Tapping out (A Fighting Love novel Book 1)

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Tapping out (A Fighting Love novel Book 1) Page 20

by Nikki Ash



  After Marco beat me back to the hotel, we took a shower together where he insisted he needed to dirty me up some more before getting me clean. Once I was clean—a second time—we left for breakfast, which was more like brunch. I took him to one of my favorite diners my friends from college and I used to frequent. When I posted a picture of Marco and me on social media, Stephanie immediately recognized the place and commented that we better be getting together while I’m in San Diego. When I mentioned this to Marco, he said we should make it a group thing at Dexter’s since Mathias will be there as well.

  At first, I was a little reluctant about going to Dexter’s. It’s a popular bar and pool hall and it’s the last place Marco ran into Tristan. Marco told me not to worry about stuff out of my control, so I said ok and invited Stephanie, Lauren, Kristen, and Michelle to join us. Kristen and Michelle have dates but said they would try to meet up later. Stephanie and Lauren said they will be meeting us. I’m excited for them to meet Marco.

  We pull up to the hospital in our rental car, and Marco turns the car off but doesn’t get out. After a minute he says, “Logan was a good-looking guy.”

  “Ok?” I’m not sure where this is going.

  “That came out wrong.” I see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows thickly. “From being in a coma, Logan doesn’t look the same. He’s thinner, paler. His body has softened and lost his muscle.”

  “Marco, I don’t care what Logan looks like.”

  “I know but I just wanted to warn you. Every time I see him, he looks worse but I try to picture him pre-coma. You won’t have a visual to pretend with.”

  “I know what Logan looks…looked like. He was…is a UFC fighter. I saw him fight on several occasions. I saw him fight the night—”

  “Of the accident.” Marco finishes. “That’s right. Ok.” He opens the door and gets out. When I come around the car, he grabs a hold of my hand, his fingers weaving through mine tightly. We check-in with the front desk, get our visitor passes and head to the elevator, Marco’s hand never letting go of mine.

  When we get to Logan’s room, Marco walks in first. The room smells of antiseptics and the only noise is the constant beeping of the monitor.

  “Hey man, I have someone I want you to meet.” Marco pulls two chairs over and places them next to each other, his hand still not leaving mine, and motions for me to sit in one of the chairs. He goes on to talk to Logan like he would anyone else. He tells him all about me, Micaela, the upcoming fight. Logan, of course, doesn’t respond, but the way Marco talks to his best friend you wouldn’t even know the guy was in a coma. I just sit and listen and continue to hold Marco’s hand.

  When he’s done, he grabs Logan’s hand with his free one and brings his head down to it like he needs to touch his friend in some way to make it feel like he’s here in a bigger way than he really is.

  After he’s done talking to Logan he speaks to the nurse who comes in to check on Logan. He asks how he’s doing and if there has been any change in his condition. She tells him he’s stable and there’s hasn’t been any changes. We both say goodbye and leave, my heart feeling a lot heavier than before we walked through those doors, heading back to the hotel in silence. There’s so much I want to say but hold back, letting Marco work through his feelings. I can’t even imagine one of my best friends being in a coma let alone knowing it will most likely end in death and just waiting for it to happen but praying it doesn’t.

  Once we get back, Marco’s mood shifts to playful when he insists on picking out my bikini. It shouldn’t surprise me when he picks the all black bikini with the cheeky bottoms. We spend the rest of the day bouncing back and forth between the pool and beach. Since I am pumping and dumping this weekend, I enjoy being twenty-one and legally order a few fruity drinks. Marco sticks to water.

  When we have had enough of the sun, we head back to our room to take a short nap before getting ready to go out for the night. Cuddling with Marco has officially become my new favorite pastime. You would think with all those muscles, he would make for a horrible pillow but it’s like my body fits perfectly against his, and when my head goes into the crook of his shoulder, I fall asleep like I’ve been drugged. We are going to be sharing a bed from now on, that’s for sure.

  After our power nap, we get ready to go then head over to Dexter’s.

