The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series)

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The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series) Page 40

by Hadley Quinn

  “Hm, I hear that might change in a few months,” he said, sliding a hand around her waist as they stopped at a spot on the dance floor. “My friend had a baby six months ago and she still complains about living in sweats and flip-flops for, like, the last year.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure I won’t be runway material in a couple months,” she answered playfully.

  “Oh, hey, that’s not what I meant,” Brandon smiled. “You’re always gonna be a looker, I have no doubt about it.”

  “I’m not fishing for compliments.”

  “Even if you were, so what? I’m an honest guy. You’re gorgeous, Mel. And you’re like my little sister, so there’s no ulterior motive whatsoever.”

  There was truth to that. Brandon had always been friendly with her in a completely platonic way. There hadn’t been a single second since meeting him that she thought he could be interested in her. He just never displayed the signs. And even Teague’s friends didn’t bother with her, either. There was no flirting with her or constant sexual innuendos being thrown into every conversation like she was used to. But being the preggo of the clan could probably do that to a girl. No one wanted to be stuck with her. Not that she could blame anyone. She’d avoid the situation, too.

  But all the guys in Teague’s circle really were nice to her, and they were respectful. Teague had pretty much placed himself in protective older brother mode from the beginning, and because of the eating-for-two condition she’d be in for the next five months, it felt nice to be around such a comfortable group of people.

  Except for Jay, the little shit.

  She glanced over at him, dancing smooth and confident while Miss Boobs was all up in his space. Jay had been a hard one to figure out. He claimed he wasn’t. All he’d really say about himself was that he was a total asshole, an inconsiderate bastard, or a selfish prick. Sometimes those descriptions were the honest truth because he really didn’t try to hide it, and he was ornery as hell to her. She wasn’t innocent either, but sometimes Jay was a bit harsher and she’d had to channel some of her sister’s tough nature just to endure him. They mainly went back and forth with facetious comments, but just when she thought she would come out on top, Jay would fire back something even better. When they rode with Camryn and Teague, she felt like the two little kids fighting in the backseat.

  And those were actually the friendly moments.

  But damn, she couldn’t deny his sex appeal was drool worthy. He was hot and he knew it, and that arrogant ass complex that he loved to exude had made her want to punch him in the face more than once. The McCallans were a beautiful family, no doubt. And if she were to have her pick out of any of them, Jay would definitely be her number one—tatted, pierced, and smart mouth included. It wasn’t just his looks, either. There was something about him that knocked any other competitor out of the running—

  Jay happened to catch her gaze at that moment. Cocky smile? Yep, there it was. And then he lifted his eyebrow as he gyrated her direction. When she gave him the middle finger he only laughed, just like she knew he would.

  “You having a silent hate conversation with Jay again?” Brandon asked, interrupting her exasperated glare.

  Melanie looked at her dance partner and shook her head with a smile. “Nah, he’s just being shy over there.”

  Brandon laughed at her sarcasm. “Yeah, Jay and shy don’t go together. Is Natasha still laying it on thick?”

  “Have no idea,” Melanie shrugged. “She seems to always shove her boobs in his face whenever she’s got the chance.”

  “Yeah, Jay’s a tolerant guy,” he joked dryly.

  “Tolerant?” she scoffed, even though she knew he was kidding. “You’re talking about the guy that pounds on the bathroom door singing stupid, made up songs about what I could be doing in there?”

  With another laugh Brandon said, “That’s just Jay. It’s how he interacts with people. If he was patient in silence, nobody would notice him.”

  “Jay doesn’t care if anyone notices him,” she retorted. “He does crap like that because he’s got A.D.H.D. Also because he’s an A-S-S.”

  Brandon laughed again and shook his head. “You two never stop, do you?”

  “I’ll stop when he stops, so yes, that will be never.”

  “You guys are like an old married couple.”

  “Jay would end up dead within the first year of someone being married to him.”

  “Then it’s a good thing he’s not the marrying type,” Brandon agreed.


