Claimed (The Women of Wintercrest #3)

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Claimed (The Women of Wintercrest #3) Page 12

by Maggie Ryan

  Lucille was soon dancing with Charles as Lucas stood with two glasses in his hands. He wasn’t aware of Edward until he heard him chuckle. “Don’t tell me the hunter has lost the edge,” Edward teased, seeing his friend glaring across the dance floor as Lucy was twirled and moved about the room. Lucas seemed to remember where he was and lifted the first glass to his lips and quickly emptied it. As he began to sip from the second, his lips turned up in a smile.

  “Oh, believe me Edward, this hunter never loses the scent of his prey,” Lucas said, and put the empty glasses onto a nearby table. Edward and Louisa watched as he practically stalked out onto the floor just as the music ended the dance. He was soon holding Lucille a bit too close and informing Charles that he was sure he had this next dance. Louisa watched her sister’s face and saw her flush. She looked beautiful and unsure of what was happening, as additional admiring men began to gather around her.

  “Seems, I was too long in line, Edward,” Lord Eddington said as he and his wife joined the couple. “Your lovely young ward needs no introduction at all.” Edward smiled and shook his head. He pulled his wife closer to his side.

  “This is exactly why I plucked my little lady straight from her father’s lap,” Edward said, and bent to kiss her gently. “I will never regret claiming her as mine before another man could even set his eyes upon her.” Louisa felt his love as he wrapped both arms around her and pulled her against his chest.

  Eddington clapped him on the back. “As did I, my boy,” he said with a chuckle, and pulled his own smiling wife onto the floor.

  “I’m glad you did, Papa,” Louisa said with a contented sigh. “I don’t think I would have liked having men fight over me like that,” she giggled and pointed towards the floor. Lucy was standing with her hands on her hips, shaking her head as Lucas and Charles were obviously exchanging heated words. Edward grinned and shook his head. He watched as a man he knew was a prominent barrister bowed to Lucy and then observed in amusement as his ward nodded and was soon being whisked away from the two rivals. Louisa giggled again at the looks on Charles and Lucas’ faces when they realized that the object of their desire was no longer witnessing the argument over her dance card.

  “I fear it to be a long night,” Edward said as he pulled Louisa onto the floor. She laughed, absolutely content with her husband keeping her safe from the world.

  “But, Papa,” she said as he started the dance, “It won’t be boring.”

  “Too true, my love, too true,” Edward chuckled, and danced his bride around the room. Lucy’s mind was whirling as she was whirled about the floor. She had not stopped dancing from the moment Charles had led her out. She had lost sight of both Charles and Lucas when she had agreed to be whisked away from their argument. Knowing it improper, she tried to hide her smile of amusement. Mr. Birkenstone, her current partner, was very pleased to have been able to tempt her into a dance. As he twirled her past Lord and Lady Wintercrest, he tilted his head and gave them a nod. Louisa didn’t notice it, as she was watching her sister. Lucy seemed content, some of her early fear having dissipated with the sights and sounds that surrounded them. Louisa secretly admitted her own relief, as she had harbored some of the same dread about attending the party, despite the thrill of being allowed to experience it. When the music drew to a close, Edward turned to speak to Lucy’s current partner.

  “Good evening, Nathaniel,” he said as he shook the man’s hand. “I see you’ve managed to draw my ward away from both Charles and Lucas.” Nathaniel bowed his head in acknowledgement.

  “It was my pleasure, Sir,” he said, and smiled down at Louisa. “Louisa, you are absolutely charming this evening. Is your Papa ensuring that your own dance card is filled or might I have the privilege of escorting you for this next dance?” Louisa blushed and looked to her husband. Edward gave her a smile, even as he placed her hand into Nathaniel’s offered one.

  “I’d love to,” Louisa answered, now that she had been given permission. Edward took Lucy’s hand in his, and as soon as the music started for the next dance, the two couples joined the men and women swirling about the floor.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, little one?” Edward asked, looking down into the flushed face of his ward. “Is the party meeting all your expectations?” Lucy flushed, and again knew why her sister had fallen in love with this man. He was extremely charming and attentive to her, and though she knew he wouldn’t hesitate to turn her over his knee and spank her when he felt she needed it, tonight she knew he was truly concerned about her happiness.

