The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series)

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The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series) Page 100

by Hadley Quinn

  “You finally get a ring and you’re already going to harass me about getting married?” he joked with her.

  “It’s kind of the point,” she rolled her eyes at him.

  Teague returned and set a handful of beers on the table as he sat down next to Camryn. “Mel, if you agree to Vegas or a car show wedding, you can tie him down sooner rather than later,” he said.

  Jay’s eye pretty much lit up with that idea. “Hey, that would be kind of awesome.”

  “I’m not doing Vegas,” Melanie shook her head at him.

  “No, the car thing. That’d be pretty badass. We’ll do it cruise-in style.”

  “That’d be pretty sick,” Teague agreed with a laugh. “Hey, why didn’t we do that?” he asked Camryn.

  “Because you told me your pansy ass wanted a beach wedding,” she replied. “Ceremony on the beach, party inside the club. And I absolutely loved it.”

  “Me too,” Melanie agreed. “It was perfect. Except for someone’s drunk ass being a douche,” she nudged Jay.

  “A douche?” Jay scoffed. “Hey, pretty girl, you would have been crying if was being a douche to you.”

  “I was crying that night,” Melanie informed him.

  She was still sitting on his lap, but Jay leaned back slightly to look at her with confusion. “You said you were just emotional from the wedding. In the truck, I mentioned something about you being a crybaby and you said that’s why.”

  “You think I really would have opened up to you then?” she chuckled. “You didn’t deserve to know why.”

  “Well why were you crying?” he shrugged, seeming truly intent on hearing the answer.

  She took a deep breath and looked at him. “Because as we left the club, you told me we would never be together.”

  He kind of scowled with surprise. “No I did not,” he argued.

  “Yes you did,” she insisted. “You headed outside for Brandon’s truck and I heard you say it. It kind of made me feel…unwanted.”

  Jay thought for a moment and then exhaled. “Ah, baby…” He hugged her close to him with both arms. “You were pregnant with some other guy’s kid. I didn’t mean anything other than it not being probable. I thought you and I would have been good together, but you were still off and on with that fucker. That’s all I meant.”

  Melanie looked slightly heartbroken for a second. Then she kissed the top of his head and sighed. “Well, it’s in the past now. And I think things between us are better than they ever could have been had the circumstances been any different.”

  A few seconds of silence ensued as everyone seemed to consider that.

  “Life is funny that way,” Camryn finally smiled, reaching over to hold Teague’s hand. He pressed it to his lips and nodded his agreement.

  “Definitely,” Tyse concurred, reaching his hand next to him to run his fingers through Sarah’s hair.

  Just her smile, as she sat there with Cade on her lap, made his heart race. Melanie was absolutely right. He truly believed that there were certain trials in life that he was meant to go through in order to get him to a better place—to become stronger, to build his character. As much as it had been a frustrating struggle the past several weeks, it had been totally worth it because he was a much happier person.

  He’d fought for something he believed in and would do it again in a heartbeat.

  Tyse offered to go grab some more cheesecake for everyone inside, but upon standing, he noticed his grandfather watching all of them from the back door. A second later, Max appeared with Craig and two bodyguards.

  “What’s the matter, bro?” Jay asked, turning around on his chair when he noticed Tyse’s rigid stance. He paused for a second as he followed his brother’s gaze and added, “What the fuck are they doing here?”

  “I didn’t invite them,” Melanie said quietly.

  “Neither did I,” Tyse added.

  “You really think they’d wait for an invitation?” Jay scoffed. He carefully helped Melanie from his lap and then stood, just as Neil came down the steps of the deck to join them in the grass. Max and Craig were a couple of steps behind, and the two bodyguards lingered a few feet beyond that.

  Tyse had been so focused on his grandfather he hadn’t noticed that Sarah was now standing at his side with Cade in her arms. In fact, everyone that had been sitting at their table was now standing, and Kellie had even come from across the yard to join them.

  Neil didn’t waste any time with greeting anyone. He’d had his eyes on Tyse the entire trek from the back door.

