Twin Desire

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Twin Desire Page 5

by Michelle Iannarelli

  Cheyenne: WHAT!

  Jonny: He begged me to come with him. He only wants to pay his respects.

  Cheyenne threw her phone at the desk and ran up to her bedroom to change and tidy up her hair.

  “Texting your sex partner?”


  Cole laughed. “Ha! You so are.”

  “Fine. I am.”

  “Is she someone new or has she been in your life and you just haven’t mentioned her?”

  “A little bit of both. I don’t know if it will ever be serious though.”

  Cole knew his brother and knew there was more. “But you’d like for it to be?”

  “Yes, under the right circumstances.”

  “Shit, J, is she married?”

  “No. It’s complicated.”

  “Now you sound like me.”

  “We are twins.”

  “J, you’re more than my twin, you’re my best friend.” Cole grabbed Jonny and hugged him. “I love you, Bro.”

  Guilt was all Jonny could feel right now. He felt as if he’d stabbed his brother in the back. He cleared his throat and managed to speak. “I love you too, Bro.”

  Cole got out of the car, opened the trunk and pulled out a basket full of wine, fruit and cookies.

  “Jeez, make me look bad. I only brought myself yesterday.”

  “Yeah, well, she doesn’t hate you.”

  “I’m far from her favorite person.”

  Cole stopped and looked at Jonny. “Why do you think that? Chey always liked you.”

  “I don’t know. I guess we grew apart after she left for college.”

  “But she was ok yesterday, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess. I just didn’t expect to feel the way I did.”

  “Like how?”

  “I don’t know. Watching her cry was…”

  “Stop right there. I’ve seen her cry. I get it now.”

  Jonny felt a bit relieved that the conversation came to an end. He continued walking.

  Once Cole stepped foot onto the front porch all the memories of the last conversation he had with Cheyenne’s father came flooding back. Anger surged through him, then regret for not just asking Cheyenne to run away with him. If they’d done that then he wouldn’t have ended up with that girl that night.

  “Cole, you ok?”

  “I’m good.” Cole reached out his hand and rang the bell.

  Cheyenne stood on the other side of the door as emotions ran through her like fireworks of hate, hurt, anger and if she was honest…love. How could she still love Cole after all this time and if she did then how could she make love to his twin? That was something she’d need to figure out. She inhaled and exhaled a deep breath and then pulled the door open.

  Cole’s eyes locked with hers. He looked like a “man” version of the eighteen-year-old she’d loved for most of her life. His blue jeans were still bulging, and he had on his signature white T-shirt. She hoped he’d say something, but he just stared at her with an expression that she couldn’t quite place…perhaps it was fear that she’d slam the door on him? “Hi!” Once she spoke his expression faded to the beautiful face she fell in love with.

  “I’m sorry about your father.” Cole took a step forward with the huge basket in his arms.

  Cheyenne reached out to take it. “Thank you.”

  “I’ll carry it in if you’ll allow me?”

  Cheyenne stepped back and opened the door so that Cole and Jonny could come through. Cole walked in and Jonny stood in place. “Come in, Jon.”

  Jonny suddenly felt like the third wheel again. A feeling he did not have yesterday. Jonny didn’t even look up at Cheyenne as he walked past her. “I’m only here because my brother asked me to be.”

  Cheyenne reached for Jonny’s hand and he pulled away. “Jon…”

  Cole walked back into the entry hall. “I left it in the kitchen.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  “I don’t want to impose.”

  “We should talk.”

  Cole looked at Cheyenne. “Are you sure?”

  Cheyenne reached out her hand and took Cole’s. “I’m sure.”

  Jonny looked away. “I’m going to head out.”

  Cheyenne turned to Jonny. “You’re welcome to stay.”

  “I have to meet someone.”

  Cheyenne felt a pang of jealousy. “I see.”

  “Call me later, J.”