  Barefoot, Melanie loaded the last of the gifts into Brandon’s truck. The day had been amazing and she was so happy for her sister. As little girls they used to make up stories about what their husbands would be like in the future. It was funny how Camryn had always wanted a cowboy and constantly talked about how many horses she would own. Melanie wanted to live in a huge house with a pool, and her husband would be a pilot so he could fly her wherever she wanted in their private jet.

  But no matter their differences in lifestyle, they both wanted to be married to the most gorgeous guy in the world. Camryn pretty much nailed that one, and Teague was definitely a cowboy in his own way. Bottom line, he adored Camryn to pieces and Melanie couldn’t be happier for her sister. After years of dysfunctional family situations and broken hearts, she definitely deserved her happily ever after. It wasn’t in Melanie’s plans to ever ask her sister for anything again. Camryn had done more for her than she ever deserved, and Melanie would now stand on her own two feet.

  “You gonna take off more than just your shoes?” a familiar voice said when she entered the club again.

  Jay was sitting on a chair against the wall, and even though she could tell he was drunk, his face still held that classic McCallan smirk.

  “Wasn’t planning on it,” she replied as she turned to him. “You need some help there, skipper? You look a little…slow.”

  He smiled again and then let out a little laugh as he stood. “I’m perfectly fine,” he answered, stepping closer to her.

  Melanie was close enough to the wall that she felt for it behind her in case she needed its support. His presence did funny things to her.

  “Hey, I can help you with your dress if you want,” he winked, moving even closer.

  He placed his hands against her sides and tilted his head to look at her closely. But the glassy look in his eyes was telltale, and Melanie sighed despite her racing heart.

  “Brandon is taking us home, so whenever you’re ready, I’ll have him haul your ass to the truck.”

  “You never danced with me,” Jay told her, almost like he hadn’t even heard what she said.

  Melanie had been ready to break away from him but that caused her to stop. “You never asked me to.”

  “Sure I did. You told me to go to hell.”

  “You mean when you told me that my ass was filling out along with my chest and you wanted to hold it on the dance floor to make sure? That was asking me to dance?”

  He lightly laughed. “I believe I said, ‘I’d like to dance with you so I can hold it.’ What is wrong with being honest?”

  “Well drunk-honest isn’t always fun with you, Jay.”

  “Ahh, but you said ‘isn’t always.’ That means it is sometimes.”

  She rolled her eyes, especially because he started to sway a little bit and leaned forward to put his forehead on her shoulder.

  “God, you smell good,” he practically whispered.

  “Please don’t puke on me.”

  He laughed again, and even though Jay’s drunk giggle was somewhat amusing, she didn’t like him being so close to her right now. After seeing Camryn happily married to Teague, she wasn’t in the mood for her heartstrings to be yanked.

  “You do look gorgeous,” Jay said. “I wanted to tell you that earlier. I like seeing you this way if it’s once in a while, but I really love your everyday look instead. You’re a hot mama, sweetheart.”

  He was still leaning against her and she slowly allowed herself to
press against the wall for support. He was at least six inches taller than her but not only that, muscular and beyond her ability to keep upright if he couldn’t hold himself up anymore.

  “Thank you,” she replied. Whether he remembered this moment or not, she at least needed to answer honestly. But all she wanted to do was wrap her arms around him and pretend he wasn’t drunk right now.

  He pulled his face off her shoulder and looked her in the eye again. He was quiet for several seconds, but Melanie couldn’t tell how inebriated he really was.

  “You have fun tonight?” he finally asked.

  Surprised, she nodded her head. “I had an amazing time. Everything turned out great and I think Camryn and Teague really enjoyed it.”

  He barely nodded, but those glassy eyes were still looking her over. “Yeah, they’re kinda meant for each other, huh,” he stated. “I’m happy for them.”

  Pleased, Melanie smiled and nodded her agreement. She was happy that he wasn’t as wasted as she feared, and especially happy that he’d share such sentiment with her.

  “Jay?” a sultry voice pierced the moment.

