Beyond the Cut

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Beyond the Cut Page 31

by Sarah Castille

  Benson’s gaze swept over Dawn, lingering, and then his shoulders slumped. “She’s definitely a Sinner.”

  Dawn put her arm around Cade and leaned her head against his chest. “Cade’s Sinner. I am sorry, Doug, but this is where I want to be.”

  “I wanted so badly to save you,” Benson said wistfully. “My sister was taken by a biker gang when she was fourteen. We never got her back. I joined the police thinking I would make a difference and something like that would never happen on my watch. I think I lost perspective, and I might have gotten a little carried away.”

  “You went to fucking crazy town and back.” Cade shoved his weapon in its holster. “Even coming out here alone … all kinds of stupid. You always gotta have someone at your back.”

  “I get it. I’m sorry, Dawn. I won’t bother you or the Sinners again.” He turned to go and Cade gestured to Tank to cut off Benson’s retreat.

  “You don’t get off that easy. Locking up a Sinner is serious offense, but ’cause you were looking out for my girl, I’ll give you a choice. I beat the shit out of you, break your fucking arms and legs, and dump you in a ditch outside of town, or you can be the Sinners’ eyes and ears inside the police station. Sheriff Morton did a fine job for us, and was paid well for his trouble until he got greedy, so now there’s a vacancy that needs to be filled.”

  Benson shrugged. “It’s not really a choice, is it?”

  “You always have a choice.”

  “He’s being nice to you.” Dawn’s lips tugged at the corners. “He would usually smash your vehicle, too.”

  “And burn down his house.” Cade brushed his lips over her forehead. “But I got my girl so I’m in a good mood.”

  “I kinda like my vehicle,” Benson said. “And my arms and legs. You’ve got yourself a mole.”

  * * *

  “I got the girls.” Cade pulled Dawn against his side after Tank and T-Rex escorted Benson back to his police car. “They’re safe at the clubhouse.”

  Dawn exhaled a relieved breath and leaned against SUV. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how worried I was about them. But the clubhouse? Two little girls? Really?”

  “Dax is with them.”

  “Dax? The torturer?”

  “He’s got his own kids. He knows how to have a good time.”

  “I’m sure he does.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Probably dissecting frogs and shooting at squirrels.”

  Cade growled low in his throat. “Made me hot watchin’ you shoot Mad Dog from under the SUV.”

  “Everything makes you hot. You’d probably have me naked and over the hood of the vehicle if I’d done more than shoot him in the toe.” She had been bitterly disappointed after Zane checked Jimmy’s wounds and pronounced Old Mick the winner of the shoot-out.

  “I think you should put down that gun and we’ll let the boys finish doin’ what they’re doin’ with the Brethren and I’ll show you just how hot your toe shooting made me.”

  Dawn glanced over at Old Mick and Jagger, deep in conversation while Doc Hegel tended to Old Mick’s wound. Around them, Sinners kept watch on the disarmed Brethren, while others searched the clubhouse, and still more guarded the doors.

  “I think they aren’t going to be doing anything to the remaining Brethren other than taking their weapons and offering them a choice of patch-over or death,” she said. “Mad Dog’s supporters are already gone. The usual rats fleeing a sinking ship.”

  “We’ll hunt them down. Guaranteed.”

  She tightened her arms around Cade, drinking in the warmth of his body. “That was a pretty damn awesome rescue. Very Cade. Lots of drama. No sneaking around or hiding in the shadows. Just straight plowing through the wall in an SUV like an action hero.”

  “I know something else I want to plow into. Hop in and I’ll take you back to the clubhouse and show you what else an action hero can do.”

  “You’re filthy.”

  “And you love it.”

  “I love you,” she said. “But the filth is a close second.”

  * * *

  “What’s this?” The skin on the back of Dawn’s neck prickled when she saw the duffel bag packed on Cade’s dresser. She’d checked on the girls and showered in the grimy clubhouse washroom to wash away all traces of Jimmy, easing the tension from her body. Now, freshly scrubbed and dressed in one of Cade’s shirts, her anxiety returned all over again.

