London Moon (The Kloe & Gavin Adventures Book 2)

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London Moon (The Kloe & Gavin Adventures Book 2) Page 1

by Sondra Hicks

  The Kloe & Gavin Adventures:

  London Moon


  Sondra Hicks

  License Notes

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

  The Kloe & Gavin Adventures:

  London Moon

  Sondra D. Hicks

  Copyright © 2016 Sondra Hicks

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 9781370289271


  To my mother, one of my biggest fans.


  I would like to thank Maggie Secara for her insight. Also, a huge thank you to my mentor E.F. Turner.


  Paris was quite nice. They had found a family with a wolf pack who treated them well. Kloe was very happy but she was still eager to know the world. She had to break this to him and see what he said. She knew he loved her but she had been given a second chance. Well, technically a third after the bath in the spring. She felt renewed like she could do or take whatever the world threw at her. She was a bit uncertain of where she wanted to go though. Gavin had mentioned London before. Maybe they should visit there. Would this new pack allow that? Would they be good with them travelling as long as they returned? She hoped there would be no trouble in London, especially like they had faced here in Paris. Even though it was all gone now. Although she hated to acknowledge it, Kloe’s own curiosity had gotten her in trouble. Luckily she had a pack to back her and protect her. She had learned that even though you have a good heart sometimes you just need to walk away. Too many wolves and vampires had lost their lives but that was on the council. They had made the choice to wipe the slate clean of the problem. Now it was time to start their journey again. She would need to talk to Gavin and then Jack the leader of the pack.

  Kloe sat on the bed in their room waiting for Gavin to return. She got up and went to the fridge and grabbed a bag of blood, opened it with her teeth and drank from it ‘til it was empty. Tossing it in the trash, she moved to the door when it opened and Gavin entered. He smiled at her as he went and sat on the bed and stretched.

  “Man what a day! I ran drills with the wolves and then I had a transforming class. Can you believe they are teaching us to control our shifting so the moon doesn’t control us?” Gavin told her.

  “That’s pretty cool,” Kloe replied distracted by her dilemma.

  “What’s wrong, my love?” Gavin asked.

  “I just wanted to talk to you about maybe going to London and exploring. I know this is our home now and we can come back. However, I really need to move around a little.” Kloe sighed

  “Why now?” Gavin asked.

  “I am feeling restless!” Kloe told him.

  “We can talk to Jack and see what he says. I don’t want to anger the pack. After all, they took us in and accepted us.” Gavin told her.

  “I agree of course. Maybe at dinner?” Kloe told him.

  “Yes we can do that,” Gavin answered her.

  Gavin grabbed a change of clothing and went to the shower to clean up.

  That night, at dinner, Kloe waited at their table with Gavin. Jack appeared with his tray and sat down. Jack and Gavin had become best friends over their short time there. Kloe thought it was cute how they joked and messed with each other.

  “So what’s up? You two are too quiet” Jack asked.

  Kloe cleared her throat “I wanted to ask you something actually.”

  “Well shoot,” Jack told her.

  “We were thinking of visiting London but we didn’t know the rules of the wolf pack here. I know I’m a vampire and I appreciate being accepted but Gavin is 2nd in charge here. Would that be allowed?” Kloe asked him.

  “Is this long term or like a vacation?” Jack asked.

  “Vacation of course. We just want to see the sights. Paris is our home, here with you all.” Kloe reassured him.

  “Well as long as it’s short term. I don’t see the problem. We have wolves that go visit their families overseas and come back. Although I can’t say I won’t miss you .” Jack said elbowing Gavin.

  A female wolf came up to their table and looked at Kloe. "There is a man at the door for you.”

  Gavin gives Kloe a questioning look but Kloe smiles and shrugs.

  “Okay. Please excuse me,” Kloe told them getting up and following the wolf. As she approached the door she saw a man dressed in royal garb standing inside, holding an envelope.

  “Are you Kloe Rice?” He asked.

