Stormy Nights (Storms of Blackwood Book 2)

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Stormy Nights (Storms of Blackwood Book 2) Page 15

by Elle Middaugh

  Rob turned to us, and I knew already he was planning on being brave. He couldn’t help it.

  "No," I said, before he ever even spoke. "You’re not going in there alone. You need backup."

  "I’ll go," Dan volunteered, stepping forward to stand beside Rob.

  Ben and Cal glanced between us and the aerial fight overhead with grim expressions on their faces.

  "Make it quick," Cal decided. "That chimera looks aggressive as fuck."

  I glanced up again too, sickened to see blood dripping from Ash’s head, throat, and chest. The female was bleeding too but not nearly as bad. She only had a few shallow scratches on the side of her shoulder.

  I stepped forward and kissed each of them—just in case—and watched with a pounding heart as they raced toward the unguarded nest.

  By that point, the demons had finally caught up to us.

  "You guys are doing great," Hugh panted as he put his hands on his hips, puffing out his chest.

  "What took you so long?" I asked, knowing full well they’d been dawdling on purpose.

  "Bob," Larry said, shaking his head. "He’s always so slow."

  "It’s true," Bob added, as if it were more of an excuse than an insult.

  As soon as Rob and Dan made it to the nest, they grabbed an egg and took off running like lightning was about to strike behind them. They sprinted through the undergrowth, dodging tree trunks and vines with more skill than I’d ever be able to mimic, but I was damn well going to try.

  Cal and Ben each took one of my arms, tugging me forward as Rob and Dan reentered our midst. They blew through our circle and blasted into the lead, leaving us struggling in the dust.

  "Come on!" Hugh shouted, and all five demons ran like the wind after their prince.

  "Always slow, my ass!" I shouted at their backs, pushing my legs as fast as they’d go.

  I stole a glance behind me... just in time to see Ash falling to the ground in a heap of bloodied feathers.

  "Ash!" I cried, stopping abruptly.

  But Cal and Ben pulled on my arms.

  "He’ll be fine!" Ben assured me.

  "Keep moving!" Cal demanded.

  But something wasn’t right. The magical dust was sluggish to billow up around him, and once it passed, he didn’t get up. He just lay on the ground, a permanent grimace etched into his handsome features as he clutched his side and chest.

  "Asher!" I screamed even louder. This time there was an evident hint of hysteria in my tone. I whipped around and sprinted back toward the nest far faster than I’d been running away from it.

  He groaned and rolled side to side, as if trying to get up but failing. When I reached him, I crashed to the ground on my knees, staring in horror at his blood-soaked chest.

  "Oh my gods, what the fuck is happening?" I shrieked. "He’s not healing!"

  Cal and Ben appeared beside me in an instant. I had no idea if Rob, Dan, or the demons were coming back or not. They could have been a mile away for all I knew.

  The mama chimera swooped down again, narrowly missing the tops of our heads. Apparently, this fight wasn't over until the threat to her eggs was totally eliminated; and we were that threat.

  "I’ll take the chimera. You guys save Ash," Cal growled, leaping into the air as his sky powers took over. Then he was gone, circling the female with vengeance burning brightly in his eyes.

  Oh my fuck, what were we going to do?

  I might have screamed that out loud, because Ben immediately answered me.

  "Use your fire to singe part of his flesh; it’ll stop the bleeding. Afterward, I'll stitch the wound shut."

  I cupped my hand and did as he asked without question or hesitation. "Fire."

  When the peachy pink flames emerged in my palm, I quickly traced a line of them down Ash’s chest and side, cringing as he hissed in pain and gagging as his flesh seared, my head swimming with fear and disgust. It left an ugly, charcoaled gash, but at least it wasn't hemorrhaging anymore.

  "Okay, that’s enough," Ben decided, reaching for an overgrown blade of grass. Using his magic, he split the green fibers into thin strings, then turned the final strand into something that looked like a pine needle. He hooked them together, knotted the end, then pushed it through Ash’s skin.