  Jonny couldn’t wait to leave. He stepped outside and finally let out the breath he was holding. Then he remembered they came in Cole’s car. He shuffled down the driveway and started walking. A few miles down the road his coworker, Trey, pulled over. “Jonny, you want a ride?”

  “Hey, Trey, yeah if you don’t mind.”

  “Hop in.”

  Jonny got in and buckled up. “Thanks.”

  “Did your car break down?”

  “No. I went to a friend’s house with Cole, but he decided to hang out and I wanted to leave. So, I left.”

  “You’re fucking loaded, Man, you can afford a car service, you didn’t need to walk.” Trey laughed.

  “I was too busy thinking. I didn’t realize I’d walked this far.”

  “I’m free tonight, why don’t we go grab some dinner and hit the bar?”

  “Sure.” Jonny couldn’t think of a better way to distract himself. Being out with Trey meant drinking and women.

  Cole stood with a knot in his stomach as he watched Jonny leave. He knew that whatever Cheyenne was going to say wouldn’t matter whether Jonny was there with him.


  Cole looked over at Cheyenne. “Time to yell at me?”

  “I don’t want to yell. If for nothing else I’ve realized just how short life is and…” Cheyenne couldn’t hold back the tears.

  Cole didn’t even think, he grabbed Cheyenne and held her. “I’m so sorry, Chey, so sorry for everything.”

  Cheyenne squeezed Cole tight and inhaled his cologne. “I’m sorry too.”

  Cole pulled back. “I was wrong. What I did…”

  “What you did was awful, but I’ve punished you for ten years. It’s time to forgive you.”

  Cole gave Cheyenne a half smile. “Thank you. It helps to hear you say that you forgive me but Chey, I’ll never forgive myself.” Cole took a step back.

  “Can we at least be friends?”

  “I’d like that.”

  Jonny and Trey weren’t in the club for more than five minutes before they were approached by two hot women.

  “Hey, Guys!”

  Trey leaned over. “I get the blonde.”

  Jonny shook his head. He didn’t really care which one he got if she kept his mind off Cheyenne. “Hey!”

  “You’re cute!” The brunette ran her finger across Jonny’s lip.

  Jonny sucked her finger into his mouth. “Mmm.”

  Trey winked at the blonde. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  “Sure can.”

  Trey stood up and motioned for the blonde to sit. “What’s your poison?”


  Jonny stood up but instead of giving his seat to the brunette he gave one final suck on her finger before letting it go and kissing her lips.

  Trey looked over. “Get a room!”

  Jonny pulled away. “You want to go somewhere?”

  “Bye, Jane!” A quick wave to her friend and they were out of there.

  “When I arrived, I never expected to still be here five hours later talking and eating sushi.”

  Cheyenne put down her chop sticks. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to guilt you into staying.”

  “Guilt! No guilt. I stayed because…well because I wanted to be here with you.”


  “It’s ok. I don’t expect sex because I bought you dinner.” Cole rubbed his hand over his face. “I didn’t mean it like that. Maybe I should go.” Cole put down his napkin.

  Cheyenne placed her hand on top of Cole’s. “I know what you meant. Stay. I finally re
laxed a little while talking with you.”

  “Ok.” Cole took a sip of his water.

  “Are you sure you don’t want some wine?”

  “I’m good with water.”

  “I promise not to get you drunk and take advantage of you.” Cheyenne was on her third glass, so she had no filter but when Cole’s expression changed Cheyenne put down her glass. “I’m sorry. That was thoughtless of me to say.”

  “I haven’t had a drink since that night.”

  Cheyenne’s mouth dropped open. “Wow! Don’t you miss it?”

  “Not as much as I miss you.”

  Cheyenne looked up with tears in her eyes. It hurt to hear the sadness in Cole’s voice. “Cole…” Cheyenne’s phone rang. “I need to grab this.”

