The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series)

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The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series) Page 32

by Hadley Quinn

  “I get it, okay? I think you all need to take a damn chill pill. You’re all overrated, your shit smells like ours only worse, and the fact that fans obsess over you people is sickening.”

  “God, you are a match for my brother,” he joked. “And I agree with you on everything but the shit. I’m sure you don’t shit roses, princess.”

  She actually laughed at that and it felt good. The past twelve hours had been way too dramatic for her taste.

  But being around Max made her miss Teague. Rushing out of the house to get away from the confusion probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do. He’d said he wanted to marry her. Even though it wasn’t the most fabulous timing, Camryn wasn’t one to expect anything grand. It had taken her completely by surprise, and whether or not Teague said it out of desperation, she truly believed he meant it.

  Her heart ached for him at that moment. It felt like a piece of her was missing and she needed to return it to her chest. She slowed to a stop and said, “I need to head back. Hopefully I don’t have to see you around.”

  “Nice try, Camryn,” Max said, flashing another charming McCallan smile. “I at least need to return to my car.”

  “Doesn’t mean you have to walk with me.”

  “True, but I’d—”

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Teague’s voice bellowed in the dark.

  Camryn’s breath caught as she saw him storm down the sidewalk toward them. She didn’t even realize they were almost to Teague’s house again. She heard Max curse and he actually took a step backwards.

  “Hey, chill out, Teague. I came to talk to you, bro. I saw her walking the streets and figured—”

  “Well you figured wrong,” Teague growled. He would have been in Max’s face but Camryn stepped between them.

  “It’s okay, Teague,” she said softly. “I was about to come inside.”

  He finally looked at her and his face softened.

  “I’m ready to talk now,” Camryn said, sliding her hands around his neck. “I’m sorry for leaving like that. I just needed a little space so I could—”

  “It’s okay,” he said softly. His hands gripped her hips tightly and pulled her to him, and then he narrowed his eyes at his brother. Max shook his head and left in silence, but Teague didn’t relax until the Maserati finally sped by.

  Camryn could literally feel the relief exude from his body. The way he physically reacted whenever his brother was around was unbelievable. Every single fiber of his being went into protective mode and it was scary.

  “Teague,” she whispered when his lips nuzzled her neck. He kissed along her jaw and across her chin. It was sweet and sensual, and it reminded her of their first week together with no lip locking.

  His fingers lightly grazed the back of her neck and slid into her hair. It gave Camryn a chill and he smiled his satisfaction. “Yeah, sweetheart?” he whispered back. “I will do anything for you.”

  Camryn slowly smiled as the warm feelings in her chest began to spread. “Wow, if I thought your voice was euphoric before, good heavens, your whisper voice is panty-wetting.”

  He lightly laughed and kissed her forehead. “Mmm, sounds good. Wait— Euphoric?” He leaned back to see her face in the dim light of the streetlamp. “So that’s what’s euphoric? My voice?”

  “Mm-hmm. Keep talking, Inferno. I’m about to take you behind those bushes.”

  “I dare you,” he whispered again. He finally kissed her lips, just as the rain started to fall harder. The intensity of their kiss picked up with the amount of rain that fell, and pretty soon they were drenched while their tongues sought fulfillment from each other.

  “Teague,” Camyrn finally managed to speak. “I’m soaked.”

  “Yeah I bet you are, baby. Because I was using my euphoric whisper voice.”

  “It’s pouring down rain, you fool,” she laughed in between kisses.

  “It’s not,” he breathed, sucking in her bottom lip. “That’s just your panties talking.”

  “Well they’re saying they want to be removed because something else keeps creaming for attention.”

  “Oh. My. God.”


  Teague almost took her right there on the sidewalk, but he scooped her up and headed for the side of his house instead. It was fairly secluded by shrubbery, especially at night. He set her down and gruffly whispered, “Turn around.”

  As she faced the house, he placed her hands up over her head against the wall.

  “Are you going to search me?” she whispered with a huge smile across her face.

  “Damn right I am.” His hand went up her shirt and spread wide against her belly. His finger grazed her navel piercing and he closed his eyes to take in the moment. It was still pouring rain and there wasn’t much shelter from it under the narrow eves of the house, but a soaking wet Camryn set all of his senses into overdrive.

  One hand slowly began to venture further up her shirt and then rubbed against her breasts. Once he had his fingers against the satin of the bra, he rubbed her nipples into hardened peaks, enjoying the soft sounds that came out of her mouth. His other hand trekked south into her pants, working his way into the waistband of her panties. He could hardly wait when he sent his fingers to explore. They slid over her clit and she moaned, and after he rubbed them flat between her folds, he brought her wetness up with his fingers as they massaged her sensitive spot again.

  “Holy fuck, you weren’t kidding,” he exhaled. “I’d say you’re only an eleven, though, so I’m gonna have to do something about that.”

  She only responded with a whimper because his long fingers slid between her folds again, and then up into her heat. He began a gentle rhythm and Camryn took one hand off the house and slid it behind his neck to pull his lips to hers as she tipped her head back.

