The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series)

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The McCallans (Complete 5 Books Series) Page 140

by Hadley Quinn

  No, it wasn’t a good idea to skip out on his dad’s dinner party that night, but there was nothing appealing about it. It was the same restaurant Teague had barged into to rip their father a new one for interfering with Camryn. Max had made an attempt to converse with his brother that night, and it had gone nowhere. But the idea of returning to that celebrity-sighting hub with his father made his blood pressure increase even more. The expectation to mingle with that crowd for the media’s sake was undesired.

  He stared at his phone again as the car began to move carefully away from spectators. He was still waiting for Kate to give him a fucking answer for when he could see Chase. She was giving him the run around, claiming it wasn’t a good week or the weekend was too busy to bother with specific plans. It was the same bullshit over and over again.

  His conversation with Joe the other night was also still rolling around in his head. Even though the guy hadn’t realized it, he’d done Max a favor by pointing out a very obvious detail. He just couldn’t trust anyone his father was associated with. And he was beginning to understand how many ties he’d actually have to sever when it was all said and done.

  Joe and Dexter would be two of them.

  On that note, Max took the ride back home in silence. Each time his phone buzzed, he glanced at the screen. If it was his father wondering why he was late, he ignored it. Shutting his phone off would be ideal, but he couldn’t miss a text from Kate if she decided to be a decent human being. And he was also hanging on to the hope that Anna would reach out, but he almost laughed at that ridiculous notion. She had no reason to and he couldn’t blame her for it. He was the one who collapsed the bridge with one defensive blow.

  But he was feeling like shit and impulsively sent her a text.

  I’m sorry

  Maybe it wouldn’t do anything to mend their friendship, but at least he felt better for doing it.

  As Max entered the mansion, his father had given up texting and was now calling instead. He was pretty sure Joe had already reported back to Craig that they weren’t going to be at the dinner.

  Max sighed in the entryway as he vacantly stared at the chandelier thirty feet above. For whatever reason he paused, there were certainly no answers to be found. Three stories of structure consisting of nine bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a library, an office, two full kitchens and dining rooms, a movie theatre, three different sitting areas, a grand piano he’d never touched, and countless luxurious furnishings…

  What the hell for?

  “Anything for the evening, Mr. McCallan?” Gretchen asked, coming from the back of the house. She looked confused as to why he was even home right now but he knew she would never in her life question him on it. “Would you like some supper? Or maybe a drink?”

  He actually was pretty hungry since skipping the meeting with his father would have meant food. Max gave her a simple nod and headed for the kitchen. “Yes, I would like something. But I can get it myself. You can have the evening off as you were expecting.”

  She nodded her response and smiled. “Thank you, sir.”

  God, he hated the formalities.

  He knew there were fresh meals in the fridge from his kitchen staff, like always. A short vibration sounded in his pocket, so as he pulled open the door to the main refrigerator and found a dish labeled primavera to heat, the phone got a quick glance. Assuming it was his father again, he was ready to reply that he refused to come tonight. But he almost dropped the glass dish when he saw it wasn’t his dad.

  Anna: I forgive you

  Just seeing those three words gave him a tremendous amount of relief. He wasn’t expecting to feel that way. He also put the food back in the fridge and headed up the stairs instead. Stepping into the master suite, he sent another text.

  What are you doing tonight?

  He stripped off his suit and tie, and ended up taking the shortest shower on record. Throwing on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, he checked his phone, hoping for a return text.

  Anna: Just about to watch a movie and eat pizza. Wanna join?

  Max: Yes!

  She sent him her address, which made him feel guilty for acquiring it through Cole in the first place. He’d planned on stopping by sometime if she had refused to speak with him, but he’d been hesitant to even take that step. Sending flowers would have been his second choice. Who would have thought just a simple apology was all it took? He’d never heard or experienced anything good when it came to a woman scorned. Maybe he should have listened to Kellie sooner.