  Melanie took her time looking to her left, knowing it was Natasha. Jay didn’t even bother looking up but leaned his arm up against the wall with a sigh.

  “We’re loading in the limo now,” Natasha informed him. When Melanie finally looked at her, she got nothing but fiery darts cast her way. Jay missed it of course because his eyes were closed and he leaned his head against the wall.

  “I’m over my limit, hon,” he said. “Not going anywhere tonight.”

  “Which is what the limo is for, sweetie. You’ll be fine with me.”

  Finally Jay took a deep breath and stood upright as he looked at her. “I’m going home with my…” He paused and looked at Melanie, like he wasn’t sure what to call her. “Melanie,” he finished.

  Well that awarded Melanie the death glare. Natasha wasn’t subtle about it either, but thankfully she only rolled her eyes and left them alone.

  With a sigh Melanie said, “Come on, let’s get you in the truck. It’s been a long day.”

  She had her arm around him so she could lead him to Brandon, but Jay didn’t walk with her. Instead, he took her elbow to make her stop.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  Melanie raised an eyebrow. “You mean how is preggo Melanie feeling? Just fine, thanks. I’m tired, but I feel fine. It was a busy day but a happy one, so I’m happy too.”

  He paused as he studied her face for a moment and then nodded slightly. “It was a good day,” he stated slowly.

  Jay glanced down at Melanie’s hand that had rested on her stomach. Again he was silent and Melanie wondered if he was at the brink of just crashing for the night. He was almost so still and quiet she thought he might’ve fallen asleep just standing there. But he finally looked at her again and blinked, as if waking himself out of a stupor.

  “Well take care of yourself,” he said with a squeeze of her shoulder. As he passed by her for the exit she heard him mumble, “It’s a shame we will never be together, Mel.”

  Chapter One

  Four weeks later, May 2013

  “Yeah baby, that’s it,” the blonde whispered in Jay’s ear. “Let me be your dirty girl tonight.” Her leg was pressed against his groin as her tongue returned to his mouth. She kissed him deep again, groaning when his hands took ownership of her ass and pulled her against him. “Mmhmm,” she moaned, her lips sucking his tongue even harder. “Can we get out of here?”

  Jay flashed her a fake smile and pulled away from her. “It’s my buddy’s birthday. It’s here or not at all.”

  She gave him a pouty lip, but her hand went to the button of his worn jeans and tugged until it opened. “I’ll take what I can get, I guess. But I’d really like to give you everything I can, and that requires a bedroom and…some special props.”

  The corner of his mouth twitched with amusement. This girl was okay in the looks department, but not his preference. However, if her mouth could do what she earlier said it would, then who was he to be picky? And this unused office space at the back of the club would work just fine.

  “Well maybe you can convince me to leave, then,” he answered in a low, deliberately sexy tone.

  When she smiled, he could tell from her eyes what his voice did to her, and as he predicted, she was in his pants within a minute, taking him deep. He closed his eyes to focus on something other than the fact that he didn’t know this girl, didn’t know her name even, and he would never see her again. There were better things to think about than the fact that he was a complete asshole.

  When she was done, she was all too eager to leave the club with him. But Jay knew there was no fucking way she was going home with him. He never brought random chicks to Teague’s house, even though Teague and Camryn were out of town. But it went well beyond respecting his cousin’s home; it was more personal than he liked to admit.

  “Okay, here’s the thing, sweetheart,” he told the girl with a charming smile. “I need to finish the night with my friends because that’s why I’m here. I’ll remember you on my way out, okay?”

  “You promise?” she purred against his neck.

  She started kissing him again and he didn’t like it. Gently pushing her off, he buttoned his jeans and said, “Yes, I promise. Gimme an hour with my boys.”

  “Okay,” she smiled. “I can’t wait,” she added, licking her lips.

  Jay displayed another smile for her benefit and opened the door. She exited the room and he waited impatiently as she slowly walked in front of him, wiggling her ass for effect. Before they parted ways she asked, “Oh by the way… What’s your name, sexy?”

