Wedded in Passion

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Wedded in Passion Page 2

by Yvette Hines

  “Is that standard?”

  Tilting my head I waited for him to clarify.

  “You know, the bride running around the night before her wedding? Isn’t that what the planner is for?”

  Flipping the pillow flat onto my lap, I nodded. “Yes. Normally.” I exhaled hard. “However, I’ve been really stressing about the wedding…wanting everything to be perfect…afraid something would go wrong.”


  “Guess it did.” Horribly wrong.

  “So, how was everything?”

  “I never made it. I told Michael I was going, but by the time mom and I got to the garage and my planner’s car, my head was starting to hurt. I told my mom and—”

  “She suggested you have a cup of tea and lay down.”

  I laughed. “Yes, she did. She said she would go with Wendy, my planner. That everything would be fine.”

  “I assume you went to your room.”

  “Yes. I did lie down, sans the tea, and napped for about an hour. I thought I was alone in the suite. Lenzy’s room was on the other side, but she had said something about needing to run an errand and I didn’t think she was back. I really didn’t want to be around anyone, anyway.”

  “That’s understandable. Tomorrow you will be around hundreds of people for hours. You deserve some alone time.” He stretched an arm across the back of the couch, his long blunt fingers now close to me. The urge to reach up and stroke my fingers over them, feeling the hairs on the back of his hand it tickle my fingers assailed me.

  I quickly looked away.

  “Then what happened.”

  Lifting my bare shoulder, I let it drop. “Nothing really. I saw my dress hanging on the closet door. I couldn’t resist pulling it out of the protective bag. I loved it from the moment I saw it. I just wanted to try it on again.”

  “You only get to wear it once. For as much as they cost I think a woman should be able to wear it for the first month of their marriage or at least every Saturday of the first year.”

  I laughed. “Exactly. See that’s more practical and fits the price.”

  He smiled, those sexy lips pulling wide, and my heart pounded hard in my chest.

  Shit. First he was a breath stealer now sexy lips? Get it together, Katy. I realized the stress of the last hour must truly be creeping in on me.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have withheld sex from Michael after the engagement. It had to be my hormones. Michael had said it was a silly idea since we’d been doing the deed regularly after we’d dated for six months. I knew he was right, but I’d still imposed a no-sex rule. Now that I knew he was a cheat, I was glad I did.

  “So, you put it on…”

  “Oh, umm.” I struggled for a moment as I got myself together and returned to my prior train of thought. “I got into the dress and while I was standing there, profiling in the mirror I heard something.”

  “Lenzy came in?” he asked.

  “That’s what I thought. However, when I opened my door I didn’t see anyone. I thought it must have been something from the hall, but when I turned to go back into my room and get out of the dress I heard more noise and voices. So, I—”

  My throat tightened and broke off my words. I could feel burning behind my eyes. Biting down hard on my lips I fought the tears and focused instead on the rage of betrayal.

  “Went to investigate I’m sure.”

  I nodded, still unable to speak.

  “And found them.” Char filled in. His hand along the back of the couch balled into a fist. “How long had it been going on?”

  “Th-ey.” I swallowed, pulling myself together. “They had apparently been fuck buddies before Lenzy introduced us and claimed they hadn’t been together since he and I started seeing each other…” I punched the pillow hard. “Michael tried to tell me it was some good-bye fuck and didn’t mean anything.”

  “That asshole.” He shoved up from the couch. “What’s your suite number? I’d like to explain to him physically the meaning of commitment.”

  I had never seen Char fight. Normally he was too laid back and calm to even be at the level of hitting anyone. Seeing him now, a fierce presence surrounding him, made me see my old friend in a new light. As an only child, I’d never had anyone but my parents to defend me; now Char had become my avenger.

  “There’s no need. I think the mark my nails left on his face is proof of that to him. Besides, I don’t want to see either of them again. I just want it all to go away.”

  I realized how absurd that sounded while I sat in my wedding dress with less than twelve hours until I had to stand before a church full of people and tell them the wedding was off.