  “It is lovely, Sir,” Lucy answered sweetly, seeing her sister laughing at something that Mr. Birkenstone was saying. “I…I was a bit nervous,” she admitted, and saw his acknowledgement in his eyes.

  “You expected to see little girls in short dresses and bows aplenty, perhaps?” Edward teased, loving the color that deepened on her cheeks. When she nodded, he pulled her a bit closer. “Even Papas know their little ones enjoy a bit of dress-up, Lucille. We may prefer to keep our girls cloistered in our homes, but we realize that isolation from all the world only tends to stifle contentment,” Edward said softly. “We all adore our women, Lucille, be they dressed in fashionable finery attending a ball or dressed in frilly dresses attending to their Papas in our homes.” Lucy nodded, and realized her understanding of this lifestyle had grown. No longer did she think of her sister as being denied happiness; having seen Louisa blossom over the past few weeks, she had discovered that this was exactly where her twin belonged. She knew that Louisa was still held to both a structured routine and a strict set of rules that were far more restrictive than even her own. She had heard her sister cry as she promised her Papa that she would be his good girl, even as he spanked her bottom in his bedroom. Despite the sound of her sister’s pain as she was being chastised, Lucy knew she was extremely happy. She flushed slightly, acknowledging she had heard other sounds as well - sounds of pleasure, and moans that had caused her skin to pebble with goose bumps and a deep sense that she, too, wished to have a man cause her to make those same sounds.

  “I know, Sir,” Lucy finally said. “I know you love Louisa and I will always thank you for that. She is happy, and I understand better now.” Edward was touched with the sincerity in her voice, though he knew this little one had only the briefest idea of all that Louisa’s world entailed. He pulled her closer and bent to kiss the top of her head. Lucy smiled at the fatherly gesture and felt loved and protected. “Thank you, Sir,” she said. “Thank you for being my guardian and for helping me to find myself.” Edward felt his throat tighten just a bit, realizing that he had only just begun to unveil this small woman’s true inner self and that he would soon be handing her in marriage to the man who would guide her throughout her life’s journey.

  “You don’t need to thank me, little one,” he said hoarsely, “It has been my pleasure, Lucille, and I am deeply honored to have you under my wing.” Lucy felt her eyes sting as they filled with tears. She had fought so hard to prove she was an independent, modern woman. She had fought to deny that deep inside her heart, what she truly desired was to find some man exactly like the one holding her. Despite her barriers and denial, it seemed both her father and her guardian had been correct all along. She and Louisa were identical, in even this.

  “Don’t be sad, Lucy,” Edward said softly, seeing the sheen of tears in her eyes. “This is a night for joy.” The music ended and he pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed at her cheeks. She smiled and then giggled as he offered it to her. “For your collection, little one,” he teased. “Now, dry your eyes and make those two,” he said, as he turned her to see that both Charles and Lucas were pushing their way through the crowds toward her, “…make them prove that they deserve one of the most special little girls in the world.” Lucy smiled and impulsively lifted herself onto her tiptoes and brushed a kiss across Edward’s cheek.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, and then giggled before she tucked the small cloth under the cuff of her sleeve. “This is o
ne order I am looking forward to obeying.” Edward’s loud laugh echoed about the room, causing many a head to turn to look at the two of them.

  Chapter 10

  The façade of the ball became evident a few hours later as Louisa and Lucille climbed the stairs to the second floor. Lady Eddington’s maid had given them directions where they might go to freshen themselves. As they reached the top of the stairs and turned into the corridor on the right, they saw a couple before them, the girl’s upper arm being held by her companion. Before the sisters even heard the girl speak, they knew she was in some sort of trouble.