  He released a low groan as he pulled his body tighter to hers. While his mouth made love to hers and his fingers drove her to the edge, he wanted to memorize every single detail of this moment with her. The sweet smell of her hair mixed with rain; the softness of her skin where he held her body into him; the sexy sounds she made in his mouth as he devoured her lips and tongue.

  This beautiful woman had become his entire world.

  His fingers remained inside of her as he used his other hand to undo his pants enough to release his throbbing erection. The need to get it between her legs was killing him, and as Camryn slid her own pants and panties down, she repositioned herself to give him easier access from behind. His dick replaced his fingers in one smooth motion as their mouths reunited. She let out a quiet moan but it was sexy as hell. He’d have to tease her about the sexy “whisper moan” later, because he felt the gasp from her lips when he reached down to touch her at the same time. He could tell she was at the brink of release.

  Teague held her with the other hand firmly and continued his rhythm until her body responded. She kissed him even deeper, and as the rippling sensation rolled through her, he felt her stature weaken with the release. His arm tightened across her ribs to hold her up as she gasped for air, and then he continued to kiss her neck while she enjoyed every last ounce of pleasure that lingered.

  Then Camryn tightened herself around his cock and leaned back to kiss his mouth again. Whenever she did that, he could never last long. Teague surrendered his control in a heartbeat. He filled her almost instantly while he groaned into her mouth.

  It was still pouring rain when he turned her around. Her pants and underwear were just below her ass so he pulled them back up and then his own. When she rested her back on the house, she smiled and grabbed his shirt to bring him closer. He placed his forearms on either side of her head against the house and continued to kiss her.

  “I love you, Teague,” she whispered in the dark.

  “I love you too, Camryn. More than anything.”

  He didn’t want to mention their earlier conversation, even though it needed to be finished. But it was Camryn that brought it up when she asked, “Were you serious about marrying me?

  Teague leaned back just slightly to catch what he could see of her expression in the dark. He swallowed, unsure if she could tell how insecure he was or not.

  “Yes,” he barely spoke. He cleared his throat and added, “I’m sorry I dropped that on you like that. It was stupid of me to blurt it out so soon, but I just wanted you to understand why I did what I did. My future is with you, Camryn. You’re all I want. And I have so many things I want to share with you, to tell you, and I’m slowly learning to trust people again. Please be patient with me because I’m just an idiot that doesn’t want to fuck this up with you.”

  She smiled and took his rain-drenched face in her hands. “But do you still mean it? That’s all that matters. It’s really in your plans to marry me?”

  “Hell yeah. I’d marry you tomorrow if I could. Camryn, I’ve never met anyone like you. You keep me on my toes all the time with your sass and wit. I smile and laugh when I’m with you; even when I’m not with you I’m smiling like a damn fool. I can’t stop thinking about you and I love it. You’re so forgiving, so selfless and just…the right woman for me. You make me a better person, and I want to spend the rest of my life proving that and being the right person for you.”

  “Teague, you don’t have anything to prove to me. I love everything about you. And I’ll continue to love everything about you if you let me. Yes I want to marry to you.”

  He could only smile as he leaned his forehead to hers. They had plenty of time to get to the point of actually tying the knot, but he felt at ease and relieved that they were both committed to the same goal.

  “Teague?” she whispered, barely touching his lips with hers.

  “Yeah?” he answered, his voice hardly carrying through the sound of the downpour.

  “There’s something about the rain and your wet, clinging shirt that makes me want to ravish you, so take me to bed and—”

  He scooped her up and carried her through the dark garage, barely bumping the Mustang on their way by. Camryn continued to kiss him as they entered the house and headed for the bedroom as quietly as they could.

  “Rawk! Fuck!” the bird screeched as they hurried by.

  Camryn laughed against Teague’s lips. “Dirty bird knows what we’re about to do again.”

  “Ah hell no,” Teague smiled. “I’ll be making love to you until the sun comes up.”

  “It’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow.”

  “Oh glory be to God, I hope so….”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Teague had special plans for Camryn for Valentine’s Day. He took her for a two-night stay at a beachfront rental where the waves were to his liking for a beginner. He was going to take her surfing like she’d always wanted to try, and because it was for Camryn, Teague got over his shit and decided to just do it.

  Her excitement made it easier. When he took her to the garage that morning for a surprise, Camryn was ecstatic that it was her own surfboard and wetsuit. He then informed her of his beach plans for the two of them and she absolutely could not wait to get started.

  Once their things were settled at the house, they hit the beach with a pair of boards and enough enthusiasm from Camryn to pep talk an army. But as much as Teague thought he’d be tentative about hitting the water for the first time in a year, he wasn’t. He still harbored ill feelings about that day of filming, but being with Camryn allowed him something special to focus on. Just seeing her smile and hearing her laugh was completely soul mending.

  And she made him laugh constantly. Watching her trek into the ocean with a board under her arm, ready for anything, was awesome. She wanted to just get in the water and try a wave right away, but Teague made her wait for a few instructions first. She was definitely fearless, that’s for sure. But that’s what made her so easy to teach, and after only an hour of the “small stuff,” as Camryn called it, she was ready to try it for real.

