Emmy and the Coven of Witches

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Emmy and the Coven of Witches Page 7

by Janine Summers

  “You make it sound easy.”

  “No. This is anything but easy. You’ll face many difficulties and challenges, but I believe you’ll succeed.”

  “This is my last year before I start high school and I want to graduate junior high with all my friends.”

  “I know this is important to you, but Grisandole isn’t someone to be trifled with. This is a dangerous woman, an evil woman. You don’t understand who or what this witch is. You must protect yourself against her evil.”

  “Then help me understand.” The most frustrating part was that no one wanted to tell her the truth, and yet these same people expected her to blindly follow their rules. She wanted to be free to live her life anyway she chose, but her choices were no longer her own.

  “I can’t, but I believe your grandmother will.”

  “I don’t know if not knowing is more frightening than knowing.”

  “This is a question being asked by many, but only a few will have the strength and courage to find the answers they seek. I wish I could answer your questions, but I cannot. It isn’t my place to divulge Grammie’s secrets.”

  At that moment, the front door opened and closed.

  Ayden stood. “Stay here.”


  “Emmy, stay here.”

  Ayden slowly walked to the front room. He let out the breath he’d been holding when he saw Grammie. He went to her and took her bag.

  “Are you all right?” He was worried by her pale coloring.

  “Yes, I’m fine, Ayden. Thank you for taking care of Emmy.”

  “My pleasure.”

  Emmy walked in. “I was so worried about you.” She put her arms around her grandmother and hugged her tightly.

  “I’m fine, Child.” She reciprocated the hug.

  “How was the meeting?” Ayden’s quizzical gaze puzzled Emmy.

  “Follow me.”

  Ayden went into the kitchen and made some tea. He handed a cup, which magically appeared in his hand, to Grammie.

  “Thank you. I need to speak with the Professor.”

  “I’ll relay your message.”

  “What’s going on?” Emmy sat next to her.


  “Don’t do this to me! I’m involved in this too!” Didn’t anyone trust her? Did they think she was the enemy, or that she’d betray her grandmother and her coven?

  “Indeed, you are.”

  “Why won’t you tell me what’s going on?”

  Ayden sat down with a thump. He closed his eyes and opened them. “The Professor feared this would happen.”

  “Why didn’t he tell me?” Grammie demanded.

  Emmy sat still and watched the drama unfold. They danced around the crucial points leaving her in complete ignorance. Still, as she watched them, she believed Ayden knew what had happened, even though no words were spoken.

  “I can’t answer for him.”

  “I know. I’ll speak with the Professor.”

  “Does Malka know the identity of the traitor?”

  “Not yet. We fear it could be one of the younger witches. You know how easily gold can sway them.”

  “Yes, I know. I will take my leave of you and find the Professor. I’m sure he’ll send word.”

  “Good. In the meantime, Emmy and I have a few things to discuss.”

  “Of course. I will continue to watch over you. Good night.”

  Emmy walked Ayden to the front door. “Thanks for staying with me. I had a good time.”

  “As did I. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He disappeared into the night.

  When Emmy returned to the kitchen and noticed the trembling in Grammie’s hands, she covered her cold hands with her own. “Please tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Sit down. We need to talk.”



  “What happened?”

  “We now know Grisandole and her hags have invaded Salem. Unfortunately, no one knows where they’re hiding and that makes me very nervous. I’m not certain how much help some of the older members of the coven will be in their search, but after the meeting, Malka sat with me and disclosed she had knowledge of a traitor skulking among us.”

  “Does she know who the spy is?”


  “So, what’s going to happen?” Emmy wondered and feared Grammie’s next words.

  “We discussed leaving Salem.”

  “But wouldn’t that mean Grisandole would know I was leaving?” She had to find a way to prevent Grammie from making her leave Salem. She didn’t want to miss out on her graduation. That was the most important thing in her life.

  “Yes. Our plan is to make her believe we sent you away, in the hope that she will follow a false trail set by the coven.”

  “And we can stay here and no one would be the wiser.” Relief flowed through Emmy.


  “Do you think it’ll work?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “May I go to school tomorrow?”

  “No, I’m afraid not.”

  “Grammie, if I miss too much school, I won’t graduate.”

  “I know. I’ll speak with your teacher. Perhaps we can work out a home program for you. This way you’ll be able to complete your year in safety.”

  “What will you tell Mrs. Norris?”

  “I’m not sure”

  “Well, you can’t tell her a psychotic witch, is after me.”

  Grammie laughed. “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’ll have to come up with a good story.”

  “Who else knows that I’m the Valittu?”

  “Mistress Malka. We never divulged your identity to the coven. All we ever told them was that we know of you.”

  “But, if I don’t go to school and someone finds out that I’m not there, they could put two and two together.”

  Grammie thought for a moment. “You have a point. All right, you can go to school tomorrow, but once I’ve discussed this with the Professor, we may need to make other arrangements.”