  Sitting down again, closer to me, he said, “Come here.” He opened his arms wide.

  Dropping the pillow, I scooted across the cushion that was between us and leaned into him. His arms folded around me. In his embrace, a man I’d spent my childhood playing with and debating various issues, was like being home.

  “The piece of shit doesn’t deserve you, Katy.” There was still tension in his words, but his caress along my back was gentle.

  I didn’t respond as I sat there, my body humming and drunk on his aura. This combination of peace and excitement was something I’d never experienced with Michael. Around my ex-fiancé I had only felt anxiety and insecurity. That alone should have been my clue that the superstar model was not for me. I could kick myself for allowing myself to become a weak and hapless woman, one who acted like she didn’t know her own mind. I would have thought I was too smart for something like that. Apparently, I could fall susceptible to glitz and glamour and a pretty face.

  “I was such a fool, Char. It was like I stopped thinking for myself. Stopped being myself.”

  He squeezed me tight against him. “Not a fool. Lenzy and Michael are part of a different world. You were out of your element. Hell, everyone in that business is not really themselves anyway. They all wear false masks. It’s their damn profession.”

  “You’re right.” She had known that as she worked among them. Even occasionally laughed secretly to herself when Lenzy would go on and on about things dealing with it. “The first day I met Michael he said I had a fresh, classic beauty. I remember being flattered. However, now looking back and remembering all the things he made me change about myself…I understand that to him classic means plain, fat and dowdy. Fucker.”

  “Katy, sweetheart, there is nothing plain or dowdy about you.” He leaned back some then cupped my face, lifting it up. His soft brown eyes held mine.

  Why I’d thought they were non-descript and forgettable before is beyond me. At the moment, they were intense and captivating as they drew me in and held my gaze; locked.

  “I liked all your curves before. Very much.”

  “You did?”

  He didn’t answer me. Instead his head bowed, bending low toward mine.

  I knew he was going to kiss me. The racing of my heart and the pull I felt toward him since he stood before me when the elevator door parted assured me of that.

  Lifting up some, I met his lips. Those sexy lips I had been admiring.

  The kiss began light; just a simple brush of our mouths. I felt him exhale from his nose. His breath tickled my cheek and caused heat to stir low in my stomach.

  Still holding my chin, he urged my lips to part with the slightest pressure. I opened to him, allowing him access. I wasn’t prepared for the impact when the kiss deepened. An electric current coursed through my body, from my lips to my feet and ignited in every area in between.

  As I joined him in the kiss, sliding my tongue into his mouth, tasting him, my hands gripped his sides. I could feel the firm muscles beneath the material of his shirt. I hadn’t seen Char without a shirt since we were teenagers. I wanted to know how he had changed from the gangly teen into the man passionately kissing me now.

  The hand behind my back held me against him; pressing us together. My breasts were crushed to his chest, the closeness causing my nipples to tighten in response
. I arched my spine, rubbing the tight buds on him—needing more contact.

  Char groaned.

  The kiss ended abruptly. He pulled away, leaving a large gap between us as he dropped his hands. I could see the rapid rise and fall of his chest, he was breathing just as hard as I was.

  I wanted to lower my gaze and see if he was just as aroused by the kiss as I. His eyes were dark now, staring at me with an intensity I had never witnessed from another man. It was as if he wanted to devour me right where we sat. My heart beat a fierce tempo in my chest. I’d never incited such passion in a man before.

  “I’m sure with all the things going on in your life right now that was the last thing you needed. But I won’t apologize for it, Katy.”

  I licked my lips, tasting him on them. Sweet spice that made me wonder what he tasted like all over. “I don’t expect you to.”

  It was true, my life was sitting upside down at this moment, but in some strange way I needed that kiss from Char. Something that cleared my mind of the ass and ass-ette upstairs. Or wherever the hell they were now. I felt desirable in that short span of time and that was a confidence booster if nothing else.

