Meat Market Anthology

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Meat Market Anthology Page 24

by S. Van Horne

  After that call, I’d arranged for my shit to be packed up from my apartment and put in storage and had then booked a trip to London.

  The good news about me and Brett had spread around our home town and within hours of me booking my flight, I was being inundated with the tales of all of Brett’s sexual activities. Teachers, mothers, my supposed friends…it was all there. At the same time my family, his family and Brett were still planning the wedding, assuming that I would just go along with what they wanted.

  At that moment, an advertisement had popped up on my Facebook screen for an around the world tour. I’d been left a large sum of money by my grandparents that I’d been saving for when Brett and I had kids, so I’d dipped into that as I toured around the world for three years enjoying the shit out of life.

  Six months ago, I’d returned back to the USA and had decided that Chicago was far enough away from all of the bullshit called my life and had gone back to college to finish getting my qualifications to become a veterinary nurse.

  Now, though, I had to go to this fucking wedding. Knowing that Brett and his family would be there and that they’d use it as an excuse to continue trying to weigh me down so that I would take the cheating, lying, sack of shit back, I’d spoken to my friend, Lucy, about what to do over a bottle of wine. She’d told me about an escort service at the Meat Market butcher and I’d gone in and booked the first thing that had caught my eye—The Tenderloin. I’d been specific about what I wanted and the guy taking my order had promised me that Mr. Tenderloin would be able to deliver. Problem solved.



  I WAS STILL DEBATING GIVING it to someone else, when Jay called me through to the front that afternoon, and the hottest, most perfect woman I’d ever seen was standing on the other side of the counter.

  “Harry,” he said, using my Meat name. “This is Tabitha.”

  It took me a second to place the name, and then it was like fucking angels were singing. This was the woman who’d booked me to go as her date to a family function. Fuck me!

  “Hi,” she sounded nervous as she reached out to shake my hand. “Do you have a second?”

  She was nibbling on her lower lip and it took everything in me not to groan.

  “Sure,” I walked around the counter and led her to Jay’s office. Closing the door behind us and ignoring his smirk, I stood as close to her as I could. “How can I help?”

  Twisting her hands around, she started nibbling again and my dick couldn’t take it. Surprising both of us, I reached up and pulled her lip from between her teeth with my thumb.

  She sounded a bit choked when she spoke. “I…this…” taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, she did her best to calm herself. “This is important. I need us to be believable, badly.”

  Leaning against the desk, I figured she was too nervous and that maybe going for a drink would help. I got off in twenty anyway so it was no big deal.

  After we’d walked into the bar near work, I watched as she drank most of the girly cocktail she’d ordered, giving her the space and Dutch courage that she needed to tell me what I asked next. “Okay, why don’t you tell me what the event is and why.” I never expected her to tell me what she did.

  “What a fucking prick!”

  “That’s putting it mildly,” she said with a small smile.

  “And I don’t like your family either.” Who the fuck did that to their kid? Oh wait, my family did too. “So, this is your brother’s wedding. I can work with that.”

  “Thank you so much.” The grin on her face was huge and her tense body had relaxed immediately. “Okay, so we need to know some details about each other, right?”

  That was how I spent the rest of my night with the hottest girl in the world…fucking talking. Half way through, her boss had walked into the bar and Tab had introduced me as her boyfriend. I can’t lie, I fucking loved it.


  “He’s perfect, Lucy,” I said a couple of days later. Lucy had been away on business, reporting from Islamabad about some big business deal so she hadn’t known about my booking a guy from the place she’d given me the details of. She’d gotten home late the night before and had woken me up this morning with a birthday cake and presents. Happy twenty-fourth birthday to me. I hadn’t given her the chance to ask any questions before I’d told her all about the night before.

  “Well, fuck me,” she drawled from her place amongst my pillows while I finished getting ready for work. I only had just over a year left, and our time was now spent working for a vet and doing classes. This morning it was work. “You have been busy, haven’t you? Do you think you’ll be able to pull it off?”

  This was something that had been worrying me since I’d made the booking, but after last night I had no issues whatsoever believing that we could make it look believable. When my boss had come to the table the night before, it had just slipped out that Harry was my boyfriend and it had felt so natural. He hadn’t minded at all either. In fact, he’d pulled my chair closer and had shaken Rick’s hand, before pulling me closer and kissing me on the side of my head as we spoke to him.

  “Absolutely,” I finished tying my sneakers and stood up. Looking at the time, I realized I was going to be late if I didn’t leave now. Bending over to hug the lazy bitch now spread eagled across my bed, I thanked her for making today special. “I’d be lost without you, Lucy. Thank you for spoiling me.”

  “Shut up,” she mumbled, accidentally backhanding me across the face with her dismissive wave and not realizing because she was already out cold. Charming!

  I loved my job. There were sad aspects of it obviously, but the rest of the time I loved the hell out of it. Today was no different. They had surprised me with a cake and gifts and had even put a birthday hat on my favorite long-term resident, Toby the Dachshund.

