Hungry CEO

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Hungry CEO Page 66

by Charlize Starr

  “It didn’t happen last week. It was in the magazine last week. But thanks for the sentiment.”

  She put her forearm on the armrest between them, letting her hand dangle so her fingertips grazed his thigh.

  He nearly jumped. “I’m sorry, but my fiancée will be back in just a minute.”

  “She didn’t look like your fiancée. And how did you break up with someone last week and get engaged already?” She pressed her hand firmly into his thigh, just below his groin. “Besides, I don’t mind. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?”

  “Madame, I would never cheat on my fiancée. I love her desperately.”

  Brooke made her way up the aisle, completely absorbed in thought.

  “There you are, darling,” he said.

  Brooke looked at him, confusion clearly stamped across her face.

  “This is your fiancée?” The older woman said, sitting back stiffly in Brooke’s chair. “I don’t believe it. Kiss her.”

  “Excuse me?” Brooke asked.

  Matt met Brooke’s gaze, pleading with his eyes for her to just go along with this. “Fine,” he said.

  Brooke gave a terse nod. “Right. Fine.”

  Matt took her wrist in his hand and placed a tender kiss there.

  “On. The. Lips.” The woman, who hadn’t budged from Brooke’s seat, raised an eyebrow in challenge. She had no intention of moving, of leaving Matt alone, if he didn’t prove to her he was a devoted fiancé.

  “I wasn’t finished.” Matt tugged on Brooke’s wrist. She tripped over the woman’s legs and landed in his lap. Without letting himself think about it, because this was Brooke, he sealed his lips to hers.

  Brooke gasped, opening her mouth, and Matt slid his tongue into the warm recess. Electric shocks coursed through his body, straight to his dick, which twitched to life. What?

  Shock quickly followed the attraction. But, his mouth was still on hers, and, damn it, he might never get the chance to do this again. He nibbled on her lip and her arms snaked around his neck to pull him closer. She responded, little fluttery touches of her tongue against his own.

  She smelled like peaches, a treat he’d loved as a kid and hadn’t thought of in years. It was like slipping back into the sun’s warmth after a long winter. One of them moaned, he didn’t even know which at this point.

  “Jesus, I get it,” the woman next to him muttered.

  And, still, he continued to kiss her. Had any kiss ever tasted this sweet? What had he been missing for the last four years, treating Brooke as his assistant, his friend, when there was so much more to discover?

  Breathless, Brooke pulled back first. She was still planted on his lap, her tight ass pressing almost painfully into the erection he now sported.

  The woman just sat there, staring at them both.

  Brooke cleared her throat. “I’m going to have to insist that you return to your seat. This is turning into harassment.”

  The woman got up and, as gracefully as she could, Brooke stood, swiped a hand down her skirt, and sat back down in her seat. She picked up her book and began reading again, never meeting Matt’s gaze.

  He’d never thought of Brooke this way before. She was his employee, and confidant, but touching her soft skin, he’d become aware of the way her fitted blouse hugged her curves. Her pencil skirt came down to mid-calf, but her legs up to that point were a sight. Come to think of it, Brooke was trim and fit, and her breasts would be exactly enough to fit in the palms of his hands.

  That was it. He sat up straighter in his chair, took a drink of his whiskey. He had to stop thinking of her this way. He’d always known she was attractive by any measure, with her shoulder-length blonde hair and bright blue eyes. And those pliant, perfect lips were full and generous.

  This wasn’t really a big deal. Anyone could see she was gorgeous. He’d be over it before the plane landed. All the same, he pulled out his iPad, determined to do some work and occupy his overactive mind.


  The next day, Matt and Brooke headed for the hotel bar. They’d spent a dull day examining the hotel’s books. He’d spent the long day trying to forget that kiss on the plane, the desire that had pumped through him, and the fact that he couldn’t stop seeing her as a woman now.

  Her expression was pinched as they entered.

  “Work getting you down?” he asked as they hopped up onto a couple of bar stools.

