London Moon (The Kloe & Gavin Adventures Book 2)

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London Moon (The Kloe & Gavin Adventures Book 2) Page 6

by Sondra Hicks

  “Yeah! Okay. Do you have a phone so I can call Gavin? He must be so worried,” Kloe asked.

  “We are working on it okay. Some things take time here,” Jinne told her.

  “I shall be able to leave when these tests are done, right?” Kloe asked.

  “Of course. We didn’t abduct you. After all you came of your own free will.” Jinne told her.

  “What if I want to leave?” Kloe asked.

  “Then you can but you won’t have the answers about what is going on with your body,” Jinne told her.

  “I know and I want to know but I miss my boyfriend.” Kloe told her.

  “Sometimes we have to sacrifice things to get the answers we need. Do you still wish to leave?” Jinne asked.

  “No. I would like answers but I don’t like being caged up.” Kloe told her.

  “We shall work on that okay.” Jinne told her.

  Jinne walked out of the room, shutting the door with a click.

  “Gavin. I got a name and address on that license plate,” Kali told him.

  Gavin jumped off the couch and moved to Kali’s computer as quickly as he could.

  “Who is it?” Gavin asked.

  “Well his name is Sean Parker and he is registered at a local address, not far from here.” Kali told him.

  “We can set up a team to raid the house when they see the car arrive. If he has a wife, we can hold her there until he agrees to an exchange,” Ahiga said.

  “You don’t think he is holding her there?” Gavin asked.

  “No too local. He has to be further out but this is a plus for us in tracking her down,” Ahiga told him.

  “What if he doesn’t show up?” Gavin asked.

  “Then we search his house for clues to any properties he maybe at. One way or another, we will get Intel somehow.” Ahiga told him.

  “Okay but I want to go with you. I might see something you might miss. I know my girl better than anyone and might notice something.” Gavin told him.

  “That’s fine but let us secure the house before you go in. I don’t want to risk you getting hurt and losing a paycheck,” Ahiga told him. “Liam! Come Here!” Ahiga shouted.

  A man came jogging down the stairs, wearing jeans and a rock and roll sleeveless tee.

  “Damn you don’t have to shout Ahiga,” Liam told Ahiga,

  “Get the boys together. We have a mission. Grab about ten guys. Bring them down to me.” Ahiga told him.

  “Yeah. Okay I’ll be back,” Liam went jogging up the stairs.

  “What's going on?” A man asked coming into the room.

  “Just take a seat and wait for the others,” Ahiga told him.

  Nine more men walked in and were told to sit down. Ahiga looked at Gavin and he took the cue.

  “My name is Gavin I am a wolf. However, I choose a half vampire - half human for my mate. She wasn’t born that way, she was made that way by a magical spring. She was abducted this morning at a coffee joint in a black car. We were able to get the license plate from CCTV and find the owner of that vehicle. Thanks to Kali’s skills.” Gavin told them.

  There was followed by a round of applause and Kali got up and bowed.

  “Okay, that’s enough. Now we have an address which we are going into. Whether the car is there or not. I thought about this and we can have a look out. Gavin will accompany us and see if there is anything he can see that will shine a light on where they may have taken her. This is a fact-finding mission. However, if Mr. Parker’s wife, daughter or relatives come home we will hold them and interrogate them for information. They will be asked to contact Sean Parker. You know the drill. Also, no sticky hands on this mission boys.” Ahiga commanded.

  A round of groans proceeded this command, but they stopped when Ahiga gave them a dirty look.

  “Let’s bring her home alive, boys” Ahiga told them. “Go get your gear and meet in here in 10 minutes.”

  “Do you do this sort of work often?” Gavin asked.

  “You’d be surprised at the type of work we do in the private sector for people. This is our first vampire rescue.” Ahiga told him.

  “I just hope we get her back soon, and alive” Gavin told him.


  Kloe sat in a white room where they were taking her blood. She wanted to leave but she also wanted answers. She wanted desperately to call Gavin and tell him she was alright.