  Before we walk through the doors, Marco stops me, pulling me to the side. “Babe, you realize with that tight dress you’re wearing, I’m going to be all over you all damn night, and there’s no way in hell you will be leaving my side.”

  I roll my eyes. Yes, it’s true. I am wearing a dress. It’s one of the few I own and even though it’s tight and is a dress, because it’s a comfortable cotton t-shirt material shaped like a long tight jersey, it doesn’t feel like a dress. If you are looking at me from the waist up, it looks like a short sleeve olive green button-down shirt but as you go lower the shirt continues a few inches above my knees. It’s not short in length but has wide slits that run high up—which is why it’s called a jersey dress— and reveal a hell of a lot of leg.

  Because I am not a dress and heels kind of girl, I am wearing my favorite taupe colored chucks, making my outfit more casual than club.

  We walk inside and Marco says Mathias is already here.

  “Cuz!” A good looking Hispanic guy comes walking over to Marco and gives him a one-armed hug. While Marco is more of a bad-boy sexy with his tats, ripped jeans, and plain black t-shirt, Mathias is more pretty-boy sexy. He’s wearing a mint green button-down shirt and his jeans look like he ironed them before putting them on. His hair has gel in it while Marco keeps his hair shaved short. But when you see them side by side you can tell they are related. They have a similar jawline and their noses are almost identical. I would bet they both look a lot like their mothers.

  “Mathias, I want you to meet Bella. Bella, my cousin, Mathias.” Mathias shakes my hand then pulls me into a hug.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” he says, giving me a warm smile that reminds me so much of Marco and Chloe’s. We have a seat at the large booth and order drinks. A few minutes later, Lauren and Stephanie show up to join us and I introduce them to Marco and Mathias. We are all joking and laughing and Marco and I are showing everyone at the table pictures and videos of Micaela. Before I know it, I’ve probably had three mojitos and announce to everyone I need to use the restroom.

  “Oh! I need to go as well,” Lauren says.

  “Me, too,” Stephanie adds.

  Before I can stand, Marco pulls me in for a quick kiss making me smile. This is what I wanted for so long, to be with Marco in every way, and it’s finally happening and it’s amazing.

  The girls and I each enter a separate stall to go pee, gossiping through the walls. “Mathias is a hottie,” Lauren gushes.

  “Yeah, he is,” Stephanie agrees.

  “I’m going to ask him for his number.”

  “He’s moving to San Fran,” I jump in.

  “Hmm...well I can enjoy him until then.”

  We all giggle.

  When we exit the stalls, we all crowd around the sinks to wash our hands. Lauren and Stephanie reapply their lipstick while I try to tame down my hair. As we are heading out, the door swings open, causing me to stumble back. Stephanie grabs my arms to hold me in place before I hit the ground on my butt. When I see who has entered, I want to punch someone, preferably one of the two women who just entered.

  “Well look who it is.” Janell gives Gina a bitchy smirk.

  “Pretend like I’m not here.” I roll my eyes and attempt to pass by but before I make it to the door, I notice Gina sporting a small bump. A bump that would indicate she’s pregnant. She gives me a knowing smirk when she sees where my eyes landed.

  “Yes, I’m pregnant, and to answer the question I know you’re dying to ask. It’s Tristan’s.” There’s no way in hell Tristan would have slept with her after she threw me under the bus for keeping my baby’s p
aternity a secret. Sure, it worked out in the end, but what she did by taking a picture of my letter was conniving and there’s no way Tristan would have forgiven her. Right?


  Gina shrugs. “You don’t have to believe me, but you will believe it once we are officially back together.”

  “Good, I don’t, and there’s no way Tristan would ever get back together with you. Now if you’ll excuse us…”

  Janell steps in front of me and my fists tighten. I’m not above knocking this bitch out.

  “Someone should seriously teach you a lesson in staying away from another woman’s man. First you sink your nails into Tristan, then when that doesn’t work out, you go after Marco.”