  “My dad.” She sighed. “It’s getting harder and harder to leave him. He needs more care. I worry so much that his feet will get twisted up, he’ll fall, and no one will find him until the next day.”

  Matt ordered for them—bourbon for him, a tequila for Brooke. Normally she’d have a glass of wine, but this kind of worry called for something stronger.

  “What about assisted living? Weren’t you looking into that as an option?”

  “Insurance came back with a final answer.” She threw the tequila back and slammed the glass on the bar. “One more.”


  “And… no. They refuse to pay for it.”

  He put his hand over hers, then pulled it away. No touching, not anymore. His attraction to her made his feelings all confusing, and he didn’t want to muddy the waters. “My offer still stands. I’ll pay for it. I can afford it, Brooke. You know I can.”

  Matt earned money from interest faster than he could spend it. This would be nothing for him to do, but he couldn’t just do it. Brooke had to agree, which she’d yet to do.

  “You know I can’t let you do that. I won’t take advantage of our friendship.” She tossed back the second tequila. “I’m starting to feel human again.”

  A guy weaved his way across the bar to stand between Brooke and the next bar stool over. Matt could smell the beer on his breath from where he was. He could only imagine how overpowering it was to Brooke, given that the man was right up in her personal space.

  “I’mma buy you a drink, honey.”

  “No, thank you.” Brooke’s voice was as hard as he’d ever heard it.

  The man held up a finger to the bartender. “Another beer for me and one more of whatever she’s having.”

  “No, thank you.”

  The bartender put down the beer and the shot and walked away. He wasn’t going to be any help.

  Matt stood up beside Brooke, placing a hand on the small of her back. “Get out of here.”

  “What’s it to ya?” The man wavered as he stepped behind Brooke and right up to Matt.

  “I’m her fiancé.”

  Beside them, her back to this altercation—which wouldn’t be a fair fight since the guy was blind drunk—Brooke snorted.

  Matt almost laughed himself. It was ridiculous that he’d pulled the same trick in two days. Maybe he was hoping the guy would demand a kiss and he could finagle Brooke back into his arms.

  “Oh.” The guy belched, turned, and toddled off.

  Matt motioned the bartender over. “No more drinks for him tonight. And if he’s not staying here, make sure he gets a room so he doesn’t have to drive.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m Matt Cross. My family owns this fine establishment.”

  The bartender’s eyes got as big as shot glasses. “I’m so sorry, sir.”

  “Yeah, you should be. We don’t just let men harass women in our bars.”

  “Yes, sir. Won’t happen again.”

  Matt intended to make sure of that. But first… he gave Brooke an appraising look. She was still having a lousy day and between those awful books and his all day hard-on for her, so was he. “Let’s go up to my room and raid the mini-bar.”

  Her eyes widened just a bit, but then she nodded. “Sure.”

  Because they were friends. Why wouldn’t she be safe with Matt? And she would be, damn it. Matt wouldn’t take advantage of her. They’d have a couple of drinks and he’d walk her to her room.

  They went upstairs and had their two drinks. Then they decided to have two more. It was at that point, Matt knew he
should take her back to her room, tuck her into bed, and get back to his own room for some sleep. They’d arrived late last night and had been going since early morning.

  Brooke laughed at him when he suggested it. “Oh, come on. Order us a bottle of tequila from the bar. You’re the boss. What are they going to do? Say no?”

  When the bottle arrived, Matt poured them both an overly generous shot. “To our dads,” he said.

  “What about them?”

  “Yours needs decent health care and mine… well, mine is being an ass. But, let’s drink to them anyway!”

  She did her shot then toppled onto the bed laughing. Seeing her on the bed, arousal whipped through him. He sat down beside of her and took her hand. Bringing it to his lips, he kissed it gently. “I can’t stop thinking about our kiss, Brooke.”

  “Oh, me, either. It was the best. Kiss. Ever.”

