Tides of Vengeance (The Montclair Brothers Book 4)

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Tides of Vengeance (The Montclair Brothers Book 4) Page 4

by Terri Marie

  “I will if you fire me…” Elissa looked at Vincent and grinned.

  “Absolutely not!” Vincent’s temper was flaring. “You have two children, Elissa. You’re not leaving.”

  “I’ll go with her. You can fire me too!” Sean pumped his fist in the air. “I’ve never been fired before. Maybe you could give me a nice, parting present for all of my years of grueling service.” He smiled, but Vincent met his eyes with fury.

  “So help me, Sean. Stop adding to it.”

  “It could work,” mumbled Emma, clearly plotting. “If Vincent, Tyler, and Jacob have a public confrontation with Sean and Elissa over inappropriate behavior, the firing would make sense. Those two leaving town together would then make even more sense.”

  “Sounds like a great plan to me,” Renee chimed. “I think the fight should be in the cafeteria at Montclair Pharmaceuticals. There’s a policy in place about employees dating, so that excuse will work.”

  “Yeah, everyone has followed that rule.” Jacob looked at Emma and laughed.

  Tyler looked over at Renee and joined in on the humor. “I know, right?”

  “You all need to just stop it already! This so-called plan is ridiculous. It’d never work.” Vincent began to put his papers back into his briefcase.

  Elissa placed her hand on his. “It’ll work if one of the other employees reports us. We’ll go into the cafeteria, make a public scene, then someone will call and report us. Tyler will run in to confront Sean and me. The firing will then take place in front of witnesses.” Emma patted Elissa on the back.

  Sean stared at her. “…I was only kidding, Elissa. Everyone in the company knows how close the Montclairs are. Eyebrows will be raised immediately.”

  “Not if we make it look good.” Elissa smiled slowly at Sean and winked.

  Vincent whipped his head around and glared at her. “Elissa Chiles? My sweet, innocent, Elissa? Are you even in there anymore?!”

  “I can’t let you guys do this,” interrupted Tyler. “It could bring the cops.”

  “Well,” began Renee. “I’ll bring the snacks.”


  CARRIE HUNKERED DOWN behind a tree, reached inside her purse and pulled out her Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm Shield without taking her eyes off the clearing that Brian had run towards. It fit perfectly inside her bag. Her partner on the force had given her the gun as a gift, and though she’d never had to use it outside of a gun range, she had no doubt it’d stop someone intending to do her or Brian harm. It frightened her when she could no longer see or hear the kid. Any sounds of a struggle and she’d be darting across that clearing at full speed.

  Her skin was crawling and her senses were on high alert. Carrie hated that feeling when her heart raced a hundred miles a minute. She’d only had to draw her gun a handful of times, and most of those were because of Robert. A feeling of impending doom always surfaced whenever she’d had to raise her weapon on the force. Sometimes the situation ended well, but sometimes it didn’t. Carrie had to do whatever it took to stay alive. She was Brian’s sole protector, and she couldn’t fail him.

  The moon offered just a sliver of light over the clearing, but not enough to see very far. In the trees, however, everything was pitch black. As she squinted to try and see more, a voice called out to her from the open field. It was Brian.

  “Carrie! Put your gun down, I’m coming in!” She sighed in relief as she tucked the weapon back inside her purse.

  Her hearing was peaked as she listened to the footsteps grow closer. “I’m right here, Brian.”

  He stepped towards her and poked his head around a tree. “I know where you are. You put your gun up, right?”

  “How did you know I’d taken it out?” she asked in wonder.

  “For starters, you’re terrible at this, making the gun your only hope, and you’re a cop.” Brian put his hand under her arm and helped her up.

  “Was it a house?” she asked, ignoring his comment.

  “It’s an old, abandoned barn. A third of the roof has fallen in, but it doesn’t look like it’s totally unsafe to hide in. Once we get out of the woods, start running.” He bent down and picked up the bags. “I didn’t see a house anywhere near it.”

  “We don’t have to run over there. We have a tent, Brian.” Carrie held onto his arm to still him.

