The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series)

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The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series) Page 20

by Hadley Quinn

  Standing, she grabbed a different set of gloves for the speed bag. But Tim stood too and caught her arm. He paused, searching for the right words to say. “Cam, just…just enjoy life, okay? Be happy. You deserve it, sweetheart.”

  After her nod, Tim gave her a quick hug and left her alone. She finished up forty minutes later, grabbed something light to eat, and headed for High Point Dance Studio to teach a ninety-minute dance workshop.

  The owner of the studio, Mimi Gonzalez, was a friend of Camryn’s from high school. They’d even considered opening the studio together three years ago, but Camryn had been touring at the time and couldn’t commit. Sometimes she wished she really had gone in with Mimi because what she truly liked to do was teach. Thankfully Mimi used her to fill in as often as she could, or hired her for special classes or workshops like today.

  As she headed for her car following the class, she heard her phone vibrate. She pulled it out of her bag hoping it was Teague, but it was her sister’s smiling face that popped up on the screen. She rarely ever missed one of Melanie’s calls just in case something was wrong, and this turned out to be one of those moments she always dreaded.

  “Cam?” Melanie sniffled. “I- I need your help.”

  And then she broke down and started to bawl.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  What would normally be a six-hour drive from Fresno to San Diego took Camryn five and a half. She pulled up to an apartment building that her GPS landed her at. Melanie was already waiting for her outside the entry because Camryn had called a mile out to let her know she was close.

  Camryn tried not to gape at her little sister. She looked like shit. Her hair was messy and her eyes were puffy; mascara was smudged across her face. Camryn was going to give her a hug but Melanie dragged her inside and up a set of stairs without a word.

  “So what’d you decide?” Camryn finally asked.

  “I don’t know. What should I do, Cam?”

  Camryn frowned as they entered an apartment on the second floor. “Melanie, I can’t make your decisions for you.” Even if she could, it fell on deaf ears.

  “I know that, but you’re my big sister! Please help me.”

  “That’s what I’m here for.” Camryn sighed and looked around the room for the first time. It was a decent apartment—pretty basic and bachelor, but nice. Of course the focal point of the place was the gigantic entertainment system in the middle of the living room. “So you really did move in here?” she finally asked.

  Melanie looked around the place and shrugged. “Well, he asked me to stay. I don’t know if I’ve ‘moved in’ since I barely have anything here. I had to go shopping for more clothes.”

  Camryn narrowed her eyes. “With what money? I could have shipped a box of your things and it would have been cheaper.”

  Melanie looked away and didn’t respond.

  “With what money?” Camryn repeated firmly.

  “I charged it, okay?” her sister answered gruffly. “I didn’t have a choice.”

  “There’s always a choice. Like maybe come home before you make another stupid decision?”

  “So now I’m stupid?”

  Camryn groaned as she walked across the room. She glanced at the kitchen, which was better than her own, and down a hallway with three doors. Wandering down the hall, she peeked into the first door—a bathroom. Then she pushed open the second door—a bedroom with a king-sized bed and a few articles of clothing draped here and there, including her sister’s.

  “Why are you snooping?” Melanie asked from the living room. She was using a tissue to clean up the makeup around her eyes.

  Camryn returned to her and ran her fingers through her hair. “Just wondering what’s here that made you decide such a thing. What’s this guy’s name again? Jackson?”


  “Where is he?”

  “At work. He stayed late to finish a project.”

  “Where does he work?”

  “In an office. He’s an architect.”

  Camryn raised both eyebrows. Pretty tame for her sister, but it explained the cool photos of buildings all over the walls. If he had a nice apartment and a good job, that left one more question… “How old is he?”


  Camryn raised her eyebrows again, but this time with impatience. “Melanie Elizabeth Jacobs. How old is this guy?”

  “Thirty-one,” she whispered.

  “What the fuck!? Are you kidding me!?”

  “Don’t yell at me, Camryn!”

