London Moon (The Kloe & Gavin Adventures Book 2)

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London Moon (The Kloe & Gavin Adventures Book 2) Page 4

by Sondra Hicks

  “You will allow me back into the director’s office. Ignore any sounds coming from his office or any calls for security. Am I understood?” Kloe told her.

  “Mrs. Rice the director will see you. It’s the second door on the right.” The receptionist said. Before sitting down looking dazed.

  Kloe hurried to the office. She hated doing that but this was important. She didn’t want to make waves. A little mind trick would work. She opened the Director's door and entered, shutting it behind her.

  “Excuse me who are you?” The Director shouted.

  “I am Mrs. Rice. I am here to offer you a deal.” Kloe told him.

  “A deal. What are you? The devil?” The Director said going for his phone.

  “Susie call security!”

  “Good luck with that. Now you have something I want and I have a good sum of money to offer in exchange.” Kloe told him.

  The director set down the phone and appeared to be interested for the first time since she had entered.

  “Okay. Say I am interested. What is it you want?” The Director asked.

  “I want blood delivered to my hotel room discreetly. I will pay handsomely. Today I will pick up and pay. After that, it’s on delivery.” Kloe said setting down a stack of cash.

  The director’s eyes got big when he saw the money and he smiled.

  “Are you a vampire?” He asked.

  “Yes but I don’t feed on people. I was taught better,” Kloe told him. “So my question to you is do we have a deal?” Kloe asked looking him in the eyes.

  “Mrs. Rice you have a deal,” he told her.

  Kloe handed him the hotel information and the dates of deliveries needed.

  “Can you grab a cooler? Walk me to the blood supply so I can pick up my goods,” Kloe ordered.

  “By all means, let’s,” he said, dazed.

  They walked through a couple of double doors into a store room. The director grabbed a cooler and they began to fill it with blood bags. He closed it and handed it to Kloe. She shook his hand and followed him out. She left the blood bank carrying her load back to the hotel.

  When she arrived Gavin was in his shorts, watching TV, relaxing on the bed.

  “Did you get your blood supply set up?” Gavin asked.

  “Yeah was pretty easy but I had to use my eye trace gift on the receptionist. Other than that, easy as pie.” Kloe told him.

  Kloe put them all in the mini bar fridge but one. Which she opened and drank dry. She threw it in the trash but thought twice and pulled it out. She slipped it into her backpack to dispose of elsewhere. She didn’t want the maid notifying the staff of the blood. Was she being paranoid?

  They spent the rest of the night watching movies and eating popcorn on the bed. Around 1am they finally went to sleep.

  The next morning Kloe awoke to the sun creeping across her covers. She smiled. It was another beautiful day. She shook Gavin. He woke up then looked straight at her.

  “What?” He asked.

  “It’s time to get up,” Kloe told him.

  “I need another hour. Come back later,” he grumbled, rolling over.

  Kloe pulled the sheets off and jumped on the bed.

  “No sleeping in. We have things to do today. Come on,” Kloe told him.

  “Fine I’ll get up. Since you won’t quit being annoying.” He told her snappily.

  “That’s the spirit. We are headed to the north end today, to see Big Ben. They offer tours and I want to get on one.” Kloe told him.

  “Yea, yea! Let's go see it so you’ll shut up,” he grumbled.

  There was a knock on the door and Kloe went to answer.

  There stood the bell man with breakfast for two. She had ordered late last night before falling asleep.

  “Thank you and here is something for you,” Kloe said slipping him a tip.

  She moved the cart towards the bed, pulling up a chair. She opened the lid and there was bacon, eggs, sausage, hash browns, toast and waffles on the side.

  “You hungry?” Kloe asked.

  “You bet!” Gavin said. Snapping to attention and having a seat on the bed before digging in.

  They ate quietly until Kloe’s phone rang.

  “Hello?” She answered.

  “Kloe? Are you in London?” Came her mother’s voice.

  “Yes mom. I am visiting for a week,” Kloe told her.

