Irish's Destiny

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Irish's Destiny Page 9

by Erin Osborne

  Ever since Caydence died, I haven’t been able to bring myself to go to the house we bought just before the explosion. I might talk to Grim about using it as another house for the domestic violence shelters. We’ll see what happens though. I just can’t bring myself to live there without her or move someone into the house that she loved so much.

  “Whit, can I ask a favor from you?” I ask.


  “Can I borrow your car? I don’t have a car seat or anythin’ but I can’t put Cassidy on my bike. Guess I didn’t think this through too good.”

  “Oh. Well, I could always drive you where you need to go, and Sami can hold her in the backseat or something. It’s up to you.”

  “That would be great! If you drive and Sami goes, we can lead you to the clubhouse and then Goose can follow you back. That way the guys can stay here and make sure that no one messes with the house or anythin’ while you’re gone.”

  “That works too.”

  I tell Sami and Goose what the plan is while Whitney does something in her bedroom. I’m not sure what she’s doing until she reappears in a pair of baggy sweatpants and a tank top. She’s taken her bra off and my mouth is watering at what I see while she puts a hoodie on over her top half. I don’t want to see her cover herself up, but maybe it’s for the best with Goose standing here and my brothers outside. They don’t need to see anything about Whitney.

  Sami and Goose are ready to go and I’m beginning to feel not so ready to leave these two. Especially Whitney. The thoughts running through my head are not good ones regarding what I want to do to this woman. She’s been through enough and the last thing she needs is to be getting mixed up with me when my thoughts and feelings are all over the place.

  After a few minutes, and letting Tank and Cage know what’s going on, we’re finally on our way to the clubhouse. I’m leading the way while Goose is following close behind Whitney’s car. He doesn’t seem to want to let them out of his sight any more than I do. I’d like to be the one to take them back to their house, but I have to get Cassidy in bed. So, this time it will have to be Goose. He’s proving himself while we’re watching over them and I’ll be the first to let Grim know even though Tank is the one that brought him into the club.

  Chapter Eight


  IT’S BEEN A FEW DAYS since Irish and Goose had dinner with us. I’ve noticed that they stay a little closer to the house these days. And they’ve both started doing things outside and around the house that need to be taken care of. Sami and I both watch them do the yard work when we can. They both take their shirts off and we make sure that they stay hydrated. It may or may not be an excuse to see them up close with no shirts on. I’ll plead the fifth if anyone asks me.

  Today is the day that I’ve been dreading. It’s Sami’s birthday and I know that I’m not going to be able to do much for her. I’ve managed to buy a cake mix and frosting and that’s about it. There’s a little money I’ve put up and I plan on taking her shopping so she can get a few things, but that’s all I’m going to be able to do for her this year. My heart is breaking that I won’t be able to do anything more, but I’ll make it up to her one way or another.

  Just as I go to start baking the cake, since Sami is hiding out in her room talking to Goose through the window, there’s a knock on the door. I don’t want to interrupt their conversation, so I hurry to answer it before she leaves her room. Irish has already assured me that he’s talked to the young man and made sure he knows nothing is to happen between them. It eases my mind a little bit to know this, but the mother in me will always worry where boys are concerned. I didn’t get to do the whole dating thing, so I don’t know how to help her with broken hearts and everything else a relationship entails. I’ve never gotten to experience love or wanting to be with someone.

  I open the door and find the women from the club standing at the door. They have balloons, a cake, and a whole host of other things. My eyes instantly form tears because I know exactly who this is coming from. I can’t even be mad at him because he did this for my daughter. He’s only supposed to be guarding us and he did this because he knew I was upset I couldn’t do more.

  “No tears!” Bailey says, wrapping her arms around me. “This is a good thing. We’re here to help take your worries about Sami’s day away. Not make you upset.”

  “I’m not upset. Shocked, yes. But not upset. I can’t even be mad at Irish. And I really want to be mad at him!”