  “What is wrong with you? Thirty-one!?” She pressed both of her palms against her forehead and exhaled. Yelling at Melanie wasn’t going to get her anywhere and she had to rein in some composure. Okay, thirty-one wasn’t forty-one. Things could be worse, which is why she had to ask the next question. “How old did you tell him you were?” She dropped her hands to her hips and waited for an answer.

  “Twenty-five,” Melanie replied.

  Camryn felt a major headache coming on as she sank into the dark leather couch. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, trying to regulate her breathing. Three seconds in, three seconds out.

  “He’s really sweet, Cam. I think you’d like—”

  “It doesn’t matter if I like him, Mel,” her eyes flashed open. “And how is he a friend of McKenzie’s brother?”

  “Jackson isn’t the guy I met that night. Well, not at first. His younger brother Gavin is. We walked here because we were just a few blocks away, but Gavin was so wasted he just passed out. Jack was here so…we just started talking and…”

  Camryn could only stare at her for a few seconds. “My God, Mel. I can’t fucking keep up with you and all these guys.”

  “Shut up, Camryn! And quit with the language. I hate it when you say the f-word!”

  “Melanie, this whole time I thought you moved in with that other guy—Gavin? When did you ever tell me you hooked up with his older brother?”

  “I didn’t because you would have lectured me!”

  “Well duh! Someone needs to because sometimes you have no common sense!” She popped up from the couch and added, “Grab your stuff, Melanie. Now. I’m taking you home.”

  “I am not leaving! Quit bossing me around, Camryn. You’re such a bitch sometimes!”

  “And I’m not going to deny that. But Melanie, you’re nineteen years old. You’ve been lying to men for God-only-knows how long, and you get yourself in these situations that could have easily been avoided.”

  “Well I’m sorry I’m not perfect like you! Miss Goody-Goody that can’t even kiss a guy without wanting to cry over it! ‘Ooh, I have to be in love with him first, wah wah!’ ”

  Camryn wanted to slap her for that remark. Melanie had taken one of the most painful things in her life and thrown it in her face. Thankfully her phone rang, preventing her from doing something very aggressive to her sister. Just seeing Teague’s picture on the screen made her take a deep breath and relax little.

  “Hey,” she answered, walking over to look out the window.

  “Is everything going okay?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” she mumbled.

  “Well…what can I do?”

  “Nothing right now. Haven’t really dealt with it yet.”

  “Oh, so now you have to ‘deal’ with me?” Melanie scoffed from across the room.

  Camryn turned around to glare at her only to find Melanie doing the same to her, complete with arms angrily crossed over her chest. She looked like a twelve-year-old about to stomp her feet and Camryn wondered how in the hell any guy would mistake her for anything older. But then again, she had a set of boobs and a dazzling smile that distracted the men just fine. Combine that with her sultry flirtations and guys were putty in her hands.

  “Let me call you back when Melanie’s done throwing a temper tantrum,” Camryn said angrily. She wasn’t meaning for her frustration to be directed toward Teague, and she was glad he didn’t take it that way.

  “Of course. Call me anytime. I’l
l be waiting.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry, Teague.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Just… You know. Do the best you can and I’m here if you need me, okay?”

  “Yeah, okay.”

  “I miss you, Camryn. Damn, if you had called me before you passed through LA, I would’ve hopped on my motorcycle and hauled ass to kiss you on the way. You wouldn’t have had to stop.”

  “Oh yeah?” Camryn smiled. “And what kind of crazy stunt did you have in mind, lover boy?”

  “That’s just it,” he chuckled. “It would’ve been crazy.”

  She missed him. So much. Even though he called and texted often, if felt good to know he cared. Hearing his voice again did wonders, but she desperately wanted to see him right now.

  Noticing Melanie’s angry face cut down the momentary bit of joy and she said, “I gotta go, Teague. I’ll call you in a bit.”

  “Bye, Cam. Don’t hurt anyone, okay?” he sort of teased.

  She agreed but didn’t admit to how timely that reminder really was. When they hung up, Melanie was grabbing a drink from the fridge and she set one on the counter for Camryn. The two of them sat on barstools as they each twisted open a bottle of juice.