  Fuck, I didn’t move fast enough, he groaned to himself. But he smiled and said, “I’ll tell you when I see you again.”

  She bit her lower lip and winked. “Ooh, I like it. So mysterious. I can’t wait to find out.”

  “You’ll be waiting a long fucking time,” he murmured to himself as he left her and re-entered the main floor of the club. He scanned the room for his buddies, glad they were still on the far side of the room in the corner.

  “Seventeen minutes,” Kyle said, looking at his watch. “You owe me fifty bucks, asshole.”

  “Bullshit,” Jay scowled. “You started the clock before I even agreed to dance with her. I said fifteen minutes from the time I start dancing with her.”

  “He’s right,” Beck nodded. “Ask Jess,” he pointed to his girlfriend at the end of the table.

  She shook her head and answered, “No, don’t ask Jess. I want no part of your sick bets.”

  “Sick?” Beck chuckled. “It was a fucking blowjob. It’s not like he screwed her or anything. And Jay is my hero. I live vicariously through him while I’m stuck in monogamous purgatory with you.”

  Jess flipped him a manicured middle finger and continued chatting with her friends.

  “So how was it?” Beck asked, taking a swig of his beer. “She worth the time?”

  “Yeah it was fine,” Jay answered indifferently, taking a drink of his own beer. “She’s not as pretty up close, though.”

  “So you got sucked off by a dog, huh?” Kyle snickered.

  “I said she’s not as pretty; not that she was ugly, fucker.”

  “Well shit, I thought she was smokin’ hot. Think she’s willing to take a second one?” he grinned stupidly.

  Jay smirked with a nod of his head. “Yeah, most likely. She choked too many times on me, so your size might be right up her alley.”

  Beck exploded with laughter and said, “Fuck, that calls for another round.” He waved the waitress over for a third tray of shots.

  “Fine I’ll take the cheap dig, but I’m not paying you,” Kyle replied smugly.

  Jay gave him a level gaze and said, “You sure the fuck will. Fifty bucks, Kyle, or I break your goddamn face. Stop making bets you can’t pay on. You’re gonna get yourself in trouble with your big mouth.”

  “He’s righ
t, little brother,” Beck nodded. “Pay him the damn money.”

  “Whatever,” Kyle scowled, pulling out his wallet. He set a pair of bills on the table and said, “That’s all I got. I’ll give you the rest on Monday. Happy fucking day to me.”

  Jay didn’t bother to argue. He’d give him some slack this time because it was his twenty-first birthday, but come Monday, he wasn’t going to let it slip.

  “Here you go, handsome,” a soft voice spoke. The waitress placed a shot in front of him and offered a pretty smile his way, even as she placed other drinks in front of Beck and Kyle.

  Jay thanked her, but he didn’t bother to part with any more of his attention. His friends were looking her over and then silently conversing with each other, but Jay tipped the liquid down his throat without a thought, and then his two friends did the same.

  Somehow the waitress ended up joining them twenty minutes later. Her shift was over and then she was all over Jay. He just kept drinking though, and barely responded to much of her flirting. When Jess and Beck announced they were ready to leave, Jay automatically stood with them. If you could call it standing. It was more like swaying, and he didn’t even mind that the waitress—whatever the hell her name was—was helping to hold him up.

  Beck mentioned something about getting him to the car, but the girl whispered to Jay, “Or you can come home with me, baby. I’ll take care of you.”

  Jay smiled at her—at least he thought he did—and with a shake of his head replied, “I’m not exactly a prize right now.”

  “Oh, that’s okay,” she murmured against his neck as she rubbed a hand against his chest. “We have all night and all morning if you want. I’m a patient woman. Let me take care of you.”

  Jay’s mind was muddled for sure, but he knew better than to be around a woman when he was wasted. “Sorry, sweetheart. Not tonight.”

  She looked genuinely surprised. “Seriously? I thought all McCallans were up for anything,” she smirked.

  Even totally drunk, Jay was able respond to shit like that. Beck seemed to know it too, and he was trying to lead Jay to the exit before a serious scene erupted.


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