  “Thank you, Grammie.” Emmy smiled. There were only two months left before the end of school. Next year she and Sarah planned on going to high school together. This was something they’d always talked about; Emmy wanted to live out their dream.

  “Don’t thank me yet. We don’t know how long before we need to make other arrangements.” Grammie’s words crashed through Emmy’s thoughts like a sledgehammer.

  “I didn’t think of that.” What would happen if they had to move to some foreign country? What would she do then? Emmy didn’t want to leave Salem or Sarah. This was her home.

  “It’s time for bed. Goodnight, Emmy.”

  “Good night.” Emmy went upstairs, but her thoughts were on this newest problem in her life. She had to do something to help herself, but what? Would the nagging fear she felt deep inside get the better of her? There were so many unanswered questions running through her mind.

  She’d do whatever she had to do to graduate, and live her life the way she’d always planned. She got ready for bed and decided to keep hope alive. After all, it was all she had right now.



  Ayden stood in front of Grammie’s house, the way he did each morning and waited for Emmy. His green eyes scanned the area for unwanted witches and hoped he wouldn’t have to deal with anything out of the ordinary. He traveled all the time with the Professor and rarely had time to make friends. Emmy was different. She was easy to talk to, and he found himself wanting to spend more and more time with her.

  The front door opened and Emmy stepped out of the house dressed in her school uniform. Today she wore a skirt, white shirt and flat shoes. Her straightened hair fell past her shoulders and down her back. He thought her lovelie
r when her hair fell in waves.

  “Good morning.” Ayden looked her over. “Did you sleep well?”

  “I guess.”


  “How can you ask me that? I tossed and turned all night, afraid of everything Grammie told me.”

  “If there’s one thing I’ve learned traveling with the Professor, is not to worry about something, until it’s absolutely necessary.”

  “Easier said than done,” Emmy said.

  Ayden laughed. “Well, truth to tell, it took me a while to conquer my own fears.”


  “Of course.”

  “How long have you been traveling with the Professor?”

  “Eight years.”

  “Where are your parents?”

  “Dead.” A distant look crossed his handsome features, as his thoughts raced back to a time of sorrow and pain.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”

  “You didn’t. Don’t look so sad, the Professor is my family now. Here comes Sarah. I’ll see you after school.”

  “Bye Ayden.”

  He watched her, as she walked next to Sarah, and followed them at a discreet distance knowing only Emmy saw him. He watched the girls enter and knew she’d be safe until the end of the day. He went in search of the Professor.

  He walked past the ocean and hotel, as he continued down the street until he came to a wooded area outside of town. He looked around and stepped into the forest. He followed his usual path and came upon a clearing where the Matchstick House stood. Ayden entered and went up the stairs, certain, the Professor would in his office, going over papers and charts strewn across his desk. He knocked.

  “Come in, Ayden.”

  He stepped into the large room with the pale walls, and a picture window. The Professor stood behind his dark mahogany desk. His leather chair was pushed out behind him. Oak bookcases filled with ancient volumes, took up the entire wall. Ayden often wondered how he found anything in what he considered a huge mess, but the Professor deemed this, chaotic order.

  “Are you ready?” Ayden asked his mentor.

  “Yes. I’ll be with you in a moment.”

  Ayden noticed the Professor wore dark pants and a deep blue shirt instead of his usual robes and hat. His long dark hair was tied at the nape as was his custom. Ayden sat down in one of the leather chairs and waited.

  “You’ll join me today when I meet with Marsilia.”

  “As you wish, Professor.”

  “Have you eaten?” The Professor looked at his young charge and wondered.

  “I’m fine.” Ayden was anxious to visit with Grammie.

  “That was not my question.” The Professor raised dark eyes and focused on the young man.

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “I will wait here while you have something to eat.”

  “We have a meeting with Grammie.”

  “You have time, while I go over these maps.”

  “Yes Professor.” Ayden rose from the leather chair, knowing he’d never win this argument. He never did. The Professor always knew everything Ayden did and everything he felt. The Professor was like no one he’d ever met before.

  “I need you to stay strong. The girl’s life may depend upon us.”

  Ayden smiled. “Understood.” He left the office and made his way to the kitchen.

  An hour later, the Professor and Ayden stood on Grammie’s doorstep. He knocked.

  “Professor, Ayden, I’m pleased to see you. I’ve been so worried about Emmy,” Grammie told them when she opened the door.

  “She’s fine,” Ayden volunteered. “I waited until she entered the school with her friend, Sarah.

  “Excellent. Please come in. We have much to discuss.” She led the way into the kitchen.

  They were seated at the table, as they watched Grammie pour coffee into the cups and place it on the tray. She served her guests, sat down and waited.

  “Marsilia, there is much talk surrounding Emmaria and Grisandole.”

  “Please tell me she doesn’t know where Emmy is.” Panic seized her heart.