  “I can’t believe you told him,” Melanie grumbled.

  “So what’s going to happen?” Camryn asked, ignoring the complaint. “What are you going to do?”

  “I really like Jackson.”

  “You’ve already lied to him,” Camryn said dryly. She took a drink and added, “How much you like him might not matter if he kicks your ass to the curb.”

  “You’re always so optimistic,” Melanie scowled.

  “I’m being realistic so when he’s furious for being deceived, you’re not surprised.”

  “He’s not like that. He’s really mellow and sweet and… He’s just a nice guy, Cam.”

  “And you’ve known him for how long? You can’t judge someone in that short of time.” Camryn realized just how hypocritical that sounded. There was something about Teague the first time she met him.

  Melanie narrowed her eyes and said, “And how long have you known Teague?”

  “I know, I was just thinking that,” Camryn sighed. “Look, Mel. I don’t know what it’s like for you with this guy, but you’ve been so frivolous with just about every man you’ve dated. It’s how you are. And to be honest, this isn’t the first time you’ve claimed insta-love with someone. I believe the first time was when you were fifteen with Matt Seymour; the second time you were sixteen or seventeen with that Aiden guy; the third time was with Mimi’s brother Juan last year; and then there was—”

  “Shit, Camryn! Okay, I get it!”

  “Do you? Really? Do you really get it?”

  “Stop being rude!”

  “Melanie, I don’t know how else to act with you sometimes. Maybe I should’ve sent Tim here instead. At least he’s a parental figure that might have a little more experience than I do. I’m just your stupid sister that barely knows anything more than you do. If we had a mother that gave a fuck about anyone’s life but her own, then we might have that option, but no, Mel… You’re stuck with me, and whatever shitty advice I might give you. Do you think I like this?”

  “Okay!” Melanie groaned. “I’m sorry. I just… I hate it when you’re mad at me, Camryn.”

  Camryn softened because Melanie presented her classic “I’m just your little sister” look, complete with a pouty lip. But it didn’t even have to come to that for Camryn to show a gentler side because she loved Melanie and was worried about her. She didn’t come with her guns drawn, but the second she found out her sister had lied to the poor guy, her sympathy faltered. Even so, she was protective of Melanie and wished she could prevent more of these kinds of things instead of just being good enough for damage control.

  “I’m sorry, Mel,” she said softly. “I totally raged on you because I love you. Let’s talk about this. Are you sure about the results?”

  “Yes,” she replied, dropping her chin into her hand. “I took three tests. I’ll show ‘em to you if you want to check.”

  Camryn waved it off. She could at least believe that her sister would read a pregnancy test correctly. But something didn’t add up, and she wondered why it didn’t occur to her before when she listened to her sister sob as she drove. “Wait a sec… You only met Jackson over a week ago. How could you know you’re pregnant already?”

  Melanie’s reaction was not what she wanted to witness.

  Camryn dropped her head on the counter with a thunk and groaned. “No, Melanie… Please tell me this isn’t what I think it is.” She looked up and stared at her sister, practically pleading for her assumption to be incorrect.

  “It isn’t his,” she answered softly.

  Camryn felt a mixture of emotions. She was angry, sad, and worried, and it was all boiled together in one big cauldron of panic. However, she tried to keep calm for her sister’s sake. She’d already blown up at her once, and that was not the way to go. “But you know who got you pregnant, right?” she asked calmly.

  Melanie crossed her arms over the counter and laid her face over them. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure,” she replied weakly. She was going to cry again, and when she did, Camryn scooted her stool closer so she could put an arm around her.

  “It’s gonna be okay, Mel. You don’t have to go through this alone. Just tell me how you feel. Tell me what you want to do.”

  “I don’t have to ‘do’ anything, Camryn. I’m happy here with Jackson and—”

  “Melanie Jacobs, don’t you dare assume that he’s going to be okay with this. No I don’t know a single thing about him, but open your eyes, hon. This is truly going to suck. You guys just met.”