  It dawned on me then; he’d made a makeshift needle and thread.

  He got to work stitching Ash’s wounds shut just as Cal fell out of the sky. He crashed through multiple tree limbs, their branches splintering under his weight, before he hit the ground with a menacing thud.

  "Oh, gods!" I screamed again, scrambling over to him. He, too, had bloody claw marks streaked down his chest, along with the cuts and scrapes from the branches he’d fallen through. "Ben!" I cried.

  "Coming!" he shouted, but he stumbled a bit on his way, and I could tell his powers were already stealing away his five senses—the price of using his magic. He blinked a few times as he knelt by Cal’s side, as if trying to clear his vision. "Same drill, Sailor. Light it up."

  "Fire," I called, and my curly flames once more shot up into my palm.

  The first time I’d used my power must not have been enough to stir the lust within me. Either that, or I was just too petrified to react in a sexual way. But, after this second time, I could feel it slowly building.

  Just as I was about to use the flames on Cal, the mother chimera swooped down and raked a claw across my shoulder. It burned like a branding iron and stung as if a blade of pure salt had been wedged in the wound. My eyes squeezed so tightly shut, I thought the little orbs might burst. The pain was excruciating.

  "Fire!" I called, and while the curling flames did race up my arm, they did not heal me as usual.

  Oh my gods, we’re going to die.

  Ben rushed over, sweat beading across the tanned skin of his forehead as he tried to patch me up too. I shook my head, apparently in some sort of shock, because all I cared about was him helping his brothers.

  That’s when Rob and Dan came running back, charging the chimera with an aggression I hadn’t seen in them before—not even the brooding badass.

  "Go back!" I cried. "Don’t leave the egg!"

  "Fuck the egg," Rob growled, landing a bare-handed punch into the side of the chimera’s lion-like head.

  "The egg is safe. The demons have it," Dan elaborated as he swung his blade at the chimera’s throat. It nicked some skin, drawing blood and a nasty scream from the wild creature.

  Gods, he really was good at slicing throats. It was fucking weird and also slightly terrifying, but at the moment, it was more like a godsend.

  "The demons will eat it," I protested, my voice slurring slightly.

  A chill suddenly crept across my skin, sinking into my muscles and bones. I shook and shivered, my teeth chattering as my eyes grew heavy.

  "Stay with me, Sailor," Ben demanded loudly as if he could barely hear, squinting at my wound as if he could barely see.

  It must’ve been far deeper than I’d realized.

  I watched in a daze as Rob, Dan, and finally Ben took hits from the beast’s wicked claws, their blood spraying through the air like a fan of crimson and spattering on the nearby leaves.

  My heart physically ached, a ferocious pain in the center of my chest. The blood bond fought to keep us alive and intact, but with all of us wounded, it had nowhere left to draw strength from.

  I homed in on a few blades of tall grass blowing gently in the wind in front of my face. Then I lost focus completely and everything went black.

  Chapter 17


  I awoke the next day like an early bird gleefully greeting the dawn.

  This was the day.

  My father, the king, was coming back to Blackhaven to spend time with me.

  I knew I must’ve sounded like a needy little boy, but in a way, there was still a child inside of me longing for the presence of his dad in his life—to play ball with, to go hunting together, to teach me how to be a man, or how to treat a lady. I knew all those chances had
already come and gone, but the longing remained.

  I put on the same white pants and the same blue dress shirt because they were the finest items of clothing I owned. I ran a hand through my wavy brown hair and once more tied it off at the base of my neck. I wasn’t sure what time he would arrive, so I decided to be prepared at all times.

  I stared in the mirror, trying to find some sort of resemblance between the face of the man I met yesterday and the face of the man staring back at me now. Perhaps we had the same straight nose? Or maybe the same bluish-hazel eyes? There had to have been something.

  Suddenly, and without warning, extreme pain assaulted my entire body, and I dropped to the floor, writhing in agony. It filled my chest with a pressure so intense I couldn’t even cry out. I just lay there, every muscle in my body clamped down tight, with my mouth open wide and no sound coming out. It was like someone had cut through my chest, ripped open my rib cage, and squeezed my fucking heart with their bare hands until it was about to burst.

