Tides of Vengeance (The Montclair Brothers Book 4)

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Tides of Vengeance (The Montclair Brothers Book 4) Page 8

by Terri Marie

  “I made some lasagna. Are you hungry?” She asked as she climbed out of the car.

  “I am now,” Tyler laughed. He walked around the car and wrapped his arms around her. “Thank you for this.”

  “Thank you for saving our son,” she whispered.

  Tyler’s gut began to twist again.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Brian ate two helpings of the delicious meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and corn, and downed two large glasses of sweet tea. Looking at his face, and knowing the kid was no longer starving, filled her with a huge sense of relief. Carrie offered to do the dishes, but Stella didn’t accept her offer.

  “This is a small town, Honey. You’d best get moving before everything closes.”

  “She’s right, Carrie,” added Ralph. It was obvious, from his reddened cheeks, that he was still feeling kind of sheepish over his wife’s comment about the shotgun. Carrie could only imagine that he’d love nothing more than to get out of the house.

  “Okay, then. Thank you for a lovely dinner.” The second she stood up, Stella gave her a big hug.

  “You’re very welcome. Y’all have fun in town. It’s not much, but it’s pretty.” Stella picked up a couple of dishes and headed towards the kitchen.

  Ralph walked them out to the pickup, but stopped once Brian was inside. “Here.” He handed her two keys on a small ring. “These go to the shed and the locker where the other guns are stored. You hang onto them so you won’t have to live in fear while you and Brian are under my roof.”

  Carrie took the keys and slipped them into her pocket. “Thank you, Ralph. I really appreciate the gesture. I’ll be sure to give them back before we leave tomorrow.”

  “Fair enough.” He opened the driver’s door and let Carrie climb inside.

  Brian was still calm. She didn’t see any muscles tightening, and his face showed none of the signs that he exhibited when he felt uneasy. She wasn’t happy about going into town without changing their appearance first, but Brian had his hoodie with him, so at least he could hide his hair and face.

  “Ralph, the barn we were in—” Carrie was cut off.

  “That was my father’s barn. We were raised on that land. Several years ago I had the house torn down, but I couldn’t bring myself to destroy the barn. It was the place where my brother spent his last moments. But I think it’s time now. I’m not getting any younger, and Stella and I don’t have any relatives left to will anything to, so we’re going to sell the land and take a nice vacation. Believe it or not, that property’s worth more money if I get rid of that dilapidated barn.”

  “I’m so sorry about the loss of your brother, Ralph. I can’t even imagine how hard that must have been for you, Stella, and your parents.” She reached over and squeezed his hand.

  “It wasn’t any fun. My folks stopped talking after that. Dad started drinking and Mom fell into her own world. Stella and I married when we were seventeen, and we rented a little apartment there in Holter. It took us a few years to save up enough money to buy this house in Laurel, but after that, I rarely had any contact with my parents. Stella was an only child, and her mom and dad died many years ago. It’s just us, now.” Ralph seemed to fall into deep thought, and Carrie didn’t want to disturb him.

  Laurel, Ohio was definitely a pretty town. The people who lived here, obviously took pride in their surroundings. There were lots of flowers planted, a big gazebo, where Ralph told her they played live music sometimes, and a statue of the person who had founded the city. Everything looked clean, and she didn’t see one franchise place anywhere around. Benches lined the streets, and Carrie could only imagine the number of parades and events they held here.

  “I’m gonna fuel up, then we’ll run on down to the market.” Ralph drove up to the pump, and Carrie reached inside her purse. “Hey now, don’t be pulling that thing on me again!”

  “No, I’m not going for my gun. I wanted to pay for your gas for you.” Carrie took out three, twenty dollar bills and handed them to Ralph.

  “You’re guests. I appreciate the offer, but you’ll need that money.” He put his hand over hers, and gently pushed it back at her.

  While Ralph walked inside the station, Carrie looked up at Brian. “Are you feeling okay about being with Ralph and Stella?”

  “Yeah. They’re just a nice couple. They wouldn’t bring us any harm. I feel totally safe.” He gave her a quick smile before turning his head to look out at the little town. “Holy shit!” His yell caused Carrie to reach back inside her purse. She quickly followed his gaze.