  “Kloe we want to run some more tests on your blood work. It will be a while. I know you want to leave but we are hoping for answers soon. Bear with us okay?” Sean told her.

  “I understand but I don’t want to be locked in my room. I feel like a prisoner.” Kloe told him.

  “I know but there are others here who might harm you. It’s for your own protection.” Sean told her.

  “I know but I started my vampire life behind closed, locked doors. I don’t want to be that way now.” Kloe told him.

  “I shall see what we can do. Now, you have mentioned a boyfriend. Is he a vampire also and have you two been sexually active?” Sean asked

  “No he is a werewolf and that’s kind of a personal question don’t you think,” Kloe told him.

  “I need to know for medical purposes Kloe,” Sean told her.

  “Fine yes we have,” Kloe told him.

  “Within the last few months?” Sean asked.

  “Yes, why?” Kloe asked.

  “Kloe. I don’t know how but you are pregnant. It looks like two months at least. The amniocentesis test, the one with the needle in your belly, showed some strange genetic markers. Markers that are common with werewolves, vampire and a little human. This is unheard of in my research. Please tell me where you born half-human half-vampire?” Sean asked.

  “Wait what? Pregnant are you sure? No I became half human after entering a holy spring in Paris. Are you serious though! Pregnant?” Kloe asked.

  “I know this is a lot to take in. There is a mystery as to why the animals act the way they do around you.” Sean told her.

  “The animals what? Were you following me?” Kloe asked.

  “Jinne was keeping tabs on you since she seen you that day at the Zoo. She noticed the way the animals were acting towards you, so yes we followed you. We kept you under surveillance until the time was right to approach you and talk,” Sean told her.

  “I think I want to go back to my hotel now,” Kloe told him.

  “There are still more tests to be done,” Sean told her.

  “I said I want to go,” Kloe snapped getting out of the chair.

  “I am afraid I can’t allow that yet,” Sean told her, pressing a button to call in security.

  Through the door came two big men but Kloe didn’t care. She went to attack and they fended her off. Grabbing her arms.

  “Kloe. They are stronger than you. They are wolves. Now you will go back to your room and stay there until I need you.” Sean smiled.

  “Gavin will come for me and then you will be in trouble,” Kloe spat at him.

  “I doubt it!” Sean muttered.

  Gavin was handed a bulletproof vest and a gun.

  “You do know how to use this right?” Liam asked.

  “Not really. Never used one, really!” Gavin told him.

  “Oh boy. Well it’s simple. Point and pull this trigger. Hope you have good aim. Just don’t shoot any of us. Also don’t shoot unless it's needed.” Liam told him.

  “When is it needed?” Gavin asked.

  “When someone is pointing one at you or they are running. You need to injure them, so go for a leg.” Liam told him.

  “I think I can manage that. Our going into the house should be noticed by other neighbors. Don't you think the police will be notified?” Gavin asked.

  “That’s why we need to be in and out as quickly as we can. We also need to be as careful as we can. We need to cut the phone lines in case of an alarm too. We have been through this. Don’t worry Gavin. We have it down to a fine science” Liam told him.

  He tossed Gavin a pair
of black gloves and a black ski mask. He put them on.

  “Let’s load up and head out!” Ahiga yelled.

  Everyone followed him out the front door and loaded up in the black vans out in the driveway.

  As they drove, Gavin felt his heart pounding in his chest. He wanted so badly to find Kloe and bring her back to him. He wondered if she was scared and what she was going through.

  The van came to a stop and the door opened. Everyone got out and they split into two groups. One went around the back and one to the front. They kicked in the front door and no alarm went off. They went about checking for people in the house. No one was home. They went about searching for clues. Gavin searched the file box and found a file with properties listed. There were two locally but only one fit the description of the direction the car travelled in. He ran it to Ahiga. Ahiga smiled and clapped Gavin on the back.

  “Good work boy. This might be what we were looking for. Bring the other address just in case they doubled back.” Ahiga told him.