  “Good. Let me get you something to change into, so you can get out of your wedding dress.” He stood up. “Unless you plan to keep it on permanently.”

  I saw the smile on his face and the wicked humor reflected in his eyes. “No. I think I’ve had enough of it for the moment. Hey, at least I got to wear it, right?” I let out a small laugh and shrugged a shoulder.

  “That’s right. Be right back.” He went to the bedroom.

  I stood and walked to the small kitchenette area. Exhaling, I tried to get myself together. “Come on, girl. You can’t try and sex up your friend,” I whispered softly to myself. My body wasn’t hearing it though, I could feel the hum of need in my sex and I was trembling all over. I needed to figure out what I was going to do. Make some plans for tomorrow and call a moving truck first thing on Monday to come get Michael’s things out of my house. He had moved there last week.

  He had a small apartment in the heart of the city, but I owned a house outside of it. Even our living area shouted how different he and I were. Michael had always preferred for me to stay overnight at his place; especially since we were usually out late in the city at one event, party or booked engagement or another. I had been anticipating us being at my house, away from the city and noise.

  Now I was really looking forward to being alone at my house. Instead of sadness, I felt relief that I would no longer be drowning under the weight of Michael’s lifestyle.

  “I put a shirt and pants on the bed for you.”

  Startled, I turned and looked at the man who was with me. Char was a godsend. “Thank you. I’ll just be a moment.”

  Gathering my skirt in my hands, I lifted it from the floor. Without heels it was really too long.

  “Take your time. While you’re in there I’ll order us something from room service.”

  Pausing, I turned in the archway of the double doors. “I’m not really sure what I want. I picked at my food during dinner, but don’t really have an appetite now.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll figure something out.”

  I was captivated by the confident grin on his mouth.

  “Okay. Thanks.” I rushed away.

  He closed the doors to the bedroom area behind me.

  Seeing the t-shirt and pajama pants on the bed, I started removing my dress. Locating the hidden zipper from the side of the dress under my right arm, I lowered it.

  Soon, I stepped out of the delicate fabric and carried it to the closet. Opening it, I found an empty hanger. Inside the closet Char had hung up his own clothes. There was a shirt and slacks and a dark suit. I placed the wedding gown behind his suit.

  His suit wasn’t a tuxedo, but it still complimented my dress. I stroked my hand down the sleeve then closed the closet.

  Deciding to take a shower, feeling the need to wash the grunge of the day’s emotions off me, I entered the bathroom. I turned on the shower, allowing the water to warm, then took a moment to clean my face of the layers of make-up Michael had always wanted me to wear.

  Looking at myself with new unfiltered eyes, I resembled a clown. Not because the make-up itself was comical. It wasn’t. I had perfected the smoky-eye look better than any artist and my foundation was a perfect match to my deep sienna skin tone. The false lashes I wore were thick and dramatic, making my dark brown eyes look mysterious. It was an act. It wasn’t me.

  After I peeled and scrubbed away the layers I looked at my face and felt a little like the woman I used to be—strong and capable. I was once again becoming the self-assured person who depended on my skills instead of my looks.

  Fifteen minutes later, I was bathed, dry and feeling as if I resembled the old Katy Heely.

  Wringing out my under clothes, I blushed a little as I hung them over a towel to dry. Even having hung out in the summers during camping trips, this moment seemed extremely intimate with Char. In a few hours, most people should be sleeping and I can go to the lobby to get a key to my room. If Lenzy knew what was good for her, she wouldn’t be there when I arrived.

  Anger at my friend’s betrayal felt worse than the bitterness I had toward Michael. She was a friend. Instead of being there for me like Char was now, Lenzy had been selfish--treacherous.

  Shoving thoughts of Lenzy out of my mind, I returned to the room and pulled the shirt on. Big and roomy, it fell mid-thigh. I picked up the pants, but immediately knew with all of the weight I had lost, they wouldn’t fit. Deciding to go without them, I went back to the living room.