  “Oh. My. God…”


  SEAN CROSSED THE border into Ohio, but he didn’t want to wake Elissa up quite yet. They were surrounded by nothing but woods, so he decided to keep driving until he spotted someplace where they could get a cup of hot coffee. Besides, she was in a deep sleep, and he knew how much she needed the rest. That show she’d put on in the cafeteria made her queen for the day in his book. Whatever Elissa wanted, he’d try his hardest to get it. And if she wanted to do a second take of that scene, in a more private place, why he’d be up for that too.

  His sudden hunger pangs reminded him that he hadn’t eaten in a while, and Elissa’s stomach was probably in the same condition. Sean’s best guess is that she’d been too nervous to eat breakfast. He’d been a bit nervous as well, but he wasn’t about to admit it to anyone. He tried to replay that delicious scene in his head, but his stomach was beginning to rumble so loudly, that he lost his train of thought. Sean couldn’t understand why there wasn’t some kind of drive-thru off the freeway. He couldn’t see a gas station or a restaurant anywhere in sight, so he continued heading south.

  Regardless of how badly Sean wanted to call Tyler, he knew it wasn’t wise for him to use his cell phone. If the cops decided to start paying attention to his brother’s phone bill, they could end up getting busted on Shirley Waters’ property.

  “Where are we?” asked Elissa as she yawned and stretched in the backseat. She sat up and looked around.

  “We’re in Ohio, but I wanted to let you sleep. Damn, I’m starving. Are there no restaurants here?” He rubbed his stomach and groaned.

  “Yeah, I could eat too. Pull over and let me get in the front.” She leaned forward and tapped his shoulder.

  Sean didn’t want to pull over. “There has to be a town up here. Just sit tight for a minute.” He was trying to hide his annoyance.

  “Fine.” Elissa climbed over the console, and landed her butt in the passenger seat. “There we go.” She smiled, clearly proud of herself. “Look! There are some houses. We must be getting close to a town.”

  “I’m going to get off of 23. Pay attention to the signs.” Sean wasn’t going to comment on her Olympic tryout performance. He’d had to lean way over, while she braced herself on his arm, which irritated the shit out of him. The Montclair men were known for getting easily agitated when their stomachs were empty, so she’d have to deal.

  “I think we need to stay to the right of this split. Then we’ll have to head in that direction.” Elissa pointed off to the left.

  “I hope you’re right. If we end up in another patch of woods, I swear I’ll go kill something with my bare hands. I’m pretty fast, you know? I bet I could catch a rabbit.” He looked at her and winked, while she rolled her eyes.

  Sean veered to the right, and then turned left at the stop sign. He felt instant relief when he started to see more houses. After about two miles, they arrived in a small town. There wasn’t a restaurant as far as he could see, so he pulled into a small gas station. Maybe he could at least buy some coffee and a hundred donuts.

  “I’ll run in and ask the person working here where the closest restaurant is. Sit tight.” Before Sean could object, she undid her seatbelt and reached into the backseat to grab her purse. When she turned back around to open the door, she nearly screamed.

  “Look!!!” She went flying out the door, and Sean went running right behind her.

  “Oh my God,” Sean sa
id, as he raced in front of Elissa and yanked opened the pickup truck door. “Brian!” he called as he pulled the boy to him.

  “Get the hell away from my son, you bastard. I’ll blow your head off right here in front of God and everyone.” Ralph opened the driver door to get the shotgun. When he did, Carrie came bounding out of it. She ran right to Elissa.

  “It’s okay, Ralph. They’re family…the good ones!” She hugged Elissa, then she raced around the back of the pickup and wrapped her arms around Sean. “You have no idea how good it feels to see you guys!”

  “Man, we’ve been worried sick about you two. Tyler and Renee are going to be beyond relieved!” Sean looked at them carefully. They seemed to be unafraid and unharmed, but who the hell was this Ralph guy?

  “I apologize to you folks,” said Ralph, as he stretched his hand out. “I’m Ralph Charles.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” said Sean as he shook the man’s hand. “I’m Sean Montclair, and this is Elissa Chiles.”

