Breath of the Titans: The False Titanbringer: Complete Trilogy

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Breath of the Titans: The False Titanbringer: Complete Trilogy Page 35

by Riley Westbrook

  A voice rang out from the crowd, “And what true purpose is that?”

  Kahia's face turned red, she had expected the people to swarm around her and praise her for freeing them from their blindness. “Keeping the orcs pure! We were made to survive! To endure! Why are we bowing to these foreign influences?”

  Suddenly, the stage was more crowded. Lov and Sanche dropped from a couple feet in the air, landing lightly on the stage. Lov's voice boomed angrily across the stage. “Why are you bowing to our influences? Because I came in, played by your rules, and took control.” The young half-elf took a deep breath, calming himself. Lov turned away from Kahia, facing the crowd. “My people! Do any of you doubt my motives?” He asked, hands wide as if to hug the entire crowd.

  A loud and thunderous “No!” was shouted back.

  “Am I going to do everything in my power to help our cause succeed?” He asked the crowd again, turning to stare at Kahia.

  The stone square reverberated again as they shouted, “Yes!”

  “I know I've been gone a long time, but I'm here to tell you the time is right! We start the march for Heart in a few weeks, with Nord there…” Lov pointed to his uncle on the stage, “ the helm. He will lead us to victory. And soon Heart will be a jewel of our combined peoples.”

  The crowd began to chant the young half-dragon's name. “Lovonian! Lovonian!”

  Missy ripped a hole through the veil that separated the worlds, transporting Lov and Sanche away from the scene. Lov was tired from journeying and just wanted to sleep in a comfortable bed.

  Tyrosh turned to Kahia as the crowd chanted her son's name. “That's why the people follow him. He shows he cares. You only showed your people love when you lost your chattel. We want to turn your chattel into bulls to trample injustice.”

  “You mean you want orc warriors to die for your cause. No matter what you do, I'll do everything in my power to stop that from happening.” Kahia walked from the stage, disappearing into the crowd.

  “I just hope you don't cripple those who want to bring change.” Tyrosh said softly to the retreating back of the Greatmother.

  Chapter Three

  Lov awoke the next morning, taking to the streets for a walk. Everywhere he went, orcs bowed to him, treating him like a king. Lov's dragonhunger hummed in contentment, happy to be back where he could be worshiped. Lov himself was left with an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  Every time he turned around, someone was standing close to him, hands outstretched to touch him. It gave the young half-dragon the chills.

  He walked the city, drinking in the changes that Nord and his mother had brought about while he was gone. There were scarred people throughout the city, and they appeared to be behaving themselves. Lov sought out his mother, eager to speak with her about the vision he had a few months before.

  He knocked on the door to her quarters, and a voice called him in. He stopped in his tracks when he saw who was in the room with his mother. Annika, the daughter of Kahia, sat speaking with her. “When is he going to come visit me, anyways?” She was demanding angrily of his mother.

  Tyrosh watched Lov entering the room as Annika finished, and she gave a little laugh. “Why don't you turn around?”

  Annika jumped and turned with a start. Lov's heart began to pound loudly in his ears, and his dragonhunger gave a soft predatory growl as he looked upon her. Her heart shaped face framed the shocked look in her almond shaped eyes. She looked beautiful at this moment.

  Annika turned back to Tyrosh angrily. “Why didn't you warn me he was there? Or that he was coming?”

  “How can I warn you about what I don't know?” Tyrosh asked, shrugging her shoulders. “I'm as shocked as you are that he's here. I expected him to bother Nord before running to me. I know he's my baby, but still.”

  Lov strode across the room, giving his mother a fierce hug. He ignored Annika who was stifling a laugh behind her hand. “How could you say that, Mother? Just because I'm not the little boy you remember, I'm still your son.”

  Tyrosh hugged her child back, her heart filled with happiness. “You're such a wonderful child.” She told him, before pushing him away. “But I have some introductions. This is-”

  Lov nodded his head to the young woman. “So we meet again.”