  Jonny threw his wallet and phone onto the dresser and then headed to the shower. He was so disgusted with himself that he had sex with a stranger in his truck no less. He stepped into the shower allowing the hot water to relax him. It was apparent that no matter who he was with all he could think about was Cheyenne who was probably fucking his brother by now.

  Cheyenne paced around the study while she talked on the phone. “Aaron, please don’t make threats.”

  “I’m not making threats, but I know that your ex lives there. Have you seen him?”

  “Yes, he came by to offer his condolences.”

  “Did he offer you anything else?”

  “You’re a jerk!”

  “When are you coming home?”

  “I don’t know when I’m coming back and honestly, if you care about me as much as you claim to then you’d be here with me.”

  “You know I’m working on the Clyde case and taking a vacation just isn’t an option right now.”


  Cole could hear her voice getting louder. He started toward the study but once he heard her crying, he entered the room.

  “Baby, please don’t cry!”

  Cheyenne looked up and saw Cole standing there. “I have to go.” She pocketed her phone.

  “Come here.” Cole opened his arms to Cheyenne. She wiped her eyes and then she walked over to Cole and hugged him. Cole wrapped his arms around her. “Anything I can do?”

  “No. I don’t know why we’re even together. He’s a jerk.”

  Cole walked them over to the couch. “Do you…love him?”

  Cheyenne looked up at Cole. “No.”

  “Then why are you with him?”

  “It’s better than being alone.” Cheyenne licked her lips and moved closer to Cole.

  Cole leaned in and Cheyenne gave him a soft kiss on his lips. “I can’t do this. I won’t hurt you again.” Cole kissed Cheyenne on the forehead and got up.

  Two days passed since they visited Cheyenne. Jonny didn’t want to hear details about Cole and Cheyenne’s reunion, so he made up excuses that he was busy at work each time that Cole had called. Cheyenne texted a few times and called once but he basically kept it short until this morning when she called him crying. Which was why he was standing on her doorstep.

  Cheyenne pulled the door open. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her blouse was wet with tears. “Jon, I need you.”

  Jonny hugged her. “Hey, you need to calm down, Chey, you’re shaking.” Jonny walked her over to the couch and pulled her down onto his lap.

  “I can’t do this.”

  “You can. I know you’re going to make your father proud.”

  “But I’m all alone.”

  “I’ll be there with you and so will Cole.”

  “I thought you were upset with me.”

  “Nothing else matters today.”

  Cheyenne kissed Jonny. He knew he should pull away but of course he didn’t and before he knew it, he was buried deep inside her.

  Cole stood outside the chapel waiting for Cheyenne. He promised her that he’d wait for her to arrive so that he could walk her in. He saw a lot of friends and his parents arrive but so far, his brother and Cheyenne hadn’t arrived.

  “Coleman Black?”

  Cole turned. “Who’s asking?”

  “Truman Marcus.” The man who was dressed in a three-piece suit and holding a briefcase extended his hand. “I’m Mr. Benson’s attorney.”

  “Yes, I’m Coleman Black.”

  “Mr. Benson left very specific instructions for which I must follow in the event of his death.”

  “Why does that have anything to do with me?”

  “I was instructed to give you this.”

  Cole looked down at the square envelope that looked much like a party invitation. He took it from the lawyer and shoved it into his suit jacket. “Thanks.”

  “I need you to open it in my presence.”

  “Are you kidding me. The guy is giving me orders from the grave.” Cole shook his head.

  “Please, Mr. Black.”

  Cole pulled the envelope from his pocket and tore it open.


  If you’re reading this then I suppose you’re smiling because I’m dead.

  My last request is for you and my beloved daughter, Cheyenne, to meet with my attorney so that he may read you both a letter I have prepared.

  Please, if you ever really loved my daughter you will be there with her.

  Christoff Benson

  Cole stuffed the envelope back into his pocket. “Satisfied?”

  “Thank you. Will you be attending?”

  “When would this so-called letter reading be?”

  “I can do it on Thursday at three.”