  “You’re going on the road so soon?”

  “Shhhhh.” He cupped her face between her hands and brushed his lips over hers. “I got a coupla things I got to do that can’t wait. I’m taking T-Rex, Dax, and the prospect with me.”

  She tried to pull away, but he was too strong, his hands too firm, his lips too soft. “Where are you going?”

  He smoothed a hand over her forehead. “Better if you don’t know.”

  “I want to know where you’re going.” She shoved him back against the door. “I’ll be worried, Cade. I worried when you were up in Whitefish, but at least I knew where you were. Tell me. Now.”

  “You trying to turn me on, babe? ’Cause I’ll let you know a secret. That fire of yours, when it gets going, makes me hot like nothing else. Nothing a biker likes more than soft and sweet with a sassy inside.”

  “Cade…” She moaned when his hands slid down to her ass, pulling her hips against his hardened length.

  “I want to love you, babe,” he whispered in her ear. “Let me love you tonight. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  She answered him with a kiss, her arms around his neck, her breasts pressed against his chest. “Love me. Then tell me where you’re going.”

  “I’ll tell you where I’m going to as soon as you strip off your clothes.” Cade settled himself on the bed, hands behind his head, legs spread, the quintessential alpha male.

  “I’ve never stripped for anyone, Cade. Not after leaving Jimmy.”

  “You aren’t stripping for anyone. You’re stripping for me. And you’re gonna think about how much I love your body, and how much I want you, all of you, inside and out; how I’m dying here waiting to see every beautiful inch of my beautiful girl.”

  Her fingers trembled as she reached for the hem of her top. Drawing in a shallow breath, she pulled it up and over her head. Why was she so nervous? They’d had sex. He’d seen her without her clothes. But she’d never felt like she was baring everything to him before, dropping the walls that protected her heart.

  “Keep going.”

  He wanted her. Not just her body, but her. For the longest time she hadn’t known who she was. Even after she left Jimmy, she had one goal and one goal only: to get her girls back. But Cade made her think about herself, who she was, and what she wanted. He made her see just how deep her strength ran, and how desirable she was to him. She wanted to take what he offered. To bare herself to him and not worry about what might happen after.

  She dropped the shirt on the floor, shivering in her purple bra and panties as cool air brushed over her heated skin.

  Cade made a low, sensual hum of approval. “Turn.”

  A smile tugged at her lips, and she turned for him, using the skills she’d learned when she was dancing. Smooth, elegant, slow, and seductive.

  “You’re killing me, babe.”

  Encouraged by his half-lidded gaze and obvious arousal, she slowly slipped the bra straps off her shoulders, and then she ran her finger lightly over the lace framing the crescents of her breasts.

  When his eyes flared, she tucked her thumbs beneath the elastic at her hips, running them back and forth over her tummy before she slid them down her thighs.


  Half bent over, her breasts swaying gently beneath the cups of her loosened bra, she looked up to see he had half risen from the bed.

  “Don’t you want me to finish?”

  His low rumble reverberated through the room. “I can’t wait.”

  “You started this. If I can do it, you can wait. I’ve never wanted to strip for someone be
fore. It was never really a choice. But I’m kinda enjoying your discomfort.”

  Cade tensed and she could see his inner struggle in the lines of his face. His hand slid to his groin and he adjusted himself. “Discomfort is the least of what you’re gonna feel when I get my hands on you.”

  “Promises. Promises.”


  She bent again to slide her underwear over her heels and Cade groaned. “Babe…”

  “Would it be better if I faced away.” She stood and turned, letting her hair sweep over her back, and then gave him a full rear view as she slid off her panties.

  After a painful moment of silence, she looked back over her shoulder and a grin spread across her face. Cade had shoved down his clothing, freeing his cock for the firm stroke of his hand.

  Mesmerized, Dawn turned back to watch him. She’d done that to him. Driven him past the point of control. Far from turning her off, she found it fiercely arousing and she wanted nothing more than to replace his hand with hers. But when she took a step toward him, he dropped his hand and waved her back.