  “You are keeping yourself out of trouble I hope. I don’t want to have to come and get you this time,” her mother told her.

  “Mom. We are just seeing the sites. That is all.” Kloe told her.

  “Okay. Well, your father wanted you to know he loves you. Be careful the both of you. How long until you return to Paris?” Her mom asked.

  “First I love him too. Second, in 4-5 days, I think.” Kloe told her.

  “You know one of these times you could come home and visit. We do miss you both terribly.” Her mother told her.

  “Mom I know. Eventually we will. Once we get our lives sorted out,” Kloe reassured her.

  “Okay. Well I won’t keep you. I love you and I will talk to you later.” Her mother told her.

  “I love you too and ‘til then,” Kloe told her.

  Kloe hung up and set the phone down.

  “How did she find out we were in London?” Gavin asked.

  “It’s my mother. Either a vision, my bank notified them or they have been checking up on me.” Kloe rolled her eyes.

  They completed their breakfast and got dressed. They made their way to Big Ben. They found a tour and followed the group, as the tour guide talked about facts and history.

  “Each dial is seven meters in diameter. The minute hands are 4.2 meters long and weigh 100kgs (including counterweights). The numbers are approximately 60cm long and there are 312 pieces of glass in each clock dial.” The tour guide told them.

  “Wow! That’s big and a lot of glass work,” Gavin whispered.

  “Yeah really,” Kloe whispered back.

  “Moving on. There is a special light on the clock’s faces that is illuminated when parliament is in session,” the guide said.

  “Excuse me. What is parliament?” Kloe asked.

  “Good question. Parliament is composed of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. It is responsible for making Laws, deciding taxes and scrutinizing the government,” the guide told her.

  “Hmm sounds like congress and the house of representatives back home.” Kloe told Gavin.

  “A little but I think it’s a bit different,” Gavin told her.

  “Now moving on. Big Ben is strictly regulated by a stack of coins placed on a huge pendulum. Also Big Ben has rarely stopped. Even after a bomb destroyed the Commons chamber during the Second World War, the clock tower survived and continued to strike the hour. Latin words under the clock face read Domine Salvam Fac Reginam Nostram Victoriam Primam, which means O’ Lord, keep safe our Queen Victoria the First.” The tour guide finished.

  “How much does the bell weigh?” A blond girl asked.

  “13 tons,” the tour guide replied

  “What year did it open?” A man asked

  “According to research 1859” the tour guide replied.

  “How many steps do we have to climb to see the bell?” A girl asked.

  “374 and it’s a spiral staircase,” the tour guide smiled.

  “Shall we continue then? Kloe asked.

  “Yes, sounds good. Those that want to see the bell follow me,” the tour guide replied.

  Kloe and Gavin were right behind the tour guide and followed her up the stairs. They walked at a medium pace passing a few doors but no one asked what they led to. When they reached the top, their group was less in numbers than when they had started.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, Big Ben.” The Tour Guide told them.

  Kloe looked it over and saw the crack. It didn’t look like it ran deep. She asked the tour guide to take a photo of her and Gavin in front of the bell. Kloe handed her her phone. She smiled and took
the picture, handing it back to her.

  “Okay, everyone. Time to head back down. Please watch your step,” the tour guide warned them.

  They made the journey down and ended back where they had started.

  “Thank you for visiting,” the tour guide told them as they took their exit from the building.

  “So where to now?” Gavin asked.

  “We could go to the London Dungeon,” Kloe offered.

  “That sounds interesting,” Gavin said with a smiled.

  They hailed a taxi outside and told the driver their destination. He smiled and began driving.

  They arrived and she paid the driver. They got out and made their way inside, buying tickets. They started out at the descent. This took them to a place with moving floor boards, chains, and ropes moving up and down. It smelled of rat shit and piss. Actors jumped out at them, startling them. The Lift Leper filled them with excitement and suspense. As they went through the dungeon, there were many exciting and amazing moments that made them jump or be in awe. The torturer was a bit gruesome but they loved every moment. At the Judge, a person was pulled from the crowd to be hanged. Of course, she was freed but it was funny. Drop Dead was intense and not for the faint of heart. When it was done they walked out laughing and smiling. They had had such a good time.