  “-Annika.” Tyrosh finished, a little frustration entering her voice. She hated being interrupted. “I see you've met.”

  “Not formally. She kind of broke into my room my first night in the city.” Lov turned to his mother, ignoring Annika as if she weren't there. “You do realize I'm trying to start a war, and quite possibly will die doing it. I don't have time for romance, as beautiful as she is.”

  Tyrosh glared at her son. “You do realize you're insulting her right now? And that no matter what you do, it's happening.”

  “Mother, she's beautiful, but I can't force her to marry me. Not the way you secured her as a bride.” Lov's voice filled with impatience, he was eager to be done with this.

  “Now listen here, young man. You may be able to boss others around but...” Tyrosh started.

  Annika slammed her fist onto the table next to her. “Don't I get a say in this?” She demanded sharply. “You two stand there and talk about me like I'm a spoil of war! You can both go screw yourselves!”

  “I'm sorry, Annika.” Tyrosh apologized. “My son is stubborn, and he's not accepting what's good for him.”

  “Maybe I don't want to marry him.” Annika replied, stiffly. Lov looked sideways at her. “Why would I want to marry a man who won't take his bride? I was bought, and yet he doesn't even attempt to treat me like a treasure! Either he doesn't find me attractive, or he's ignorant in our ways!”

  “Whoa, Whoa. Hold your horses there, Annika.” Lov said, walking to take a seat next to her. His eyes were soft and full of compassion. “Of course I find you attractive. I would love to get to know you, to learn about you. Become someone special to you.” Lov's eyes grew hard, and his voice developed an edge. “But I'm preparing to turn the entire world upside down. I'm marching to war, I don't know if I'll live. I'm trying to avenge my people, and give those that survive a fresh start. But any one of my followers could take it into their heart to kill me and take my place. I have a million worries on my head already. And if I had a wife, that would take the place of all other worries. I don't know if I can be an effective leader if I'm worried about a woman I love.”

  Annika snorted at Lov. “You are just as bad as her.” She pointed a stabbing finger at Tyrosh. “You act like I'm some soft fragile doll. Treat me as if I'll break under the slightest pressure.” She stood up, tall and full of arrogance. “I am a Child of the Eye. Chosen by Gruumnsh to one day lead the orc people. You two are nothing compared to my place amongst my people. A footnote to my story. You'll never understand what it is to be orc.” She turned to Lov, sitting back as she looked at him with considering eyes. “How about we just keep our marriage official. When my mother sold me off, she didn't realize she lost the power I represent of the future. And I rather like having a voice of my own.”

  Lov nodded to the young beautiful orc woman. “That sounds fair. For now, let's agree we both need each other. I need you for your knowledge of the people. You need me to remain a separate entity from your mother. It's a match made in heaven, and together, I see us doing many great things for the world.”

  “Because justice is a noble cause.” Annika said, reaching out to take Lov's hand and squeeze it. And the young leader realized, he had already lost his heart to this woman. She was intelligent, strong, confident, and willing to cut to the core of matters. Together, the two of them would bring about earth shattering changes.

  Chapter Four

  Lov looked at the sky overhead, relaxing and considering how and when to move his orc army. Sanche had been looking over the formations Nord had taught them, and judged them to be fairly competent. It appeared the thin giant was doing well teaching them discipline, a shock considering the man teaching. Lov
suspected there was someone behind the scenes helping his uncle.

  Lov heard a scuff on the stones, and sat up. Several orc women approached him, each of them weighing him as his grandmother had before. Lov hated the feeling. He wondered if Kahia had sent them to take care of him.

  The one who appeared to be the leader reached a hand out to pull Lov to his feet. “We've been waiting for you, young chief.” She said solemnly. “We must bind ourselves to you, so that we may protect you.”

  The half-dragon laughed, “Are you joking? Did Jaxon send you over hear to mess with me? Where is that little prankster?”

  “We were told it would be our honor to protect you if we trained your army.” She said, stepping boldly towards the young leader.

  Lov shook his head, “Are you…?” He saw the intense look upon her face and closed his eyes, saying a silent prayer. “Who's trying to force you onto me?”