  “I know.”

  “So how are you going to tell him? I mean your first priority should be making sure you know who the baby belongs to.”

  “Okay. So you don’t think I need to tell Jackson yet?”

  “That’s not what I meant,” Camryn sighed. “You shouldn’t keep it from him.” Camryn could see the wheels turning in her sister’s head and she hoped she wasn’t thinking of deceiving Jackson even further. “And I hope to God that you’re not even considering making him think it’s his, Melanie!”

  Just that look on her sister’s face was enough to confirm it.

  “Oh my God,” Camryn moaned.

  “I was just hoping it was his, Cam! I’m not that evil!”

  “I surely hope not.”

  “Well you really have a lot of faith in me, don’t you,” Melanie scoffed.

  “So who do you think the father is?” Camryn asked, ignoring the accusation. “Who have you slept with in the last month or so?” That sounded so slutty and Camryn hated having to ask it. But the judge and jury role needed to be avoided and she quickly dismissed the thought.

  “Jordan Meyers,” Melanie said quietly.

  Camryn narrowed her eyes. “The drummer for Lynn’s band?”

  Melanie nodded and Camryn felt sick to her stomach. But she wasn’t going to comment on Jordan, as creepy as she thought he was. Just the fact that her sister had slept with him made her want to throw up.

  “Well,” Camryn sighed. “Why don’t we—”

  The lock clicked on the apartment door and a man entered. Camryn thought if this was Jackson, her sister did well in the looks department. But all of her assumptions about what an architect would dress like were immediately challenged. He was wearing worn jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of black biker boots. His light brown hair was sort of spiked in different directions, he had piercings on his ears and eyebrow, and tattoos on his arms.

  Okay, now this guy seemed more like Melanie’s type.

  He paused when he saw the two of them sitting at the counter. “Oh. Hello.” He looked from Melanie to Camryn as he realized who the visitor was. “You must be Camryn?” he tried. He came across the room with a smile and held out his hand.

  “Yeah, I’m Camryn,” she replied, returning the handshake. “Jackson?”

  “Yes,” he bobbed his head. “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Hm, I bet,” she replied dryly.

  He lightly laughed. “Good things, of course.” He looked at Melanie and said, “I’m gonna go take a shower. I’ll let you two visit.”

  Camryn watched him kiss the top of her sister’s head and leave the room.

  Okay, now that was kind of weird. The total biker type that Melanie consistently drooled over, but nice and polite was not usually included in the package.

  “See, he’s sweet,” Melanie stated, noticing the look on her sister’s face. “Don’t judge a book by the cover.”

  “Or his career, apparently. He’s an architect?” she asked, jutting her thumb toward the hallway.

  “Yes,” Melanie frowned. “What, you think I was lying?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I’m just…” She sighed and shook her head. “Okay, so back to our conversation, Mel. What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Okay, let me get this straight. You want to have this baby?”

  “I’m not having an abortion,” was the choked reply. “No way, Cam. That is a hell no for me.”

  “I wasn’t suggesting that. I was asking more about your state of mind. So say Jordan wants nothing to do with the kid—or whoever it belongs to—and maybe Jackson doesn’t either. You are willing to raise him or her on your own?”

  Melanie bit her lip and shrugged. “I’m not sure if I can handle a baby. But I just… I don’t know what to do,” she sniffled, a tear sliding down her cheek. “I guess if no one wants me then I—”

  “It has nothing to do with someone not wanting you, Melanie. This is a serious life-altering thing. Yes, Jordan—or whoever—needs to man up to his end of it, but Jackson… You can’t hold it against him if this changes things between you. You barely know each other and he could very well bail before he’s in too deep.”

  “I know.”

  “You need to tell him sooner than later. In fact, I’m going to stay here while you do, just to make sure you’re okay.”

  Melanie wanted to argue, that was easy to see, but Camryn wasn’t leaving this apartment until her sister told Jackson the truth.


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