  Gina steps up next to Janell and I take a step back. Is she out of her mind? She’s fucking pregnant for god sakes. Lauren and Stephanie take a step forward ready to have my back.

  “I’m not fighting a pregnant chick, even if you deserve to have the shit knocked out of you, so back the fuck up,” I say dryly.

  “Oh, that’s right. You’re the wannabe UFC bitch. The one Marco couldn’t stand to be around. He told me all about how you used to follow him around like a puppy dog like you were one of the guys. Too bad you couldn’t be more of a woman, then he might actually want you.” Janell cackles at her words and I mentally have to remind myself not to knock her out. I need to get the fuck out of here before I do something I’ll regret. Marco’s entire relationship with her was based on drugs and being high.

  “I heard he didn’t even remember knocking your ass up.”

  “You mean while he was high on the drugs you were giving him? Drugs that ended up putting him in rehab? Are you proud of that? You were nothing more than a fix to him.” I look at her with disgust because the thought of her supporting Marco’s habit instead of trying to get him help makes me want to throw up all over her.

  Once again, I try to leave before shit gets ugly but Janell grabs hold of my bicep, and when I spin around to knock her hand off me, she sucker-punches me. Wrong move, Bitch.

  I’ve been fighting with guys twice her size for most of my life. Her punch does nothing more than shock me for a second and then I’m on her. My body flies into hers, pushing her up against the wall as I grab hold of her chin, forcing her to face me.

  “Don’t ever fucking touch me again. And while you’re at it, stay the fuck away from Marco.”

  “If he didn’t want to keep in touch why does he have me on Facebook and Snap?” So that’s how she knew we’d be here.

  “That was an oversight on my part.” I turn my head slightly, my fingers still gripping the bitch’s chin, to see Marco and Mathias standing in the women’s restroom. Marco and Mathias walk closer, Marco taking my hand off the bitch and Mathias sandwiching himself between us.

  Marco whispers into my ear, “If you fight her, which we both know isn’t even a challenge, you will be suspended from the UFC. She’s not worth it.” I know he’s right but the shit she said stung.

  He wraps his arms around my waist and gives me a small kiss on the side of my neck. Then he says to Janell, “I don’t know what was said and it doesn’t even fucking matter—”

  Janell cuts him off. “We were good together until she got herself knocked up! You didn’t want her. You wanted me.”

  “We were never good together!” Marco booms and releases me to get closer to her, Mathias moving to the side. “We were high together. That’s it! I wanted the drugs so bad, I would have probably fucked your brother instead of you if he would have required it. You were nothing more to me than my drug fix. We spent all day and night getting high. I turned into someone I didn’t even know anymore. Stop saying shit you know nothing about. You are only making a fool out of yourself. Fuck Janell!” He smacks his hand against the wall next to her causing her to flinch. “I can see it in your eyes. You’re high now. Get help. Go to rehab and get fucking help. You’re better than this shit.”

  He doesn’t wait for her to respond before he turns his back on her. Gripping my hand in his, he walks us out the door. I’m not sure who’s following us, my only thought is on the man holding my hand like I’m his lifeline. He walks us outside and around the side of the building without saying a word until we are alone and away from all the noise. He cages me in against the wall, his face mere inches from mine.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t even imagine the shit she said to you.”

  I place my fingers up to his lips to stop him. “It doesn’t matter. If you said it or didn’t say it. It doesn’t even matter.”

  “I was in a bad place.” His eyes plead with me to understand. “I don’t know what I said or didn’t say but…”

  “Stop,” I insist. “It doesn’t matter,” I repeat.

  “It does, though, because if you leave me because of this…” What the hell is he talking about?

  “You think I would leave you over some shit talking by a drugged-up bimbo? You need to have a little faith in us, Marco. A little faith in me. You said a lot of shit to me when you were high and I’m not still holding it against you.” I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down to me for a kiss before I pull back a little. “I will always fight for you Marco, for us. I will never fucking tap out when it comes to us. I’m in it for the long haul. I will fight for us as long as you are here to fight alongside me.”