  “Right,” he began. “And if a helicopter or plane flies overhead, they’ll spot the top of our royal blue tent. Let’s get out of here while we still can. We need to have everything set up before the sun rises.”

  “Why did you get the blue one? They had dark green tents.” Carrie wanted to say something sarcastic, but she knew she’d lose.

  “Did you feel like setting up a six man tent? I didn’t think so.” Brian began to move forward as he chuckled at her.

  “Fine, we’ll go to the barn.” Carrie held onto his belt as they made their way through the trees. Once in the clearing, she let go of Brian and took a couple of bags from him. She knew how tired his arms must be feeling. “At least it won’t take too long to get the tent set up.” There was no way in hell she’d be able to handle a big production. Now that the shelter issue had been handled, her mind began to worry about basic survival. They couldn’t walk back and forth, through all those woods, to that department store all the time. She wanted to kick herself for not thinking about food and water, while they were shopping.

  Carrie knew that Brian was walking at a slower pace than he was used to. The kid had long legs and one of his steps seemed to equal three of hers. By the time they reached the barn, she could have easily let her body drop on the ground, especially when she saw all the wood they’d have to climb over to get inside.

  “You wait here, and I’ll carry these bags to where we can set the tent up. Don’t try and follow me yet.” Brian took the bags from her and disappeared into the rubble.

  He wasn’t kidding when he’d told her that the roof had fallen in. Carrie had no idea how she’d find the strength to get through that mess, but she would. The important thing was to keep Brian safe at all cost. If things got a little messy along the way, then so what. She’d been scared shitless when she’d had to lead the Montclair group down into the basement to keep them safe from Robert that day at the apartments. Not once did they question her courage. She’d put her brave front back on and do what had to be done. Damn anyone who got in her way.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Robert successfully did his tenth pushup before jumping to his feet. Just like the pros, he thought as Skinny Ass came clanking towards him with a wad of keys.

  “Get over here, Preston. You’ve got a visitor. Doctor Lucy Atkins is here to make your day. How she doesn’t vomit when she spends more than two seconds with you baffles me.” Skinny Ass guard had a smirk on his face, and Robert wanted to shove his foot down his throat.

  “Let me guess,” began Robert. “You didn’t have one freakin’ friend when you were a kid, so now that you’re a Big Boy, you think you can take it out on me. Go tell the Puckered-Lipped Shrink I’m not going to talk to her!” He turned around and started whistling. “I’m sick again!” Robert began to cough as loud as he could.

  “Get over here! So help me God, Preston, if you don’t, we’re going to come in there and get you!” When Skinny Ass picked up his radio, Robert turned back around and walked to the door of his cell. What a bunch of Tools, he thought.

  He was pretty pissed off by the time the guards shoved him into the small room with Puckered Lips. They were extra rough when they put the shackles and cuffs on him, but that was okay. They’d get theirs.

  “Have a seat, Robert.” Puckered Lips was trying to sound all professional and shit. He wanted to get a good look at her crappy shoes, but Skinny Ass made good and sure to push him into a chair as fast as possible.

  “What do you want with me?!” Robert yelled as loud as he could, but she didn’t even flinch. It was pissing him off.

  “I hope you’re feeling better today. I don’t want to keep you, so le
t’s get started.” Keep me from what? thought Robert as he laughed hard. The Stupid Doc fixed the camera and the tape recorder before opening up her briefcase. Robert thought it looked even cheaper than her shitty shoes.

  “The last time we spoke, we were talking about your symptoms. Has anything changed?”

  “What kind of a name is Atkins? Sounds like Acme. Are you a damn cartoon?” Robert began making funny sounds.

  “I don’t look real to you?” You have to be kidding me! He began laughing even louder. “Robert, the court has asked me to come and evaluate you so I can recommend the right treatment.”

  “The right treatment would be to let me the hell out of here!” He tried to lift a fist and bang it on the table, but the belly chain stopped him. He glared at her, wishing she’d drop dead. “Send me to a damn hospital where I can get a grain of freakin’ help, and stop being a Bitch and wasting my time!”