  He pulled her into his arms, and she came fluidly. “Have you thought about taking it further?”

  “Oh, I can’t. I mean, I want to. I’ve never wanted to like I want to now. But, I’m waiting.”

  “For what?”

  “Marriage.” She tucked her head down, cheeks burning pink.

  “Like… Brooke, are you a virgin?” Shit, what he wouldn’t give to be inside of her now, pumping into her tight—no. She just said she wanted to wait for marriage. He wasn’t getting anywhere near her.

  “Then…” He tilted his forehead against hers, lifting her face with a finger under her chin. “Let’s celebrate your virginity.”


  “One shot and just one kiss…” It would be enough. It would have to be because Matt was never getting married again.

  After the way he’d been burned in his marriage, that was the last thing he would do. He’d been devoted to his wife and blind to her adultery for the entirety of their marriage. It was only when he came home and caught the two in bed together that he realized he was a fool, that pain and shame came from loving that hard.

  Besides, he and Brooke weren’t even dating.

  And what if it wasn’t enough?

  Chapter Two

  When Brooke woke up, it took her a minute to realize she was in a hotel room. Her mouth was dry and gross and her head felt like someone hammered away at her skull. She looked down at herself, wearing nothing but a hotel bathrobe. Something felt funny on her hand.

  She lifted it to her face and squinted in the darkness. It was a cheap gold band on her ring finger. “What the hell?” she croaked out.

  Then she rolled over to bundle under the covers and Matt was there. He didn’t have a shirt on and his pants were unbuckled. And…she grabbed her breasts through the robe. They were bare, and she wasn’t wearing any panties.

  She jumped out of the bed as if it had spontaneously combusted. “What did we do?” she shrieked at an unconscious Matt.

  “Jesus.” He sat up, the gap in his fly going wider, and Brooke forced her eyes up. “No more yelling. My head is splitting.”

  “Do you remember what we did?” She clutched the robe tighter around her and ran around to his side of the bed. “Matt! Did we… have sex?”

  Standing up, he buttoned and zipped his pants, but didn’t try to cover himself otherwise. Brooke averted her eyes. This was her boss, and she should never see so much of him. It didn’t matter that she was crazy about him.

  “Hang on. We were drinking. Then you told me you were a virgin. And I finally kissed you again.”

  “I don’t remember a thing. Are you sure?”

  “Positive.” He walked into the living room of the suite and looked around. The place had been trashed with empty bottles and glasses she could see from the doorway. “And then… oh, my God.”

  She ran into the living room, clutching the robe together. “What? What happened?”

  “You said you weren’t having sex until you found the perfect man and married him. Remember?”

  She motioned for him to go on. “Sort of.”

  “Well, at some point, between the, ‘I’m a virgin waiting for marriage,’ and the kissing… I’m not positive, but at some point, we decided we should get married.”

  “We what?” Her voice bounced around the room and Matt put his head in his hands.

  “I said no more yelling.”

  “That was before you told me we got married. Oh, my God. I can’t breathe.” Brooke plopped down on the couch and let her head fall back. “I think I’m going to pass out.”

  Matt started picking things up and looking under them—bottles, pillows. The room was wrecked.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Hang on.” He walked out of the room and came back with a single sheet of paper. “This was on the bathroom sink.”

  “What was?”

  “Certificate of marriage.”

  Brooke couldn’t help it, she burst into tears. This was nothing like what she’d imagined her wedding night would be. Matt wasn’t the perfect man, whether she had a serious crush on him or not; he was a playboy who wasn’t in love with her. And she didn’t even remember the wedding night.

  Matt crossed the room and settled on the couch beside of her. He gathered her in his arms. “Shh, it’s okay.”

  “It’s not okay. It’s awful. I’ve waited twenty-eight years for this night and I don’t even remember it.”

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I remembered what happened when I found the license. I put it there before I got sick. I brushed my teeth, came out to claim my bride, and you were passed out.”