  Evading any house employees, Max took the back stairs to the six-car garage. He grabbed the keys to his truck and pulled it out as he set his GPS. Anna lived in Ventura, which was less than an hour from his Malibu mansion.

  And only twenty minutes from my other place, he thought with a smile.

  He actually did stop to get flowers on his way. He wasn’t too beyond basic courtesies that he would refuse such a thing. However, as he stood in front of dozens and dozens of options in a mom-and-pop owned business along the coast, he struggled with indecision. He knew straight up Anna wouldn’t care what kind of flowers he got, so he abandoned the routine of getting the most expensive and decided on what was visually appealing to himself instead.

  After hand selecting a dozen flowers, he took them to the counter. A woman in her mid-fifties eyed him with obvious recognition, but she only smiled and said, “I was going to offer my help but you looked quite determined yourself.”

  Max unknowingly rubbed the back of his neck with a bit of unexpected tension. But he smiled, hoping it came across as confident enough, and answered, “I’m a bit controlling that way.”

  She laughed, whether she agreed with him or not, but it at least felt good to be able to joke with someone so casually.

  “Hmm, that’s not what I picked up on. You have a good eye for distinctiveness.”

  He raised an eyebrow while she trimmed a few stems to form a loose bouquet in her hand.

  “Would you like a vase for these?” She’d motioned to various options to her right. He couldn’t automatically assume Anna had a vase, so he easily chose the one he liked the most. The woman’s smile was impossible to miss. “I guarantee she’ll like anything you choose, and if she doesn’t, perhaps you should reconsider her character.”

  Appreciating her bluntness, Max nodded his agreement. “I assure you, I could bring one tiny daisy from the grass and this girl would love it.”

  He wasn’t sure why he was being so open with this woman. Maybe he should be more cautious, but after considering what tabloid story could actually come from this encounter, he decided he really didn’t care. And as he thought about what he’d just said about Anna, he realized how true it was. She really would have liked just about anything.

  The woman rang up his purchase, so Max pulled out his wallet. Dropping a hundred-dollar bill on the counter, he picked up the floral arrangement and thanked her on his way to the door.

  “Wait, your change!” she called out, quickly punching keys to the cash register. She hurried to count out his bills, but Max shook his head with a smile.

  “No need. Have a great week, ma’am.”


  As he pulled into Ventura, Max’s phone signaled him with another text. He was glad to use it as a distraction, not wanting to admit to himself that he was fucking nervous to see Anna again.

  Cole: Are you sure, man? I’d be more than happy to help you with that if it’s what you want

  Max followed his GPS a few blocks inland until he pulled into a parking lot, and then he sent a reply to Cole. He studied the apartment complex in front of him, noticing it was pretty nice and within walking distance to the beach. He wondered if Anna went surfing regularly, and upon thinking about that, he remembered what she looked like in a bikini a couple of weeks ago.

  Adjusting his pants, he read Cole’s message one more time. This was really going to happen, and if he had doubts before, he didn’t anymore. Now it just seemed like a reality. But he knew there would a
lso be a very tumultuous aftermath when it was all said and done. However, he trusted Cole entirely, and upon dwelling on that, Max was beginning to realize he truly did have people in his life he could count on. But that circle was very small, and as long as he kept it that way, he felt it was viable.

  With sunglasses on, Max wandered toward Anna’s building. As he approached the units that wrapped around to the backside, it was almost a given which apartment was hers. She said it was on the third level, the top, but the surfboards leaned against the deck railing were a dead giveaway.

  He climbed the set of outdoor stairs, liking the fact that he could just go up to her door and knock without speaking to anyone, but also not liking it because of the easy access others could have. As he rapped a few times, he glanced behind and around him to check out the area. It was quiet, and the only people he could see was an elderly couple walking a dog fifty yards away.

  The door swung open and Max turned to face it. Not expecting the way he would feel upon seeing her, there was automatically a loss for words. He could only stare. Her hair was in a messy bun on top of her head with wispy strands framing her face, and her brown eyes were lively yet curious. He was also drawn to the smirk on her face as she glanced at the flowers in his hand.