  “You look refreshed.” Char rose from the couch when I opened the double doors. “A little more like the old Katy.”

  “I am. Thanks to you.” I smiled and felt my heart lift at his kindness. “She was a little hidden but I found her.”

  “Good.” His gaze lowered to my legs.

  Heat followed in the wake of his gaze. Nervous, I wiggled my toes in the carpet. “The pants didn’t fit.”

  His eye met mine again. “You look great. As long as you’re comfortable.”

  I wasn’t sure if he meant comfortable in the attire or around him. “Very comfortable.” That was my response either way.

  There was a knock.

  Anxious, I looked toward the door. “Did you tell someone I was here?”

  “No. I wouldn’t do that.” His gaze held mine.

  I could see the tightness at the corners of his mouth. I had offended him. I’d done enough to him in the past by dropping my friendship. Char was the last person I wanted to insult. “Sorry.”

  “No worries. Sit. It’s room service.”

  Duh. I recalled he had said something about getting food. Taking up the same spot I’d claimed earlier, I sat there while Char took the tray from the attendant and tipped him.

  After he closed the door, he brought the large tray to the coffee table. There were three covered dishes.

  I sniffed and tried to pick up the scent of what was underneath the silver domes, but I didn’t smell anything savory. “What did you get?”

  “What I thought you wanted.” Char removed one lid after the other and stacked them on the side.

  Clapping in excitement as I looked at the items on the plates, I said, “You got all my favorites.”

  Sitting beside me, Char’s grin was stretched across the lower half of his face. “I remember when you were feeling down you’d always make me walk with you to the store and you would buy ice cream and cheese cake.”

  “You remembered.” I felt so overwhelmed with emotion. Michael couldn’t recall my birthday or my favorite color…so I knew him knowing what I liked to eat was out.

  “I never forget.” He tapped his chest over his heart instead of his head.

  We sat there, staring at one another for a moment, some message and emotion passing between the two of us, something I couldn’t decipher at the moment.

  “As I’m sure you know better than
me, New York has some of the best of both.”

  “Oh, my God, I haven’t had either in almost a year. Damn diet.”

  “Horrible diet.” Char exclaimed. “Well, if you’re too guilty to eat them with me then you can just have the fruit.”

  I looked at the big bowl of fresh cut fruit. I loved fruit too, but even that had too many carbs and had been forbidden to me on most days.

  “Hell, no. Hand me a fork and a spoon.”

  Chuckling, Char did as instructed.

  I took a small bit of cake and followed it with a scoop of chocolate ice cream. Closing my eyes I moaned as the sweet, cool treats married perfectly on my tongue. “Oh…that is so good.”

  There was a scrape of metal on plate then Char agreed. “You are right.”

  Sitting there, side by side, we worked on the dessert foods in harmony and talked about summers and who Char had seen at our high school’s ten-year reunion. I had missed it traveling to Milan with Michael on assignment.

  “Cindy Reece just had her fourth child and is the size of three of her former self.”

  “What? Nooo.” I laughed. Cindy had been head cheerleader in our high school and my arch enemy. Cindy was allergic to school work and brainy girls. “What happened to her acting career?”

  “She never made it. You know she was pregnant at graduation?”

  Swallowing the melon in my mouth, I shook my head. “No.”

  “Yup. By Park Prince.”

  “The motorcycle riding dropout?”

  He nodded. “The one and only. I guess it was some secret affair. They are married now and he owns a bike mechanic shop.”

  “Wow.” I was a little in shock. Life never seemed to go completely as expected. I was one of two school geeks and I’d gotten my dream job, but found myself jet setting all over the country and world. When the most popular girl in school never made it out of our small town in North Carolina.

  Rising, Char asked, “You want a soda?” He opened up the small refrigerator in the kitchenette area.

  “No. I think I’ve had enough calories for the moment.” I set my utensil down. “Water, please.”

  Char returned with two bottles of water and handed one to me.


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