  The pain eventually subsided enough for me to breathe, but it took every last ounce of my energy and strength with it. I was so lethargic and disoriented I could barely comprehend what was happening. My heart beat slow and faint, faltering every now and then, and I was certain it was about to give out entirely.

  Was this death? Was this what death felt like?

  The thought crossed my mind as my eyes drifted closed and peace overcame me.

  If this is death, it’s not so bad.

  I lay there for a few minutes before my eyes snapped open and realization dawned on me. I was no longer in pain. I was no longer weak or weary. I sat up and held out my hands, but they weren’t shaking as I’d guessed they’d be; they were strong and sure.

  What the fuck just happened? Was it...? I wracked my brain, trying to come up with something that didn’t sound insane. Was it a heart attack? An anxiety attack? Had it even truly happened, or had I imagined the whole thing?

  I had no fucking clue.

  I climbed back up to my feet and studied myself once more in the mirror. My skin was much paler now, clammy with sweat, and had purple bags hanging like nooses around my eyes.

  Something had clearly happened.

  I rubbed my face, trying to bring back a bit of color. It was an anxiety attack. I was sure of it. I’d been nervous about meeting up with my father, anxious to impress him, eager to get back all that lost time, and it must’ve just been... too much.

  Taking a deep breath, I regathered my courage. You’re fine now, Criss. Just get to the shop and wait for the king. Simple and easy. No worries.

  I strolled outside, passing Ted along the way, but was surprised to find him sitting on a pink, square pillow.

  "Ted, you old dog, I can’t believe you actually bought one."

  He smiled and gave me a nod.

  In the background, behind his white, mostly hairless head, I saw a barrel, and my brows furrowed. "I only gave you one coin. How’d you manage to buy both?"

  His wrinkly old hands skimmed down across the front of his body in a totally failed effort to look... gods, I didn’t know, sexy? It was slightly terrifying.

  "I sold my body for an extra coin."

  He didn’t even look ashamed. In fact, he seemed quite impressed with his own ingenuity.

  I choked on the image that had suddenly filled my mind, then coughed to cover it up. Who the fuck would seriously pay to tap an old wrinkly ass?

  As soon as the thought came to me, I dismissed it. Honestly, I was probably better off not knowing.

  I tossed him another coin and backed away slowly, a grin sneaking onto my lips. "In case you don’t get any customers tonight."

  He caught it and kissed its shiny face. "Thanks, Criss. You’re the best."

  "No worries, Ted." I waved without looking and continued down the road.

  It didn’t take long for that same nervous feeling to wash over me once more. Thankfully, though, this time it didn’t hurt or bring me to my knees. It just swirled around in my chest and gut, making me seasick.

  Already, a carriage sat at the front of my shop, surrounded by armored guards on horseback. The Storm King stood at the open carriage door with his arms folded neatly behind his back. There was a knowing look in his eye, one I couldn’t quite place.

  "Take a ride with me," he ordered through a cocky grin.

  Nerves bounced around inside of me like sparks from a forge, but the nausea was now replaced with excitement. As long as I didn’t have any more anxiety attacks, I’d be fine. I could totally get through this without looking like a total dumbass.

  I jumped into the carriage, and the Storm King climbed in behind me. A servant shut the door, and soon we were bounding down the cobblestone streets.

  As I smiled at my father, sitting regally in the seat across from me, I couldn’t help but feel like this was the beginning of something amazing.

  Chapter 18


  I slowly opened my eyes, but the world was a blur.

  Darkness huddled in the space where I lay, and some sharp, spicy scent lingered on the air like a bucket of cold water for my brain.

  I snapped awake, sitting up far too quickly and regretting it instantly. Agony flared to life in my shoulder, white hot. I hissed as I collapsed back onto the bed, forcing myself to hold as still as possible, hoping that my lack of movement would stop the pain. It didn’t—it only dulled it.

