Vampires In Vegas

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Vampires In Vegas Page 6

by Samantha Snow

  “What do you say we get out of here? You don’t need that drink, I think. I think we’ll do just fine without it, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she said faintly, sounding very far away from herself, “I do. But where are we going, Reagan? My friends are here. I should tell them if I’m leaving.”

  “You don’t need to worry about that. I believe one of them has already left, and one of them is in the process of leaving as we speak. Look, over yonder. Isn’t that the girl you came in with?”

  Ella looked, and felt her mouth drop open in surprise. It was the girl she came in with. It was Jen, and Jen was leaving with a tan, beefy looking man covered in tattoos and obviously pleased with his score.

  As Ella watched, the strange man delivered a sound smack right on Jen’s ass. Instead of telling him to fuck off because she was engaged to marry, Jen squealed and then planted a sloppy, tongue-filled kiss on the guy. So much for a bachelorette’s party, right? She wasn’t a fan of Dax, but she hated cheating, no matter who it came from. In all of her time of counting Jen as her best friend, she had never before been so completely disappointed in her.

  “Oh my god.”

  “I know, I had a feeling you wouldn’t like that. I didn’t point it out to upset you, only to show you that I don’t believe we’ll be missed if we take our leave. Perhaps I’ve destroyed my chances? Made the mood a bit too dark?”

  And had he? Ella found that he hadn’t. Not even close. She had spent so much time worrying about everyone else, worrying about what they were doing and whether their choices were good for them. What she hadn’t done was allow herself to have an adventure, and suddenly it was the only thing in the world she wanted.

  An adventure, and this man. This beautiful stranger who went by the name of Reagan and whose stormy eyes made her knees quiver. He smiled at her again, and began to lead her out of the club by one hand, his whole body exuding the confidence that she would not tell him to let her go.

  She might have thought to question that kind of confidence in a man she didn’t know, but she didn’t; not once. If Reagan had been a drug, Ella was already hooked, all of her reason and annoying logic totally gone.


  “Did you want to come in?”

  “I don’t know. Would you like me to come in?”

  “Y-yes, and I promise I won’t get sick on you again. If that makes any difference in your decision.”

  Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! That was what Ella’s brain was screaming at her. She was talking too much, and she probably sounded desperate, like she was begging him to come in and spend more time with her. That was hardly the way she wanted to come off, and she knew it wasn’t sexy, but she hadn’t ever considered being sexy before.

  She hadn’t ever tried it, and now she could have kicked herself for not putting in more of an effort. Reagan had walked her around what had to be most of the lower level of the Venetian, keeping her arm draped through his as if he were escorting her to a ball and not through some crazy mega hotel.

  He was dressed more casually this evening, a pair of faded jeans paired with a black t shirt and matching blazer. On his feet he wore a pair of black Converse, which made Ella smile every time she looked at them. She could almost hear Kristy’s outrage at such a thing, an abomination of fashion, as far as she was concerned.

  The only thing that remained the same was the hair, the stubble, and the mischievously bright eyes. It was almost more than she could take, a feeling that only increased when they were in the empty hallway outside of her suite. Even thinking about the fact that there was a bed in there made her head spin, which may have been ridiculous, but was nonetheless true.

  When she dared a peek at Reagan’s face, she saw that he was smiling, a knowing kind of smile, almost like he could read her thoughts. She hardly knew this guy at all, but this wasn’t the first time she had thought that. It was a stupid thing to think, really, seeing as it was completely impossible for a person to read thoughts, but when she was alone with him like that, she couldn’t help thinking it might be true anyway.

  When she looked at Reagan, something she was almost afraid to do, it felt like pretty much anything was possible. That opened up a whole world to her, or at least gave her a glimpse of one. She should have been so much wearier than she was and under any other circumstances she would have been.

  But this man. This strange, haunting man, he took the caution right out of her. He had asked her if she wanted him to come in, an offhanded question as if it didn’t matter to him one way or another. And then there she was, practically dying in her not so comfortable heels. She did not have the words to explain to him how much she wanted him to come in. She hadn’t ever wanted something so much that she felt feverish from it.

  And she couldn’t tell him that, either. She didn’t want to scare him off. She suspected that she already had, though, and she turned sharply to the door, her hand trembling so badly that she couldn’t get her keycard in the slot. She just wanted to get somewhere where he couldn’t see her!

  She was mortified, more embarrassed than she had ever been, and she was also pretty sure she was going to cry. She didn’t want to do that in front of him. That was something her already very fragile ego would never be able to recover from.

  “Here, let me, why don’t you?”

