Six Degrees of Passion

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Six Degrees of Passion Page 7

by Savannah Chase

  When David got to her thighs and her mound, his movements grew torturously slow.

  Spread open so wide, the soft strips moved over her folds, teased her opening and pulled her wetness up over her clit. With the utmost tenderness, he kissed her engorged nub. She wiggled, pulling on her restraints. Her hips bucked when his tongue entered her time and again, enhanced by the feel of his fingers spreading her open.

  Pulling the hood back from her clit, he feathered the flogger over it until her squeals drowned out the sounds of the fountain he had going. After his assault on her from head to toe, Sara, though blindfolded, held her eyes closed tight against the light-headedness, which made the bed feel like it spun.

  When he started the flogging again, this time the short straps hit every inch of her in a figure eight, coming down in varying intensities across her body, heating her from the inside out. The light strikes to her nipples made her stomach clench. The hits to her labia, the light sting of the knots at the end of his implement of subtle torture, made her want to beg David to enter her, stretch her, take her.

  He loosened her ties, and her world spun as he turned her. A few pillows pushed under her stomach lifted her ass before he tied her back down again. Bound again, spread out, exposing all of her to him, she heard him begin the chant. In this position, the flogging increased in intensity. Her back, ass and thighs warmed to a sting in minutes. As he kissed the tender skin of her red cheeks, he poured a warm oil over her puckered hole.

  Little by little, he inserted an anal plug into her. The resistance brought about pain and pleasure. A flexible dildo teased her pussy opening before being thrust inside her. The toy picked out was big enough to cause an intense stretching sensation during this abrupt movement. Filled to the hilt, the flogging began again.

  At the point, woozy, only the erotic sensations kept her conscious. Then, after a moan from him, the ropes fell from her. David’s hands on her stinging skin, as he picked her up like the rag doll she now was, awakened her just enough to nearly faint when the dildo got replaced with his hard cock.

  “Can you hear me?” His voice sounded distant though she could feel his lips on her ear.

  She nodded. Trust and love came unbidden, unburdened.

  He continued to whisper breathy words. “I’ve never loved you more than at this moment. Picture our dreams, our intentions for a life together.

  Sara did. She could easily picture all they’d written out in their contract together. Her heart nearly burst, bringing her around enough, although she felt drugged by the flogging, to envision it all.

  Laying her down on the mattress again, he thrust in and out of her bringing them both to a sharp, fast orgasm. Her muscles contracted then relaxed, warmth inside and out flowed through her as she screamed.

  With no idea how much time had passed, she started to come round, sensing her body and her surroundings more and more acutely.

  “As we will, so must it be,” Sara whispered as she squeezed his cock with her inner walls.

  The End


  By Cassandre Dayne

  Hearing the keening howl of the wolves in the distance, Sasha hungered more than she ever had before. No matter the ravenous sounds of the beasts, desperate for flesh and blood, her deep seeded desires didn’t have as much to do with the calling of the moon. Neither were they about the creatures bent on taking her soul, but more the dark cravings buried deep within her.

  She was a woman vexed with more than a single curse and she had no way out. Sadly, the ugly and damning truth was there was one way to survive the brutal magic spell, but few humans suited her needs and could solve the vexing puzzle. Even fewer could sate her appetite.

  Lifting her head, she gazed into the crimson orb as she brushed the back of her hand across her mouth, realizing her arm was shaking. There was no doubt she would need to turn soon or face the wrath of the very demon who haunted her every dream, dragging her into the pits of hell. She darted a glance at her hand, her fingers already lengthening, and shuddered. Why was she the chosen one? A whisper of the night winds reminded her. This was her destiny.

  “I knew I’d find you here. My beloved, do you find what you seek searching the night sky?”

  Hearing his husky voice not only thrilled her but also terrified her to death, salvation or condemnation – this was Mika’s choice alone. Either way, Sasha was doomed. “You know what I desire.”

  “No, I don’t. Tell me. I command you.” Inching closer, Mika exhaled slowly, allowing his heated breath to skate down her naked back.

  There were no words needed. She belonged to him – heart and soul. The King took what he wanted, ravaging her body every night, and she was powerless to rebuke his seductions. “I only want you, Master.” Pushing the hair away from her neck, she cringed, knowing what he would take from her, knowing what she’d be forced to give.

  “Yyeeessss…forever.” Snarling, Mika bared his fangs, grazing the tips back and forth across her tender skin. “You are precious to me. You are my life and you belong to me.”

  Wrapping his hand around shoulder, he bit into her neck, allowing his sharp incisors to slice into her skin. Kicking her legs apart, he slid his hand between her legs, pushing several fingers into her pussy. The sounds of his sucking, filling his veins with her rich blood, floated into the night sky. In and out he thrust, each plunge depicting the savagery of their kind.

