Hungry CEO

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Hungry CEO Page 38

by Charlize Starr

  And then she knew what to do. She’d go to Jared’s father. Mr. King had always liked her. He probably hated her, now, but if she explained what Jared had done… maybe he wouldn’t let Jared use him to hurt Flynn.

  “We’ll see. I’m going to work now.” She walked backward a few steps. “Don’t ever contact me again. If we see each other out, don’t speak. Walk the other way. Leave me alone or I swear I’ll get a restraining order. Are we clear?”

  “We’re clear, you cold bitch.” He spat at her feet and Olivia flinched. When he turned and walked away, she almost sank to the ground. She’d been so afraid, but she’d stood her ground, stood up to him, and she wasn’t finished. When her shift was over, she’d go see Mr. King. She’d make this right for Flynn if it killed her.


  After her shift, Olivia ran home to change into a nice dress and heels. She wanted to be respectful to Mr. King and showing up in her comfortable shoes and the top she’d stained with hair dye didn’t seem like the best idea.

  Now, she sat outside his office, practically wringing her hands together. So much nervous energy coursed through her body right now, she needed to run a few laps to get rid of it, but all she could do was sit and wait.

  His secretary knew who Olivia was, of course. She’d been polite when she told Olivia to take a seat, but then she’d picked up her phone and continued to chatter away on it, casting sidelong glances at Olivia. She was probably telling everyone in town that Olivia had the nerve to show up here and try to speak to Mr. King.

  Well, none of that mattered to Olivia. She’d hold her head up, regardless of what people thought of her. She hadn’t done a thing wrong. She wasn’t the one who cheated and Flynn hadn’t been some illicit tryst—she loved him.

  After about ten minutes, the door to Mr. King’s office opened. He had a sober expression on his face. “Come in, Olivia.”

  She stood and followed him into his office then sat down on the couch alongside one wall when he gestured to it. “Can I have someone get you some coffee or water?”

  “No, thank you so much. I’m fine.” Her mouth was so dry and a rope tightened around her middle. “I appreciate your seeing me. First of all, I want to apologize for any embarrassment I caused your family when I left the church.”

  He joined Olivia on the couch and gazed at her openly for a moment. “Can you explain what happened?”

  “My maid-of-honor told me, minutes before the wedding, that she and Jared were having an affair the last two years. She had some pretty compelling evidence—a birthmark.”

  “Lincoln,” he confirmed.

  “Right. It was awful. She actually slapped me when I asked her why… it was all very upsetting and I just couldn’t go through with the wedding. But, I handled it all wrong. I should’ve told the guests myself, not left like a scared little girl.”

  He nodded, his face thoughtful. “I don’t disagree with you, but I can understand you having such a panicked reaction to a scene like that. I can’t speak for Jared. I won’t speak for him. His behavior was reprehensible. But, as far as I’m concerned, your apology is sincerely accepted.”

  He got up and walked to a window to gaze out. “I had no idea he’d cheated on you. When I asked him why you’d just disappear that way, he played dumb.” He turned to face her. “You’re a good person, Olivia, and I’m sorry for any upset my son caused you.”

  Olivia didn’t know how to respond to that. She’d hoped he would have a positive reaction to her, at least that he would believe her about Jared’s activities. She couldn’t have known he would forgive her so easily.

  All the same, she had to push her luck. She needed to know he wouldn’t lash out at Flynn. “I have to be honest with you about some personal details. I promise I have a good reason which will become clear when I’m finished.”

  He crossed his arms and leaned against the glass. “Please go on.”

  “When I left, my father’s friend took me to his cabin so I could get out of town. Then we got snowed in.” She swiped at her face. This was so hard. It felt like she was spitting out marbles. “In those days we were there, just the two of us, I fell in love with him. We… I can’t say we began a relationship because I’m afraid my feelings are all one-sided… but, we were intimate.”