  The girls all laugh and make their way into the kitchen. Skylar sees the boxed cake I have sitting on the counter and shakes her head at me. It’s the best I can do, and I try to convince her of this without words and she comes to wrap her arms around me. She knows where I’m at, I can feel it.

  “Now, we haven’t met, but I can see that we’re going to be good friends,” another woman tells me. “I’m Darcy. I live a little ways a way but the girls always bring me in for spa day and shit like that. Part one of today is a spa day for your daughter and you. Free of charge for the women of the club.”

  “Well, then I’ll be paying because I’m not part of the club.”

  “You are. You just don’t know it yet,” Bailey says matter-of-factly.

  “I’ll be moving on from here soon. There’s no point in staying here when I don’t know anyone. I mean, this is nice of you all to do, but you have your family and club. Sami and I have one another and that’s it.”

  “No, you have more than one another,” Irish says, making an appearance. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay before I head back outside.”

  “I want to be so mad at you right now. If it weren’t for Sami and giving her a good day today, I’d be giving you hell right now.”

  “I know you would be. And I know that you’re probably still goin’ to. I’m prepared to take it. You both deserve this and so much more.”

  Irish leaves the house before I can say anything else to him. I’m sure he planned it that way too. The women in my temporary house are staring at me like I have two heads right now. I have no clue why and I don’t know that I want to know.

  “You guys weren’t lying,” Maddie says. “He’s already hooked and they’re still getting to know one another. Is Goose this bad with Sami?”

  “Yep. One of the club girls tried to get him to take her back to his room a few days ago and he denied her. Said he didn’t want loose pussy.”

  “He can’t do anything with Sami. She’s just turning sixteen,” I tell them, a little more worried at hearing that.

  “He knows that. It doesn’t mean that he’s going to get loose pussy when she’s in front of him on a daily basis. He’ll wait until she’s eighteen and can legally be with him.”

  I let this news sink in and I don’t believe it. There’s no way a young man is going to wait two years for my daughter to turn eighteen. I’m not saying she’s not worth waiting for because she is. He’s going to meet someone before that happens and she’s going to get her heart broken. I can see it happening already. There’s nothing I can say or do though to stop it from happening. I just can let her know that I’m there for her and I’ll help her in any way I can.

  “Don’t worry Whitney!” Melody says. “I promise you that if Goose has it in his head that he wants to get to know your daughter and eventually be with her, he won’t do anything to hurt her. That includes finding loose pussy with the club girls. He’ll take matters into his own hands if you know what I mean.”

  We all burst out laughing and I can’t stop. Just the thought of someone not being with anyone for that long and ‘taking matter into their own hands’ is funny. I’ve seen the way that Goose and Sami look at one another. It’s almost like they know that at one point they’re going to be together. They’re just biding their time until they can get there. For now, they’ll just continue to get to know one another and make sure they have a solid foundation for a relationship in the future. As long as Sami gets to experience things she wants to, I don’t care how they do it.

/>   “Now, where is the birthday girl?” Skylar asks.

  “In her room. She’s talking to Goose through the window.”

  The girls all silently make their way down the hall towards Sami’s room. They want to see what I’m talking about. I hope Sami has her door shut so they can’t see anything she won’t want them to. Not that she’ll really care anyway. She’s told me what they talk about and I think it’s good that she has someone. Even if he is a motorcycle riding, leather wearing, young man. He’ll be better for her than her dad will ever be.

  I follow the rest of the women down the hall and peer over their shoulders to see Sami sitting curled up in front of her window while Goose is leaning on the outside of it. They’re talking and laughing like kids their age should. It’s amazing to witness my daughter being so free and open with someone. I’ve never see her look so carefree in her sixteen years on Earth. Why couldn’t I get her away from her dad sooner?

  “Awww!” Bailey says. “So cute!”