  “Ooohhh…” The feeling was both euphoric and terrifying and as a stream of blood trickled down her neck, Sasha tilted her head, closing her eyes, and damn if her pussy wasn’t clenching around his fingers, drawing him in deeper. He had a way of driving her over the edge, desperately hungry for more and she hated her body’s reactions to her King. No, he was no King.

  He was a true monster bent on destroying all she knew. Of course he wanted her complete submission to him, not only now but forever. Sasha could feel the tips of her sharp teeth lengthening and as she dragged her tongue across the edges, she shuddered. Tonight he was going to take her brutally. This was merely the beginning of their mating and there was no doubt her Master would need more of her blood every day. Soon she’d be doing his bidding and for her there were few choices. Still, the woman inside remained, strong and hopeful.

  When Mika released her he licked across the wound before taking a step back. “Yes.

  Look at me, Sasha.”

  Turning slowly, the combination of the red haze from the moon and the crimson blood covering the bottom of his lip was almost surreal. Seeing him standing naked in his full glory did indeed give her pause. He was tall and very muscular, his massive legs powerful and hands with the ability to crush a man. Even his eyes were beautiful but very unsettling. There was no doubt he was a fine breed, meant to be a leader. Unfortunately he preferred ruling men with evil in his heart. She swallowed hard and lowered her head. “What will you have of me, Master?” She hated every moment of acquiescing to him but there were few choices – if she wanted to keep her sister alive. She’d prayed for a miracle every night – one human who could help her. Sadly, there were few left alive. Men and women of the Earth had been tortured to make way for the rebirth of their kind.

  “Come with me. It’s time to play. You’ll enjoy my precious as I have a treat for you and one you certainly will want to indulge in.” Holding out his hand, Mika narrowed his eyes before tipping his head and issuing a bellowing howl toward the moon.

  The sound alone was chilling and meant to call the others back into the fold. Sasha darted glances around her and was more determined to keep her mind intact. One day she’d get out of his damning clutches. One day. “Yes, sir.” Taking his hand, she knew what she was in for, a show while he fucked her hard. He was a brutal man who enjoyed watching as others were nearly tortured and while he’d never done anything brutal to her, she knew it was only a matter of time until he grew bored.

  Mika growled softly as he led her into his private quarters. “We have entertainment for the evening.”

can see that…sir.” Even saying the word of reverence was enough to make her ill, but she was more than surprised they’d secured such a fit looking human male. There was something about him that caused her to hone in on him more. Out of the corner of her eye she couldn’t help but notice and crave the young human male being brought into the room. Cocking her head, Sasha could barely contain her hunger and issued a single growl before he she could stop the sound from pulsing past her swollen lips.

  Mika chuckled. “Go and touch him. See if he’s good enough stock for you, my precious.”

  Doing as she was told, she crept forward, her eyes never leaving the golden man and yet he remained unblinking. As she drew closer, she studied his solid frame and purred before brushing the tip of a single finger down from his chin to his chest, flicking her finger back and forth across his cinnamon colored nipple. “Very sexy.”

  The human never blinked, yet his eyes showed desire and something else, a hidden spark.

  Sasha couldn’t help herself. Wrapping her hand around his cock, she stroked as she watched his eyelids finally flicker from desire. There was nothing like the feel of him in her hand and the musky smell of his scent wafting between them. Suddenly she was very hungry.

  “What do you think, my pet?” Mika asked.

  “He’ll more than do.” Lifting her head, she licked across the seam of his mouth before nipping his bottom lip. The single drop of blood made her growl and yet was more than just a hint of surprise. The human was… “Yes, he’ll do nicely.”

  “Come, my precious. It’s time for me to fuck you.”

  Glancing over her shoulder, the sight of her Master stroking his own cock filled her with a sense of dread, but she knew he place and inched back toward him. She watched as the young man was strapped to the cross and had to admit, she could see sinking her teeth into his glistening skin. Humans were indeed all alike and so very gullible. For a chance at immortality they would give all they owned and their entire humanity. Sasha reminded herself she had to have patience and pretend. “Pathetic creature.”

  “Yes. Watch as he’s being flogged for you and only you, my love. And then I’ll fuck you hard. Just like you enjoy. And then my pet you can turn and feast upon my treat for you. That is if you’re very good.”

  Cringing, Sasha wanted no part of scattered crumbs and knew that if she did indeed turn and was given the opportunity she could kill the human, something she’d sworn never to do again. She had to gain control. Sadly, her urges were growing. “I’d like that, Master.”

  “Of course you would.” Snapping his fingers, he pulled Sasha into the heat of his chest, reaching around her to cup and squeeze her breasts. “Watch, my pet and enjoy.” He caressed her skin, nipping her shoulder, as he growled and ground his cock into her ass.