  “You’re not finished.”

  “I think I am.” She reached behind and unclipped her bra, then threw it at him, grinning when it landed on his erect cock. “I always had good aim.”

  His laugh warmed her inside, but when he launched himself off the bed, she startled and turned away.

  “Shhhh.” His T-shirt was cool against her heated skin, his half open fly rough against her ass. He shoved his clothing down and his cock, hot and thick, jerked against the small of her back.

  With a moan, Dawn arched into him, rubbing her ass against his groin. Cade splayed his hand over her hips, pulling her so tight against him, his erection pressed into the cleft of her buttocks.

  “Cade…” Her body was on fire, but when she tried to turn, he held her fast, his free hand gliding over her rib cage to her breasts, now tender and swollen with need. He rolled one nipple, then the other, working them between his thumb and forefinger until she was bucking mindlessly against him, wanting the promise of what was to come.

  “My beautiful girl,” he whispered, his lips warm and wet on her shoulder. “Tonight I’m gonna make you mine. All mine. Body, heart, and soul.” His teeth found the sensitive spot between her neck and shoulder and he sunk his teeth into her skin with a firm, hard pressure that she knew would leave a mark.

  His mark.

  She writhed against him, almost delirious with pleasure and the need for release. One hand still splayed across her belly, he caged her jaw with the other, pulling her head back to his chest. Then he pushed his finger inside her mouth.


  Her blood turned to molten lava and streamed through her veins. He was wild tonight. Dominating. Barely contained. And yet she had no fear of where he might take her. She could give her power freely to Cade, knowing in her heart he would never abuse it.

  Her lips closed around his finger and she drew it into her mouth, swirling her tongue around his knuckle, drinking in the faint taste of bourbon and the essence of him.

  He nudged her thighs apart and she felt the slide of his cock along her soaked folds. Back and forth, he rocked against her, always stopping just short of where she needed him to go.

  Dawn closed her eyes as his fingers teased and tortured her nipples. He licked her neck, tasted her, swept his tongue along her jaw and nibbled her ear. Dawn tilted her head to give him better access and brought one arm up. She reached behind her and ran gentle fingers through his hair, soft and thick, yet another sensation to carry her past the point of no return.

  “Ah God. Too much even for me.” He swept her up into his arms and laid her gently on the bed. Then he shrugged off his cut, folding it neatly and placing it on the dresser. There was a reverence to his gesture that tugged at her heart, but when he pulled a second cut from his duffel bag, she melted inside.

  “This is yours.” His voice choked with emotion, and he placed the cut on the bed. “You left it behind. Put it on, babe. For me.”

  Dawn sat up and slid the cut over her shoulders. The leather was cool on her heated skin and she smoothed her hand over the soft leather. Cade’s eyes darkened almost to black. He stripped off his clothes and sheathed himself, then eased her back on the bed,

  “I wanna fuck you wearing my cut.”

  “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  He stretched out on the bed and settled her over his hips, his erection, thick and strong wedged against her center.

  “Take what you need from me.” He clamped his hands on her hips and eased her up so the head of his cock nestled against her entrance. “I want to watch your pleasure.”

  Her cheeks burned but not as much as the ache in her sex. She lowered herself, slowly, inch by inch, her body stretching to accommodate his width. She was so wet, so swollen with desire, her eyes watered at the delicious sensation.

  “My old lady is so fucking hot.”

  “Your old lady would be hotter if she got a little action down below.” She gave him a little squeeze, her internal muscles tightening, and his look turned savage.

  “You’re playing with fire, babe. I’m holding on by a thread.”

  Dawn laughed and squeezed again, but his time she cupped her breasts beneath the leather vest, weighing them in her palms. She pinched her nipples, rolling each one between her thumb and forefinger until they were tight, hard buds.

  “Christ. You mean to kill me before I get to loving you.” He jerked beneath her. “Ride me, babe. Ride me hard. Ride until your pleasure is running down my thighs.”