  Suddenly, my memories came flooding back. The chimera. It had attacked us. Ash had fallen. Cal had fallen. So had Dan, Rob, Ben... and me. How could I have forgotten? Actually... how could I have survived?

  I cracked my eyes open once more, glancing around the tiny room I’d found myself in. The roof seemed to be thatched, with bits of grass patched together by vines and sealed shut with mud or clay. The walls were made up of thin shoots of wood, and they were lined from grassy floor to domed ceiling with rows upon rows of shelves. Each shelf was filled from end to end with vials and bowls and strange objects. An ivory horn from some wild animal. A massive, triangular tooth. A wooden doll. A dead newt floating in a jar of fluid.

  Where the fuck am I?

  I decided to risk sitting up once again, moving much slower this time. The world swam before my eyes, and I struggled to stay afloat in a sea of unconsciousness and pain. Sweat broke out across my brow, but I somehow managed to not pass out or fall down.

  A bloody fucking miracle.

  "She’s awake," a voice stated. It was a woman’s voice, deep and wizened.

  I turned, blinking as my eyes filled with light from the doorway. A short, plump woman with suntanned skin stood off to the side, allowing a hoard of demons to filter in. Her face was long and stoic with a strong nose and calm eyes. There was something peaceful about her but also hard.

  "Oh, thank hades," the leader—Hugh—declared, dropping his head onto my leg and hugging it. His skin was flaky and charcoaled and hotter than a fever.

  I pulled away and scanned their faces, cheerful as ignorant little children. "Where are the guys?" I croaked.

  "In the other huts," Hugh replied before turning to the older woman. "If she woke up, they should be waking up soon too, right?"

  My eyes snapped open wider. "They haven’t woken up yet? How long have we been here?"

  The old woman shrugged. "A couple weeks, give or take."

  "Weeks!" I shrieked. Oh my gods, it was already too late. We failed to bring the egg back to Blackwood in time. Our loved ones were probably already dead, Eristan and Timberlune were no doubt still fighting over the Lunaley, as they would continue to do until the fae eventually died out.

  And it was all our fault.

  "Relax," the woman cooed, the sound coming out of her throat in a gentle vibration. "Time works differently in the Ley."

  I took a deep breath, fighting to calm the erratic thumping of my heart, and breathed out slowly. She was right. I knew that. I’d just forgotten. My hands raked through my hair with quivering fingers. Gods... this trip had been awfu

  "None of them are awake?" I asked, feeling small all of a sudden.

  She shook her head, as did all five demons.

  "But they will?" I clarified nervously. "Wake up, that is?"

  She shrugged nonchalantly, as if the death of my precious Storms would mean almost nothing to her. "It’s possible. I’ve never known anyone to survive chimera wounds of that magnitude, but the five of you are far stronger than anyone I’ve ever come across."

  "That’s because they’re part god," Larry explained to the woman, who I was beginning to think might’ve been a voodoo doctor or something.

  She quirked a brow at the demon. "So you’ve said."

  "They’re not all high and mighty, though," Bob added. "Not like angels, the pompous pricks."

  The old woman chortled, a sound that seemed to vibrate through her stout little frame. I got the impression that she was on much better terms with demons than she was with angels. An interesting woman indeed. Though, to be fair, I’d never met an angel, so I had no idea how they acted. They really might have been the arrogant dickwads the demons seemed to think they were. Nothing would surprise me at this point.

  "Where are we?" I asked, glancing behind the woman to peer into the trees—normal trees, not the striped ones with the crescent leaves. We were still in the Lunaley, she’d basically just said so, but it was clearly not the place we’d been knocked out.

  "The western side of the Ley, near the fae border. Magic is stronger over here. It helps me with my spells and rituals."

  Spells. Rituals. A powerful sorcerer... or sorceress?

  My gaze darted back to her face, studying her suspiciously. "You don’t happen to know the Storm King, do you?"

  Her wrinkled lips puckered into a frown. "Everyone has heard of the Storm King."


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