  Gavin picked up the papers and went out to the van to wait for the others. They came out a few minutes later. They headed back to the house to regroup and do research on the properties.

  On the way back Gavin smiled. He was closer to getting Kloe back safe and sound.

  Kloe sat on her bed with her knees to her chest crying. She was being held against her will. She now had no idea if she would ever see Gavin again. The topper was she was pregnant. The one thing she had wanted that god had given back to her. She had no idea what Sean had planned for her and her baby. All she knew was she had to protect it. She put her hand on her belly.

  “I’ll protect you,” Kloe whispered.

  The door clicked and opened. Jinne came in with a tray and set it on the dresser. There was a man in the hall outside the door. Kloe's worst fears were true. She was a prisoner.

  “How could you lie to me? You played me for a fool” Kloe told Jinne.

  “I did as I was told Kloe. I am sorry but there is nothing I can do, okay."As she reached into her pocket she pulled out a cell phone and shut the door. She handed it to Kloe.

  “Make it quick or we shall be caught. I won’t be able to help if we are.” Jinne told her.

  Kloe took it and dialed Gavin’s number.

  “Hello?” Gavin’s voice answered.

  “Gavin! It’s Kloe. I have to make this quick. I am being held against my will. I don’t know where I went but I went east. There were a few right turns and a left. Please come get us.” Kloe told him.

  “Us?” Gavin asked.

  “Gavin, I’m pregnant!” Kloe told him.

  “Oh my God! I will find you. I promise. I love you. Stay safe if you can. Don’t do anything that will get both of you hurt!” Gavin told her.

  Kloe heard a female voice “Got it.”

  “I’m coming. I promise” Gavin told her

  “I have to go,” Kloe told him, hanging up.

  She handed the phone back to Jinne.

  “This never happened. I don’t agree with how he is treating you or holding you against your will!” Jinne told her.

  “Thank you Jinne,” Kloe told her.

  Jinne slipped the phone back into her pocket and left the room.

  “Okay Kali. Do you have the location of the cell phone signal?” Ahiga asked.

  “Yes. I did. It’s bouncing off cell towers in the area of the 2nd address you grabbed today. That is where they are holding her.” Kali told them.

  “We have one more issue. Kloe is pregnant,” Gavin told them.

  Everyone was silent.

  “How is that possible?” Liam spoke up.

  “I guess when the spring made her half human; it restored her ability to have a baby. So please we have to bring her back to me unharmed. She is in a delicate situation. She is valuable to this Sean, in her current condition.” Gavin told them.

  “Kali, can you pull up the floor plans for that building? I want to see what we are in for if we go in guns blazing.” Ahiga asked.

  “No problem. That’s easy,” Kali told him, turning back to her computer.

  “Building plans show a basement construction so I am guessing that’s where he is holding her.” Kali told them.

  “I think we might need some gadgets for this trip. You’re up George. What do you have?” Ahiga asked.

  “Well I have a neat toy that blocks landline and cell phone calls. Also this toy will knock out your problems with key code locks. It unlocks anything and I have been waiting to try it out in the field.” George told them.

  “Well I guess the day is today,” Ahiga told George as he took the gadgets and put them in his bag.

  “Everyone load your guns, pack your stakes, and bring silver bullets as we have no idea what we are going into. Mr. Parker is crazy according to the info gathered by Liam. He is obsessed with the paranormal. So we might have to face animals we might have to put down. Are we ready?” Ahiga asked.

  “Hell Yeah!” They all shouted.

  “Then let’s go get Kloe!” Ahiga told them.

  They filed out to the vans. This time there were fifteen wolves, in gear, getting into three vans. Gavin got in and prayed they would get to her in time. It was dark out, so they had that going for them. They could creep into the building and take them by surprise. Everyone filed out of the vans and grouped together for instructions.