  Marco gives me a bright smile that could light up the dark alley. “I love you, Belles.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Marco gives me a hard kiss before we go back into the bar to join our friends, again. We spend the night playing pool and darts, my friends and I having a few drinks. Everybody is acting like the shit with Gina and Janell never happened but I can’t get it off my mind. Not the part about Janell, but the part about Gina saying she’s pregnant with Tristan’s baby. I go against my promise to give him space and shoot him a text.

  Me: I’m sorry to bother you but there’s something you should know. Gina is pregnant and saying the baby is yours.

  I put my phone away and focus on the pool game I’m playing with Lauren, Marco, and Mathias. It’s Marco’s turn when I feel my phone buzz from inside my purse. I reach in and grab it to quickly check and see who it’s from.

  Tristan: You are never a bother. Yes, I know she’s pregnant. Are you in Los Angeles?

  Los Angeles? Why would I be there?

  Me: No, San Diego at Dexter’s. She’s here with Janell. They came in looking for a fight. Why did you ask if I’m in Los Angeles?

  Tristan: Great… I’ll deal with her. Mason and I moved to Los Angeles. Gina is living here as well. I didn’t realize she went down to San Diego. Thank you. Hope all is well with you.

  I’m not sure what any of this means. I’m never a bother. Does that mean he forgives me? Wants me back in his life? I’m afraid to ask so I don’t. He knows my number and when he’s ready he will text or call me. They’ve moved to Los Angeles. Is he finishing school? Is Mason training over there? Why Los Angeles? He’ll deal with Gina. Is he really the dad? I have so many questions but I don’t ask any of them. When he’s ready he will tell me. So, I text back a simple Ok. I’m here if you need anything and get back an even simpler text from him saying Thanks.

  “Everything ok?” Marco comes up behind me, his hands gripping my waist. Every time he touches me I want to jump his bones.

  “I was texting with Tristan.” I place the phone on the table and reach back, my left arm hooking behind Marco’s neck as I tilt my face to the side, bringing his face closer to mine for a kiss. It starts off slow but builds up quickly, Marco’s tongue finding mine, his dick grinding into my back. He swings me around to face him, his lips finding mine again. We make out until Mathias yells for us to get a room.

  “We already have one,” he yells back. Then to me says, “Let’s go use it.”



  It’s been a little over a month since we have been back from San Diego. Our days have been busy as hell to put it mildly.
Bella and I spend our days juggling training, spending time with our daughter who is now six months old and sitting up and crawling, finding time for us, and on top of all that, I’m learning the ropes of the gym and Bella is getting ready to go back to school next month.

  I will be glad when this fight is behind us. We had a photo shoot we had to do, and of course, they ended up taking photos of us separate and together. Daniel West knows what he’s doing. People are eating this shit up about us being a couple and both fighting. With the fight being promoted like crazy, my fans have come out of the woodwork. Everyone is commenting and posting all over social media. There’s the guys who are pumped for me to fight and win and then there’s the guys who make it known Bella can do better and hope I get my ass kicked. The gossip rags that are making accusations about me being hooked on drugs doesn’t help.

  The women are even worse. There are the women who are pro Bella and me and post hearts and flowers and then there’s the crazies. The women who call her names and tell her to kick rocks so they can have me to themselves.

  Bella’s dad hired PR to handle her social media once she came to the gym pissed off and almost in tears about the mean shit some women were posting about her. He wants her to focus on the fight and ignore the rest.

  Bella and I moved all her stuff into the master bedroom and we have slept together every night. But even with us living in the same house and sleeping under the same roof, I am missing my woman like crazy, which is why I have texted Cooper and told him Bella won’t be in today. He threw a fit through text messages, but when I told him I need some time with her and my daughter, he texted back that he understood and said he would see me tonight.

  I hear the baby monitor light up and crackle with Micaela’s coos so I jump out of bed to grab her. I change her diaper and get her dressed then bring her into our room for Bella to feed her.


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