  “Are you still hearing voices, Robert?” Puckered Lips wrote something down. He strained to see what it was, but her writing looked like she scribbled it with her toes.

  “Yes, yes I am. As a matter of fact, the voices are telling me to get a gun and give you a third eye!” He couldn’t help but boisterously laugh. BOOM! Right in the throat, just like Puny Doc up north.

  Puckered Lips didn’t even raise her eyebrows. “Your name is Robert again?”

  “My name is Robert the King! Don’t you ever forget that one you Cheap Shoe Bitch! I’ll cut you!” He could almost see the blood dripping from her neck.

  “Robert, do you ever feel remorseful for killing your victims?” Her face didn’t even twitch. It was pissing him off more and more, by the second.

  “I don’t give a shit about any one! Those Idiots deserved what they got!” Robert broke out in laughter. “I killed those people to perform a community service. It’s a lot better than what you do!” He wanted to slam his fist down again, but couldn’t. He was trying to think of a way to make the Bitch jump.

  “Robert, do you think you’re still having symptoms of schizophrenia?” Puckered Lips looked at him as if she was bored. He’d give anything to be able to entertain her. Make the Cheap Ass dance with bullets. If only they’d give me my rifle back. But noooo!

  Robert raised his arms as much as he could and started moving them around in circles. “Yes, see? Are you blind?!”

  “If you were released from prison, do you think you’d kill again? I’m asking you hypothetically of course.” Cheap Bitch started writing again with her fancy pen. He wanted to jam it in her ear.

  “Well, Doctor. Let me think for just a second.” Robert stared right into her Ugly Eyes. “Okay, I’m done thinking. My answer is yes. I’d hunt you down, cut you from your mouth down to your ass, and lay you on your front lawn.” He smiled, proud of his answer. The Bitch still didn’t flinch. “I’m done talking to your Ugly Ass. You’re not helping me at all!” Robert looked over at the guard.

  “One more question, Robert, before you go. The diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia has changed over the years, so what if I told you that patients with that diagnosis don’t hear voices or have hallucinations anymore?” He was ready to rip her head off. How the hell is a patient supposed to know what they have when all the Damn Useless Doctors keep changing their minds!

  Robert tried his best to smile at her and speak calmly. “I never heard any damn voices. I made that up. I don’t see anything either, except for Skinny Ass over there and the disgusting food. But if you don’t send me to a mental hospital, I’ll kill you…”

  “I think I have enough information to write my report for the prosecutor, Robert.” Pucker Lips turned off the camera and tape recorder, before gathering her papers and carefully putting them in her briefcase. Her calmness was setting Robert’s insides on fire.

  “If you don’t tell me what’s gonna be in that report, you better sleep with your damn eyes open, you Bitch!” Robert quickly stood up, but the guards had ahold of him within seconds.

  “Your attorney will go over it with you. Have a good day, Robert.”

  “Here’s one from Robert the King!” He lifted his cuffed hands off of his lap and gave her the one bird salute.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Carrie watched Brian move some of the debris away so she wouldn’t have to climb over as much. She wanted to take out her flashlight for him, but she knew he’d object. How he was able to see as well as he did in the darkness was beyond her. When he was finished, he walked to her and took her by the hand.

  “You still have to be careful of where you step, Carrie. I hope neither of us ends up with a nail through our foot.”

  She couldn’t see where she was placing her feet, so she stepped softly. Brian let her take her time walking to the back of the barn. It was partially cluttered, she could tell that much, but with what, she didn’t know.

  “I’ll set the tent up right here. You can get your flashlight out now, but we can’t keep it on for very long. We need to save the batteries. Are you doing okay?” he asked, as he took the tent out of the box.

  “It’s not me I’m worried about. I wish that Tyler and I would have had more time to plan this out. I’ve led you to a deserted place without food or water. Go me.” She let out a long breath, and didn’t even bother trying to hide her frustration.

  “Carrie, I think you’re just tired. This has been a pretty stressful day, and you’re overthinking everything. I know you guys made a split second decision, but it wasn’t out of laziness. You did it to save my life. I’ll be forever grateful for that.” He gave her a strong hug.