  Her face felt about a thousand degrees, her cheeks burned so. “The reason I’m telling you all of these very personal details is because Jared found out and he confronted me this morning. Flynn Wilder is my… is the man who helped me. He’s the man I’ve fallen in love with. I know he has a potential contract pending with you for the big hotel you’re developing. Jared promised you wouldn’t give him that contract because of my feelings for him, just to try to ruin his business. I couldn’t allow that to happen without speaking to you first.”

  “Don’t stop now. What is it you’re trying to say?”

  “Please don’t ruin his hard-earned reputation or his company because of my choices or Jared’s choices. He’s a good man who was only trying to help his best friend’s daughter. It’s my fault he’s so caught up in all this. Not his.”

  Mr. King crossed to his office chair and sat down behind his desk. “I am giving the contract to Mr. Wilder. I’d planned to for the last four weeks or so. I’ve been waiting on some other details to work themselves out before I made the official offer. You should listen less to Jared.”

  He steepled his hands together on the desk and offered her a gentle smile. “Jared isn’t involved in the company because he won’t grow up. Him cheating on someone he intended to marry just proves that’s still the case. I wouldn’t let Jared influence any business decision I made.”

  “Thank you so much, Mr. King. I know Flynn will do great work for you.” She stood up on shaky legs, wishing she could run tell Flynn that his business was safe. But she couldn’t. That door between them was closed now.


  Flynn put on his jeans and a black button-down dress shirt. He’d had his secretary send it to the cleaners and get it pressed just for today. It had been two weeks since he and Olivia stopped talking and he missed her so badly, he ached inside.

  But, it would be all right—had to be all right. He’d make it right tonight. It was Sean’s birthday party and everyone in town should be there. Sean always rented out a local bar and restaurant and invited everyone he knew—which was the whole damn town.

  And, of course, Olivia would be there. Sean had told him the two had made amends and she’d promised to come. Flynn had a plan to show her, to show everyone, that she was the woman for him. He prayed it would work because he couldn’t go another day without her.

  Flynn drove to the restaurant in his Jeep and he’d never been this nervous in his life. Not when he was waiting to hear about a job, never.

  When he got the hotel contract, King called him personally and told him that Olivia had spoken to him. King had said he appreciated Flynn’s discretion and respected him as a businessman too much to let any personal details come between him and the best contractor he knew.

  But that professional victory obviously thanks to Olivia, meant nothing if he didn’t have Olivia in his life.

  He parked the Jeep and got out, running his hands down his shirt. He could do this. And… what if Olivia wanted nothing more to do with him? He couldn’t think about that. Refused to believe she didn’t want a future with him as well, not when she’d gone to so much trouble to fix things with King.

  She’d done everything she could to make things right for Flynn. Why would she have gone to so much personal sacrifice if she didn’t love him?

  Inside, people milled about everywhere. Flynn considered going up to the bar and getting a shot of liquid courage, but then he met Olivia’s gaze across the room. She sat in a corner, nursing a glass of wine, and no one even spoke to her.

  She’d been right—running off with him after her wedding had branded her the town slut. And no one would speak to her. Jared was conspicuously absent, as was Tara. Maybe no one knew what to say to her
. He didn’t know, but he knew once he opened his mouth, everyone would look at her different. She’d be in the middle of another gossipfest. Hopefully, she’d appreciate the trouble he’d gone to.

  Soft music played from speakers tastefully hidden on the walls by plants and drapery. Never dropping her gaze, Flynn crossed the room straight to her. People had stopped to openly stare at them.

  When he approached her, she lifted her head to look up at him but didn’t speak. Flynn wanted to kiss her, needed to touch her. She was the single most beautiful woman he’d ever known. And her heart, her capacity for love was overwhelming.

  He held out a hand. “Dance with me.”

  “No one’s dancing.” A smile tugged at her lips then drifted away.

  “Since when do we care about what other people think?”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Don’t we?”

