Shadow Play_A Dark Fantasy Novel

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Shadow Play_A Dark Fantasy Novel Page 6

by Jill Ramsower

  I felt a surge of disappointment, unsure if we would be able to make it upstairs to the club with so many people in line. We weren’t the type to attempt to cut in line so we started for the back, but before we went far, one of the bouncers called out to us.

  “Rebecca Peterson?” he asked in a strong voice that carried above the noise of the music and chattering crowd.

  “Ah, yes?”

  “You can go on up, Ronan is expecting you.” He eyed me curiously as he pressed the call button on the elevator and the doors opened.

  “Oh, thanks!”

  I had never given Ronan my last name and while I appreciated a man making an effort to get to know me, I wasn’t sure if what Ronan had done to get my name was welcome or a bit intrusive.

  The elevators had a retro style with decorative wrought iron caging on the inside for aesthetic purposes, rather than functionality. Low lighting in antique fixtures, rich wood paneling, and burgundy carpet set the tone for a trip into the 1920s. Once we reached our destination, I understood that the elevators were just a piece of the elaborately themed club—the perfect replica of a 1920's speakeasy.

  Detailed mural wallpaper covered the portions of the walls that weren’t lined with intricately carved wood booths, each in a circular shape and enclosed just enough for a private conversation but still remaining part of the room. Softening the ambiance were enormous red velour draperies that hung in various locations throughout the club. The bar itself was a work of art running nearly the length of the room, the marble top inlayed into a wood frame with evenly spaced brass and carved wood ornamentation. There were high wood tables around the periphery of the room and in the middle of the club was a dance floor packed with people. While the ambiance was retro, the patrons and music were definitely modern-day. The whole setup was amazing and we helplessly gawked as we entered the giant room. It was so unlike anything I had ever seen and I had to take a minute to appreciate all the artistic touches.

  “Rebecca, you came! I was starting to wonder if you had made other plans.” Ronan approached with a grin, dimples on display, and gave me a small kiss on the cheek.

  “We just got carried away talking at dinner. Ronan, this is Ashley.”

  She put her hand forward and he lifted it to his lips for a kiss.

  “It’s lovely to meet you and I’m so glad both of you could make it. I’ve got a booth for us over here.” He ushered us into a booth clearly labeled 'VIP' and was perfectly situated near the dance floor but just removed enough to have a bit of privacy. “What would you like to drink?”

  A waitress took our drink orders and he joined us on the curved bench seats. Feeling feisty, I ordered a lemon drop shot and Ash followed suit.

  “Do you work here?” Leave it to Ash to come right out with the questions, she was never afraid to talk to anyone or ask any question.

  “My boss owns the place so I’m here most days. You ladies look stunning tonight by the way.” Although he addressed both of us, his eyes held mine while he spoke.

  I dropped my gaze but quickly peered back up through my lashes, I wasn’t sure if it was just him or the alcohol affecting me but I was feeling good and I knew my cheeks were growing more flushed.

  Ronan’s attention was snagged by someone near the bar and he waved them over.

  “Rebecca and Ashley, these are my friends, Liam and Michael.”

  “Evenin’ ladies,” said Liam, who was a lanky strawberry blond with laugh lines creasing the corners of his eyes. The other man was stocky, not quite as tall, and had deep green eyes. He was considerably more stoic and merely nodded in our direction. The guys stepped aside to allow the waitress to serve our drinks and Ronan lifted his glass in a toast.

  “For every wound, a balm. For every sorrow, cheer. For every storm, a calm. For every thirst, a beer.”

  We all threw back our shots with a laugh and Ronan extracted himself from the booth. He turned back to where I sat, holding out his hand to help me up.

  “Come on Rebecca, let’s hit the dance floor.”

  I peered at Ashley in question but her eyes were glued to Liam who flashed a mischievous grin and held out his hand on the other side of the booth to help her out.

  We danced as a group for some time among the throng of gyrating bodies. Every couple of songs, we’d head back to the booth to have a drink and cool down. We had such a great time that I was able to completely relax and just enjoy the night out. Liam was hilarious, regaling us with embarrassing stories about his friends, including Ronan, and he was particularly well versed at dirty jokes, so we laughed more than I had in weeks.

  After a couple hours, the guys subtly paired us off and I found myself wrapped in Ronan’s arms dancing slowly, despite the pulsing club-mix song blaring around us. My three-inch heels lifted me nearly to Ronan's height and while I had my hands wrapped around the back of his neck there was still an inch or so of space between us.

  I was enjoying the perfect buzz from the alcohol as a sensual techno beat began to pulse from the speakers and that’s when Ronan’s hands slid from my lower back down until they were firmly gripping my ass. Before I could even decide if I was comfortable with his hand placement, he squeezed while pulling me forward, rubbing his hard erection into my lower belly.

  I was no prude, and I understood that we were at a packed club where others were getting their freak on. However, at that point in time I had not given Ronan any indication that I was ready to ride his dick and I was taken aback that he had been so presumptive as to take that liberty.

