The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series)

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The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series) Page 133

by Hadley Quinn

  He saw Teague nod resentfully as he must have reflected on his own first meeting with Kate Donnelly in Las Vegas. She’d pulled the same innocent card on him as well, pretending she didn’t know Teague was a McCallan. But it was a bit harder to lie about not knowing who Max was. He was hard to overlook and most people knew his face. Even knowing who he was, her game was to barely give him attention that night. That was a very nice play on her part, especially since he’d been drinking.

  “Yeah, she’s very convincing. Missed her calling,” Teague mused dryly.

  Surprisingly, Kate had never wanted to get into acting—she only wanted to mingle with the celebrities and be considered one—but Max knew what he meant.

  “How’d you seem low key in the House of Blues?” Teague asked. “No bodyguards? VIP?”

  Max shook his head, thinking back on the one fucking time he defied his father and went out on his own with a couple of buddies. It all turned out fairly well—or so he thought—but he’d never been able to live it down once his dad found out. And fuck yes, Craig had demanded all the details once the shit hit the fan with Kate.

  With a sigh, Max shook his head. “I had the limo that night and told Dexter to wait there, but that’s it. I missed the old rebellious days, you know? –Where we’d all go out and do whatever we wanted, and as soon as someone recognized us, we’d bolt for the exit to go somewhere new.”

  He could tell Teague pieced it all together. “So you were enjoying your rare freedom and you two hooked up that night?”

  Max rubbed his forehead uncomfortably. Putting it that way sounded so simple, so stupid, and he wished that were the case. But far more had occurred that night than he wanted to remember.

  “I honestly didn’t know she was your girlfriend, I swear to God,” Max began. “And I was pretty careless and drank more than I thought. I’d just returned from New York that afternoon—another rejection from Olivia, a really bad one. I think I was still even hung over from the flight back. I never, ever let myself go like that. You know that, Teague.” He silently pleaded with his brother to believe him, and finally Teague confirmed with a nod. “By the time we were in the limo, I think it all kind of hit me at once.”

  Teague stared at him for several seconds, but he didn’t show any signs of emotion. When it came to Kate, maybe nothing surprised him. “Well, obviously I can guess the ending.”

  “I didn’t even remember her name after that night, or hear from her for several months. She came to our studio offices once and asked to speak with me. I was told my brother’s girlfriend was there to meet me, and since I was curious, I said it was okay to send her back. She’d been cleared by security to be there, so I agreed.”

  “And she told you she was pregnant with your kid?”

  “I didn’t recognize her as anyone I’d met before, so I stupidly introduced myself. She realized right away that I had no clue. So yeah, when she recapped that night, I didn’t believe her at first. I was about to call security to throw her out, but then she dropped the huge bomb on me.”

  Teague sighed, shaking his head again. “I can only imagine. Did she blackmail you?”

  “Only after I insisted I didn’t remember her. I think that kind of pissed her off. Then she showed me a video on her phone. And, uh, yeah, it was obvious I met her that night. We were in the limo and I was visibly drunk since I didn’t give a shit or even notice she made a five-second selfie video with me. You know in my right mind I would never allow that. But she told me she would always have that video to share with the world; the night little Max was conceived.”

  “Little Max,” Teague mumbled, shaking his head.

  “Yeah, clearly that changed when she decided to keep it from you for a while. And I didn’t know what to do, man. She seemed a bit sensible at first. I mean after she convinced me it was possible I really could be the father, and then when I had a paternity test done, she said she understood that keeping it private was the right thing to do. I compensated her very well, I’ll admit that, and asked her to go back to Las Vegas. I even told her she needed to break things off with you. I really thought she did. I honestly did. She told me she had. But after she came to visit you on set that day—when Chase was just a couple months old—she told me she didn’t want to keep it a secret anymore.”

  “And you disagreed.”

  “Teague, it wasn’t just about my career. I honestly wanted her to let you raise him; I knew how much you loved him. I wasn’t ready for it. I just couldn’t do that to you.”

  “Then why didn’t you just come to me?” Teague groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. “Max. Jesus Christ, I would have done anything in my power to have that kid in my life! Don’t you get that?”

  “Don’t you get that I was trying to protect you?” Max retorted with frustration. “Teague, goddamn it, that woman is a fucking nightmare! If I could keep her from wreaking more havoc on your life, I was willing to take on anything to do it. You know she would have just pulled some stunt later on anyway. You know that! She’s all about the drama and attention. Even if the truth were kept quiet for a while, something would change that somewhere down the line.”

  Teague looked up from his hands and stared at him for a bit. Finally he sighed and shook his head. “You’re right. You’re totally right. And it was better that Chase was just a baby, I suppose. He doesn’t know any of that. I just wish you would have talked to me about it, but then again…I was too mad at you anyway. We probably would have ended up in a death match.”

  Max’s head teetered back and forth. “True. But to be honest, it was so much easier to let you hate me. I wanted to apologize so many times—”

  “You actually did, man. A few times. I just didn’t want to listen. I was too pissed. And that’s on me. I take full responsibility for that and it was just…just really pathetic and immature. I’m sorry.”