  “Not anymore. C’mon.” He took her hand and tugged her up. Walking backward, he tossed a look over his shoulder, then turned and led her straight to the middle of the room. “You look incredible.”

  She wore a gauzy red dress that hugged her breasts then floated down to her knees. Her lips were lined in the same shade of red and her green eyes were big and brilliant in the soft lights.

  As the music stopped, Flynn pulled the blue velvet box out of his front pocket. He knelt before her, in front of everyone—her father, the townspeople. There was an audible gasp and lots of whispers. “I love you, Olivia. I’m done with running away from my feelings for you. I want you to be my wife.”

  Her mouth gaped and she stared at him. After a minute she looked around the room. “What are you doing? You don’t have to do this.”

  “I know I don’t have to. I want to, more than I’ve ever wanted anything. I want you as my wife.”

  She licked her lips and glanced around. When she looked back at him, her eyes shone. “I… I’m scared.”

  “I was scared, too. Scared you didn’t care about me the way I do you. Scared we wouldn’t be able to make a go of it.” He stood to take her in his arms. “Look at me—ignore everyone else. The way I see it, we’re taking a chance on each other. What it comes down to is, are we too scared to fight for love or not. I’m not. Not anymore. I’m going to fight for you, Liv.”

  A single tear streaked down her cheek and she wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in his chest. “Oh, Flynn. I love you, too.”

  Tucking a finger under her chin, he lifted her face and took her mouth in a passionate, soul-soothing kiss. She tasted like cinnamon and love. When they broke apart, he framed her cheeks in his hands. “I will never want another woman. You can trust me. Trust in that.”

  She closed her eyes and beamed up at him. Fresh tears sparkled in her eyes. “I do trust you, Flynn. I know you’d never hurt me. I will always love you.”

  Flynn pulled the biggest diamond he could find in their small town out of the box and slid it on her finger. Other people began to dance and move around them. Flynn had never believed any of this could happen to him, had never believed he deserved to be happy. Olivia made him believe.



  Shattered Daddy


  He’s back in town.

  My best friend in high school. Biggest crush I ever had.

  We made a deal when we were kids.

  We’d marry each other if we were still single at 30.

  Guess what.

  We’re both turning 30.

  But there are things he doesn’t know.

  Like a dead body in my closet.

  Will the truth set me free?

  Or will it haunt me forever?

  Chapter One - Brooke

  It’s hot and sticky in the car, and the lukewarm air blowing out of my air conditioner only makes it feel hotter. I need to pick up some fluid, but I’ve been trying to wait until my paycheck lands this Friday. I roll down my windows and sigh. The air is muggy with thick clouds in the sky and doesn’t do much to cool me down. At least it’s only a short drive from work to my apartment. I try to block out the heat, thinking of what I’ll make for dinner and what I’ll wear to work tomorrow, when I notice a terrible and familiar sight.

  I’m being followed. Again. I know who it is without having to look at the driver.

  I speed home as fast as I can, that awful motorcycle behind me the whole time. I grab my purse and run inside when I get home, hoping he doesn’t call out after me. He doesn’t. He parks his bike across the street and stares at me. I swear I can feel his eyes on me even after I close the door. He’s relentless, and it’s been getting worse. I know he wants me to be nervous and to take his threats seriously. I hate to say it, but it’s working. I am nervous. I’m honestly and truly terrified – really.

  Leave it to Jeff to make what was already the worst night of my life even worse. Leave it to him to turn a tragedy into a sick plan for his own gain. He didn’t even know the whole story, but ever since he’d seen me with that gun, Jeff had made my life a living hell. If I hadn’t hated him already for how he treated me when we were dating, I would have hated him for this.

  I shudder, not wanting to turn and look out the window to see if he’s still there, but knowing he probably is. My phone rings and I answer right away when I see that it’s my sister, Autumn.

