The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series)

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The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series) Page 6

by Hadley Quinn

  And now the fear was surfacing again and she wanted to send it away. She was ready to make an effort and Teague seemed like a nice candidate. That very fragile organ in her chest still needed protecting, but the soft and gentle way that Teague handled her felt assuring. He was definitely pressing his luck by putting his mouth on her all the time when he “wasn’t” kissing her; and now she could feel his fingers against the skin on her lower back and she didn’t know how to react.

  “So tell me more about yourself,” Teague finally said, speaking softly.

  She didn’t answer right away. Just having him that close killed the resistance in her that was normally automatic. And when Teague whispered in the dark, it knocked her down even more.

  “Well… I’m kind of a nerd, I guess,” she shrugged. “I like to read a lot. In fact, I rarely even watch TV because I’d rather read a book.”

  “What do you like to read?”

  “History, actually. And biographies. That’s really nerdy, right?”

  He lightly laughed. “Nah, that’s cool. Means you care about the world and the people in it.”

  “I like murder mysteries, too. What about you? Do you like to read?”

  “Sure. Sports Illustrated, Motor Trend, Dirt Bike, Surfer, Newsweek…”

  “Magazines, huh?” she smiled.

  “Yeah. I like to read stuff, but I’d rather do instead. Maybe I just don’t have the attention span to read anything more than a few pages at a time.”

  “You’re a busybody, or do you have ADHD?” she chuckled.

  “Maybe both,” he smiled. “Speaking of bodies…”

  Camryn was well aware that his fingers were still on her skin. They moved slightly and she could feel tingles race up her spine. “What about bodies?” she barely whispered. Hell, he was staring at her lips now and she didn’t mean to lick them. But his eyes met hers, and her hand that had been resting in the sand seemed to sink deeper into it.

  “I like yours,” he spoke softly.

  His fingers slid up her back further, and she liked the feel of his soft touch, but he made the mistake of coming close to her ribs.

  “Jeez!” she jumped, and she automatically yanked her hand up that was immersed in sand, flinging a pile of it all over his chest and lap. Even in the dark she could tell what she’d just done. “Oops,” she said, biting off a laugh.

  “Yeah, I’m full of sand now,” Teague said, but he was smiling.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m kind of ticklish there…”

  “Huh, good to know. I’ll remember to make sure we’re not in sand next time.”

  She smiled as Teague pulled himself onto his feet, but she was dwelling on what “next time” meant.

  He gave Camryn his hand to pull her up, and then started shaking the sand off of his body. “I haven’t had sand in my clothes for a while.”

  “You live on the beach,” she stated. “How is it avoidable?”

  “I don’t go on the beach.”

  She stopped brushing the sand off of herself and paused. “What? What do you mean?”

  Teague picked up the blanket and shook it gently. “The first time I saw you run by was the first time I’d touched sand for ten months.”

  She watched him fold the blanket haphazardly and tuck it under his arm. “How come?”


  Teague paused, silently chastising himself for admitting that.

  “Bad memories,” he shrugged, and he started walking back toward the Jeep. Camryn walked right beside him, slipping her hand in his. He was surprised she didn’t press for more information, but he was grateful. And the act of something as simple as handholding—with Camryn—was endearing enough to distract them both.

  He felt her glancing at him until she said, “Merry Christmas, Teague.”

  He slightly nodded as he turned to look at her. “Yeah, I guess it is well after midnight. Merry Christmas to you, too.”

  They walked in silence until they reached the parking lot. The street light nearby cast a dull glow on them and Teague could see her better. He reached up and brushed a bit of sand off her cheek, and then let his hand linger.

  “So is that what that was back there? A Christmas gift?”

  She barely smiled as she looked down at the ground. “Sand in your pants? Not exactly.”

  He gave an easy laugh and leaned up against the Jeep, pulling her close to him so they were front to front. “Well I’m definitely not complaining,” he said, sliding his fingers into her back pockets.

  He took in a subtle breath of air to torture himself with the way she smelled. He could feel the heat from her body and it enticed him the same way. She still wasn’t looking at him; like she couldn’t bear the way he was studying her. Her focus seemed to be on his chest—anything to avoid looking him in the eye.

  “Camryn, I’m not going to kiss you if you look at me. I guarantee I never lose a bet.”

  He thought she’d laugh at his arrogance, but she slowly looked up to meet his gaze without even a smile. “I should probably get home to check on my mom,” she said suddenly.

  Teague felt his expression darken but he didn’t respond with words. He removed his hands from her pockets and turned to unlock the passenger’s door, the mood seeming to shift instantly. Neither of them said a word as they got in the Jeep and left the parking lot.

  It was Camryn that spoke first once they were on the road. “What are you doing for Christmas tomorrow?”

  He pulled onto the highway and turned down the stereo. “Jay and I are going up to his dad’s. My uncle’s house.

  “Oh. Where does he live?”

  “In Tillamook.”

  “The cheese place?”

  “Yeah,” he smiled. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  “The Millers invited us over.”

  “Oh. Well you’re lucky, then. Loretta is a great cook.”

  “That’s what I’ve heard.”