  “Yes I am.” Kloe replied.

  “Then this is for you,” he bowed, before he opened the door and left.

  Kloe examined the white envelope and noticed the red seal smelled of blood. Feeling curious Kloe carefully opened the envelop as she walked back to the cafeteria. Inside the envelope, she found an invitation to a council ball. She smiled. They had not forgotten her. They had extended such a lovely invitation her way. She put it back in the envelope and joined the others at the table to finish their meal. She noticed their curious looks and handed the envelope to Gavin. Gavin looked surprised and so did Jack, who was peering over his shoulder.

  “Are you going to attend? It says you can bring a plus one.” Gavin asked.

  “I think I might and of course you can go Gavin. It might be a chance to see Katarina again. If they allow her to attend.” Kloe said.

  “I don’t know why you like that girl after what she did to you and the others,” Jack said taking a bite of his food.

  “I am a forgiving soul. Her reasoning was flawed. She went through a traumatic experience. I just pray they give her eternal life and not torture her as a human.” Kloe told him.

  “I guess we will see when we attend this ball,” Gavin added, finishing his dinner.


  “I’m going shopping with Zoey. I will be back later.” Kloe informed Gavin, who was reading a book on the bed in their room.

  “Well don’t let me stop you from your outing and have fun.” Gavin said, not looking up from his book.

  “You know, you will need a suit or a tux to attend. Why don’t you come with us?” Kloe asked.

  “Because I don’t want to sit there as you and Zoey pour over and try on dresses. Asking which I like best. It’s just not very manly.” Gavin smirked at her, setting his book down.

  “You are impossible but we will go shopping for you soon. You had better be ready for that Gavin!” Kloe laughed before walking out to join Zoey, who was waiting in the hall for her.

  “So, I take it he isn’t going?” Zoey asked.

  “No, He doesn’t want to watch us girls try on dresses.” Kloe chuckled.

  “Typical man. I told Jack what I was doing and he was suddenly busy with wolf pack business.” Zoey laughed.

  “I am really glad you two got together. You are the perfect couple. You know that?” Kloe asked her.

  “Yeah, I am on cloud nine. He is so romantic and sweet to me.” Zoey told her, dreamily.

  “That’s good. Gavin is nice to me even though we are different in a lot of ways. We make it work between us though, so that’s good.” Kloe told her as they hailed a taxi.

  “Hey Kloe! Is it true you are thinking of travelling to London for a while? I would miss you so much if you go. You’re like my best friend here.” Zoë said sadly.

  “Yeah we are. Jack okayed it as long as it’s a vacation.” Kloe told her.

  A taxi pulled up and they piled in. Kloe asked the driver to take them to the nearest formal wear shop.

; It was a brief drive. Kloe paid the driver and they exited the cab before entering the shop. They looked around until Kloe started pulling dresses out to try on. She disappeared behind a curtain and began to model dresses. First was a red number with a slit nearly to the thigh. Zoey shook her head no. So Kloe went and tried on another, a black dress that was above the knees and strapless. Zoey shook her head no again. Kloe was getting frustrated. She had figured it would not be too difficult to pick out a dress. She tried on another black dress that was near floor length that had a slit to the knee. She walked out and Zoey’s eyes lit up.

  “That’s the one!” Zoey told her clapping her hands

  “Finally! I thought this was never going to happen.” Kloe laughed with a sigh of relief. She walked back into the changing room and put on her clothes. She walked back out holding the dress.

  “Excuse me, do you know where I can get some heels?” Kloe asked the sales girl.

  “Two shops down,” the girl told her in a heavy French accent.

  “Thank you this will be all.” Kloe said putting the dress on the counter.

  “That will be $1,200 please,” the girl told her.

