even pee with it like that and he was glad that there was nobody else there to witness the trauma that he was going through. He felt like jerking off but he knew that the moment that he b
egan, someone would walk into the washrooms and he would become the laughing stock of the group. He also knew that Debra Santana was waiting for him in the mess so that he could show her to the room where she would be spending the night, being that it was already becoming late, and most likely tomorrow they would be departing from the camp. That had been kept a secret from the soldiers on the ground, but Chris trusted his senses and he had the feeling that they were now in transit.

  He headed out of the washrooms almost fifteen minutes later, having waited for his manhood to cool off a little. He felt much better as he walked into the mess to find the black beauty seated all alone there looking kind of worried.

  “I'm sorry that I kept you waiting here alone for such a long time,” he said to her apologetically.

  “How courteous of you to leave me here all by myself? You could have gone and done your thing in the washrooms after showing me to my quarters,” she said to him, looking pretty annoyed as she got up, clinging tightly onto her handbag as if it held her life. “And besides, it feels like a year since the last time that I took a bath, and I'm just praying that you have some water around here.”

  “I'm really sorry,” he actually felt sorry for her, his body starting to get aroused when he tried to think what she would look like in the showers naked, her black shapely ebony body with breasts all firm.

  “You're in luck because we do have showers here, although they are shared by both men and women, because of the limited resources on the camp,” he said, leading her out of the mess and to the back, where she would be spending the night under his watchful guard. There was no way that he was going to be able to trust any of the other soldiers’ near ‘his woman’.

  “Perfect, at least that will make me feel much better, the sweat is killing me,” she said, and he noticed the way that she looked at him in a strange way.


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