  “Yes?” she asked. “Can I help you, sir?”

  Realizing she was mocking his scarce disguise, he removed the sunglasses. Then she laughed and pulled the door open for him to enter. Max looked around at the nice but simple décor, not surprised it was beach and surf themed.

  “How long have you lived here?” he asked.

  Shutting the door, she shrugged. “About a year, I guess. I like it. It’s close enough to the beach and it’s a quiet neighborhood. Elderly.”

  He arched an eyebrow as he handed her the flowers. “These are for you. And…elderly?”

  “This is a unit for seniors,” she chuckled. “I’m an exception. And wow, these are absolutely beautiful.” She looked over the flowers for a few seconds, almost like she was studying each one. Then she faced him again. “Thank you. This is so very thoughtful of you. Every one of these is a different kind.”

  “You’re very welcome, and yes they are. I expect a full list of what each one is. Tomorrow. Help a guy out.”

  She laughed, her eyes dancing with animation. Her smile was the brightest and most genuine he’d ever seen. Hell, it was a fucking turn on.

  “Okay, I’ll do my best,” she agreed with another laugh. “I just thought each of your personalities picked out their own flower.”

  God, her wit was sexy. And even though she was making fun of him, he wasn’t offended in the least bit.

  “I’m sure that probably was the case,” Max agreed. He watched her set the arrangement on the coffee table. Thinking back to their conversation a minute ago, he asked, “Why are you the exception here?”

  “Oh. Because I asked to be.” She motioned him in further and they both sat on the same couch, a cushion apart. Anna tucked her legs up underneath her. “No, really. I begged to stay here. I wanted somewhere quiet and fairly private. I promised I’d help with a few things here and there, and the manager agreed.”

  “Help with a few things? Like what?”

  “Mmm, the manager and his wife live here. When Larry is working and his wife Louisa is alone for more than a couple of hours, I sit with her for a bit or help with stuff. She has Parkinson’s and some days her symptoms are worse than others.”

  Surprised, Max slowly nodded. “Wow, interesting. And, uh, is that what you mostly do? Help with things here?”

  “You mean for a job?” she asked. Chuckling, she shook her head. “Nah, that’s only once or twice a week for a couple of hours. No, I’m actually still in the sports scene.” She got up and opened a drawer to the small desk in the corner. Pulling out what looked like an advertising pamphlet for surfboards, she handed it to him. “When I was still a sponsored athlete, I had my own line of gear. When I quit the pros, I continued on with a friend and we started our own company last year.” Pointing to a shortboard on the second page, she added, “That’s Tate’s design.”

  “Really,” Max stated, looking over the airbrushed wave-and-sunset design on the fiberglass surface. “Wow, I didn’t know he was doing stuff like this.”

  “He’s pretty talented. And see here?” she pointed to another board on the third page. “That’s his too. He’s one of our artists. He’s commissioned for custom stuff too.”

  Max nodded, looking it over. Anna’s signature was scribbled under the design on both boards as an endorsement.

  “He’s done all of my logo designs and the artwork,” she added. “Tyse introduced us and it was a perfect business connection. Kobe loves him, too. They work well together.”

  Again Max nodded, but he felt a bit out of the loop. However, he asked, “So…Kobe’s your partner?”

  “Yeah, he builds each board by hand in his shop at home. Surprisingly we get a lot of orders, and right now he’s pretty backed up and unable to take any more at this time. But, yeah. That’s kind of what I do on the side.”

  “Hmm, then you’re an entrepreneur. You think about expanding your business?”

  She thought for a few seconds. “Mmm, nah. We like it small. Kobe has a young family and we both just do it because we enjoy it. I don’t want to be tied down to a large company. And I coach semi-pros on the waves every weekend, so I have a good mix of things to do. And I don’t need the money, I just enjoy it.”