  Kloe handed her the debit card and the girl ran it through the machine before handing it back to her. She tucked it back into her wallet, leaving it in her purse. They made their way out of the store with the dress in a garment bag. They walked down to the shoe store. Entered the store they looked among the various types of heels. Kloe tried on the different types of black heels they had. Finally, she settled on a pair of elegant black heels with a medium heel. After all, she didn’t want to fall on her face in front of the everyone and the council. She had seen a jewelery shop earlier and after they paid for the shoes, they decided to stop there to pick out some earrings and a necklace. Once there they looked in the glass cases until they found the perfect set. Of blue diamond’s set in a heart of white smaller diamonds earrings and necklace. Kloe motioned for a saleslady to come over and pointed out what she liked. The saleslady pulled them out and Kloe said she would take them. After that they hailed a taxi back to the house where Kloe put her latest items away.

  That night at dinner Zoey and Jack joined them.

  “So Zoey told me you and she went shopping. Find any good stuff?” Jack asked.

  “Yes actually, I brought a dress and heels for the ball.” Kloe said between bites.

  “Why didn’t you go Gavin?” Jack asked.

  “I don’t do dress shopping. I like to go, get what I need and get out without all the ooh and Ahh.” Gavin told him.

  “Really Gavin we don’t Ooh and Ahh!” Zoey told him.

  “Yeah we just make sure the dress fits and is appropriate. No one wants to look slutty.” Kloe told him.

  “So are you excited to be attending this ball?” Jack asked.

  “I am actually nervous. I have never been to one,” Kloe said honestly.

  “Well I think you will have a blast and have tons to tell us when you two get back.” Zoey told her.

  “Well maybe you could help me with my hair and makeup Zoey. I really don’t know the first thing about that stuff!” Kloe asked.

  “Are you serious? Of course, I’ll help! You are practically my sister. So when is the ball?” Zoey asked.

  “Tomorrow, which means Gavin better get a suit ASAP or he won't be going.” Kloe said directing her last comment pointedly at Gavin who looked up and grinned.

  “We can go in the morning. I had things to do today, sorry!” Gavin told her.

  “Yeah. I saw, you were reading a book!” Kloe snapped.

  “Actually, that was a break. We had classes all today and I am worn out.” Gavin answered her.

  “Yeah. We ran our boys to exhaustion today. We were working on speed, changing and control.” Jack told her.

  “Sounds interesting. Do they ever get to run as wolves though?” Kloe asked.

  “Yes we have an area on the grounds where we allow them to run wild as wolves.” Jack responded.

  “Sounds like you’ve got everything under control with your pack.” Kloe replied.

  “I believe I do but there is always room for accidents. I try to be on my guard at all times,” Jack told her.

  “So when are you leaving for London?” Zoey asked.

  “We haven’t set a date, but I would say soon.” Kloe told her.

  “Well, we will miss you both and your room will be waiting for your return. Just don’t be gone too long and please don’t get into any trouble while you are there.” Jack warned.

  “I don’t plan on getting into any trouble,” Kloe smiled.


  The next morning Kloe got up before Gavin who was snoring and had one leg off the bed. He was such a cover hog but she didn’t care. She went and took a shower and took a few minutes longer allowing the hot water to hit her back and shoulders. It felt so nice, sometimes the little things mattered. She turned it off, got out, got herself dressed and then went to wake Gavin but was surprised to see he was already up and dressed.

  “What? No shower for you today?” Kloe questioned him

  “Nah I had one last night,” Gavin replied.

  “Well we need to get you a suit. So let’s go do that because the ball is tonight, okay?” Kloe said impatiently.

  “Fine I guess,” Gavin sighed seemingly uninterested in the conversation..

  “Do you not want to go?” Kloe asked.

  “Actually, I really don’t think spending time with a bunch of vampires is my idea of fun. No offence.” Gavin told her.

  “Well I am sure Zoey would love to go,” Kloe told him trying to conceal her disappointment.

  “Okay I am sorry but I don’t want to be a downer and ruin your night.” Gavin told her

  “That’s fine I will go ask Zoey,” Kloe told him leaving their room.

  She went looking for Zoey and found her with Jack in the front yard.