  “Please, Sir, please! I’m sorry; I promise I won’t do it again. Please don’t span…spank me,” they heard the girl sob, her voice soft but pleading. The twins looked at each other and silently moved to the left side of the hall intending to slip past unnoticed. When the man turned to speak to the girl, his eyes found the sisters.

  “Ah, good evening, girls,” he said as if he were simply greeting them as if his intentions were not evident from the large wooden paddle he held in his free hand. Louisa spoke first, while Lucille looked at the beautiful young woman whose face had turned scarlet and already showed traces of tears.

  “Good evening, Pastor Reed,” Louisa said, and gave him a curtsey. Lucy followed suit though her greeting was much softer and hesitant.

  “Does your Papa know you are running about upstairs, Louisa?” Reed asked. Louisa flushed but nodded.

  “Yes, Sir, we are just going to…um, freshen ourselves. Papa is waiting downstairs,” she answered, her hand tightening its grip on her sister’s. Lucy felt her face heat, the awkwardness of both the conversation and situation keeping her silent.

  “Very well then,” Reed said, as his eyes boldly raked up and down Lucy’s small body, causing her to shudder and catch her breath. “See that you return to him quickly, young lady. Heaven knows little girls are tempted to forget their places when allowed to run about without supervision. Being allowed to dress like women tends to foster naughtiness. All of you girls should all be properly attired instead of flaunting yourselves in these ridiculous gowns, thinking it acceptable to act as if you are adults.” All three girls flushed at the disgust in his voice. “Perhaps if little Camellia were wearing a proper dress, she might have remembered it is not appropriate to flirt and flaunt herself when she believed her betrothed wasn’t looking. Acting like no more than a common harlot is severe naughtiness that must be corrected just as severely.”

  Reed paused for a moment. “Lift your skirts, young lady,” he said almost casually. Camellia moaned at his order, her bottom clenching at both her shame and the thought of her upcoming punishment.

  The twins couldn’t help but change the direction of their gazes. Two pair of identical violet eyes watched as the poor girl lifted her skirts and petticoats slowly.

  “Please, Pastor Reed, please not here,” Camellia sobbed. His answer was to lift the paddle and use it to motion for her to continue. Camellia clenched her eyes shut as she obeyed and lifted her clothing to her waist. Louisa flushed and Lucille gave a small gasp, instantly knowing what the poor girl was feeling. Instead of the pretty silk bloomers the sisters had been allowed to wear, Camellia was totally naked beneath her petticoats. Reed noticed their reaction and knew Camellia had as well, despite her attempt to hide behind her tightly closed eyes.

  “I agree, it is shameful to have your drawers removed by your fiancé before he sends you upstairs to receive your lesson. Perhaps spending the rest of the evening with a hot, paddled bare bottom will remind Camellia to remember to whom she answers, so that she doesn’t make naughty choices. However, we are about to take care of that little mistake, aren’t we, little one?” he asked as he looked down at the young woman beside him.

  “I…I didn’t…I…didn’t mean…I don’t want….please!” her voice trailed off with a soft sob beseeching him with her eyes. His gaze never wavered from her, his intention crystal clear to all three girls. Camellia gave a final sob before she lowered her head, accepting that she was going to be thoroughly paddled for her misbehavior. Her voice was soft as she nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “That’s correct. All of you girls must learn that every adult here accepts the responsibility of making sure every little girl behaves properly. Fortunately, I have been tasked to give you the necessary reminder,” Reed said, and then turned and nodded to Louisa and Lucille. “I suggest you heed my words, girls before I have cause to attend to you as well. Tend to your business and then immediately return downstairs,” he reminded them. “Now, I must ask that you excuse us, as I have a very hard lesson to apply to Camellia’s very naughty bottom.” The sisters watched as he turned to open one of the many doors along the hallway. The moment it shut behind the couple, Louisa sagged against the wall.