  “Had the roles been reversed, I think I would have done the same thing, Teague. The wounds were still too fresh. I get it.”

  His brother barely nodded. “I suppose.”

  “And really, it’s kind of embarrassing,” Max scowled. “We were raised to dodge devious women like that and…both got hit by the same one.”

  “She’s a cunt, and I hate using that word, but it’s true.”

  Max held up his hands. “You don’t have to explain that to me. I hear ya.”

  Teague looked like he was still trying to make sense of all the information in his head, but finally he shook his head in what seemed like concession. “So let it go,” he finally advised as he exhaled. “Seriously, Max, just…let’s leave it in the past, okay? It’s not worth it—she’s not worth it.”

  “I’m with you, but it’s not so simple. You know how vicious she is. She’s got me in a bad spot, Teague.”

  His brother’s eyebrows furrowed as he leaned his arms against the table. “What kind of bad spot? The public found out a couple years ago you had a son. She can’t hold that over you anymore.”

  Max shook his head in frustration. “No, just other stuff on our family. I don’t know if I said shit that night we hooked up, or if she dug it up on her own, but she’s been threatening to air all of it at any given moment. And that video in the limo. It’s the worst display of drunken ridiculousness ever.”

  “She’s got that, and she’s got information on McCallan business deals?”

  The answer was yes, but there was more to it. For now Max just nodded his head. “How do people live their lives like that? Manipulating people, blackmailing them… I mean I know this family has a lot of history, but goddamn it, why did she have to go to that level? And why did she have to use an innocent kid?”

  “Please don’t tell me she fucking used Chase against you, too,” Teague groaned. He looked straight at Max. “Did she?”

  “Of course she did. Said she would keep him from me for good. She had that damn video to air if I didn’t give her what she wanted.”

  “Which was?”

  “Money. What she craves. And the po
wer she feels from keeping me from Chase. It’s thrilling to her. It makes her feel like she’s not only up on our level, but has the upper hand. But I don’t want her to have that control. My money…doesn’t matter. But she’s divided our family in half and I’m not okay with giving her that. And I’m not okay with having a public war with her. It’s what she’s goading me into. She wants that. She wants Chase to see us as horrible people.”

  “She doesn’t give a shit how bad it’s going to hurt him? Does she not know what you and I have been through growing up?” he scoffed.

  “I’m sorry, Teague. For everything. For thinking I had things handled on my own, for listening to people I shouldn’t have, for the time I spent not having you in my life… I’m sorry, man. I know it doesn’t fix everything, but I just want you to know I love you and I need your forgiveness. I understand if you can’t, but if you could at least consider it…”

  Max drew in a deep breath and slowly let it out. He propped his elbow on the table and leaned his forehead onto his hand. There was no going back from this point. The majority of it was out in the open. And he didn’t even regret it, not like he expected he would. He’d kept one little detail to himself—he still needed time to process it—but Max felt it was necessary for now.

  Teague seemed troubled, like the idea of forgiving him was completely impossible, but Max couldn’t blame him. He’d fucked up way too many times he’d lost count. And he could tell by the way Teague was looking at him that his brother was still trying to figure out what to say.

  Finally he slowly shook his head. “I think you need to get away for a while,” he sighed. “And right now. I don’t want you to argue with me, Max. Please just take my advice, get out of town for a bit, have some downtime or whatever, and regroup. You honestly look stressed out as fuck. Like seriously, your pretty face is getting wrinkles.”

  Max barely caught the joshing because he’d been thinking about getting away for a while now, and since the movie was done with his father, it might be the perfect time. He wanted some time away. He needed it. Maybe he’d have a clearer head while he finished his screenplay.

  “Yeah, you’re right,” he agreed. “Maybe I could take a few days in Maui or—”

  “No,” Teague cut him off, shaking his head. “No, not there. Not Tahiti, not the Bahamas, not anywhere like your usual spots.”

  Max narrowed his eyes in thought. “Where are you thinking? Like fucking Montana at a cowboy camp?”

  Teague laughed out loud. “Maybe that would be a nice rustic change for your spoiled ass, but I have the perfect place for you.”

  Max didn’t know if he liked the look on Teague’s face. He seemed way too excited to ship his ass out of town. But at this point, he was willing to swallow his pride and take a risk. If it meant taking one step closer to regaining his brother’s trust, he would do it.

  “Okay,” he replied slowly. “Tell me what you have in mind.”

  Chapter Seven

  Olivia Beach. Was this a fucking joke?

  Max stepped out of the Mercedes that had picked him up at a municipal airport. He hadn’t been up for driving all the way up the coast, so a private flight suited him just fine. The driver was a personal friend of the producer that owned the house, so Max appreciated the promise of discretion. He was up here for privacy and nothing else.

  He looked at the house in front of him. It was in a quaint little neighborhood—an area in Lincoln City, Oregon named Olivia Beach, of all things.

  Teague sure had a sick sense of humor.

  Sighing, he grabbed his two bags and hauled them up to the house. He used the key his brother gave him and entered, squeezing through the narrow doorway with his stuff. He dropped his bags in the front entry and looked around. It certainly was a small space, but then again, he was used to living in a mansion that was way too pretentious in the first place.