  Sami startles and her face turns a bright shade of red. The women start laughing because they’ve all been there and know where she’s coming from and what she’s feeling right now.

  “Sami, I hate to interrupt your time with Goose, but we got things to do and places to be,” Maddie tells her.

  “Wh-what are you talking about?” She asks.

  “It’s your birthday! We’re going out and doing this right.”

  Sami’s face lights up and I know that these women are going to make this day one she’ll remember for a long time to come. She tells Goose that she’ll talk to him soon and leaves the window. I look over at him and see his face is crestfallen. He didn’t know today was her birthday and feels horrible.

  As the rest of the women lead my daughter out to the living room, I walk over to the window and lean down to talk to Goose.

  “I don’t know why she didn’t tell you today was her birthday. But, I’m guessing she didn’t want you to feel you had to make a big deal out of it. You just being here and talking to her is good enough for her.”

  “But, I would’ve gotten her somethin’.”

  “And I’m guessing that’s why she didn’t tell you. Sami isn’t materialistic and wouldn’t want you spending your money on her.”

  “I’m goin’ to talk to Irish and see if I can leave for a little bit.”

  With that, Goose takes off and I know that Sami is wrapping this young man around her little finger without having to do anything to try. I’m not sure if Irish is going to let him leave, but I know one way or another Goose is going to figure out a way to get Sami something for her birthday.

  “So, what are we doing first?” I hear my daughter ask.

  “First, you’re getting a spa day.” Darcy tells her. “Then we’re taking you shopping and Skylar is coming back here to make dinner before we have cake.”

  “Wow! All that?” Sami asks, astonished.

  “Yep, all that,” Bailey answers, amusement clearly lacing her voice.

  I’m soon called into the living room because apparently spa day includes me. We’re getting manicures, pedicures, and our hair done. I’ve always kept my chestnut hair long and straight. Even when Carl tried to get me to cut it, I disobeyed him and kept it long. That’s one thing I’ve always wanted, long hair. I can’t stand short hair and I’ll never get my hair cut short. So, when Darcy asks me what I want to do, I tell her that I want a trim and long layers put in it. That way there’s some volume added, and I might be able to actually do something with it.

  Darcy is doing her thing on my daughter and I. We’ve already had our feet taken care of and our nails are drying. Now, she’s starting on my hair while Sami decides what she wants to do to hers. She’ll end up keeping it long and just end up getting a trim. She’s never like short hair either. In the meantime, Bailey and Melody start working on her make-up.

  By the time we’re done, I can barely recognize myself in the mirror Darcy holds in front of me. I’ve never been one to do my make-up or anything else. So, to see it done is a shock to my system. It’s understated and doesn’t really look like I have any on to begin with. Sami’s is done much the same. Her cheeks are absolutely glowing at being pampered for the first time in her life. I’m sure I have the same look on my face as her. As far as our hair goes, she’s trimmed it and curled it. My daughter has it styled in a way that makes it look much thicker than it already is. While mine looks soft and like I can do absolutely anything with it. Darcy has left it down and it curls down my back falling just short of my ass.

  “Let’s see what the guys think,” Maddie says, a smirk on her face because she knows that their opinion has become important to both of us.

  Skylar heads out and calls for Irish and Goose, leaving the other prospect outside. The other two men come inside and their jaws about hit the floor. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not at this point. Just before the men came in, they gave us outfits they picked out for us to change into. I’m wearing a pair of tight jeans and a spaghetti strap tank top. Instead of my usual sneakers or flip flops, I’m wearing a pair of low heeled ankle boots. Sami is wearing a pair of jean shorts and a tank top. She’s got on a pair of dressy sandals and a pair of hoop earrings that Darcy had in her bag. My daughter is absolutely stunning!

  “Whit, you look amazin’!” Irish says, taking another step in the house.

  “Thank you!” I murmur shyly, putting my head down in embarrassment.