  I pulled back sharply and attempted to holler over the music that I needed to use the restroom. Hurrying from the dance floor I followed the sign down a back hallway to the ladies’ room. I was frustrated with myself for bailing rather than confronting him, but I didn't know him that well and I was a bit intimidated with the whole situation. I needed a moment to regroup and hoped Ash would be okay on her own for a few minutes.

  Before I made it to the restroom door, someone took hold of my hand and firmly tugged me around. Ronan stood with his head bowed and his bottom lip stuck out in contrition as he leaned back against the wall and drew me to him.

  “Don’t be upset, you’re just too gorgeous and I got carried away.” His words sounded genuine but I was off-kilter and I wasn’t sure I was comfortable off in a dark hallway alone with him.

  “Um, I’ve had a great time tonight, I appreciate you inviting us out.” I stepped back a bit and tried to pull my hand free but he held tight.

  “But … ”

  “But we just met and I’ve had more to drink than I probably should have so I think this might be a good time for me to call it a night.” I trailed off, hoping his earlier gentlemanly behavior would resurface and he would not press me for more.

  “I’m not going to force you into anything, Rebecca, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. At least give me another chance, give me your number before you disappear tonight.”

  I searched his chocolate brown eyes and felt a tug to give in and relax, but I was also wary after his unexpected advance. I wasn’t ready to take this guy home but also wasn't sure how to respond to his request. Maybe it was the alcohol, but I couldn’t seem to think straight when I was around him. I wasn’t uptight and he hadn’t given me any real reason to not trust him, aside from getting a little handsy, so why was I still feeling wary around him? Why not give into the pull and give him my number? My gut was telling me to walk away and it had never served me wrong before, so as much as it frustrated me, I took another step back.

  “You know where you can find me, how about we keep it at that for now.”

  His eyes flashed for a moment in what I thought was anger, but his words were understanding. “I’ll have to stop by for lunch again, so that we can get to know each other better." He placed a small kiss on the back of my hand. “Goodnight, Rebecca.” His warm eyes held mine intently before he turned to walk back into the club.

  I took in a lungful of air, not realizing that I had been hol
ding my breath during the last part of the exchange and headed into the bathroom.

  Following in the theme of the rest of the club, the restroom was decked out like a retro Hollywood dressing room with feather boas and bare-bulb vanity lighting. I did my business and then took a wet paper towel and dabbed my face to clear my head from the last fifteen minutes. I had definitely had enough for one night.

  I exited the restroom with the intent to round up Ashley but I only made it a few steps before I slammed into a hard body and flew backwards. About to fall on my ass, large hands grasped my arms and in a swift motion pulled me forward to press firmly against the hard chest I had first collided with.

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see … it’s you!” I found myself face-to-face with Mr. Gorgeous, the bully who had peppered me with questions on the street a few nights earlier.

  I was reminded just how frighteningly tall he was when I realized that even wearing heels my head just grazed his chin. Had I not spent the previous four hours drinking, I’m pretty sure I would have been terrified, but between the alcohol and my frustrations over Ronan, I found myself without my usual filter. Jabbing my finger into his chest, I went on.

  “Are you stalking me? I saw you out my window, you know. I’m not playing some game with you, and I don’t find any of this funny.” I knew I had lost my cool, but there seemed to be no stopping me.

  He grabbed my hand and yanked me into a room. He slammed the door and pressed me up against the back of it with my hands firmly pinned beside my head. Our chests touched, both rising and falling with heavy breaths as we held each other’s eyes and the air in the room grew charged.

  Dear God who was this man?

  I knew I should run screaming and get the hell out of there, but his actions had stunned me and together with my dulled senses, I was rendered motionless. All I could muster was fiery indignation and morbid curiosity about the mercurial man before me.

  He had on a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up so that I could see the corded muscle of his forearms. Like our previous encounter, his face was expressionless except for the slightest tick in his jaw, which I was pretty sure was his version of pissed off. Up close and in better light, I could see that his right eyebrow had a scar running through it and his lips were full, but currently pressed firmly together in agitation.

  Oh God, I was staring at his lips. This was bad.

  “You’re the one in my club, who’s stalking whom?” His deep voice resonated in my chest and an unwelcome ache stirred to life inside me. I shook off the feeling and concentrated on his words, reminding me of my bristling annoyance.

  “I was invited here! How was I supposed to know you would be here?”

  “So you say. Maybe you're here with that ass on display trying to get my attention.”

  “Oh, fuck you!” I fumed.

  Every word out of his mouth stirred the fire making me more infuriated and at the same time his heated blue eyes and those full lips, just inches from mine, made a spark of lust ignite.

  “I thought you didn’t want to play?” His eyes lit up with hunger as he brought my hands together over my head and held them with one of his while his other callused hand caged my neck. The position was significantly more vulnerable and my flicker of desire was quickly extinguished by a flood of fear.

  “I want nothing to do with you, let me go,” I ground out.