  I’d just come out of an emergency C-section on a Shih Tzu and was walking toward where Toby was patiently waiting for me, still wearing his hat, when the noise that indicated that the door had been opened sounded. From where I was standing, I could see that Sarah wasn’t at the reception desk, so I wandered over to see if I could help. And came face-to-face with Harry.


  Day one of my vacation and I was out doing some shopping for my upcoming weekend with Tab. I could have worn some of the outfits that I already had that were appropriate for the occasion, but they were from that time and also it might have been a bit ostentatious turning up wearing a Gucci or Armani suit.

  I’d just bought a suit for the wedding and some other things when I’d walked out of the shop and right into Tabby’s boss who had been getting some lunch from three doors down.

  “Harry,” Rick greeted, wiping tomato sauce off his shirt and leaving a big smear behind. “You getting some stuff for your girl’s birthday?”

  I took a second to think through the basic information that had been on the form, all of which I’d memorized, and realized that it was today. Not giving away anything to the man in front of me, I did what any guy in my shoes would do and bullshitted my way out of it.

  “Nah, I’ve got that all covered. I’m surprising her later at work and then taking her out somewhere romantic,” I winked and then shrugged. “You know how it is.”

  “Yup, yup. Good man,” he’d patted me on the shoulder, making me cringe in case he left behind a nice tomato handprint on my white t-shirt, made small talk for a couple minutes and then thankfully left.

  Apparently, I had more shopping to do. Looking over the road, I caught sight of the perfect shop. I just needed to figure out what I was going to get her.

  The annoying buzzer over the door sounded and I had to tamp down the irritation when I saw no one was at the reception desk. Thinking over my options, I almost didn’t notice when Tabitha appeared behind the desk, looking at me in shock, then confusion and then happiness.

  “Hey,” she blushed and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “What are you doing here?”

  Seeing R
ick and a couple others down the hallway that was visible behind her, I stuck to the story, what should have been the story anyway. “Well, it’s my baby’s birthday and what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t…is that a dog?” I saw a tiny little fur ball waddling around behind her as it looked for… “Is it wearing a hat?”

  Blinking a couple of times and wondering if maybe I’d been out in the sun for too long, I shook my head and looked back at the dog.

  “Yeah, that’s Toby,” she said affectionately, walking over and picking the little thing up.

  It had to be the fattest dog I’d ever seen in my life. Not that I’d seen a lot of fat dogs, but I’m pretty certain that this one would have been the definition of canine obesity. For a small dog, she’d even grunted when she’d picked it up.

  “He’s not fat, he’s just...generous with the amount of him that there is to love.”

  The hat had caught on her arm as she picked it up and was now over its muzzle. The dog was either too fat, too lazy or both to try and move it, so it just lay there in her arms waiting for someone to do it for him. The sight was one of the most bizarre things I’d ever seen in my life with the bright birthday hat with balloons on it and a blue ruffly on it covering his nose and part of his eyes, and sparkly silver streamers hanging out of the top of it.

  Noticing me staring in shock, Tab looked down and snorted as she moved it back into place. The dog continued to just lie there, looking around almost bored.

  “Anyway,” I said slowly, my eyes flitting between the beauty that was Tabitha and the dog in her arms. “As I was saying, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t come and take my girl out for her bir…”

  Just as I got to the end, the most obnoxious and audacious fart I’d ever heard came out of Toby. The smell hit me instantly and almost knocked me off my feet. Gagging and trying to get away from the noxious green cloud of death, I tried to look at her through the tears in my eyes. She wasn’t in a much better state and had put him down and pulled her scrub top over her nose.

  “What the fuck was that?” It came out as a gasp because of the lack of air in my lungs due to the heinous stench surrounding me.

  “Toby has a nervous disposition,” she said, both of us looking down at the dog that was now out cold on the floor.

  “Is it alive? I mean, there’s no way it could survive that!” I asked, just as it let out a rip-roaring snore, at least I hoped it was a snore. I wasn’t taking any chances that it was a follow up tremor to the earthquake that it had let out before. “Get your stuff. We’ve got to be somewhere.”

  “But I don’t finish for half an hour.”

  Rick came through then with his own scrubs covering his nose and assured her that it was fine.

  I gave her two minutes to get her shit before I put her over my shoulder and ran us to safety. The smell had hit the rooms down the hall and the chorus of chokes and groans was audible where I stood next to the now open front door.

  As soon as she got close enough, I grabbed her hand and yanked her into the open air, both of us stopping to fill our lungs and try and get rid of the toxic tar that was now lining our lungs and nasal passages.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see!”



  POSSESION SLAMMED INTO ME AS I kissed down her neck and lowered her onto my bed. We’d had a great evening having a meal at her favorite restaurant and when I’d given her her gift she’d been speechless. I’d thought about getting her something meat related, but all the jeweler had was a silver cleaver which I’d worried might make her look like a psychopath. Instead, I’d found a white gold letter T surrounded by curlicues with a tiny diamond in the center which was now hanging around her neck. We’d finished off the champagne and I was walking her to my car, intending on being a gentleman, when she’d turned around to give me a kiss and thank you. The second her lips had hit mine, it had gotten out of control and I’d only just managed to get us home without wrecking the car as she kissed around my neck and nibbled on my ear.