  “Then why are my clothes off?” She clutched the lapel of the robe, pulling it tight over her breasts, and buried her face in his chest. “Did you see me naked?”

  “I hope that if I did, I’d remember it. But, I’m pretty sure you changed while I was in the bathroom.”

  Matt held her while she cried, making little shushing sounds over her, which made her even sadder. If Matt weren’t such a player, he’d make a great husband. He was a good, decent man—he just couldn’t keep it in his pants since his divorce. As far as she knew, he’d never cheated on his wife.

  His first wife. I’m his wife now.

  Taking her by the shoulders, Matt held her away from him and looked at her. She couldn’t believe she’d let herself get so blind drunk that she’d married him.

  “Look at me, sweetheart.” When she lifted her face, he gave her a small smile. “If no one knows, then we can just get an annulment. We didn’t consummate the marriage. You can still wait for the perfect man. Obviously, that’s not me.”

  Brooke sniffled, then swiped at the tears on her face. “Why if no one knows? What difference does that make?”

  “Hang on a minute.” He stood and walked back into the bedroom.

  Brooke ran her hands through her messy hair, trying to smooth it down. She’d behaved so unprofessional, so unlike herself. It was the kiss on the plane—it had shaken her to her core. She’d always wanted Matt to notice her, but it didn’t matter if she wanted him or not. She’d never have him because after his horrible ex-wife ran off with the chauffeur, he’d sworn to never marry again.

  Matt came out with his iPad and handed it to her without a word. His face was set in grim lines. “Take a look at this.”

  On the iPad, he’d pulled up a celebrity news site. Matt dated so many famous women, he was always in the news himself. On the top of the page was a picture of the two of them in some tacky wedding chapel, full of fake flowers and pink velvet, and they were clutching one another in a passionate kiss.

  “I have no memory of the kiss. Vague memories of the chapel. It was awful.” He sat down beside of her, put the iPad aside, and took her hand. “This changes everything.”

  “No. No, it doesn’t. We’re getting an annulment.” She looked down at their intertwined hands and nausea churned in her stomach.

  “It won’t take long before my father finds out. He’ll think I’m completely irresponsible if I get an annulment.”

  Brooke extracted her hand from his grip a
nd stood up, putting some distance between them. “I can’t stay married to you so your father doesn’t know we got drunk and impulsively decided to marry. We have grounds for an annulment.”

  “Look, it’s just for a few months—until my dad retires. I can give you money, Brooke. As much as you want.”

  Brooke recoiled as if he’d slapped her. How dare he think he could just buy her off. There was no way she’d stay married to him—she was waiting for her dream man. “I don’t want money from you.”

  “I won’t cheat on you.”

  “We’re not really married!”

  “This piece of paper says otherwise.” He snatched it up and waved it at her. “It will destroy any chance I have of becoming president if we annul the marriage.”

  She covered her mouth with her hands, horrified. She didn’t want to ruin his life, she just also didn’t want to ruin her own.

  Crossing the room, he tucked a finger under her chin until she lifted her face to look at him, letting her hands fall, numb, at her side. “I’ll pay for an assisted living home for your father for the rest of his life.”

  Brooke twisted away, eyes shut. Could she really consider doing this? She had everything to lose, but… her father needed that home. It was just a small exchange—a few months of her life for a lifetime of safety and comfort for her father. “I want to keep my job.”

  “So you’ll do it?” He moved to stand in front of her and she looked up into his eyes.

  “I keep my job, you’ll pay for the assisted living as long as he lives.”

  “I’ll have my attorney’s draw it up in a post-nuptial agreement, detailing everything.”

  She wasn’t interested in his money, and her feelings were a little hurt that he felt he needed to spell that out on a contract. But, really, what choice did she have? This would change her father’s life.

  “Fine. But, it’s only a marriage for looks. We’re not ever having sex. Understand?”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “It is.” She wanted Matt, but not at the cost of her dreams. She’d hold onto those as long as she could.


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