  “Nord's not forcing anything.” She stepped forward, grabbing Lov by the chin. “We'll force ourselves. We were promised by your man, the one you left in charge. Are you going to take back his word?”

  Lov bristled a little when she shoved his face away. “Of course not. I can't do that. So, what do we do to bind you to me?” He asked looking to each of the women, his anger showing in his eyes.

  “We drink!” One of the women said loudly stepping forward with a pitcher.

  “That won't work for me. If you're going to protect me, then you need to know my weaknesses.” He bowed apologetically to the pitcher laden woman. “Alcohol makes me dizzy and violently ill. Is there anything else we can do?”

  The original speaker stepped forward, “We smoke. We will talk and learn of each other.” She reached into a pouch on her belt, pulling out a well used pipe. “It's good you trust us enough to tell us your weakness. You're right when you say we will need to know them to protect you.”

  “Actually, the only reason I told you that one is because I don't feel like vomiting.” Lov said, a slight chuckle in his voice.

  “No matter. We women are observant. We don't think with our dicks like you men.” She gave him another weighty look. “Even now I can see you have a woman on your mind.” She made a sharp chopping motion. “Cut her off. You're needed for more important matters right now. There will be time for love and lust after we raise up the orcs.”

  Lov glared at the woman across from him. “I don't even know your name, who are you to tell me how to live my life?”

  “Oh, I am Charlot. The one who trained your balls-for-brains army how to fight.” She gestured around her, “You will learn everyone's name eventually. Your general, Nord, he broke up one of the tribes, spread the leaf brothers back throughout the peoples. Quit trying to separate them from family. It's a good thing, let the gay ones go visit their loved ones again.” She smiled at the young man before her. “I even saw my brother. You remind me of him. Confident, charging head first into the thick of things. We hadn't seen each other in years, but now, I can go to him. He's here in the city, and I can know the only family I have left.

  “Anyways, we wish to reform the thirteenth tribe. Make it a force for women, give us a place to go. Give us an option other than whoring or surviving off the scraps of our men.” She gave Lov a toothy grin. “Some of us want to fight, and fight just as hard as the men. You offer the first chance of change in our society in lifetimes. So my sisters and I will do everything in our power to keep you safe.”

  “I don't deserve the attention.” Lov said quietly. “I appreciate the honor you give me, but it's wasted on me. I have to be honest with you. I plan on dragging your society kicking and screaming onto level flooring with the other races, but in the process thousands may die.” He walked to the edge of the building, sitting on the ledge and hanging his legs down. “Your brother might be one of those that die.”

  “We know, and your people are ready to make the sacrifice. We want our rightful place in the world.” She patted him on the back, passing the pipe to the next woman in line.

  Lov fell into a deep brooding silence, listening to the clucking of mother hens and elder sisters around him.

  Charlot nudged the young chief, passing him the pipe. “Your turn, young one. Share and mix your honor with ours. We are your society, and will do almost anything you tell us to.” She smiled at him, pointing to the skyline behind him. “Even Gruumnsh heralds your coming. Look, diamonds fall from the sky.”

  Lov turned, taking a large hit from the pipe. The smoke filled his lungs with a burning sensation, but it was a good burn. He watched as stars streaked across the blackness. It reminded him of his grandmother, and her casual uses of power. “I don't know if that's a good sign, Charlot. But I know it does show what I do is necessary.”

  Lov handed the pipe back to the new head of his honor guard. He turned inward, preparing himself to meet the women who would be guarding him. Lov knew that in the fulfilling of that duty, any of them might die. He was determined to master his dragonhunger before speaking to them, as some of them were very attractive. He didn't want it to consume him, and make him do something he'd regret.

  Lov closed his eyes, listening to the women talk. It was loud and smoky from many groups of them sitting together. The young chief relaxed, letting down his guard and searching inward for the answer. Should he allow these women to die for him? What would they do if he tried to stop them? He had a lot of angles to consider.