  She rocked against him and the steel of his shaft pressed against her sensitive spot, making her gasp with pleasure. When Jimmy had put her on top, it was for his benefit only. He … She cut off her train of thought. Jimmy didn’t belong here. And there was no point comparing her two lovers because Jimmy had never been a lover. Or a giver. Cade was both.

  And Jimmy was gone.


  Dawn undulated over Cade’s cock, testing her rhythm, her ability to take him deep or only partway. A muscle twitched in Cade’s jaw, but other than that tiny sign of his tension, he didn’t push, letting her take her time to find out what worked best, feed her insatiable hunger. Finally she discovered she could get maximum friction on her knees, rocking back and up so that every movement stroked his cock against her sensitive tissue. Cade picked up her rhythm and guided her hips, steadying her as she took her pleasure from him.

  “That’s it.” His choked rasp of approval drove her wild. She had done this to him. Aroused him. Pushed him to the point he had to fight for control.

  “Harder. I wanna watch you come all over my cock.” His hand covered her pussy, fingers seeking her clit. Dawn whimpered, and he circled it, teasing, spreading her wetness up and around but never where she wanted him to go. He jerked his hips, his cock thrusting hard and fast, and she couldn’t hold on any longer.

  “More. Don’t stop.” She ground against him, rocked, and when finally he slid his finger over her clit, her orgasm crashed through her, waves of pleasure rippling outwards, carrying her away.

  * * *

  Cade gritted his teeth as Dawn’s pussy clenched around him in wave after wave of wet heat. He’d never denied himself for so long or been so hard that he no longer knew the difference between pleasure and pain. But he wanted this night to last. He wanted to erase every last memory she had of Jimmy. With love. With him.

  Dawn coming on top of him in his cut was a luscious treat: the sway of her rounded curves, the tremble of her legs, and the soft moan from her rosy lips. He slid his hands between her thighs to open her to him. Her labia glistened, pink and swollen around his cock, and he bit back a groan and tried to think about the fuel leak on his bike, the hamburger he had for dinner—anything other than the insistent throb of his cock.

  He had other plans for her tonight, but when her body softened, languid on top of him, her head falling back, her beautiful golden hair falling in soft w
aves over her shoulders, he couldn’t take any more. He’d never been so painfully aroused. He had to have her.

  He rolled until he was on top, his cock still hard, throbbing inside her, and then he lifted her arms and wrapped her hands around the wooden posts of his headboard. “Hold on.”

  Still trembling from the aftershocks of her climax, she gasped when he caught her nipple in his teeth. He licked and sucked her nipples until she was writhing on the bed, each jerk of her body sending another pulse of desire through his cock.

  “Legs over my shoulders.” His breaths came in pants and sweat beaded on his forehead. He wanted to lick her all over, taste the sultry sweetness between her legs, but she was driving him insane.

  Dawn braced herself on the headboard and lifted her legs, hooking them over his shoulders. The position opened her fully to him, aroused her, if her panting breaths were any indicator; his body shook with the effort of holding still.

  Gritting his teeth, he pulled out of her hot, wet sheath and then slid a pillow under her hips to give her the support she would need when he took her as deep as he could go. So deep she would know only him. His cock. His passion. His love.

  “Cade…” The pleading note in her voice pleased him. She wanted him. As much as he wanted her.

  He drew back and slid into her, filling her hard and fast, the angle giving him maximum penetration. Her moan was deep, primal, and he lost the last threads of his control. God, she was tight. And wet. And hot. So goddamn hot.

  “Relax,” he commanded. “Let me in. Take all of me.”

  He withdrew and then thrust in again, pushing deeper. This time she whimpered and he quickened his pace, hammering into her but always keeping up the pressure on her sensitive spot.

  Dawn trembled, her heels digging into his back. The wounds had healed and he felt no pain. He slowed his pace, overwhelmed by how perfectly her needs met his, how beautifully she responded to his gentle commands.

  “Come for me, babe.” He stroked her with a slow, insistent rhythm that brought her to a powerful, rippling climax. Her deep-throated groan sent him over the edge and he pounded into her until his balls lifted and his cock stiffened. His climax came hard and fast, a frenzied burst of pleasure.


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