  “Hey Zoey, I have a question for you.” Kloe told her

  “Yeah, what’s up?” Zoey asked

  “Would you like to be my plus one tonight? Gavin doesn’t want to go to the ball.” Kloe asked.

  “Wow, sure that would be awesome!” Zoey said enthusiastically, her face lighting up.

  “Well, let's go shopping then,” Kloe smiled.

  Zoey’s eyes lit up and she ran to her room. She returned in a few minutes with her jacket and purse.

  “Let’s go. I think we can borrow the house car if I ask Jack nicely, I will be back in a moment.” Zoey told her.

  Zoey disappeared and then moments later reappeared with keys. Kloe took the keys and hugged Zoey and they left in the car.

  Kloe and Zoey spent roughly forty-five minutes having Zoey try on dresses. Floor length red ones with slits, black super short ones, strapless ones and puffy ones, before they found the one. A red dress that went to the knees with sequins on the bodice.

  They walked over to the heel shop, just as they had the day before, and browsed through all the red heels. Zoey looked at Kloe lost and overwhelmed. Kloe picked out a few pairs and had Zoey try them all on. They ended up settling on red heels that strapped at the ankle.

  The girls went to the jeweler's shop where Zoey moved from display case to display case like a child in a candy store – this was more her speed. Zoey looked around until her eyes fell upon a ruby heart necklace set with small diamonds. She knew it was the one. She selected a pair of ruby earrings to go with the necklace.

  After their shopping, they decided to go to the café to grab a coffee and a bagel.

  “I love to shop!” Zoey told her excitedly.

  “Yes I can tell,” Kloe laughed.

  “I hope you don’t mind my purchases. I can find a way to pay you back. Though it might take me a while,” Zoey told her

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s my treat, like I said you are doing me huge favor by going to the ball with me.” Kloe told her with a smile.

  “Okay!” Zoey said giving her a hug.

  They got into t
he car and headed back to the house.

  “We had better get dressed. The ball is in an hour and a half. I think our hair and makeup will take a bit,” Kloe told her.

  “Not if Jazzy and Claire do it. They are our resident hair stylists. Let me go find them.” Zoey told her.

  Kloe could feel a pit forming in her stomach. Were these nerves because this was her first ball? Could vampires actually get nervous?

  Kloe sat patiently as Jazzy did her hair with little ringlets. Pinning them up, letting a few fall to frame her face. Claire did Zoey's hair in waves and was putting it up with pins and ribbons. Once their hair was done the girls put on their dresses and let the girls perform their magic on their makeup. Kloe could tell that Zoey was bubbling with excitement. It took them twenty minutes but the girls were done up to perfection and they admired themselves in the mirror. They looked amazing like two girls ready for the ball and Kloe thanked the girls as she grabbed her purse.

  As they made their way outside a black stretch limo pulled up. The driver got out and opened up the back door.

  “Kloe Rice?” He asked.

  “Yes, that’s me!” Kloe told him. Both she and Zoey slid in.

  “I can’t believe they sent a limo. This is indeed too much. They are treating you like royalty!” Zoey exclaimed.

  After Zoey got in she began to explore the features of the limo. She found the bar and poured herself a drink. She asked if Kloe wanted one and she accepted. Might as well enjoy a little drink before the party, it might help to loosen her up. They were on their second drink when they arrived at a glass building. The driver stopped and got out to open their door. They got out, leaving their drinks behind. They walked up the steps and Kloe handed her invitation to the man at the door. He let them in.

  Inside was beautiful. There was glass chandeliers and tables laden with food within, and an open bar set up in the back with an attractive bartender had to be in his early 20s with short brown hair and green eyes. The bar itself was marble and had a glass back for the bottles to display on. People were dancing to a live band. That’s not what caught Kloe’s eye though; across the room she saw Katarina, dressed elegantly, with a man drinking from her wrist. You could tell she was a vampire. So they had changed her but now she served them.


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