  A chill passed across his back, and an eerie silence filled the air around him. Lov opened his eyes, looking on a white snow scape. The light refracted off of the snow, showering the air with rainbows. It was as beautiful as it was blinding, and Lov lifted his hand to shade his sight for a moment. Slowly, he pulled his protection down, his eyes adjusting to the brightness. A soft headache began to throb at the back of Lov's skull, the white was so startling.

  “Tuma kauna h Tuma ky? Kara rah?” Who are you? What are you doing? A small brown skinned man asked, stepping to Lov. The young half-dragon ignored him, focusing on the landscape around him. Where am I? How did I get here?

  The man before him became more insistent, putting out his arms and blocking Lov's way when he tried to search the area. “Garda ka ana taka yaha ruk. Portho isa taraha ka haga.” Wait here until the guards arrive. Portho will sort this out. The man gestured to the snow, motioning for Lov to sit.

  A man and a woman approached where Lov and his guard were. The woman had a bow drawn and aimed at the young half-elf. The bow was a magnificent example of a longbow. It stood as tall as the woman, and she drew the string taut with nary a sign of strain on her face. “Sing thi rea khwr ca tha xyangri kab khea?” What are we supposed to do with him? She asked the man with her. He pointed to the mountainside, and strode forward to tie Lov's hands behind his back with leather cords. He also blindfolded the young half-dragon, then shoved Lov in a direction.

  Lov stumbled before catching himself, feeling the man guide him with soft touches to his shoulders. The man was good. Even blindfolded, Lov found it no problem to traverse the snowy landscape. They traveled on a long convoluted route that confused Lov's sense of direction. One of his guards whipped the blindfold off him, and he found himself looking upon the giant head of a white dragon. It was a true white, shining brightly in the snow and blending into the mountain's side.

  The young half-elf watched in fascination as the beast drew a breath, and the mountain behind him swelled and shrank with it. It boggled his mind to consider just how large this dragon really was.

  You finally made it, eh? I thought I called your mother, but no matter. I am Portho! A voice boomed in Lov's head, sounding too loud. It reminded Lov of a deaf elder he remembered that always shouted to hear himself speak. Bah, if Morgana hadn't kept you to herself, I could have given you more warning and helped you prepare. No matter, as long as you get the warning things should be fine.

  I wonder what your mother's up to if she didn't come to my summons. She was usually so good about listening to her elders. Maybe you need to keep a closer ey
e on her, young one. The dragon lifted his head, stirring the air. As he settled his chin back on the ground, the white beast turned an eye upon Lov. There's trouble coming, child. I see a green star, and it carries the feel of darkness. You must complete your quest before it arrives, or you will be doomed to failure!

  I passed the warning on, now I want you to watch my last breaths. You are the last of our kind, other than your mother. But she has shielding on her that prevents me from bringing her. I wanted someone to share my stories with, and who better than Dalanar's progeny?

  And Lov saw it, he felt the life this old dragon had lived, saw him in his prime tearing across the skies. Saw him fighting in the Dragon Wars, looking to free the people of the lands. He even felt the death of a beloved mate, and after feeling it Lov steeled himself even harder against love. He knew he wouldn't be able to take that kind of a loss and lead still. And Lov saw his great grandfather, standing large, looking like the sea in the sky. He dwarfed even this mountainous dragon before the young half-elf.

  After you have won your war, promise me you'll come back and collect me to add to our ancestors. The dragon begged as Lov felt his soul slipping away.

  “I promise.” Lov blinked, and he stood back on top of the pyramid. He saw signs of the gathering of the night before. Ashes and soot were ground into the stones, like someone had stepped on a burning ember.

  Lov crawled down from the top of the pyramid, finding guards stationed all the way around it. Women stood searching the area around the grounds. Lov jumped, landing in front of a pair of guards. “What happened?” He asked, stepping towards them.

  The large one didn't think before reacting, she swung on the young chief, clocking him in the temple and knocking him unconscious. She giggled nervously as her partner started to laugh. “Well, I guess he learned what happens when you sneak up on an orc woman.” She said before stooping to pick the young man up and carry him inside the building.


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