  “Fine. I’ll be there.”

  The attorney nodded. “I will see you on Thursday.”

  Cheyenne didn’t utter a word the entire drive to the chapel. Once they pulled up Cole ran to the truck and opened the door. “Hey, how are you doing?”

  “I’m a mess. Thank God for Jon.”

  Cole shot his brother a look. One that Jonny didn’t appreciate. “What’s that look for?”

  “Nothing. I was just worried about Cheyenne because it’s late and the pastor has already asked for her twice.”

  “I’m sorry I made you worry.”

  Cole leaned down and kissed Cheyenne on the cheek. “As long as you’re ok.”

  “Jon took care of me.” Cheyenne smiled at Jonny.

  Jonny couldn’t make eye contact with Cole now that he calmed down, he felt guilty knowing that they were late because they were having sex. Cole could never find out.

  Cheyenne stood in the back of the chapel crying. The pastor had just finished speaking with her and it was now time to say her final goodbye. She may have been standing but her legs were weak.

  “You ready?” Cole wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “I don’t think I can do this.”

  Jonny squatted down so he could look up at Cheyenne. “Think about all the good times you had with your father. Chey, you can do this. I know you can.”

  “Jonny’s right. You’re so strong, Baby. We’re both here for you.”

  Cheyenne wiped her eyes. She kissed Jonny on what should have been his cheek, but he turned, and she caught the corner of his mouth. “Thank you.”

  Jonny took her hand and nodded.

  Cole took her other hand. “Ready?”

  Cheyenne kissed Cole on his cheek and squeezed both their hands. “I am now.”

  Both, Jonny and Cole, walked Cheyenne down the aisle and then sat beside her.

  Cole couldn’t help but notice how close and comfortable Cheyenne seemed with Jonny. He knew how Cheyenne felt about cheating so there was no doubt in his mind that anything could be going on between them.

  Cheyenne looked at the urn containing her father’s remains. To think that all that was left of the first man she ever loved was inside that one small metal jar. Tears continued to stream down her cheeks as the pastor spoke. From time to time she’d give Cole or Jonny’s hand a squeeze.

  Cole’s phone started vibrating. He pulled
it from his pocket. He had four missed calls from Meg. Cheyenne glanced down at the phone and then up at Cole. She leaned against his ear and whispered. “You can go call her if you need to.”

  Cole was a little bit curious as to why Meg called so many times, but Cheyenne was his priority. “She can wait.” Cole stuffed the phone back into his pocket.

  Cheyenne somehow with the help of Cole and Jonny managed to make it through the day. The last guest left, and it was now just her and the two men she loved. Loved? No, she couldn’t love them both. Cole was her first love so of course she’d always love him. Jonny was someone she loved but was she in love with him? With Cole? She needed a drink. “Can I get either of you a drink?”

  Jonny stood up. “Why don’t you sit, and I’ll get you a drink. What would you like?”

  “You’re always so sweet, Jon.” Cheyenne sat next to Cole. “I’ll have glass of wine.”

  “Sure thing. Cole, do you want a water?”

  “No, I’m good. I have to head out soon.”

  Cheyenne placed her hand onto Cole’s thigh. “Do you have to?”

  “I can stay for a while, but I do have to return a few phone calls.”

  “Here you go.” Jonny handed Cheyenne her wine.

  “Thank you.”

  Cole looked at the two of them and he got that jealous feeling again. “I’m going to make those calls. Is it ok if I use the study?”

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  Cheyenne waited until she heard Cole’s footsteps in the distance and then she turned and kissed Jonny. He tried to pull away for fear that Cole would see but Cheyenne was like a vacuum suctioned to his mouth. When he finally managed to pull back, she lunged at him again.

  “Chey, what the hell?”

  “I need you. My life is falling apart and being with you is the only thing that’s kept me together these last few days.”

  “You just asked Cole if he could stay. Now this. Which one of us is it that you really want? I feel like…”


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