  “I want the paperwork for Brad Andrews. I want to see the recording contract and every single legal document that goes with it.”

  “What’s this about?” Jay cut in, obviously perturbed that they were there to interrupt his party. Tyse assumed the guy would start tossing bodies if it meant keeping the evening lighter for Melanie.

  “This doesn’t concern you, so back off,” Neil answered gruffly without even taking his eyes off of Tyse.

  Jay took a step next to Tyse so he was more in Neil’s line of sight. “If it concerns him, it concerns me,” he replied evenly.

  Finally Neil looked him over, eyes full of anger and contempt. “I now understand the two of you are more alike than I could have imagined. I had hopes for you too, Jay, but disappointing me is nothing new. In fact, I’m sure you had a lot to do with turning him against me,” he jutted a thumb toward Tyse.

  Jay shook his head with a bitter laugh. “I realize I’ve always been your lost cause, but I don’t fucking care. It was your son that raised me. How much of that are you going to take responsibility for? I’m actually proud of how I turned out and I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Neil narrowed his eyes smugly. “But turning on me at every chance you get isn’t going to get you anywhere.”

  “And where is it I need to be?” Jay countered. “I’m perfectly happy right where I’m at. You’ve got this little fuck to baby,” he pointed to Max. “Why can’t you leave the rest of us alone?”

  “Because the rest of you haven’t learned your place in this family yet,” Neil growled with clenched teeth. “You can go off and have your pathetic middle class jobs all you want. I don’t give a fuck! But when you mess with my business, then I definitely have a problem!”

  “And what is it that one of us did this time?” Jay asked. “I absolutely love my ‘middle class job’,” he mocked with finger quotes. “I don’t give a damn about any of your businesses.”

  “Well this little shit recorded a major hit in my studio and thinks it’s okay to pocket the profits,” he pointed at Tyse. “I want that contract, and I want to know how you managed to embezzle my money. That is a helluva lot that doesn’t belong to you.”

  “Doesn’t it?” Tyse asked him coolly.

  Neil paused, as if measuring his tone. “You listen here,” he threatened in a low voice. “I will take a lot of shit from you boys, but this is too much. I will sue your ass into the ground! I will not have any one of you steal from me!”

  “That’s a huge accusation,” Teague finally spoke, shaking his head. “Maybe you should check your facts before you go around threatening to sue your own family.”

  Neil looked him square in the eyes. “And what facts would those be?” he asked angrily.

  “Have you checked the specs on the single?” Tyse asked with a tiny smile. “Sorry, but it wasn’t recorded at McCallan Studios.”

  There were several seconds of silence before Neil bellowed, “What? What the hell do you mean?”

  “I mean that I smartened up pretty quick after witnessing some of the shit you put people through,” Tyse shrugged. “There was no way I could trust you wouldn’t screw me over, too. I started my own label with Jay, and we recorded Brad’s song on our own. We did it. He and I,” he motioned between him and his brother.

  “Bullshit,” Neil argued. “You had them in my studio, I saw them with my own eyes.”

  “No, you saw them record a demo, a demo
that they didn’t use. They paid for the studio time—I’m sure you’ve already seen the paperwork—but that was for something different. The song that’s huge right now was recorded in my house. I have my own little studio at home. It’s not as fancy as yours, but good enough to record the right talent and I’m damn proud of it.”

  Neil was obviously surprised as he looked between both Jay and Tyse.

  “The song doesn’t belong to you,” Tyse reiterated. “It belongs to Brad and Melanie, and was produced by me. You wanna take me to court to get a cut from it? Be my guest. I guarantee I have every bit of legal proof that I need to win. I can at least thank you for that. By spending hours and hours studying legal documents in the studio just to please you, I made myself quite knowledgeable when it comes to recording contracts. So again… Thank you.”

  “You smug little bastard,” Neil shook his head.