  “I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time. I have learned the coven cannot be trusted.”

  “Yes, I know, but until we identify the spy in our mist, there’s little any of us can do.”

  “I think you will need to stay away from the coven for a while.”

  “But Professor, if I don’t attend the meetings someone will suspect me as Emmy’s guardian. This could place us in jeopardy. I can’t take that chance.”

  “True, but if someone follows you back here and they see Emmaria, all will be lost as well.”

  “You’re right. Either way, Salem has become far too dangerous for Emmy. Perhaps, the time has come to change locations.”

  “I can protect Emmy,” Ayden told them. He would never allow this to happen. She was his responsibility and he took it very seriously. Her well-being meant everything to him.

  “A brave statement, but you are no match for Grisandole and her hags. We need to formulate a plan. A plan to get Emmaria out of the city should the need arise.”

  Grammie sighed in defeat. “Very well, Professor. But only if the need becomes great or if her life is in danger.”

  “Marsilia…” the Professor began only to be halted by Grammie.

  “I’m sorry Professor, but I told Emmy, we wouldn’t leave until Salem became far too dangerous.”

  “Unfortunately, this may come sooner than later,” the Professor said, as he took another sip from his china cup. He reached for a freshly baked biscuit and slathered it with jam.

  “Still, I’d like to stay here a while longer. I think our plan to make Grisandole believe we’ve left Salem, might work. If it doesn’t, then and only then, will I consider leaving.” She watched the Professor. “I promised Emmy she’d be able to finish her term and graduate with her classmates. This is very important to her.”

  The Professor thought about it. “Very well, I will come up with another plan, but I want Ayden to stay at her side until we figure this out.”

  “Thank you both for everything.”

  “I am doing what I think is best for you and for the Valittu.”

  “That is more than fair, Professor. I will support your ultimate decision.”



  Emmy spent the day deep in thought. Classes came and went but she couldn’t concentrate on anything but what Grammie told her. The worst of it was keeping this a secret, especially from Sarah. If she could talk to someone, it might help her deal with her powers and the fear she felt whenever she thought of Grisandole. This wasn’t easy to accept, and it made her wonder what the future held.

  Then, her thoughts switched to bright green eyes and a handsome face with a strong jaw and an easy smile. From the moment she saw Ayden, there was something different about him. She had lots of friends at school, both male and female, but every time she thought of seeing Ayden, her heart skipped a beat. She shook her head hoping to bring her thoughts back to school, but she couldn’t. Her thoughts ran toward Ayden and the gentle way he cared for her.

  When the bell rang, Emmy fairly ran from class. She collected her books, hoping to find Ayden waiting for her.

  “Emmy, wait up,” Sarah called out to her.


  “Boy, you’re in a hurry.” She smiled. “What’s up?”


  “Where have you been these last few days?” Sarah worried. “You don’t call. I never see you except in class. You rarely answer my texts.”

  “I’m sorry, Sarah. I’ve been helping Grammie. She’s been keeping me busy.” She hated lying to Sarah, but she had no choice. Emmy swore she’d never betray her.

  “Why? Is she ill?

  Emmy thought f
or a moment choosing her words as carefully as she could. “Let’s just say, she hasn’t been herself lately and she needs me.”

  “Is there anything I can do?” Sarah’s uncertainty showed.

  “She’ll be fine, but thanks.”

  “If you need to talk, I’m here for you.”

  “I know, but there are some things I can’t talk about.”

  “I thought we were BFF’s,” Sarah said.

  “We are. When things settle down and Grammie lets me talk about it, you’ll be the first to know.” What else could she tell her best friend. She’d given her word to keep this a secret from everyone including Sarah. Emmy had to preserve the story that Grammie wasn’t well. She couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  “That makes me want to know more.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Emmy laughed with her friend. “I’ll try to call you later,”

  “Sure.” Sarah watched her friend run out the door.

  “Emmy! Wait up!” Danny called out.


  “You’re in a hurry.”

  “Yeah, I have to get home.”

  “We haven’t been able to hang out. Are you busy tonight?”

  “Sorry, but I can’t. I promised I’d be home early. Can we talk tomorrow?”


  She left the building before Danny asked to walk her home. She wanted to see Ayden. She looked across the street but he wasn’t at his usual post. She felt sad and alone. What was wrong with her? He didn’t have to be here every day.

  “Hello Emmy,” Ayden said, as he stepped forward.

  His voice startled her. “Hi Ayden.” Her smile lit her pale features.

  “Where is Sarah?”

  “I wanted to walk home with you,” Emmy said, as her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink.

  “I’m flattered.”

  Emmy blushed even more. “Well, I wanted to talk to you about Grammie and this Professor the two of you keeping talking about.”

  “I see. What would you like to know?” He wore that maddening, sly smile.

  There was something so confusing about her feelings for him. She’d never felt this way about Danny. “What’s their connection?”


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