  “Oh, sweet Lord,” she whispered, her hand at her throat. “I’m so happy that Papa rejected his request to court you, Lucy,” she said. “He has always frightened me. I…I think he likes spanking all of us far too much.” Lucy felt her skin grow cold at her sister’s words. She had no knowledge that Pastor Reed had requested permission to call on her. The thought of going anywhere with the man made her feel slightly ill. She had no personal experience with his discipline, but witnessed the aftermath every Sunday after services. There were always at least a few women that deeply regretted their behavior by the time he returned them to their Papas with very hot bottoms and apologetic demeanors. She pulled on her sister’s hand and they quickly attended to their necessities before practically running down the stairs to the safety of the ballroom. Both heard but did not mention the sounds of Camellia’s voice raised as she begged for her punishment to stop and the horrid sound of the paddle cracking against her bare bottom, as her pleas were ignored and her chastisement given.

  Lucas saw Lucy returning from upstairs and began to walk towards her. His smile faded as he saw the look on her face. She appeared almost as nervous as she had before the ball had drawn her into its magic. He quickened his steps and was about to reach her when Charles appeared and took her arm.

  “Are you ready for something to eat?” Charles asked, and then also grew concerned when he felt her shiver. “What is it, Lucy? Are you ill?” he asked, as Lucas joined the two at the foot of the stairs. When Lucas saw Louisa and Edward approaching as well, he suggested they move away from the stairs. Lucy didn’t even seem aware when Charles pulled her into a small alcove.

  Louisa had spoken to Edward, who quickly moved to find his ward. Seeing her, he stepped forward and took her other arm. Charles wisely released his hold and stepped back into Lucas. He apologized, but wished the man would leave them to attend to whatever was bothering Lucille. She had left him with a smile on her face, though it had disappeared upon her return.

  “Lucy,” Edward said softly, drawing her close to him. “Louisa told me what happened. I’m sorry you had to witness Camellia’s chastisement tonight,” he said, as he lifted her chin to force her to look at him. Her eyes were huge in her pale face, the emerald depths showing a shimmer of unshed tears. He softened his tone even further, knowing the girl currently under Reed’s paddle had not been the first this evening. “It’s unfortunate, but little one, you do know that misbehavior is simply not tolerated. It is a treat to be allowed to attend a party and Camellia knew the consequences of being naughty. I wish she had made different choices but we both know she deserves to have her bottom heated for her disrespect and disobedience, don’t we?” Lucas wanted nothing more than to take Lucy into his arms and offer her protection from her obvious distress. He forced himself to remain still, despite wanting to tell Charles to disappear from what he considered a matter best served by family members - and himself, of course. Seeing that Louisa was also looking distressed, Lucas opened his arm and she stepped closer to him so that he could draw her to his side. Everyone was surprised when Lucy finally spoke.

  “Oh, God,” Lucy said as she looked up at her guardian. “Thank you, Sir, I…I’m not upset because Camellia is being spa
nked…I…I just realized that you…that Pastor Reed asked you…” she stopped, her voice shaking. Edward instantly understood and looked over at his wife. Louisa returned his gaze, her stomach quivering as she gave him a soft nod.

  “I…It just slipped out, Papa,” she confessed. “I was just so grateful that you turned him down. I…I can’t imagine…”

  “Girls,” Edward said looking between the two. “Did I not assure you both that I would never allow a man to court Lucille that I did not respect enough to be able to both tend to her discipline as well as her heart? Did I not say I would not choose a man that I felt Lucy could not feel she could learn to truly love?” Both girls relaxed a bit and then nodded. Only Lucas seemed aware that Charles had taken a step forward, his chest puffed out like a peacock. Edward continued, his voice a bit firmer, “One day I pray you both learn to trust my every word and learn that all I desire is that you both are happy and loved, even when you are trying to squirm out of a deserved spanking.” They both knew he could choose to show them a physical reason to learn not to doubt his word or his requirements and both felt their bottoms squirming at his words. Edward sighed and motioned for his wife. Lucas released her, noticing that she showed no hesitancy in going to her husband. Edward soon had both girls held in his arms and pulled them close. Taking his comfort, they pressed themselves against his chest, his strength making them feel loved and protected.


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