  “I’ve heard that name before. Didn’t you get shot by that lunatic? It was in the paper.” Ralph scratched his head and squinted up at Sean.

  “No, that was my brother, Jacob. He’s fine though.” What he needed to know was how come Carrie and Brian were in his pickup truck in Ohio. He was obviously armed, so maybe he’d threatened them.

  “How did you come to meet Carrie and Brian?” Elissa eyed Ralph suspiciously.

  “You guys,” began Brian. “We pitched a tent in his crumbling barn, and so he brought us back to his house so we could eat and sleep underneath a non-hazardous roof. Ralph and his wife, Stella, are super sweet people.” He looked at Sean, then at Elissa. “For real, we’re okay.”

  Sean wasn’t completely sold. “Then it’d be okay if you two hop into Elissa’s SUV so we can grab some dinner?”

  “Ralph’s wife, Stella, cooked us a fab dinner, so we’re not hungry. But of course we have lots to talk about, so yeah.” Brian answered, as he looked at Carrie.

  “Would you guys mind if Ralph meets us up there?” Carrie looked completely at ease next to the guy, and it wasn’t like Ralph was going to cause problems in the middle of a restaurant, so Sean agreed.

  “You just follow me.” Ralph directed as he climbed up into the truck.

  Carrie and Brian walked to the Equinox and got in. Sean looked back at them and grinned. “You two just made my day.”

  They followed closely behind Ralph. The restaurant was small, and located just around the bend. Sean would try to not be a pig and order three quarters of the entrees’.

  “I have to recommend the country fried steak and eggs or the fish and chips. Either of ‘em is mighty tasty.” Ralph said, as he walked to the restaurant door and held it open.

  Once seated, Sean leaned over and whispered to Carrie. “Blink at me if he’s holding you against your will.”

  Carrie patted his leg, then opened her purse so he could see her gun. “It’s fully loaded. No one’s going to mess with us.”

  Sean just about jumped out of his seat, but then he relaxed when he remembered that Carrie was a cop. She’d protected them all from Robert, so of course she knew what she was doing with a gun, and would be careful about who she’d let near Brian.

  He turned his head to look for the waitress. His stomach had begun to eat itself, and the amazing aromas weren’t helping. Sean thought about going to find her, when he suddenly felt every muscle in his body tighten.

  He leaned forward and spoke softly, as he slipped Carrie a set of keys. “Keep your heads down, and walk slowly out of the restaurant. Take these and get into Elissa’s SUV. Please keep your heads down. There’s a cop in here, talking to the waitress.”

  “Maybe they’re just ordering food,” replied Carrie.

  “And maybe he’s asking the waitress if she’s seen the two of you. I’m not risking it. Go.” Sean didn’t want to look behind him again.

  “I can see them,” said Elissa. “It doesn’t look like they’re ordering food.”

  “4759 Fairmont. That’s my address in case you don’t remember where it is. All of you meet back at my house. I know that one.” Ralph stood up and slowly walked to the back of the restaurant, towards the cop.

  “Okay come on. Don’t make any sudden moves.” Sean stood up and waited until Carrie, Brian, and Elissa, were out of the restaurant. He glanced back at Ralph, who was laughing along with the cop. He climbed behind the wheel, and started the engine. “Do you remember where Ralph’s house is at?”

  “It’s not that far. Turn left when you pull out of here,” said Carrie as she looked over at Brian. “We have to get our hair dyed tonight. Hopefully Stella won’t mind.”

  Elissa turned her head so she could look at Carrie. “Does Ralph have a phone? We need to get word to Tyler and Renee.”

  “I’m sure he does. I didn’t see one, but then again, we didn’t get a chance to look around. We literally ate and then left for town, right after we got there.” Carrie leaned forward so she could see the road. “Go past the gas station about a half-mile. There’s a white picket fence on the corner of Fairmont. Make another left there.”

  “I think you’re all overreacting.” Brian shook his head. “It’s a restaurant. Cops eat in them all the time when they’re on duty.”

  Sean took a deep breath. “Brian, you could be right, but the cops put an Amber Alert out on your butt. Like it or not, we’re going to do whatever’s necessary to keep you safe.”