  “Smug? Are you kidding me? You throw your money and power around and think it’s all you need. I don’t care about any of that shit. See, it’s what makes us so different. You feel like everyone is here to serve you. You believe that you always have to get something for anything you do. I feel the opposite. I like helping others without expecting anything in return. And you know what? Look at what I have,” he motioned to the rest of his family in the yard. “I far outweigh you in riches, so fuck you, fuck your money, and fuck the rest of your family that are just like you! I don’t want any part of it!”

  “You’re making a big mistake,” Neil spoke in a low voice. “I took you in because you’re family. I didn’t have to give you all that I have!”

  “Give me? You didn’t give me anything. It all came with a price. I was excited to take on your music project because you made me believe it was for me. I was warned to be careful, but I had blinders on. I really hoped that you were honest in your intentions, but there is nothing given by you that is truly from your heart. It’s all business in your eyes. I realize you have moments now and then that seem caring, but you know what? You went too far with this. First by trying to keep Sarah and I apart, then feeding the media lies, and now you’re trying to sue me over music rights? Is this a joke?”

  “You’re in over your head,” Neil shook his head.

  “No, I’m really not,” Tyse countered. “You know why? Because I’m not in this to battle anyone any longer. I’m done. It’s over because I say it’s over. I refuse to be a part of this, so stop dragging me into it. It stops now, do you understand me? Now. And the rest of you need to just back the fuck off as well. Stay away from me, stay away from Sarah, and keep your greed amongst yourselves. I’m fucking done.”

  He took Sarah’s hand and considered just walking away, but he remained standing his ground with everyone else and waited. He figured he’d at least hear a reply and go from there.

  His grandfather stared at him for quite a long time, and then took turns glancing at each of the rest, first Jay and Kellie, and then Teague… then Camryn, Melanie, and finally Sarah.

  “Then it’s done,” Neil responded quietly, and he turned around and walked away.

  After Craig and one of the bodyguards left with him, it was only Max that remained with his lone minion standing watch. But the bodyguard looked totally uncomfortable, which Tyse had to laugh to himself over. Both Teague and Jay were known for roughing up a few of these guys during family disputes, and Tyse wasn’t afraid of it either.

  Folding his arms across his chest, Max smirked at all of them. “It’s like I’m looking at the Goon Squad right now,” he chuckled. “McCallan rejects.”

  Teague actually laughed at his brother and took a few steps closer to him. Max stiffened but his feet didn’t move, and whether he wanted to or not, the bodyguard did his job and came closer.

  “Rejects?” Teague smiled at Max. “Hey, I think your strings might be a little too tangled up your ass.”

  Max looked confused and shook his head. “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “Hey, you guys?” one of the girls said from behind.

  “Puppet strings that your daddy controls,” Tyse filled him in.

  “That’s bullshit,” Max retorted. “I think you’re a little misinformed about how things work around here. I’m the one they care about. I’m the one that carries the notoriety of this family now.”

  “Notoriety? Or future downfall,” Teague laughed, shaking his head.

  “Teague?” Camryn called softly.

  “Fuck all of you worthless pieces of shit,” Max scoffed arrogantly. He looked at Tyse and pointed to Sarah. “You want to roll in bed with that sneaky bitch, be my guest.”

  Tyse made a move for Max, but his bodyguard was obviously familiar with Max’s cocky mouth and was already waiting, and Teague had already stepped between the scuffle before anyone threw a punch.

  Ever since finding out Olivia Douglas had plowed through Max’s heart tornado-style, Tyse had tried to have some understanding for the guy. He’d been trying to rethink some of his contempt for Max and had decided to try cutting him some slack now and then.

  But acting like a dick was still acting like a dick, and Tyse wouldn’t stand for it.

  “Hello!” Kellie called from behind them.

  “Hey, hold on,” Jay cut in, joining Teague. “I’m the only one that hasn’t had the privilege of decking this motherfucker. You both have had the honors, it’s my turn.”

  Max scoffed and backed away toward the deck. “Fuck you all,” he said as he distanced himself. “I feel sorry for all of you. Have fun with your hillbilly style barbecues.”