  “Gavin, hand me her picture!” Gavin reached into his pocket and handed it to him “This is Kloe. She is our priority. Everyone else is not our concern. We need to be prepared for what we might see in there. From the info Liam gathered, this man is crazy. I want you to have the safety off the guns at all times. So check them now. We shall all go in and split up into teams of three to find the basement access. If you find it use the radio to inform me. We shall meet up and go in together. Got it?” Ahiga told them.

  “Got it!” everyone answered.

  They walked quietly towards the doors and a light came on. They stopped and waited. Nothing happened. They went to the door. It was a keycard access. Ahiga used the gadget George had given him. After a few seconds, the light on the pad turned green and they opened the door. They entered the building where they split into groups. Gavin’s group went down some stairs slowly, making no sound. Gavin was in the front and didn’t see the wolf coming but Liam fired one shot and dropped the wolf. Liam walked by him searching him taking his keycard. He dragged his body under the stairs. He patted Gavin on the shoulder and smiled, walking off. Gavin followed still in shock.

  They opened a door and found stairs leading down. Liam radioed Ahiga to let him know they were checking it out. Descending down the stairs they stopped at a key card pad. Liam tried the one he had collected and it turned green. He opened it quietly and saw a man in a lab coat. He quickly backed up and radioed that he had found the basement. He gave his location. Ahiga said they were on their way.

  As they waited Gavin got more and more anxious. He wanted Kloe in his arms right then and there. Ahiga joined them with the others. Ahiga ordered everyone to load silver bullets. He opened the door and they all filed out taking the doctor by surprise.

  “What the hell?” Sean asked.

  “Where is Kloe?” Gavin asked.

  “Who?” Sean asked.

  “Where is she!” Gavin said a little louder.

  “I don’t know anyone by that name. Who are you?” Sean told them.

  “I love when they play dumb. Means I get to beat someone’s ass,” Liam smiled.

  “Wait! Wait!” Sean begged.

  “Change of mind doc?” Liam asked.

  “Security!” Sean yelled.

  In walked three wolves. Big in size. Ten of the wolves took out their guns.

  “Is he worth dying for because those guys have silver bullets?” Liam stated.

  They looked at each other and stepped back.

  “Now where were we? Where is Kloe?” Liam asked.

  “She is this way,” came a voice.

  Everyone looked and saw
a woman. Gavin knew this was the woman from the bench who was talking to Kloe earlier that day.

  “Follow me and I will take you to her,” she told them.

  “Dammit Jinne,” Sean told her.

  “Gavin and you ten, go with him in case of trouble. We will stay with the good doctor,” Ahiga ordered.

  Gavin walked down the hall behind Jinne until they arrived at a door which she opened with a key card. As it opened, Gavin saw Kloe sitting on a bed. He ran into the room and picked her up. Hugging her and kissing her.

  “Gavin? Oh my god you came for me,” Kloe cried.

  “I will always come for you my love,” Gavin told her.

  “Can we leave this place please?” Kloe asked.

  “Yes let’s get you out of here!” Gavin told her.

  They walked out of the room and he turned to Jinne. Kloe put her hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

  “She is the one who gave me the phone to make that call. She was trying to help you find me,” Kloe told him.

  “Thank you then,” Gavin told her.

  “What about the others trapped here?” Kloe asked.

  “They aren’t our concern,” one of the wolves told her.

  “I will see they are released,” Jinne told her.

  “What about Doctor Sean? Won't he try to track us down?” Kloe asked as they reached Ahiga.

  “He is being taken care of. He won’t be a problem anymore. It’s nice to see you again Kloe.” Ahiga told her.

  “Thank you and it’s nice to be seen,” Kloe told him sighing gratefully. She was so happy and shocked so many wolves had come to her rescue.

  “Let’s get out of here and regroup at the house. We can discuss payment,” Ahiga told Gavin.

  “Payment?” Kloe asked.

  “Did you hire them to help find me?” Kloe asked as they walked up the stairs.

  “Yeah, I did!” Gavin told her.

  “How much did you offer?” Kloe asked.

  “We didn’t agree to a sum,” Gavin told her.


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