  “Thank you for understanding, but seriously, I’m not very proud of my lack of accomplishments today.” She reached into her purse and pulled out the small flashlight. Carrie gasped once the barn lit up a little. It was obvious that wildlife had designated this place as a refuge as well. Rusted farm equipment surrounded them, and large spider webs graced the three horse stalls. “We’re going to get eaten alive in here by something.”

  “Don’t get trigger happy in here, whatever you do.” Brian chuckled as he finished with the tent and placed the sleeping bags inside.

  “I can’t sleep yet, Brian. I have to think of a way to get in touch with Tyler. Both he and Renee will be worried sick.” She began to pace, causing the light from her flashlight to bounce around the barn.

  “No ya don’t. Come here, Carrie.” He grabbed her hands and pulled her towards the tent opening. “Get in there,” he softly said.

  Carrie nodded, crawled inside, and lay on top of a sleeping bag. She knew he was right. There was nothing her tired, stressed-out brain was going to come up with that’d be any benefit to either of them.

  Brian crawled in beside her. “You should turn the flashlight off for now.”

  Carrie turned it off, and immediately her skin began to crawl. She hated spiders, and she had no desire to get a visit from a raccoon or, God forbid, a rat.

  “I know this is hard for you, but you have to have a little faith in me. If I was at my mother’s house, you could worry your head off. But out here, I’m in my element. I think that’s why Tyler gave me the money and told me to run. He knew I’d be okay. You protected me back at the courthouse, and now it’s time for me to do the same for you. Think of yourself as my house guest.” He began to laugh and Carrie found herself laughing along with him.

  “House guest? Right…” She knew what he was trying to say to her. Brian had survived a long time out in the woods, and that wouldn’t have happened if he wasn’t a master at escaping and very resourceful. Carrie had no other option than to trust him.

  “As far as getting in contact with Tyler, I’ll take care of that, Carrie. Now try and get some sleep. I promise we’ll figure everything out in the morning.” Brian thanked her for helping him and said good night.

  Carrie awoke to the bright sun shining through the blue tent. She yawned and stretched, before looking over to her right. Brian wasn’t next to her. Full of panic, Carrie pushed open the tent flap and quickly climbed out.
He wasn’t anywhere in the barn. She grabbed her purse and began to run as fast as the rotting wood on the floor would let her. She was ready to scream Brian’s name when he came walking around the corner.

  “Good morning!” He smiled and stretched his arms out to hug her.

  “Good morning?! Where the heck did you go?! You can’t scare the crap out of me like that, or leave my side, Brian!” She wanted to shake him.

  “Sure, okay. Next time I have to take a leak, I’ll haul you with me…” He looked down at her and rolled his eyes. “I’m fine, Carrie. You need to stop worrying so much.”

  She calmed down and felt the relief settle in. “I’m sorry, Brian. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”

  “I think we need to get a plan together so you’ll stop being so afraid. Let me see the map.” He grinned and winked, so she knew he wasn’t angry about her outburst.

  She reached into her purse and pulled out the map. They sat on the ground in the sunlight, and Carrie was grateful to feel the warmth on her skin. She looked around, but couldn’t see much with all the trees and overgrowth. That, at least, made her feel a little more at ease.

  “Carrie, look at this. We’re in Ohio, right near the border. The closest town is called Laurel,” said Brian as he pointed to the place on the map.

  “I thought this was all state land.” She was happy about being close to some resources, but they could easily be spotted in a town. They hadn’t even had the chance to dye their hair.

  “Maybe we’re further west than I thought.” He studied the map a little more before looking up. “There’s a lake that way. I think it’d be too long of a hike for us to get to, but we could try. The water wouldn’t be safe to drink, but we could catch some fish to eat.” He reached over and ruffled her hair. “See? A new day filled with new opportunities!”

  “Brian, that lake is probably a good ten miles or so away. I’m not walking through the woods for ten miles. I barely made it here to this barn.”


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