  He glanced at her briefly. “You don’t sound too happy about it. What’s up?”

  “Oh, I’m fine with it. I’m sure I’ll be going by myself, though. My mom claims she’s not ready to face people.”

  Teague didn’t know what to say. Camryn was up here away from her friends and the rest of her family, and Christmas Day was going to be spent with a house full of strangers. “I’d invite you to come with me, but you’re better off at Kyah’s. My family is fucking insane.” He said it as both a warning and to test her knowledge.

  “I don’t need a second pity invite,” she smiled earnestly. “And I can deal with people just fine.”

  He glanced at her again. “Hm, yeah I’ve noticed.”

  She angled her head to eye him carefully. “Oh? And what have you noticed?”

  “Just that…you’re very confident.”

  He pulled into her mom’s driveway. Camryn thanked him for the ride as the Jeep came to a stop, but he told her to wait and he got out and opened the door for her. Teague was about to walk her to the front door when a scream from the house and the sound of breaking glass shocked them both to attention.


  Camryn took off for the steps, taking them two at a time. She didn’t realize that Teague was right behind her when she opened the front door until he yanked her back as a plate came crashing across the entryway.

  Camryn peeked around the door in time to see her mom about to chuck another one.

  “Mom!” she shouted.

  Serena was startled and dropped the plate, breaking it in half. She looked down at it and sniffled. “Well, at least I didn’t have to waste my energy on that one.” She stared at Camryn, lurking behind the door. “You’re letting the cold air in.”

  “You’re letting the voices take over.”

  Serena cracked a tiny smile and wiped the tears from her face. “You’re not funny.”

  Teague muffled a laugh from behind Camryn and she turned to tell him goodbye. “I got this,” she whispered.

  “You sure? She seems a little…”

nstable? You think you have the only crazy family?”

  “Camryn? Who are you talking to?” Serena questioned. She left the dining room and came toward the front entry. “I didn’t realize we had company,” she said when she noticed Teague. She gave Camryn a level gaze, silently scolding her for the intrusion.

  “Well you’re the one up at one in the morning, smashing china all over the floor. We heard things breaking.”

  Teague was holding Camryn’s hand like he was afraid to let her enter a house with an emotional wreck of a mother. Camryn didn’t miss that her mom noticed the same thing, and eventually Serena seemed to relax a little.

  “Come in,” she said, pulling the door open further. She practically dragged Camryn inside, and pushed Teague along with her. Shutting the door she said, “I’ll just get a broom and clean this up. You two can head to the rec room or…or wherever. Take your shoes off, please.”

  “Mom, just go to bed. I’ll clean this up.”

  Serena was going to object, but Camryn slipped off her shoes and led her toward her bedroom anyway. She held up a finger to Teague, letting him know she’d just be a minute.

  “Why the hell were you breaking dishes, Mom? Wasn’t that the really nice set from the china hutch?”

  “It’s not a nice set anymore,” she murmured with a satisfied smile. “See if that bitch wants ‘em now.”

  “What bitch?”

  “Caroline,” Serena spit out. “Lyle’s ex wife. They’re hers,” she scowled. “Along with a bunch of other things she wants to get her greedy hands on.”

  “Why are they here? If they’re hers, why didn’t she take them in the divorce?”

  “Lyle wouldn’t give her more than he had to. She raked him for all she could in the settlement, and now that he’s gone, she’s coming back for more. Oh, if I could just…”

  She began muttering incoherent words as Camryn helped her into bed. She went to the bathroom, got her mom a drink of water, and set it by the nightstand before turning out the lights.

  “Camryn?” her mom called.


  “He’s a little better than just ‘good looking,’” she said. “That’s Teague, right?”

  Camryn smiled and nodded her head, even though her mom couldn’t see her in the dark. “Yeah, that’s Teague. Goodnight, Mom.”

  She shut the door behind her and made her way down the hall. She heard the tinkling sounds of broken porcelain when she entered the front living area. Teague was sweeping up the dishes that had skidded clear across the entryway and into the front room. She watched him for a moment, enjoying the opportunity to stare without him noticing.

  Her gazing and reverie only lasted a few seconds because Teague turned and saw her standing there. He lifted an eyebrow to ask what she was doing, but when she entered the room he said, “I found a broom, but not a dustpan.”

  She reached for the handle to take over and he pulled it away from her.

  “I can manage,” he smiled. “Just find me a dustpan. And maybe a box or paper bag to put this shit in.”

  She pretended to salute him. “Yes, sir.”

  He swatted her butt with the broom as she left. “Smartass.”

  Turning around, she walked backwards a few steps and gave him a seductive smile. “That broom just felt me up. I wouldn’t take you as the type to share.”

  “I definitely don’t share. But I’ll kick its ass later. Right now it has a job to do.”

  Camryn laughed as she headed for the utility room.

  Chapter Eight

  “This is one fucked up family, that’s all I gotta say,” Jay grumbled, picking up a rock and chucking it at the shed across the yard. It hit the corner and bounced off, landing in the grass. He took another drink of whiskey and then rubbed his hand over his face.