  Sasha groaned as her longing increased and could barely contain the beast dwelling just below the surface. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the two large men who were the clan’s disciplinarians. Trained in the old ways of their kind, they were masters themselves at the black art of kink. As the blond struggled, fighting the chains that held him fast, she knew there was nothing more the human wanted than what they were about to give him. He was a willing participant having no idea this was less about and more about his much needed blood. “Very sexy, Master.”

  “Yes.” Mika pushed her forward and brushed his hands down the length of her spine as he leaned her over a wooden table, dragging the tip of his tongue back and forth across her shoulders. “Should I shackle you tonight? Discipline you?”

  “No, sir. There is no need. I will give to you willingly. Besides, I want to enjoy touching you.” Reaching back, she wrapped her hand around his thick shaft and purred. He did feel good nestled in her fingers.

  “Very well.”

  Sasha kept her eyes glued to the two men who carefully selected their implements of discipline from a cabinet full of them. Licking across her canines, she knew she was indeed growing more than just hungry. Her raging desire would force her to turn. For a second she could see the golden man lying beneath her as she rode his cock, hard and fast, driving his thick muscle deep into her pussy. Suddenly wet all over, she spread her legs, willing to accept her Master’s offering. Blood and sex. What a powerful combination. A realization hit her hard and she fought to keep her emotions in check. The human was more than just a treat.

  Crack! Whip! Whoosh!

  The first man sliced his flogger across the man’s back and instantly the golden hunk clenched his fists and screamed through clenched teeth.

  Pop! Crack!

  The other took a turn, slapping down and across the submissive’s back and thighs.

  “Oooohhhh!” Issuing a single howl, the man panted and wiggled on the cross.

  “He’s very good. I can tell what kind of a lover he’ll be for you later.” Lowering his head, Mika nipped her earlobe and pushed the tip of his cock to her pussy. “And I might just allow you to keep him. You deserve a pet of your own.”

  Her eyes already dilating from the intense cravings coursing through her body, Sasha snarled as she studied the human. And then she licked her lips. The ancient proverbs had been correct after all. Her abilities were just as had been told to her and now she had to keep her knowledge a secret or others would die savagely. “Yes. I would like that very much.”

  “I know you too well, my love.”

  As Mika impaled her pussy with one hard thrust, she clawed the wooden table and smiled. The tempting morsel would indeed be her delicious dessert and maybe her salvation.

  Chuckling, she arched her back and accepted her Master’s powerful drives, the force of their sex pushing her hard against the edge of the table. In and out he thrust into her as the man was flogged over and over again.

  “So tight. So good. You are perfect for me and together we will rule.”

  Her Master had no idea what she was capable of. But he was going to find out before the end of the night. And the human was going to help her. Her Master was going to die. “Yes, Master. I’ll do everything you want.” As she turned her attention to the human, she could tell by the fire in his eyes she was right. Tonight she would do more than just feast on blood and sex.

  Tonight she would rule.

  The End


  DH Black

  DH Black is a writer living somewhere in the state of Virginia. He is a published author in several other genres writing under many pen names. His writings are very in your face gritty and include aspects of murder, abduction, crime and raw sex. The pieces will tantalize and at times terrify you with their down in your face level of grit. They will also give you a taste of humanity and love from both the positive and destructive sides as we all experience from time to time.

  First published is his Retribution Collection released by Rebel Ink Press was entitled Enslaved.

  The erotic thriller isn’t for the faint of heart and DH tackles some difficult issues. Unfortunately the book was pulled from shelves for almost three months due to rape content but subsequently was placed back on the shelves. The second in the collection, Inferno was a #1 bestseller at Omni Lit and a top ten best seller for over three months. Both Enslaved and Inferno received Silver Stars from All Romance E books and are still selling well. Reviews call the books brutal and gritty. The fifth is in the works and will be released by Rebel Ink Press in August. Through his books you’ll learn the power of love and understanding. When salvation stands in your way – there’s always retribution.

  Member of:

  Virginia Romance Writers

  Romance Writers of America

  Passionate Ink


  ARRA – Australian Romance Readers Association

  Please feel free to contact him at any time

  [email protected]



  Troy Danton was everybody’s hero. A firef
ighter with the Cleveland Fire Department, not only did he love his job but his success in rescuing victims brought him accolades in a despondent town. Sexy and down to earth, his quiet demeanor and rough-hewn good looks made him a media darling after every ugly event. A true ladies man, little did the rest of the rugged men in his close-knit firehouse know about his true desires. Maintaining a reserved persona, he was happy living his life in secrecy until a single damning moment rocked his world, exposing the man behind the mask. One tragic fire changed his future forever. As pieces of his life were uncovered he was labeled a freak as shades of terror held a paralyzing grip, jeopardizing his career.


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