  Now, I’d stripped both of us down as we made our way from the door to the bedroom and I was looking down at the most perfect creation known to man. Her breasts were a good handful and her waist was flat and went in before flaring slightly at her hips, the perfect hour glass.

  I couldn’t hold back. Reaching her nipple, I sucked it into my mouth making her arch and moan.

  “Harry, please,” she panted. I didn’t want her to call me that name. I wanted her to call me by my actual name.

  Lifting my head, I moved back up and held her head between my hands. “I’ll get a move on, if you’ll call me by my real name.”

  She tilted her head, looking at me in confusion. “It’s not Harry?”

  “No, that’s my work name. My real name is Damian.”

  I worried that she’d feel betrayed or hurt, but she just grinned and said, “In that case, Damian, if you don’t start moving a bit quicker, I’ll have to put my hand on my pu …”

  I cut her off by moving quicker than I’d ever moved in my life and burying my face in her beautiful pussy. I used my tongue and my fingers to drive her insane, not wanting her to fall over the edge too quickly. Her hands were tugging my hair as she whimpered and moaned above me.

  When I couldn’t take it anymore, I replaced the one finger that I had in her tight pussy with two and sucked her clit as hard as I could, making her detonate immediately. I dragged it out by making the ‘come hither’ motion against the rough patch inside her, and alternating the strength of my sucking on her sensitive bundle of nerves.

  Her body was still shaking and trembling when I crawled back up, fit my cock at her entrance and pushed forward.

  “Jesus,” it came out as a grunt as I entered the gates of heaven. “So, fucking tight…hot…wet”

  With what little patience I had left, I managed to get all of me inside of her without losing it. I knew she’d need a minute to get used to me she was that tight, but it was fucking hard not to pull out and just slam in.

  My willpower was broken though when she tightened around me as hard as she could and groaned, “Move, Damian. Please! Fucking move!”

  Rearing up onto my knees, I wrapped her legs around my waist as I pulled out and thrust back in hard, moving her up the bed slightly. With her groans of encouragement, I sped up and increased the power of each thrust until we were both close to coming.

  I was starting to recite the different areas of a cow and the cuts of meat that you got from them to hold off blowing before her. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I reached down and circled my thumb around her clit. Somehow, she was holding off even though I could feel her pussy spasming around me, so covering her with my body, I held myself up with one hand as I used the other to squeeze her clit between my thumb and forefinger. Her body locked in an arch as she came screaming my name causing me to come with a ferocity that crossed my eyes and rendered me deaf and dumb. It seemed to go on forever and I was starting to panic about the lack of oxygen getting into my lungs when bright flashes started going off behind my eyes.

  At some point, my arms gave out and I just caught myself from falling completely on top of her. Putting my face in her neck, I lay still, unable to talk as we panted and went through aftershocks, both setting off more in the other one each time.

  The feeling of her soft fingers running up and down my back brought me back to now, and I lifted my head to look at her. I was a bit worried that I’d been too rough with her, but the dazzling smile on her face put that worry to rest.

  “That was fucking awesome,” she croaked. “No pun intended.”

  Rolling us to the side, I lay holding her in my arms, savoring the feeling and smell of her in my bed. It was one of my rules, I never ever brought a woman home with me; no matter how much the clients offered to pay and begged. This was my space. Tab was different though. I needed her here, she fit here.

  With a smile on my face, I fell asleep still holding he
r as she did the same thing. Now that I had her here, she was staying. Unable to hold back, I woke up twice through the night, taking her each time; cementing my earlier resolve.



  THE MORNING AFTER OUR FIRST night together, Damian had told me over breakfast in bed, with me being the breakfast, that I was to pack a bag because I was staying with him until we went away. The fact that I’d paid for him to go with me was irrelevant now; no way was this just a job. I’d put up a token amount of resistance, but had done as he said anyway. That had been three nights ago, and now we were on our way to the fiery pits of hell.

  Damian had surprised me by reversing a beautiful black Range Rover from his garage and then throwing our bags in the back before helping me in and doing my seatbelt up for me. I wasn’t sure how much a butcher earned, but I wasn’t sure it was enough to be able to afford this amazing vehicle with pretty much every function known to man in it. I didn’t want to embarrass him or sound judgmental though so I stayed quiet about it.

  It took roughly three hours to get back to my hometown and as I focused on the passing scenery, I realized that we were about half an hour away. Passing the diner that I’d stopped at to make my initial plans to run away, the anxiety of the coming weekend hit.

  Looking over at Damian, I took in the way his beautiful hands held the steering wheel and then remembered what those hands had done to me. Images of his fingers filling me as he licked me filled my head and I started to squirm in my seat.


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