  “You want a lot more than that—you’re just too scared to admit it.” His voice was even more raw and guttural than I had remembered and I could feel every syllable vibrate down to my core. Any attempt I made at movement was futile—he was even stronger than I had expected, his grip like iron locking me in place.

  “You're wrong. All I want is to get out of here. Let. Me. Go.” Adrenaline and fear did their best to burn through my alcohol induced haze and returning clarity to my thoughts.

  “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to do.” There was an animal glint in his eyes as they strayed ever so briefly to my parted lips.

  I could feel my heart pounding against my ribcage, my breaths coming in small pants. “Are you going to rape me? My friend will come looking for me any minute, you know!” Rapidly surveying the room, I discovered I was in an office similarly outfitted as the rest of the club and I wondered if Ash would be able to hear me screaming over the blaring music.

  “Lucky for you, I’m not interested in scared little girls.”

  A wave of relief washed over me when he released my arms and pulled away just enough to allow air between us. I shouldn’t have cared what he thought of me, but his comment stung and angered me. What woman wouldn't be scared in this situation?

  “What do you want then, because I’m really confused. I don’t know the answers to your questions—I think you must be mistaking me for someone else.” I tried to explain as my adrenaline slowly eased from my system leaving me drained and ready to be home.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and took a step back, still assessing me. “Ronan must have invited you here, you reek of him.” When he said Ronan’s name, his eyes narrowed just the tiniest bit and his nostrils flared ever so slightly.

  “I do not reek of anything! And you cannot smell him on me!” I responded while rubbing my wrists to help return the circulation.

  “I suppose I should have guessed you would have cozied right up to him.”

  All right, now I was really getting pissed. This man had a way of pushing my buttons, all of them.

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Doesn't he work for you?”

  He took an intimidating step forward but I held my ground, arms on my hips, dripping in anger.

  “He does not work for me, he works with me. As for you, I know his type, and I’m not impressed,” he snarled.

  “Just because Ronan invited me here doesn’t mean you know jack shit about me. Even if I was sleeping with him, which I’m not, it would be none of your God damned business.”

  His eyes glinted and he raised his chin fractionally.

  “Perhaps I was mistaken. If that’s the case, you might want to reconsider who you associate with.”

  “He’s your friend!”

  “I don’t have friends, and even if I did, he wouldn’t be one of them.” He pulled open the door and waited for me to exit—it appeared that I had been dismissed.

  With an exasperated sigh, I flew past without a second glance. I wasn’t sure I had the patience to search for Ash so I headed for the elevators and pulled out my phone but just as the elevator opened, she came up behind me.

  “Where the hell have you been? I was looking everywhere for you!”

  “It doesn’t matter, let’s get out of here.” She pressed the button for the ground floor and I leaned back against the elevator wall, eyes cast upward unseeing.

  “I thought we were having fun, what happened?”

  I could see concern in her eyes but I was too worn down to detail all the events with Ronan and Mr. Gorgeous.

  “Just these stupid Irish men, I think I may have to become a nun while I’m here. I’d say a lesbian but I just don’t think I can swing that way.”

  We both burst out laughing and Ash put her arm around me. She was more buzzed than me but I could still feel the dizzying effects of the alcohol pulsing through my system now that the confrontation was over. We giggled together and headed outside arm-in-arm to find a cab.

  As soon as we exited the building, we set off in the direction of a busier street where we would have a better chance of finding a cab. A couple buildings down from the Huntsman, just as we crossed the entrance of an alley, I was nearly pulled off my feet as someone grabbed my hand and yanked me some distance into the alley shadows.

  Ashley called out my name and came running to my side as we both stared in horror at the hideous creature with my arm in its grasp. In a hissing voice, the hunched creature about as tall as my waist glared up at me with saliva dripping from its jagged, sharp teeth and spoke.

  “Give it to me girrrrrrl.” It drew
out the last word on a long breath almost like a growl. “It’s not yourssss, it belongs to usss. Give it to usss.”

  The filthy creature covered in grime reached its obscenely long fingers toward my chest, grabbing hold of my necklace and yanking so hard that I knew the chain would break, or at least slice into my neck. My head was pulled viciously down into the creature's face but the chain didn't break. Eyes narrowed and a snarl on his face, he prepared to take a second even harder yank just as Ash jumped between us and did her best to slap its hand away from my neck.

  Startled, he released the necklace and Ashley stepped us backwards farther into the alley, keeping herself between me and the creature. “Get away from her!” she screamed hysterically.

  I held onto Ash as we both looked desperately toward the main road, which was out of our reach, blocked by the creature standing in front of us. Behind us, at the other end of the alley, was a tall chain-link fence preventing us from an alternate escape.

  Our panting breaths puffed out in clouds of steam in the cold night air. The creature made a rumbling sound in its chest that was so horrifying I could feel myself start to hyperventilate. It lunged forward and grabbed Ashley by the arm and threw her several feet in the air and into the brick wall of one of the buildings. Her head slammed into the brick with a sickening thud and she fell to the ground in a limp heap.


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