  She was up on her first wave within the next half an hour. Teague was proud as hell, and just seeing her huge grin before she fell off a few seconds later was absolutely priceless. He paddled over to her as she pulled herself back on the board, ready to try again.

  “I’m afraid to teach you how to ride a motorcycle now,” he teased her.

  “No, you’re still doing that, too,” she smiled.

  “You’re fearless.”

  “No, actually I’m not. I just have to force myself to be tough so I can get over the fear.”

  He considered that to be true. She admitted the same thing about kissing him for the first time.

  “So? You gonna show off for me?” she asked. She pulled herself to his board for a quick, salty kiss.

  “If I were to truly show off for you, the waves would have to be much bigger than this,” he winked.

  “Pssh, cocky aren’t we? Okay, well, let me try it again. What did I do wrong?”

  “You just lost your balance too soon. Remember to use the force of the water against your board to your advantage. Gravity, centripetal force, and inertia,” he counted off on his fingers as a reminder. “And practice makes perfect, you’re right, so try it again. And then again and again and again.”

  And she did. Over and over until Teague had to force her to shore so they could eat dinner. He was impressed by her determination, and even more impressed that she could ride a wave so well by the end of the day. Had he known how much fun it would be to teach her, he’d have done it way sooner. But maybe like their first kiss, they needed to build up to things like this. There would be a lot of firsts with Camryn, and he looked forward to them all.


  As they walked toward the rental house, Teague shed his wetsuit down to his waist. Camryn blatantly stared at his chest and licked her salty lips. “Can we skip dinner so I can run my tongue all over your body?” she asked as they stepped onto the back deck.

  He turned on the outdoor shower by the steps to rinse off his board. “Babe, you can run that tongue over every inch of me,” he laughed. “But if you want me to do anything for you, then I need some sustenance. I’m starving. Watching you play on the baby waves worked up an appetite.”

  She smiled at the tease as he traded boards to rinse hers next. She just stood there and let him do the work because it was more fun watching his muscles dance with every movement he made.

  With the boards out of the way, Teague stripped off his wetsuit the rest of the way to rinse himself off. Camryn bit her lip as she glanced over his solid body in just a pair of tight jammer shorts he wore underneath his wetsuit.

  “Cam?” his voice questioned. She lifted her eyes to meet his and his head was tilted to her level. “Are you staring at my package?” he grinned.

  She couldn’t help but smile, and then she broke into a laugh. “Actually I was.”

  He snapped a towel against her hip and said, “Get naked, woman. If you need help, I will gladly peel that thing off of you.”

  “I think I need help,” she replied, batting her eyelashes.

  Teague willingly obliged, reaching behind her for the zipper as he stared into her eyes the entire time. He pulled the suit off her shoulders and down, and even though he wanted to take a look at the bikini underneath, his eyes remained locked with hers.

  “Nice self-control, McCallan,” she teased. “I must be the bigger perv between us.”

  He smiled, but kept eye contact even while kneeling down so she could pull her feet out of the wetsuit. On his way up, he continued watching her eyes, but his fingers slid slowly up her skin, starting from her thighs. His lips connected with hers, and when he was at his full height, he pressed his hands against her back to pull her close. Without breaking their kiss, he took the liberty of rinsing their bodies of saltwater and then grabbed a towel to wrap her up. The kiss deepened into a full-on passionate assault.

  Camryn fumbled for the sliding door as Teague continued to kiss her. When it was open, she wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her inside. “Let’s just get a pizza ordered first,” she finally gasped
for air. “We don’t need to go out; I just want you all to myself tonight.”

  “Okay,” was his husky, out-of-breath reply. He pulled away long enough to grab a menu next to the phone, but by the time he dialed and waited for someone to pick up, Camryn decided she wasn’t going to let up on him.

  Finally someone answered, and she tried not to laugh as Teague stuttered through a ridiculous attempt to order a pizza. She already had his shorts pulled down to his ankles and was kneeling in front of him. He braced himself against the wall and sucked in a quick breath of air when her tongue swirled circles around his hardened cock.

  “Mmm, yep,” Teague barely replied to the guy on the phone. Camryn slid one hand around the base of his shaft and cupped his balls with the other.

  “Regular or deep dish?” Teague repeated, just as his dick disappeared into Camryn’s mouth. “Oh, yes, definitely deep.”

  Camryn paused at his words and almost lost it. She glanced up with surprise as Teague looked like he was either going to laugh or groan out loud.

  “The address? Uh…”

  Camryn grabbed his ass and took him deeper. It affected his phone skills and she almost laughed again, but he managed to find the house address written on the emergency card next to the phone and rattled it off.


  “Holy shit,” he hung up the phone. “The last thing that kid needs to hear is some guy getting sucked off by his girl— Ahhhh…”

  Camryn was working really hard for this but Teague ended up practically dragging her to the bedroom and playfully tossed her on the bed.

  “Someday I’m going to put you in an awkward situation like that,” he said, kissing her jaw, her cheek, and then her chin. He kissed the hollow of her neck and then traveled down between her breasts.

  “I would have just hung up,” she answered as Teague untied her top and tossed it.


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