  “We always do,” Tyse replied sincerely. “There’s nothing more important than being with the family and friends you care about.”

  Max made eye contact with him for a few long seconds, seeming unsure if Tyse was being a smartass or not. But he ultimately turned for the back door and disappeared.

  “Helloooo!!” Kellie yelled at them even louder from the table. “We’ve got more important issues here!”

  She was pointing to Camryn when all three guys turned around. Tyse blinked a few times as his mind tried to register what his eyes were seeing. The front of her pants were soaked and she was basically waddling across the lawn toward Teague.

  “My water broke,” she told him breathlessly with a tentative smile. “And I’ve been having contractions for the past half hour.”

  Teague only stood there staring at his wife; Melanie handed Jay the baby; Sarah slipped her hand in Tyse’s and leaned her head against his shoulder with a smile; Kellie was obviously super excited because she couldn’t stop grinning…

  And Teague still stood there.

  “Hey, dumbass,” Jay said, whacking Teague in the arm. “Pull your head out and get your woman to the hospital.”

  “Aren’t you, uh, two weeks early or something?” Teague finally asked Camryn.

  “Nine days, but is that supposed to stop this baby from coming out?” she replied.


  “Oh my gosh,” Melanie laughed, pushing Teague toward the deck. “Get out of here. Her hospital bag is already in the truck and there’s even a towel in it for your precious seats. We’ll meet you there in a bit.”

  “We want a handsome, buff, full-of-himself McCallan,” Jay told them. “And make it quick, Camryn. I don’t want to wait long.”

  She held up a middle finger as she and Teague headed for the house.

  Tyse turned to Cade, who was in Jay’s possession, and held up his arm to simulate a fist pump. “Yes! Bring on another baby!”

  “Don’t break your dick on the coffee table!” Jay hollered after Teague as he led his wife through the back door.

  Teague glanced back with a perplexed expression, still looking dazed, but he continued to escort Camryn into the house. He was obviously somewhat distracted.

  “Um, maybe someone should drive them both?” Kellie suggested.

  “Nah, he’ll be fine,” Jay said. “Don’t take away the only thing a man can actually do to help right now.”

Sarah kissed Tyse on the cheek and said, “Kellie and I are going to head inside and help clean up a bit, okay?”

  He nodded his agreement, but gave her a full kiss on the mouth before she left.

  “Don’t break your dick?” Tyse scoffed at Jay, shaking his head. “What the hell kind of advice is that?”

  Melanie just started laughing out loud. “Oh my gosh,” she finally groaned, but she was still smiling, shaking her head at her fiancé. Jay was smiling too as Melanie explained to Tyse the day she’d gone into labor and he’d tripped over the dog.

  “Okay, I did not need that image in my head!” Tyse protested, frowning at the two of them—especially because they were both still laughing. “Half mast and you hit the coffee table? Shit, it still works, right?”

  Jay immediately stopped laughing and gave him a serious look. “Fuck yeah, it works.”

  “Okay, man,” Tyse chuckled, holding his hands up. “Just making sure.”

  “I didn’t actually break my dick, you know,” Jay smiled again.

  “He only threatened that he did,” Melanie informed Tyse. “You know, because I would be sooo unfortunate without it.”

  “Gotcha,” Tyse nodded his head. “That would have really been the end of your life.”

  “It would have,” Jay agreed.

  “The end of your life,” Melanie argued.

  “Don’t give me that, Miss I’m-so-horny-do-me-now.”

  “Oh my gosh!” she yelled at him, punching him in the arm. “You are such a shameless jerk!”

  Laughing, Tyse shook his head. “I really think this is foreplay for you two, so hey guess what? I’m gonna head inside, find my beautiful woman, and eat some more cheesecake.”

  “Eat all of it,” Melanie told him with a smile. “It’s Jay’s favorite, so eat it all.”

  “It’s my favorite too, so I’ll do my best,” Tyse assured her.

  When he glanced back at them as he shut the sliding glass door, Melanie had already straddled Jay’s lap and was kissing the hell out of his face.


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