  Max noticed she did indeed seem content with her life. He may have been a bit envious, but he was happy for her happiness, nonetheless. “That’s great. I’m glad you’ve found what works for you.”

  Anna slowly nodded, but seemed to be studying him carefully as she replied, “It wasn’t easy to walk away from what my father had planned for me.”

  Feeling a bit transparent, Max immediately cloaked himself with indifference. “You grow up how you grow up,” he shrugged. “ ‘Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.’”

  She offered a curious smile. “Sounds like solid advice. Is that a quote?”

  “Maya Angelou,” he nodded. “And it’s good advice. Not something we can always see for ourselves, though.”

  “It’s hard to make changes. Especially when it will affect a lot of people.”

  He didn’t know how to respond, but mostly, he was feeling a bit defensive that someone close to him may have shared some of his personal life with Anna. He didn’t necessarily think they had, but she was getting under the surface a little too easily. She either knew more about him than he thought, or she was good at reading people.

  He sighed. “Look, I don’t know what you think you know about me, but life is life. Ups and downs, give and take…it’s about balance. Finding where you fit sometimes takes a lifetime. You, me, anyone.”

  “I don’t know anything about your life other than it seems you are pulled in so many directions, you hardly have time to be yourself. Happiness starts with you, Max. No one else has the key to your happiness.”

  He took a moment to consider her words, but had no response.

  She situated herself to face him fully. “Look. I was rude to you when we met up north, and I’m sorry about that. You really are a bit intimidating, but it has nothing to do with, like, who you are to the public. I couldn’t care less. But look at you, Max. You’re…you’re just so closed off. Defensive. Cold, sometimes. But when I truly think about what life might be like for you… I get it. I really do. You may not think I do, but I understand. I’ve been through the ringer when it comes to publicity and parents and people wanting a piece of you or what you can do for them. When I walked away from what everyone expected of me…it was a huge issue. Tabloids. Judgment. Disappointment. Family opinions.” She exhaled. “I wish you could see I’m just a girl who thinks you’re a beautiful man with an amazing sense of humor—one you make sure stays hidden, I might add. There’s way more to you, McCallan. You’re just too afraid to show it
to the wrong person.”

  There were times Max could listen to someone bullshit him for hours but still had to smile and play along. He’d spent way too much of his life doing things he didn’t want to do, all for the sake of image and the perfect representation of the McCallan dynasty. Where had it taken him? –To countless magazine covers, talk shows, multi-million dollar movies, two Oscars, and other various awards, apparently. And he was proud of those achievements, but the tides change and so do a person’s interests and what matters most to them.

  Anna was definitely reminding him of that. He hadn’t really thought about her situation with the media and her family because he’d been concerned with his own circumstances. Maybe they had a lot more in common than he realized. And now, since she didn’t continue speaking like he hoped she would, he knew she was waiting for him to respond.

  Taking his time, Max considered all the ways he could react to her assessment of him. She was one-hundred-percent right, of course, but could he allow her to know that?

  “You don’t have to be afraid of me,” Anna said when he still hadn’t replied yet. She moved from her spot on the couch until she was right in front of him. “I want nothing from you but your time.”

  The wall. It went up automatically. He didn’t move, didn’t change expressions, didn’t allow her to see how much she affected him.

  Because she did, and he was finally starting to admit to himself that this girl could break him down if he let her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Anna felt like she was conditioning a wounded animal right now. It made her extremely nervous, but at the same time, she felt incredibly sad, angry, and heartbroken. This guy was a vault to his feelings, only allowing people to see what he wanted them to see.

  Which was nothing except an arrogant celebrity persona. She knew he was more than that, but she didn’t quite understand why he felt the need to be that way with her. Maybe she wasn’t any different from the next person in his eyes, but she knew better and felt inclined to make him see that. She’d been in those circles with the snakes, the charmers, the silver tongues, and the business associates who claim to have your best interest at heart.


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