  Teague could hardly disagree. Jay’s dad was one mean son-of-a-bitch. He kind of hoped Christmas would be different, but no such luck. They’d barely gotten through an afternoon dinner before Clint began berating his live-in girlfriend and her cooking. Shelly just took it, but Jay had never been one to put up with his dad’s shit.

  “How in the fuck does a girl put up with that?” Jay continued. “I mean seriously… She got mad at me for saying something. Mad at me. Fucking hell, I’m such a monster for caring.”

  Teague stood and checked the time on his phone. It was barely two. “Let’s get out of here, okay? Just leave it how it is for now.”

  Jay had that look, like he wanted to go back inside and beat the shit out of his dad. Teague didn’t like it, especially since Jay and his dad had both been drinking. Clint was a mean drunk, and Jay could get into a good rage when he was mad at his father. It wasn’t a good combination.

  “Get your ass up, Jay. We’re not staying any longer. We tried, let’s go.”

  Jay stood and followed him to the Jeep. Clint was watching them from the front window, and as a goodbye, Jay flipped him off as they drove away.

  By the time they were back on 101, Jay was asleep. Teague shook his head, regretting the wasted day. Next year was going to be different. No more family drama. He’d have Christmas dinner at a restaurant if he had to. Hell, he’d rather celebrate with a bowl of cereal by himself.

  He hoped Camryn was at least having a good time with the Millers. He spent most of the drive thinking about her and their time on the beach. As he turned down 29th, there seemed to be a myriad of vehicles everywhere. It took him a minute to realize there was some kind of emergency nearby, and it took him another minute to discover that all the emergency vehicles were parked all over the Millers’ street. Not only that, when he got closer to their house, he almost couldn’t believe his eyes.

  “What the hell?” Teague asked himself. He screeched the Jeep in the nearest spot he could find, which was halfway on the curb at an angle.

  “What? What the…” Jay looked around, dazed.

  “Your drunk ass stays put; something happened at the Millers’ house,” he said as he climbed out of the car. There were dozens of people on the sidewalks and in the street, mostly nosy people wanting to see how or why a truck had crashed into the side of the house.

  Teague continued to rush through the crowd, almost shoving people aside as he looked for a particular blonde head of hair. He saw Kyah first, and she was clearly upset.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. She was currently with her mom and aunt, the three of them crying and huddled together. A set of police officers were with them, trying their best to mumble condolences.

  “I’m fine, Teague. Everyone’s okay.”

  “Everyone? Where’s—?”

  “She’s over there at the ambulance,” she pointed.

  “The what? Is she—?”

  “She’s okay. Just something minor.”

  He rushed off, feeling like a dick for not saying something comforting, or offering a hug, or whatever the hell he could’ve done.

  He spotted Camryn sitting at the edge of an ambulance, a paramedic wrapping her forearm as another guy—a neighbor, maybe—spoke to her at the same time. Teague couldn’t even say anything as he approached because he didn’t know what to say. She seemed fine, sitting there nodding her head. But then she smiled at something the neighbor said to her and Teague snapped out of it. He then realized that this douche was standing awfully close to her, trying to charm her fucking pants off.

  Teague took three rushed steps to get to her, surprising Camryn with his sudden appearance.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, sliding his arm around her shoulder. He purposely put his back to the unwelcome visitor, placing himself in between the two of them.

  “Hey Teague,” she said, returning the embrace with one arm. “What are you doing here? I thought you were with Jay.”

  “I was,” he answered, glancing behind him at the dick trying to listen in. Teague sent him a silent message and the guy took a few steps back, and then walked away.

  When Teague turned back to observe what was going on with her arm, Camryn said, “What
ever that look was, I need to master it.”


  “That ‘get the hell away from her’ look you just gave him,” she smiled.

  Teague grinned with a shrug. “You mean I didn’t just break up a budding romance?”

  The older paramedic chuckled as he looked at Teague. “Not even close. This girl here told me to hurry the hell up so she could kick his ass herself.”

  Teague practically grunted and said, “Why am I not surprised?”

  Camryn shot him a scowl. “Hey, I’m nothing but sweet to you.”

  “Yeah, but I’ve seen you bring a guy almost to his knees, and not in a good way.”

  She looked at him suspiciously. “And what exactly would you be talking about?”

  “At Grady’s party. Garrett Daniels.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “You were watching that ass manhandle me and you did nothing?”

  The paramedic looked thoroughly amused by this conversation.

  “Hey, I was on my way over, but you managed on your own,” Teague argued.

  She considered that for a moment. “You were down there and you didn’t come see me?”

  “I just got there. I was building up the courage to go talk to you.”

  She smiled, clearly liking that piece of information. She eyed the paramedic and asked, “What do you think, Dave? Is he full of shit?”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “I’m not getting in the middle of this.” He was done with Camryn’s arm and he gently set it on her lap. He passed Teague on his way around the ambulance and whispered, “The feisty ones keep life exciting. She’s a keeper.”

  Camryn slid off the back of the ambulance and narrowed her eyes at Teague, who was still trying to internalize the man’s words.

  “What did he say?” she asked suspiciously.


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