  “I think there is a police officer following me,” Autumn says instead of saying hello. She sounds like she’s been crying. I sit down on the couch and shake my head.

  “No one is following you, I promise,” I say. Autumn’s been crying a lot lately, breaking down with the intense panic that’s followed her since that night.

  “They are, and they’re going to find out. They’re going to find out what I did, and I’m going to go to jail. We’re both going to go to jail!” Autumn says. She sounds slightly hysterical. I take a long breath, wondering if Jeff is still across the street.

  “They’re not going to find out, and we’re not going to jail,” I say. I don’t blame her for being scared. It scares me too. I’m not going to let anything happen to Autumn, though. And since right now the only person who knows we have any connection that night and to the dead body from it is Jeff, I intend to keep it that way.

  “I don’t know what to do,” Autumn says. She’s hardly left the house since it happened, only going to work, not seeing friends. There was a time when Autumn was so much brighter and bolder than me – looking to go back to college, filled with dreams and ambitions. She’s a shell of that girl now. I think that maybe if I can get Jeff to stop, she’ll feel better and get back to being herself. I just don’t know how I’m going to do that.

  “This isn’t your fault, and nothing is going to happen. I’m going to take care of it,” I tell her.

  “It is my fault! I shot him, Brooke!” Autumn says, whispering even though I know she’s home alone.

  “You had to. It was self-defense,” I say firmly. I can still picture the night in my mind, my sister with a man twice her size on top of her, me attempting to fight him off. I can still feel the way his hand felt when his fist made contact with my jaw. I can feel the terror of watching his hands slide around Autumn’s neck, choking her. I can hear the gunshot ringing out and Autumn’s panicked whisper. I can see Jeff walking in, seeing me holding the gun I’d taken out of Autumn’s hand.

  “I thought I was going to die,” Autumn says. Jeff thinks I killed that guy since he walked in on me holding the gun. I don’t want him to know the truth. I don’t want anyone to know. Autumn is my younger sister and she’s been through a lot I couldn’t protect her from. I’m not going to let this destroy her. I can’t.

  “I know you did. You did what you had to do,” I say firmly.

  “But if someone finds out,” Autumn says. I think she’s crying again. Her voice sounds raw – like her throat is irritated from choking on tears and terror.

  “No one is going to find out,” I say. “I swear.”

  “You can’t be sure of that,” Autumn says.

/>   “I am sure,” I say. I think that if I say it enough, maybe it will be true. Maybe I really can keep this from hurting Autumn even more than it already has.

  “I hate going out. I always feel watched,” Autumn says.

  “You’re not being watched,” I say. She’s not only because I am, but I don’t say that. “And you can’t stay in all the time.”

  “I wish I could,” Autumn says, sniffling a little. “I did hear something very interesting today, though.”

  “Oh yeah?” I say. I doubt I’ll be interested in whatever gossip she heard, but I ask anyway, hoping the subject change will make her feel better.

  “You know that huge house on Hart Lane?” she asks. I nod, thinking of the grand mansion with its sprawling yard. It’s the biggest house in town, beautiful and rich in history, but no one has lived there for years.

  “What about it?” I ask. I heard a rumor a few months back that the house was up for sale again, but I didn’t think anything had come from it.

  “Someone bought it. Someone you know very well,” Autumn says. I frown, not sure who she could mean.

  “Someone I know?” I ask, confused.

  “Anthony. Your friend Anthony? I heard he’ll back in town within the week,” Autumn says. “Did know he was rich these days?”

  “I did know that,” I say slowly, feeling surprised.

  Anthony was my best friend growing up and all through high school. We’d lost touch over the years, but I knew he’d made really good money in New York and that he had a son with a woman who had died tragically a few years back. I’ve always regretted that we hadn’t stayed close. There had been a time when Anthony and I knew everything about each other – when he was the first person I thought to call when anything, good or bad, happened. I wondered if we could still be friends as adults.


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