  “You too Sami,” Goose says, not taking another step forward. He doesn’t want to get any closer with all of us standing here, knowing how he feels about her.

  “Well, we just wanted your opinion on our work,” Bailey says. “Now, we’re off shopping so we’ll see you boys later.”

  “Nope. You got an escort. Whit and Sami aren’t goin’ anywhere alone. We’ll be followin’ you all day long.”

  I can’t believe that Irish and Goose are going to be following us all day long. I’m not sure exactly what the women have planned, but I can guarantee that they’re going to be bored as fuck! What man wants to spend the day shopping and shit What man wants to go shopping with a bunch of women? Not any that I know. In fact, Carl never shopped a day in his life. It was always my responsibility.

  As we load up in the SUVs that Bailey and Darcy are driving, I can’t help but look at Irish. He doesn’t seem to mind that he’s going with us for guard duty. Cassidy is riding with Sami in the other SUV and I’m glad that Irish is going in case something happens at the mall or wherever we’re going. Too bad I didn’t realize the women split my daughter and I up so that they could question me.

  “So, Whitney, I need to ask you a question,” Skylar starts out.

  “Okay. I’m not sure what I’m willing to tell you, but I’ll do the best I can.”

  “What’s going on with Irish and you?”

  “Nothing. We talk, Goose and him have been doing some work around the house, and it’s nice to sit and just be with him. Nothing else is happening.”

  “But you wouldn’t mind if something did happen?”

  “No, I wouldn’t mind if something did happen. I can’t even believe that I’m saying that right now. I mean, I just got out of a whatever you want to call it with my husband. Now, there’s Irish. There’s definitely some sort of a pull between us that I haven’t ever felt before.”

  “What do you mean?” Bailey asks.

  “I mean, I like the thought of him being around. And, I’m not going to deny that I’ve had a thought or two about him.”

  “What do you mean, you’ve had a thought or two about him?” Skylar asks.

  “Let’s just say, I had to take care of myself after a thought or two went through my head. There’s just something about him that makes me want to forget about Carl and give him a chance.”

  “Interesting!” Bailey says.

  “What’s so interesting about that?”

  “Just that I know for a fact he talked to my husband about you,” Bailey tells me, smirking like she knows mor
e than what she’s telling me.

  Instead of saying anything more, I choose to sit back and let that information sink in. I don’t want to know too much more so hope builds if things don’t pan out the way I want them to. There is one thing I want to know though.

  “Can I ask you guys something?”

  “Yeah,” Bailey and Skylar both answer.

  “What happened to Cassidy’s mom?”

  The two women look at one another and I can tell that they’re trying to figure out how much information to tell me. This is not something I want to put them in the middle of. In fact, maybe I don’t want to know anymore. I should just take the question back and leave it be. Let Irish tell me if it’s something he chooses to tell me.

  “You know what, never mind.”

  “I think you should ask Irish is all. It’s a complicated story and one none of us know the whole answer to.”

  “It’s up to him. I’m not going to ask him.”

  We’ve been shopping for hours, stopped for food, and now we’re shopping some more. I found out that Irish gave the girls money to spend on Sami and I did get pissed off about that. We don’t need his money. So, I made the girls give it to me so that I could give it back to him. I’m not going to spend a dime of his money on my daughter. He did enough getting the women to organize today for Sami.

  Sami has gone crazy. She’s gotten more new clothes today than I’ve ever thought about buying at one time. The girls did insist on buying some of the stuff for her. There’s jeans, tops, skirts, shorts, new underwear, shoes, and a book bag that looks more like a really big purse. Sami has had a blast and her laughter has been contagious. We’ve all had a good day and I’m glad that Irish arranged this.

  “So, is Sami havin’ fun?” Irish asks me as we’re exiting one of the stores.

  “Yeah. Oh, here, take this back,” I tell him, letting the anger add an edge to my voice.

  “What are you doin’? I gave them that money to spend on Sami. I don’t want it back.”


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