  “Up here,” directed Carrie. “Turn left. The house is on a large lot. It’s got a long gravel driveway…Right there. That’s the one.” Sean pulled into the driveway and shut off the engine. He still wasn’t feeling that this was a great idea, but their options were limited. When he was getting out of the Equinox, he heard a screen door close and an elderly woman appeared on the porch.

  “It’s okay, Stella. These are my friends. Ralph should be here any minute.” Sean didn’t want to go inside of the house until Ralph was here. It was a whole lot easier to escape a driveway than a house. Besides, this way he could see if the old man was going to drag out a gun.

  A few minutes later, Ralph arrived. Sean felt better about the situation when he watched him get out of the pickup. The man’s shirt was tucked in, and stretched tight against his belly, so if he was concealing a weapon, Sean would have easily spotted it.

  “Sean,” began Ralph. “That cop was giving a physical description of Brian. He even asked me if I’d seen him. It’s best if you pull up behind the house and park there. We need to get everyone inside now.”

  Sean didn’t need to be told twice. He hurried back inside the Equinox and quickly parked it behind the house. He jogged back to the front yard, where Ralph had already begun to escort the group inside. Stella was looking at her husband, clearly baffled.

  “Sweetheart,” began Ralph. “There’s a big favor I need to ask of you.”

  “Sure, Ralph. What’s the matter?” Stella tilted her head and looked into his eyes.

  “You can’t tell anyone about our visitors,” Ralph explained.

  “Okay, I won’t. But can I ask why?” Sean hoped the woman wasn’t the rebellious type.

  Carrie stepped forward. “Stella, we’ll explain everything in a bit. Before we do, would it be okay if we used your phone?”

  “Of course you can. It’s right on the nightstand next to our bed.” Stella’s facial expression still showed concern.

  “Carrie, it’s not a good idea. You could be dragging these folks into a hornet’s nest.” Sean hated to say it, but it was true.

  “Bah! Don’t worry about dragging us into nothing. We’re more than happy to help keep this boy safe. If you’d feel better, I’ll make the call for you. Quite frequently when we pick the phone up to call someone, we can hear our neighbors talking. If we can hear them, it’s possible that someone can listen in on our conversations. I’ll try and camouflage the message as best as I can.” Ralph looked proud of his idea. Sean felt like they were giving the man something import
ant to do. He wrote down Tyler’s cell phone number on the back of his business card.

  “His name’s Tyler. He’s my brother, and the man that’s been trying to adopt Brian and give him a wonderful life.” He hoped that Ralph wouldn’t blow it. He really hoped his brother understood the ‘camouflaged’ message.

  Ralph walked into the bedroom and lifted the phone from its cradle, then carried it into the living room. He stood there and thought for a couple of minutes. Sean was about to tell him what to say, when Ralph quickly dialed the number and brought the phone up to his ear.

  Damn, thought Sean. I hope my brother isn’t half asleep.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Tyler muted the television when he heard his cell phone ringing on the kitchen counter. He got up quickly from the recliner to answer it. He looked at the screen, but didn’t recognize the number. He remembered when he’d talked with his brothers about how important it was to answer every phone call.

  “Hello, this is Tyler Montclair.”

  “Howdy, Mr. Montclair. This is Ralph Charles. I just wanted to call and thank you for the packages. They arrived safe and sound. I wanted to ask if you could change your records. My address is 4759 Fairmont, but you have it incorrect. It’s not 4795. Luckily my postman knows who I am. I plan on ordering again soon, so I hope you’ll write that down and make the correction. Again, it’s 4759 Fairmont.” Tyler’s stomach rose in his throat. He took the pen from his pocket and wrote on a dinner napkin. “If you’re ever in Laurel Ohio, I hope you’ll stop in and say hi.”

  “I certainly will, Mr. Charles. The packages weren’t damaged at all, were they?”

  “Nope, they got here in perfect shape.”

  “Do you think you’ll be calling back this week to place another order?” Tyler felt his eyes begin to burn.

  “I’ll give my wife a chance to look at the catalogue. Perhaps tomorrow or the day after.”


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