  Passing the front room for the dining room/kitchen area, he pulled open the curtains on the sliding glass door, and then unlocked it to step outside onto the deck. He took in the sight in front of him and paused. The house was right above a narrow coastline, and from the deck was a long flight of steps that traveled to the sand. Max made his way to the railing and leaned against it, glancing right and left across the small beach.

  It was nothing like the beaches in Malibu, and for that he was extremely grateful. He never knew Quentin owned this house up in Oregon. He knew of two other houses the guy owned, but this one surprised him. Apparently the billionaire producer liked a small town getaway now and then. But Max would make the best of his time here, finish his screenplay and send it to the right people, take in some fresh air, and then head back to L.A. next week.

  Piece of cake, and double bonus…he’d be appeasing his brother at the same time. He hoped it was a step in the right direction.

  Teague had warned him about the weather up here. Today was clear and sunny with a breeze. It was probably warm for the beginning of October, even though any Californian who loved the sun would think mid-sixties felt too cool. But Max liked it. It felt…a bit liberating for some reason. Sun and cool air. It was so relaxing he pulled the outdoor furniture out from the garage and set it up on the deck. He tried to close his eyes and doze off, but although he enjoyed the solitude and just the sound of the waves, he felt restless.

  It also felt somewhat lonely—due to the fact that he was out of his comfort zone—and he knew his mind needed to be occupied.

  He hauled himself inside, found the main bedroom and unpacked his stuff. Then he set up a working space at the desk in the spare room. Assuming it had been the room Jay stayed in when the guys lived here, Max wondered how his grown ass put up with such a claustrophobic area. That was a fucking twin bed in the corner… Had he even fit on it??

  Max returned to the master bedroom and opened the windows. The room faced the ocean and it was also a bit larger than the other one. After some consideration, he ended up dragging the desk from the secondary room down the hallway. He’d move it all back before he left, but for now, there was no way he could work inside a tiny, closed-in box of an office.

  After adjusting a few things, everything fit just right. He flipped open his laptop and went to work, having the perfect view of the ocean from where he sat.


  A man could only go without food for so long. After unsuccessfully deciding on a place through his phone, Max called for pizza instead. He really didn’t want to go out in public anyway. If he could get away with it, he’d stay inside the house for as long as possible, calling for takeout with a fake name and paying with cash. Eventually he’d need to venture to the grocery store, but he’d save that for another day.

  Camryn’s mom lived a couple of blocks over, and since Max had promised his brother he’d stop over there to check on her, he figured he could ask her for food recommendations in the area. It was extremely out of his comfort zone to approach a stranger this way, but he felt it was all or nothing at this point in his life. If he really wanted to make some progress with his brother, he was willing to cloak himself with false security for the time being.

  After downing a few slices of pizza an hour later, he shoved the rest in the fridge and pulled up Teague’s directions on his phone. It only took a few minutes to walk over, and while he did, he took the time to look around the neighborhood. It really was a unique little area. It seemed quiet and well taken care of. He passed a community playground before turning on the next street, and he could immediately see his destination from several houses down.

  It was probably the largest house in the neighborhood.

  Max took the massive flight of stairs up to the front door and knocked. While he stood there for more than a minute, knocking a second time, he glanced up and down the street from this position higher up on the hillside.

  Yeah, indeed it was a quaint area. But he wasn’t sure if he liked it or not. It seemed too quiet, like it only had the appearance of innocence but there were eyes and ears everywhere.

, so it was obvious he was extremely paranoid.

  At last the door opened and he turned to greet Camryn’s mom pleasantly. He had no idea if she was expecting him or not or how she would even react to who he was.

  But he wasn’t expecting the fresh-faced blonde who stood in front of him, her dark brown eyes studying him for a few seconds in confusion. He glanced from her dimpled chin to her sweatshirt, denim cutoffs and flip-flops, and then back up to her eyes.

  “Can I help you?” she finally asked.

  Okay, Camryn didn’t have another sister he wasn’t aware of, did she? He didn’t know of anyone else living here, Teague never mentioned it.

  Guessing she was in her late teens, he asked, “Uh, is your mom home?”

  She was obviously surprised, and then she practically snorted. “My mom?”

  The fuck? All right, so that was the wrong assumption. “Ehh, is Ms., um, uh…”

  Shit. He couldn’t even remember the name of Camryn’s mom.

  “Are you looking for Serena?” the spunky little blonde asked.

  Okay, she wasn’t little, but she was athletic-looking, maybe five-foot-six, and her medium-length hair was cute in that messy beach-blown way. But his six-one frame made her a lot smaller than he was.

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I forgot her name,” Max admitted. “I just stopped by to check on her for someone. Is she home?”

  She eyed him for a few seconds, a tiny smirk playing on her lips. She was definitely a sassy looking thing and that put him on guard even more than usual.

  “You’re Teague’s half-brother.” She didn’t ask, she stated it, and hearing those words completely took him by surprise. It hadn’t seemed like she’d recognized him right away—maybe his hat and sunglasses didn’t do much to fool her—but the fact that she referred to him as “Teague’s half-brother” was rare.


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