  “Shall we go grab some lunch?” Gavin asked.

  “Yeah. I am sure there is somewhere around here to eat,” Kloe told him.

  They walked a little bit and found a café. They ordered sandwiches and coffee. The waitress gave an odd look when they ordered coffee. I guess it’s because people drink tea more here. Oh well. We are American and like coffee, Kloe thought. They looked forward to their food. It came as they sat on the patio outside to enjoy the weather. The waitress came out and gave them their food and coffee. She checked on them pouring more coffee as they sat and enjoyed the sunshine. When they left Kloe left a decent sized tip, since the waitress had been so attentive.

  They walked around looking at the shops before choosing to head back to the hotel and regroup.

  “So are we going to talk about what happened at the Zoo?” Gavin asked.

  “I guess but what can I say? I have no idea what happened,” Kloe told him.

  “Whatever happened at that spring in Paris did something to you. It changed you in ways we don’t understand. I feel like we are only beginning to tap the surface of what it did,” Gavin told her.

  “I know but I don’t know how to find out more.” Kloe told him.

  “Maybe we need to talk to a doctor of the mystic kind and find out,” Gavin suggested.

  “Well until we do how about a shower for two?” Kloe asked, taking her clothes off.

  Gavin grinned and started taking his clothes off. He followed her into the shower. She had the shower on and motioned for him to come in. He followed and pressed her against the wall, kissing her. He grabbed her hands with one hand, holding them up against the wall. Then he lifted her up, sinking his 8 inches deep within her with the other. He kissed her neck, kissed her chin until he found her lips, as she gasped in pleasure. He moved in and out holding her against the wall. The water was falling down their skin. He let out a gentle, primal growl and came deep within her. He let her down slowly before pulling out. She held onto him for a moment. Feeling weak in the knees, she kissed him again. Kissed his ear lobe and whispered, “I love you.” He grabbed the soap. He gently washed her body as she took the soap and washed his beautiful body in return. Taking her time on his abs and his man hood. He sighed and kissed her, looking deeply into her eyes lovingly.

  Once they were clean, they both got out and grabbed their towels. But, instead of getting dressed she grabbed a bathrobe and he grabbed his. He had an idea of how the rest of his day was going to look and he smiled.

  Kloe could be seductive and she knew he was aware of this. Today she was all about making love to her man. She loved the feel of his abs against her body. How they tightened when he pushed inside her. When he came to his breaking point they hardened and were still. He loved her so much and she loved him. They had been too busy in Paris. They hadn’t made time for each other to have private time. So this was heaven for them both.

  Kloe went to the fridge and withdrew a bag and drank it. Putting the empty bag into her back pack. She sat down and fell back on the bed to relax for a moment. Gavin walked back in from the bathroom and smiled. He hovered over her.

  “Is my girl ready for another round or too exhausted to play?” Gavin asked.

  “I am always ready,” Kloe told him.

  “Well I think we should order some dinner so I can keep my energy up to match yours,” Gavin smirked.

  “What do you want to eat?” Kloe asked going to pick up the phone.

  “A steak, baked potato and a salad sounds good,” Gavin told her.

  “Okay” Kloe told him.

  Kloe picked up the phone and called down to room service. She ordered two dinners and they said it would be up soon.

  “Okay we will get it soon. What will we do until then though?” Kloe asked.

  “That is a good question.” Gavin said wrapping his arms around her waist lifting her up.

  “Don’t start something you can’t finish,” Kloe warned him.

  “Then I will just service my girlfriend. He said, laying her down and pulling her to the edge of the bed. He disappeared but the sensation that followed was amazing. She was wiggling, he grabbed her with strong hands, trying to hold her still while his tongue moved all over her clit. She suddenly felt a sensation like she was floating. She was falling. It felt like peace. He stopped and grinned.