  Reagan’s cool, pale hand reached out from behind her, covering her shaking fingers and sliding the key in with no effort at all. Where only moments before she had been trembling with disappointment and humiliation, now she was trembling with something else. It was such a foreign feeling to her that she almost couldn’t identify it. It was lust.

  She wanted him, and badly. Her legs were shaking, heart beating too fast, and her upper thighs were growing slick with desire. She wanted him in a way that was all encompassing and that, miraculously, seemed to take away at least some of her fear. She got the door open with no further trouble and led him into her magnificent room. She was glad that they weren’t in Austin and that it wasn’t her apartment she was showing him into.

  Something about the anonymity of the room was soothing to her, made her feel less like the parts of herself she would rather leave behind. Because she really did know now that she didn’t want to be that shy, scared girl anymore, but that didn’t mean she instantly knew how to be something else. She felt like she was turning into a blank slate. Even to herself, she was unpredictable.

  “So this is the room. Sorry it’s a little bit messy, I didn’t really think I’d be having company.”

  “It’s quite alright.”

  “Do you want the tour?”

  “No, that’s quite alright as well.”

  “Oh! Duh, you’re probably staying here, aren’t you? Don’t need a tour from me when you’ve got a room all to yourself.”

  “No, actually, I’m not staying here. But I’ve seen plenty of these rooms. Enough to know they all look about the same.”

  Ella couldn’t tell whether he meant that he had stayed here before or he had been with someone else who was staying at the Venetian. Was this something he did all of the time? Rescue the damsel in distress so he could get up in her room? She didn’t think so, but she found that she also didn’t really care.

  So what if he had done this before? So what if he had done this a thousand times with a thousand other girls? None of those other girls were here right now. It was just the two of them, and that was how she wanted it. She was terrified of it, but she wanted it, too.

  She walked deeper into the room, her fingers tapping nervously against her leg. She wondered if he could feel the nervous energy in the room, the nervous energy she herself was creating. She didn’t have any experience with this.

  She didn’t know what she was supposed to do now that he was there with her. She knew what Jen would do, but she wasn’t Jen. Not even close. Finally, her frenzied mind landed on something and she grasped at it like a drowning woman grabbing for a life vest.

  “Can I offer you something?”

ou can.”

  “Alright, what can I get you? I won’t lie, I don’t exactly have a lot of experience making cocktails, but there’s wine. There’s some other stuff in the minibar, too. I can probably fix something for you as long as it’s not too complicated.”

  “Oh, no, that’s not what I want. I don’t want a drink, although I appreciate the thought.”

  “Then what do you want?”

  “Simply put, you.”


  The word came out in a squawk, after which Ella clamped her hand over her mouth. There was definitely nothing sexy about that. But she was so surprised by his boldness! She was surprised and so she had gone and made herself sound like a moron, and now he would change his mind. He would tell her that on second thought, maybe he would like that drink. She would hand it to him, he would take it and drink it down in one gulp, and then he would be gone.

  She could see it so clearly that she almost heard him asking for the glass of wine. Instead, she saw that he was moving towards her slowly, slowly, so achingly slowly that it was difficult to see that he was moving at all. But he must have been, because there he was, standing so close to her that she could almost taste the earthiness of his skin.

  She actually felt her mouth fill with saliva and she swallowed hard, afraid to even move. When he reached out and smoothed the hair out of her face (hair that had come out of her lovely sweeping clip), she let out a little gasp. It didn’t matter that his skin was so cold. Every place his fingers touched, she felt a lick of fire. She could only imagine what those fingers could do, if they were allowed to roam without restrictions.

  “Is it so hard to believe?”

  “W-w-what?” she stammered, wishing desperately to sound seductive and failing miserably. “Is what so hard to believe?”

  “That you should be the thing I want. You shouldn’t be surprised. You’ve been the thing I wanted since I first saw you, since I looked across the room and saw you standing there, so different from all of those around you.”

  “Different? Am I different?”

  “You are different. Different and lovely, and I want you. I mean to have you, too.”

  They were words that could only ever come out of a movie and they should have sounded totally ridiculous to Ella’s modern, social media driven, fast-paced living ears, but they didn’t. They worked like a spell on her and from that minute on, she belonged to him. His eyes had lost that mild, friendly look and what had replaced it made her tingle all over. It was an animal lust, an expression that told her she was in for something unlike anything she had ever experienced.

  “The dress. Remove your dress.”

  Normally, Ella wouldn’t have taken kindly to being ordered around like that, but when it came from Reagan it was hot. There was never any question about whether or not she was going to obey. Her hands dropped immediately to the zipper that ran concealed along the seam of the back of the dress, pulling it down and then sliding her hands beneath the dress’ straps. Ella was smaller than Jen and (even though these dresses were from about ten years ago, when they had only been fifteen) the dress fell easily to the floor after being undone. She just stood there, the expensive fabric pooled around her feet, in nothing but the expensive black and nude lingerie Jen had badgered her into wearing. At the time, she had found it beyond annoying, but now she could have kissed Jen for making her buy it.