  “I didn’t know you knew how to do that. Oh my god that was amazing!” Kloe said, feeling weak in the knees.

  “Think that will tide you over until after dinner?” Gavin asked.

  “Yes,” Kloe told him with a grin.

  Twenty minutes later there was a knock on the door. Gavin answered it. He let the bell man in. He pushed the tray into the room and went to leave. Gavin gave him a tip. He exchanged good evenings and left.

  “Shall we eat?” Gavin asked.

  Kloe sat on the edge of the bed and Gavin grabbed the chair. They opened the lid. There were two steaks, as they had ordered. They took their time eating. When they finished, they pushed it outside the room to be collected later. They made love a few more times before settling in and watching a few movies and falling asleep.


  Gavin woke up first this time. He woke Kloe.

  “Time to wake up Kloe. We have places to see,” Gavin told her.

  “Okay just give me 5 minutes to work my eyelids,” Kloe told him.

  “Nope. Come on, you don’t let me do it so I won’t let you!” Gavin told her.

  “Fine! I am awake. What are we doing today, anyway?” Kloe asked.

  “We are seeing the London Eye, Hyde Park and the Globe Theatre, if we have time.” Gavin told her.

  “Wow. You are a bundle of energy today. Already recharged after yesterday are we?” Kloe smirked.

  “Yeah. You know me babe. Us wolves bounce back quickly,” Gavin smiled.

  Kloe got up, dressed and gathered her purse. She put her hair up in a ponytail. They came out of the hotel and went out to hail a taxi to go to the London Eye.

  They arrived too a long line. She took out their fast track tickets and went to the front of the line. They hopped into one of the trolleys and the door was shut. They began to move and stop. This continued until the baskets were full and then they moved around at a faster pace. At the top they could view a large part of London. It was nice. They took some pictures and enjoyed the view. When it was over they got off. They left. They walked to a local restaurant to have lunch.

  After lunch, they made their way to Hyde Park which was huge, at least 350 acres. They walked a good portion of it taking in the speaker’s corner, which was rather quiet today. They saw the Princess of Wales memorial fountain. They enjoyed the scenery and walked out of the park
. They hailed a taxi to go to the Globe Theatre. They came to find it closed. So they took the taxi back to the hotel. They agreed to go back to the pub they went to the other night. Maybe Heinmot would be there again.

  They walked into the pub but didn’t see him inside. They took their seats at the bar and ordered a couple of drafts and shots. They were some drinks in when there was a tap on Kloe’s shoulder.

  “Excuse me,” came a man’s voice.

  Kloe turned around as did Gavin.

  “We don’t like your kind in here,” the man told her.

  “Well Heinmot said I was fine,” Kloe told him.

  “How do you know him?” The man asked.

  “We shared drinks the other night. He said to mention his name should I have any trouble,” Kloe told him.

  “Damn old man. Well this is a wolf spot and he knows it. Vampires are usually not welcome but since you are friends with him. I guess you are. Just don’t start any trouble.” The man told her.

  “She walked in with that wolf next to her!” One of the men shouted.

  “You with this wolf? Hey are you local?” The man asked.

  “No. We are from Paris and are just visiting. We will be gone in a few days.” Kloe told him.

  “Is she your girlfriend?” The man asked Gavin.

  “Yes actually, she is!” Gavin told him standing up.

  “Man that’s just sick. What's wrong with your own kind?” The man asked.

  “She is different and I fell in love with her.” Gavin told him standing his ground.

  “Whatever you say,” the man said, slapping Gavin on the back, before walking away.

  Gavin sat back down and began drinking.

  They ordered a few more rounds and went to leave when the man shouted to them.

  “Hey you leaving? Come here for a second,” the man told them.

  Kloe and Gavin looked at each other and walked over.

  “Look if you two want to drink that’s fine and apparently Heinmot likes you both. However, wolves around this part don’t take kindly to couples like you. You might want to be careful.” He told them.

  “We aren’t here to start trouble just to enjoy some drinks and be on our way.” Gavin told him.

  “Look, like I said be careful.” He told them.


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