  “Step out of the dress, but leave the heels on.”

  Again, Ella did as she was told. It brought her one step closer to Reagan, and that could only be a good thing. He had been watching her like she was the only thing on the entire planet that interested him, then lunged forward, taking her into his arms. His face plunged between her breasts, his tongue lapping over her nipples over and over again until she cried out with pleasure.

  The combination of his wet tongue and the rough lace of the bra created the most delicious friction, and her already slick thighs grew even wetter. Again, it was like he knew. It was like he knew that her body was screaming for his fingers to plunge inside of her and he was happy to comply.

  Those fingers were strong and sure, so good at performing their task that she hardly noticed how different his skin felt from other people’s. Or, if she noticed, she didn’t care. What she cared very much about was his fingers sliding over her clit, striking that perfect rhythm that would almost immediately send her over the edge.

  Her knees gave out and she would have fallen if it hadn’t been for the arm Reagan had wrapped tightly around her. He wouldn’t let her fall, though. Somehow she was completely sure of that. She was so sure that any reservations she might have had flew away on wings of pleasure and her head rocked back, her eyes slipping closed as her panting gave way to moans.

  “Stay with me now, Ella. Open your eyes. I want to see you. I want to see all of you.”

  Her eyes opened and saw that stunning face looking down upon her, his tongue running over his lips compulsively. One strand of his honey hair had loosened itself and hung in front of his eyes. She reached up and smoothed it out of his face, feeling a thrill as his eyes shut briefly, his face leaning into the feeling of her caress.

  That gave her the jolt of confidence she needed, and her hand moved down south, playing with the line of his faded jeans and struggling against his belt buckle. She couldn’t get it open. She wasn’t good at this kind of thing, her mind screamed at her! She wasn’t good at it at all.

  “It’s a silly belt,” he panted, again using his own hand to guide her trembling one, “I won’t wear it again.”

  With his help, Ella now had access to everything she wanted and she snaked her hand down the front of his jeans, exploring the throbbing cock she found waiting for her there. He let out a growl, and she understood that it was one of pleasure. She could feel his member pulsing in her hand, responding to even the slightest change in pressure or touch.

  His breathing was speeding up along with hers, and she thought wildly that there could never be a bigger turn on than that. Her hips began to gyrate helplessly against him, wanting to feel him, needing to feel all of him.

  “You’re mine,” he whispered with an intensity she had never heard before, “you’re mine.”

  Then he was lifting her into the air as if she weighed nothing at all. She thought he would take her to the bed, but he didn’t. He never made it that far. Instead, he walked her to the wall and pinned her up against it, holding her there with one massively strong arm as he freed his erection from the cumbersome pants.

  He tugged her thong aside roughly, ripping the fabric in the process. Not that she cared. She was right where he was. She needed him to be inside of her as quickly as he could possibly manage.



  And then he was. Her legs wrapped around him as his hands moved down to her ass, holding her up as he thrust into her. He filled her completely, almost to the point of pain, but not quite. His hips began to rock, and she moaned, arching her back against the wall. His mouth moved back down to her breasts, sucking and teasing and sending her over the edge. Her hands plunged into his hair, freeing it completely so that it hung loose all around his shoulders. He looked like he belonged to another time, another universe, and she was his. She was all his.

  “I want you to come for me. The next time will be longer, but now I want you to come for me, Ella. I want to feel it.”

  She could not resist this command any more than she had resisted any of the rest of them. She felt a rising in her loins, a rising that threatened to go on forever, and then her entire body was exploding. She screamed. She actually screamed with the force of her pleasure as her body endured wave after wave of an orgasm she hadn’t even known she was capable of.

  Her legs closed even tighter around him, and she pulled his face into the crook of her neck. She wanted to feel his entire body against hers. She wanted to feel the way their bodies writhed together. His thrusts began to speed up, and then he was coming along with her, his orgasm taking off just as h
ers began to subside.

  She felt one last burst of pleasure tinged with just the smallest bit of pain, and then it was done. She felt a moment of loss when he pulled out of her, but she didn’t have time to dwell on it. Instead of putting her down, he carried her to the massive king sized bed. She wanted to tell him that she wasn’t sleepy, that she didn’t need to lie down, but saying that wouldn’t have been entirely true.

  Because she was sleepy. All of the sudden she was so terribly sleepy that she didn’t think she would be able to keep her eyes open for a minute more. She wanted to talk to him, but she couldn’t make her mouth move.


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